I Wash My Hair Only Once A Month Knee Long Hair Care Routine

This hair care routine has been a long time coming! I hope you'll enjoy my tips and tricks to achieving long and healthy hair!

This is probably my most requested video topic ever!

The products I use:

✦ Oils (Jojoba, Sweet Almond, Poppy Seed, Argan, Avocado, Extra Virgin Olive, Coconut)

✦ Sulphur Soap

✦ Brands:

(Not Sponsored, I just like, trust and am very satisfied with them)

✧ L'erbolario – Olio di Macassar

✧ L'occitane – Repairing Shampoo

✧ L'occitane – Repairing Conditioner

✧ L'occitane – Repairing Hair Oil

✧ Tangle Teezer

❤ If you were wondering... Yes, the products are on the pricey side, but I only use them 12 times a year ;) ❤

❤ My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prettyshephe...

❧ Anna

❧ PrettyShepherd

♫ Music is by

♫ EpidedmicSound referral link:


♫ Kalagor

♫ YouTube Audio Library:

♪ Digital Secrets – Unicorn Heads

♪ Drunken Countess – Verified Picasso

Hello, This is Anna, the PrettyShepherd and today I am here to tell you about hair care, routines and hair growth sekrets. Okay, let's address the elephant in the room. There are no hair growth secrets. There is no magical potion that will help your hair grow. Just like that *snaps fingers*, there is no one-off solution to rich and healthy hair. However, if I did have one such sekret, I would definitely share it in this video so keep on watching *wink wink*. I think that most of my viewers are already aware of the fact that coiled up on my head right now are knee-length locks of hair. That'S right, I'm just very good at hiding it, and since I get so many questions related to my hair for two main reasons: really the fact that it's gray and the fact that it's reeeeaaaally long by the way, if you are watching this right now - and you Are wondering''? Hmm, her hair is gray what ?'', then you can watch my video about how I went gray at 13 years of age and as someone who has been growing out her hair for the better part of her life. Now I am here to share my tips and tricks and just general long hair related wisdom. In order to be truthful. I really feel the need to start by saying: > > >. It'S (, mostly ) Genetics, <, < <. It'S something that I inherited from my paternal grandmother's side and I'm very thankful for it Now in this video. I don't really want to get into my long hair journey and how having long hair has affected me through the years, but rather I want to center it around actual hair care tips and my personal hair care routine. Allow me to emphasize that My Personal Hair Care Routine, This hair care routine works for me and my hair and my hair type. It may not work for you and that's perfectly fine. So, even if you take some inspiration from my routine, I really think that this should rather be one of those things that you experiment with, and you have fun and you try to see what works for you and you just play around until you find something that Suits you personally Now. The second most important point that I wanted to tackle is Health. – in general, Simply the health of your body will be reflected in the health of your hair. As I said there is, there is no magical product that could solve your hair. ... but ..., but diet is very important. Yes, And this is really one of those long-term deals that are really annoying. Just like working out. You know you can't just do it two days in a row and then forget about it.. It'S something that you really have to stick to. You have to pay attention to what you eat. You have to pay attention to go to sleep. You have to pay attention to take care of your body when it needs to. You have to pay attention, not to stress yourself too much with things that you do not have control over.. If you make sure to eat well and give your body the right kind of nutrients in a balanced ratio, then your body will be very thankful. It'S going to show on your skin on your hair, on your nails – it will Something else that you can do in your day-to-day life is make sure that you have good blood flow in your scalp.. This can sound kind of funny, but I found it to be pretty relevant.. I actually have this habit of massaging my scalp every couple of days or so, and that's really going to help with the blood flow which will assure that a lot more nutrients can get to your scalp, where the hair follicles are being produced, And by massaging I Mean with the tips of your fingers, so not like scratching like a rabbit dog LOL, Just like *sounds that the PrettyShepherd thinks sound like massaging* And then another thing that I do try to pay attention to is to mix around. My hairstyles Hear me out on this one. I've seen horrific cases of young girls already going bald, because their grandmas would always braid their hair in the same