Hair Extensions Chicago: Blue And Silver Fantasy, Braidless Sew-In

Hair Extensions in Chicago by Philip James Salon.

Philip James Salon / 3828 North Lincoln Avenue / 773 248 9880 / ""

Hair Extensions / Braidless Sew-in / Fantasy Hair Extensions / Blue Hair Extensions

Today, we'll be working with primary pigments, philip james hair, extensions, blue and silver fantasy. Imagine going from this to this. Let'S have a look at how we go about it. Our clients, hair, before, as you can see, it's very dull, drab unexcited we're kidding. However, today she's looking for a dramatic change, here's the new line of color we've been using to achieve our fantasy, her colors, to arrive at our maximum vibrancy. We start with a very light colored extension hair. The hair is then saturated with pigment, in this case a pastel blue. We want the color to start from the very top of her head, but scent yes, hello. Since we can't place extensions there, we are pre lightning. A few strands will apply the pigment to this hair later in the meantime she'll process under steam. This is a darker blue, we're using as well here's the pre lightened hair light enough to maintain the vibrancy of the pigment. Next, we apply the blue and silver pigment to these pre light and strands. Now we put in the extension hair that we've colored with our braidless, so in using only micro links and thread for the attachment, philip james hair extensions from this to this, the imagination is the only limit to the possible color combinations, blue and silver fantasy. Let Philip James hair extensions bring your color transformation to life today. You

Jazzie Jae: I love your work, I want to know how much it cost to get kerotin bonded extensions, I have a YouTube channel and my audience would be interested in seeing a video on me getting this process done, I went on the site and it doesnt have the service listed. I will call to see if we can collaborate together

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