Glow Up - Botox? I Got A Facelift?! Hair Extensions And What I Do To My Lashes

Hey guys here is a full glow up video talking through some of my favourite treatments and a few new ones I have tried!

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Team, so i'm so excited to film this youtube video, because i am doing a glow up with me. I'Ve filmed this is gon na be done over two weeks. Um i've had some beauty treatments done, some of them. I'Ve not had done before, but some of them are regulars for me, but i'm literally gon na take you through them. I love every single one of these treatments, otherwise i wouldn't have included in the video and yeah they're. Just incredible - and i know you're not gon na love this - i love watching videos like this, so let's get into it today, i'm having my extensions done so i've got them in at the minute i'll get news to show you anyway, but i have. Would you call these micro rings custom made micro rings, so i've been having the girls at arabella doing my extensions for literally like years, maybe like five six years now, five years yeah five years, maybe six years um but they're all like russian pure russian hair they've. Not been dyed or anything like that yeah, so it's been lightened over a longer period of time and basically you get a film on extensions normally which keeps them looking shiny and healthy, but it also makes them super dry and it has silicone in it. But these don't have that obviously so basically have like loads of ponytails and it's pure human hair, and then they so you normally. When you get an extension, it already comes tipped, but this isn't tipped so they mix the colors together to create your perfect shade. So obviously i don't have this color hair guys, but they might put a tiny little bit of this in something to make it your perfect shade and then they tip them. So normally, when you get hair extensions, the extension gets processed and then gets dipped in silicone, and so then, when you start washing your hair, the silicone starts coming off, which is why they really like go dryer. So you can actually use this hair. I mean i'll. Never do because i always change whatever i want, but you can actually use this hair for two years and i can swear by that, because i've actually used it a long time before and it doesn't, it doesn't go dry at all in the slightest. These are the rings that they use so they're tiny, um but yeah, and they clamp them in and stuff like that. So this is removable on color matching. So, as you can see, claudio's got a very bright blonde shroud of hair next to my head, but that will just be used like a tiny little bit, she's just trying to find the tones that actually sit in my hair. But i don't want it too blonde. So i'm gon na knock that out, but yeah. This is the removal. Let me try to show you so this color i have mixed is a blonde and a dark together. Yeah, as courtney would like a little bit darker. I mixed more dark in there, but it's at the same tones as her own hair now, so you pick the extension: how many grams are there globally? I like two one one one, then you snip all the ends off and then we glue it. What is the glue you've told this before it's pure keratin, pure keratin, so i forgot to actually film after i had my extensions put in, but this is them done after so, as you can tell, they just look really natural, really like my own hair and yeah. I absolutely love the girls. Arabella i've been going to them for years. They don't damage my own hair. The only thing that's damaged, my own hair is the bleach. If you guys have followed me on instagram for a while. Last summer i was white blonde. I went back to front foils and i was like that for ages. This is now my natural color. I don't dye my hair um, so yeah, i'm hoping that my hair actually grows and, as you guys know, i am seeing hannah the trichologist, which i've seen amazing results from but yeah. This is my hair. After the extensions they are based in amisham in buckinghamshire and they're, one of a kind honestly them girls, i'm with pandora today and she's laughing at me - yeah you've got it in it, see so we're doing a high food facial, which is what does that mean? What'S that so it stands for high intensity. Focused ultrasound, high intensity focus ultrasound. It'S like a. She told me like a facelift, so i'm going to be snatched not instantly, but within three months she said yeah yeah between one to three months, one to three months, but we're gon na do that and then because my skin is so dehydrated at the minute from Like holidays and stuff, it's honestly dry, like i can pick skin off and we're gon na. Do the the cool sculpting gun, which is like you guys know. I love hyaluronic acid, so she's gon na do the hyaluronic acid, so it's just gon na basically put loads of hydration into my skin, but high frequent high food, not high frequency higher food is a little bit painful, so you do get numb before it. Don'T you? No, no, no, you don't get numb. No, because we're going so deep, actually the numbing cream so superficial. It wouldn't really make any difference. Okay, but because i don't care anymore, but i don't really care about pain, but apparently it's a little bit painful. But i mean it's what it is not as painful as a facelift, my hyphy machine and each dot that you see here represents one ultrasound wave and that's sort of representing this area here. So, as you can see, it's very concentrated. It'S a very thorough treatment and if you are in some discomfort, what i can do is reduce the power of the actual wave or i can. What i can do is space the waves apart so that it's less concentrated area, but obviously we're going to start as high as possible, see how much you can tolerate and go from there. We will go under the jawline as well, but i don't really need to draw that out, but we're coming under the cheek i'm going to go two different depths under the cheek here, just to really snatch and then