pattern. Every day. There was this little girl who would have like two french braids every day and she started to go bald next to the middle parting.. It was weird. And that's because your hairs don't like to be stressed and don't like to bear the strain in the same direction every day, so mixing around your hairstyles can assure that your hairs have a chance to move around a little bit in their little spots. On your scalp, So even though this one is like my classic go-to everyday hairstyle - and I really do wear this one a lot. Oh, and if you like this hairstyle, if you want to try it out yourself, then I have a video tutorial about it.. It'S my everyday go-to hairstyle, really simple, really quick, really feminine.! That sums it up.. I will still put my hair in a bun every once in a while.. I will do a bun on top of my head when I'm going to sleep, which may be like the weirdest angle to pull your hair into, but that's good you're supposed to have weird angles going on at certain points. So, even though I only brush my hair every couple of days or so or sometimes, if I'm like really busy once a week, It could sound weird but actually, interestingly enough, it's something that I read about in a book about folk costumes.. So in that book there was this sweet old, babushka lady who was recounting how people used to do things when she was still young., And it really stood out to me how she said that they would only comb their hair once a week on Sunday before going To church. Other than that, they would just like finger comb it or just like re-braid it and pin., And the other very interesting thing that she said is that they would only wash their hair once a month with rainwater. Aaaand. The thumbnail has probably already given you a hint about where I'm trying to go with this. Yes, I wash my hair no more often than once a month. You heard that right And I can already hear you all screaming like :'', how? How does your hair not get greasy? How can you withstand it? Does it not itch, does it not smell, does it not look ugly, ?''? No, no, no! No! No no.! The answer is `` no'' to each and every one of those questions.. And as for how I got here, You know how, when you're a little child, your parents will wash your hair every Sunday and only on Sunday, because that's the only day when they have the time for it.. And then when you're a teenager. And you start washing it yourself, you start washing it more often and you go down the rabbit hole of washing it, and then you end up washing it every day, because you really want to impress your classmates and your crush and your friends and OMG Well that Never happened to me *Laughs like someone who had no people to impress in high-school*, Hey I've told you. I'Ve always been the weird kid. I never started washing my hair more often than once a week, but then one time I had some sort of event, and I timed my hair washing so that my hair would be washed for that event. And I had to wash it like after 10 days and Then I had another event after that. And for some reason, my hair washing days kept on being pushed further and further from the one week mark And over the period of some months, I got down to washing it every two weeks – just by chance really because Of those events and how they were lining up And my hair was taking, it really really well, so I just started thinking about it. If I can do this once every two weeks, I could try to do it once every three weeks, So I tried. And I achieved it. And then I just figured ah three weeks is kind of like a weird number .... Maybe I should–. Maybe I should go for the one month mark *AmusedShepherd noises* And I did. And that's it.. It happened over the period of a year or two, so it really wasn't like *snaps fingers*, I probably have a hair type which can handle this kind of treatment. As I said, if yours doesn't that's perfectly fine, your routine is yours only you have to experiment with it. You have to figure out what works for you., But let's get into the nitty-gritty. How do I wash my hair? You know it must be a really special day of the month if it's just once a month. So how do I go about it? Well, i'm very glad you asked My hair washing day starts one day before the hair, washing because I will actually apply a pretty thick mask of oil.. Now I always like to mix up the kinds of oils that I use, so it can be anything from jojoba, sweet almond poppy seeds, argan avocado., But if, for some reason I don't have these laying around or if I'm on a tighter budget, I will just go For coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil – which can both be found in my kitchen., When I buy these kind of hair oils, I actually buy them from like a nicer grocery store, which stocks these kind of oils for cooking. Because if the oils that you're getting are specifically for hair care, it could actually have a bunch of unnecessary additives, but if you get the ones from the supermarket, they're actually meant to be eaten, so they're, usually the closest to natural that you can get Well. I usually transfer them to these little glass containers with a little drop tool.. This one is jojoba. This one is olive oil, ( extra virgin olive oil that you would use for cooking ). Then this one is coconut oil well in winter. It looks like this over here and in summer. It'S kind of liquidy.. Now, for this first hair mask that I apply, I usually go for an oil that smells nice or doesn't have like a strong smell, because this oil will be left on my hair for 24 hours.. I filled up the little drop tool and I'm just going to put the droplets on my hair just like that and then I'm going to brush. Now, if you don't have these kind of containers, you can just pour the oil in your palm. I'M just going to rub it onto my hair.. I just try to make sure that it ends up covering most of my hair, especially from my neck downwards.. So I don't usually put the oil on my scalp, since the brush itself is coated with some of the oil as well. I found that it's enough for me to just brush through my hair and then I'm going to pull it into a nice sleek bun.. As you can see this way, I can go about my day. If I need to go to run some errands or you know, go see people I can still do it. My hair will not look weighed down and greasy. It just looks. Sleek, that's all. – This is why you have to avoid the strong smelling ones ). So I do have one oil combination that I like to splurge on, sometimes, and now we are getting into the actual brands of products that I use.. This one is `` l'erbolario''. I think it's an Italian brand. It is `` Olio the Macasar'', It just smells so good. So this one when I put it on my hair, I just feel like sniffing it like *SniffyShepherd sounds* like all day long. It smells so good, But that one is my splurge oil for like maybe once or twice a year, and I will use the other basic natural ones, most of the time.. Now as soon as I've spent 24 hours with this oil. Hopefully, my hair was able to soak up some of the nutrients from it it's on to the actual hair washing process. Before I wash my hair, I will soak even more oil into it and for this one I do use a very specific one for my scalp. I will use Castor Oil. Now, Castor Oil, I've been told by my mother and by a lot of other, like wise old, ladies in my life, that it enhances hair growth, so I've actually heard of people putting it on their eyebrows or even their eyelashes to help Them grow thicker and stronger.. Again it is not a miracle product. It'S just .... It'S just one thing that I use amongst many others., So I will especially put the castor oil onto my scalp and then I will reach for another oil of my choice onto to put on the ends and especially the tips., And then I'm going to get into My bathtub and just take a bubble bath., So I will soak in there for like 20 to 30 minutes – the point of it is – well partially to relax, because hey come on, who doesn't like bubble baths – but then again another part of it is To let those oils work their way into the scalp into the hair, just you know give your hair enough time to soak up the nutrients., So the oil that your scalp secretes is actually nutrition and protection for your hair.. Since my hair is so very very long, I actually need to provide other types of oil from the neck downwards, because the one from my scalp would never in a thousand years reach down there. Oh and yeah, a fun fact, which some of you will probably know. If you keep on washing it off, your scalp is going to go like `` OMG OMG ProDuCe MoRe OiL. We aRe NoT hAvInG EnOuGh OiL MAkE MoRe Of iT !'' and it's just going to create more and more and more thus making you want to wash your hair even more often and your scalp to freak out even more. So it's really a very dangerous spiral to get into. Try to avoid washing your hair as much as possible. The end., Except it's not So after I've enjoyed my bubble bath, I will start washing my hair, like oh wow., We're actually getting to washing my hair.. After what How many minutes of this video Yeah cool. Anyway. Here comes another one of my tips, I will first wash my hair with sulphur soap.. Now this is something that you can get in pharmacies around here., It's just the cheapest and simplest, very basic sulphur soap.. It'S supposed to be smelly, so if you open it up and it smells very very nice, then you should probably go for a cheaper alternative which doesn't have so many nice smelling stuff in there.. So it's supposed to be stinky a little bit, but that's perfectly fine! That'S the sulfur in the soap., It's this bright, yellow