obviously sectioning we're going to give you a little Brow lift yes avoid the center of the forehead. Is that because there's like nerves, there yeah, i mean it's just not sda approved yeah. So what we're going to do, as i say, we're going to do underneath the jaw up to the lower cheek underneath the cheekbones at 4.5 millimeters targeting something called the smash layer. So this is more like a muscular collagen sheet and this is what they actually target in a surgical facelift. So this is what really lifts the face, so we're going to do this at 4.5 millimeter and then repeat the area again at three millimeter targeting the fiberglass in the dermis which produce collagen cool. So this is what's really going to tighten this area. Then we're then going to continue it's three millimeters underneath the eye and onto the brow. This is the area that takes the most time. Obviously we're going over it twice, but we're doing it really concentrated once we get to here it's home straight. This is the worst. It'S going to be lift up your chin, we're going to start under the chin. You might not feel a huge amount here because obviously the tissue's thicker, it's less um, not on the bone. Okay, so we're going to start ready, so you will hear each dot being delivered now. That'S why it does take a little bit of time. It'S delivering it row by row. This is why it is so effective because it's so concentrated so far so for context. You'Re now, halfway through this area, feeling, okay, it's fun. Yeah you normally don't get a huge amount here coming onto the jaw, see might feel a bit achy might not. Judging by how you are so far so the lower bit is done. I felt like certain bits and you can feel it go over your teeth and stuff, but it was fine now we're doing the upper face yeah. So, under the eye and the forehead, i look 15 years younger um, so we're now doing the hyaluronic, the cool lifting shot. I love this. I'Ve had this done before this is a bit prickly this yeah, but it's so good for hydration. So this is the gun here: you've got a co2 cartridge and a hyaluronic serum that we're using today so basically we're delivering both things into the deeper layers of the skin. It'S going to do a number of things, as courtney said very hydrating because of the hyaluronic. The co2 causes something called a carboxy theory, so when it goes into the skin, the body's like what is going on floods, the area of oxygen, which is amazing for skin health, skin glow and the really low temperature high pressure induces collagen. So every. How often do i have it done every two months, every year, yeah every six to eight weeks, but it's normally like eight weeks. I get an lvl done, so i do not sue individual lashes because i just feel like i've got a really big eye space and i don't know i just don't like it when you've got no makeup on and you've just got lashes on. I don't think it suits me at all it's weird because some people really suit it. But for me it's not it's not a vibe, so i like to have lvls and i just think they're better for your lashes as well. So i have a lash lift. I'M gon na have to show actually how to use a video camera because i'll show you what we do, but basically you basically put a little ring on and you give your lashes a lift and they just like early basically. So this is the first step we have courtney's lashes around the shield and the lifting notion will be on for roughly seven to nine minutes. Now we've got the fixing lotion on. We will keep this on for five minutes and then we have one more step of tint and that will be us done and that is them done. So these always well, they last quite a long time to be there, but obviously they look really good. Don'T know. Yeah, as your lashes grow, they obviously grow out a little bit but yeah. That'S it finished. It took about half an hour half an hour three minutes. I hate getting lashes done as well guys you're there for literally like two hours disgusting. I can't sit still so today, i'm with dr sarah, and, what's how do you pronounce your new clinic name, tap, rooney, clinic tacaroni clinic so she's here in mayfield makeup, it's very victorious! It'S in between! Isn'T it yeah and i've been in with her quite a few times before today, we're doing aqua gold and i do have botox so we're gon na do that today. So we need to top up on that and i started having botox recently. It'S just a thing: prevention, not cure. Botox, doesn't stop you from getting wrinkles. It just prevents you from getting them um. So they say about me, 25 said no. Whenever the lines start to bother, you yeah yeah - and i do get quite a lot of movement too far, especially like because i'm in front of the cameras and i'm constantly making expressions but um today we're doing aqua gold. So i'm gon na move you over here and you're gon na describe why i'm getting alcohol? What'S he good for so aqua goal for this little device we have here. Is it's amazing, so we can put a bespoke cocktail of ingredients into the vial i'll show you what the vial looks like. I have actually had it before, and then it's really really good. Yeah, it's really nice, so you put the cocktail of ingredients into the vial, including botox and um, a selection of ingredients like hyaluronic acid peptides. You can even put prp yeah all the good stuff, yeah prp's, amazing growth factors, um transamic acid lots of different things. So we can choose the cocktail depending on what your skincare concerns are and then we lie back and we stamp it just across the face. It'S got: teeny tiny, finer than hair needles on it and the needles have a spiral technology. So the ingredients get infused right into the skin throughout um and it leaves you really nice and glowy within a week so results last about a month. Um and you can have a session every month for about three the course uh of three maintain it we'll leave. It depends on it's great for basically pre-event perfect, so this is what we're putting in the cocktail for courtney. Today, um we've got hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, transamic acid. It'S amazing for evening and brightening her skin tone perfect. So that is the botox. This is the peptides and the hyaluronic acid, and the last step is going to be the aqua gold right. Oh that's! This is all the other gold together, the alcohol devices, the the vials are perfect just found out the reason it's actually called aqua. Gold is because the needles are made out of 24 karat gold, so the aqua gold is just a device, so i didn't actually know that before. That'S quite it's quite interesting, so you can see that the ingredients are now going straight onto the skin. You can see how wet it is there with a cocktail of ingredients and botox mixed in, and this is really going to help to hydrate your skin reduce pore size, reduce redness and flushing, improve pigmentation, and we just work to cover the whole face bit by bit. It'S good post of like pre-event, you said, didn't it it's incredible: pre-event, pre-wedding, red carpet, event. Whatever it is. It'S amazing i mean i'm not going to a red carpet. I can almost the same now i do eyes. I can't open it. So there's only certain bits. I felt was a bit sensitive. The rest is fine, so now we're just rubbing the rest of the solution right. So we've got a bit of solution left over, so just to make sure we use every scrap. We are going to rub it in and we'll see after again, so you don't wash your face, so don't wash your face for four to six hours, no retinol! For a few days we will put some sunscreen on before you go some mineral sunscreen and it's just the usual sun protection, so spf 50 every day you might find mineral sunscreen better tolerated. I won't need sunscreen today, though, but i'm just going to go straight back home uh. Well, i suppose it might be dark now yeah, if there's any sunshine, then if there's any sunshine at all, we'll put a bit of minerals, yeah, that's great yeah, but generally speaking, just no retinol for a few days, no washing it off for four to six hours, Because all the ingredients can really get in there and get to work and we treat it right the way up to the eye yeah that was sensitive. That was a bit more sensitive right, but worth it yes, the only bits i found was sensitive was here um here and maybe a little bit on my cheek. But when i say sensitive i don't mean it was like screaming pain. It was idiot yeah. So if you're squeamish, don't look now we're moving on to the photo? Yes, so we're gon na do botox now yeah, so we can do botox treatment after your aqua goal. That'S absolutely fine! It'S all soaked! In now. All the good stuff is right into those little entry points when i'm moving on to the botox we're going to treat your frown area and then also your forehead courtney likes to be very smooth. So yeah gon na make sure my we're gon na do that as well. Yeah, okay, close your eyes scratch in a moment. Well done guys, i'm so expression! Honestly, it's the outfit! That'S that's bad! The rest isn't actually that bad, whereas with my mum, it's the frown, frown area yeah, she frown for me angry. That'S it and relax lovely well done doing really. Well, i don't feel pain, guys, no pain at all small scratch. A really high pain for a shoulder. So we do the frown, if you frown again for me and relax so that we don't accidentally drop the brows when treating the forehead. So it helps to balance it makes you look crazy, though all the bubbles yeah for about 10 minutes i'll just show you a bit of this just in case you're interested then i'll turn it off. It'S pretty much. So the whole thing around the two eyebrows up high for me, so we haven't look at that where the movement is i'm really explicit on here. So i don't really care, and i know it's only girls that are watching this, but basically one of my friends. This is really bad. It'S like this is sorry if it's my mom's watching this one of my friends once said to me, look at your uh this before i started she went. Imagine you was going down on someone and then you looked up. So you said that you looked up like that. I don't see it. I got ta see it leave her already. You never know i'm ready. Now you have a beautiful forehead. Oh nothing, to worry about thing! They'Re going to notice you yeah to be honest with you i'll, get you to lift your eyebrows up. For me, that's great turn away slightly lovely. Am i just going to work our way around and lift again lovely and relax? That'S it first thing i had done. Is i actually had these chrome nails done, copied hayley bieber? I don't like the shape that she has doesn't suit me, so i have like a square shape, but i asked for a pinky nude base. I think it was bubble bath and then a white chrome top it looks pretty cool. Doesn'T it just got in from dinner, and the first thing i done was unbutton my jeans. Anyone else see that wow. It feels great. Like a boy look just went to edit. This video and realized - i didn't, do an outro, but i hope you enjoyed the video you've got, maybe some ideas of some things that you might want to try. Some of the beauty treatments like the facials and stuff that you like, and let me know if you like this kind of content - i, as you guys, know, love beauty. I love um fashion. I love hair. I love makeup. So, for me this is like the perfect sort of video and it's good to mix it up. I think as well so drop me a comment below if you enjoyed it and please like and subscribe to my channel

Becky B Fitness: Love this video! I also really enjoyed your makeup get ready with me too.i love anything based on recommendation; beauty, style or anything! You're beautiful anyway but the treatments really do wonders for your glow✨

Char Herdman: FAAAAAAVEEEEE kind of content more of this please queen really wanna try the HIFU. Can you do another one in 3 months when your results have kicked in? As in your review on it?

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