soap and I will wash my hair with that because it helps with the dandruff.. Now when I was a young teenager, I started to get dandruff.. My mother bought me this soap because she heard from a wise old lady again that it helps with the dandruff – and it does. I haven't had dandruff issues since then, but i've been using it all of my life since I was 12 or something. When you're using soap to wash your hair ( more like wash your scalp ). You actually have to like rub it in every nook and cranny. Wherever you feel that your scalp usually scratches like, if you have any points that are kind of like scratchy during the day, you should especially work those places like get in there with your little fingertips – fingertips, not the nails, because the nails will damage your scalp.. I will rinse this off and then two or three times I will wash it off with shampoo.. Now the shampoo that I use is by `` l'occitane'' # notspon ..., but I wish. It's a French brand. I use their `` repairing'' line and they're very good.. I started using this brand, maybe seven years ago, ( it could be eight, but I don't want to say too much but seven for sure ) and I could really feel the change and every time I do wash my hair, I feel like it's rejuvenating and yeah. I just really really love their products.. These products are silicone free and they use a lot of natural ingredients.. They also use a lot of recycled material for packaging and I've seen that they started to move on to more glass containers recently, just to be even more plastic, free. Back to the hair washing routine itself.. So I will wash my hair with this shampoo about two or three times and I will rinse it thoroughly with water.. I will use a decent amount of shampoo, so kind of like a walnut sized dollop for each wash and every time I wash it. I try to insist on those areas where my scalp tends to get scratchy.. Now my hair sometimes gets very dirty. I might include like a fourth wash just if I feel like it, I can kind of sort of feel it. You know you can feel when your hair is finally clean. And when I'm done with that, I will use conditioner. I will use the conditioner from the same brand from `` l'occitane''. Also the `` repairing conditioner''. I will use a pretty big dollop of it and apply it from the nape of my neck downwards, so I'm not really going to get it over my scalp anymore.. I will then try my best to pin it out of the way wet and soggy as it is, and then just shower., So I'll take those you know five minutes until I shower just to allow the conditioner to work its magic and by this time I will Have probably run out of warm water, so I will get out of the bathtub and just put my hair back inside the bathtub and start rinsing. And yes, I rinse with cold water, but not necessarily because I insist that this is a very good habit. – I've heard that it's a good habit, but I don't really feel that makes a difference for me – but I still do it because I usually run out of hot water by this time. And I will rinse very well.. I will rinse for like 10 minutes straight if i have to. I'll, just rinse and rinse and rinse and pull it apart and rinse and rinse some more.. When I really feel that all the product has been removed, I will wrap a towel around my upside down head after a couple of minutes. I will change that towel to a different one, because it's probably already soaking wet, and I will just let that towel dry. My hair for like 20 minutes-half an hour and after it's mostly dry, I will brush it while wet. I will brush it very, very gently – very gently.. I wanted to tell you this one thing that I also like to do is: I will wash my hair brush with the same shampoo that I use for my hair just to make sure that all the oil or the dirt from my hair before washing it doesn't Stick onto it. And then I usually braid it in two lace braids.. I usually time my hair wash to be around the evening, so I can actually go to sleep with the braids. Put a towel on my pillow and go to sleep like that. So it can still soak up some of the water. And then in the morning, when I wake up, it's mostly dry., Maybe I'll go around my day for a few more hours. But then, when I undo the braids I have these beautiful mermaid waves.. I'Ve actually used those kind of mermaid waves for my Pavetta hairstyle.. If you want to check it out, it's right over here., So, as you can see, there really isn't some sort of like big secret ingredient to my routine, like there isn't ..., there isn't umm .... It'S just like a mix of all of the things that I do that keep my hair healthy and growing and ... Okay. Fine.. Yes, fine.. There is a secret ingredient and I did promise to share it with you if it exists. So here it is. Umm, actually uh. I think I'd rather just invite someone in who can, I think, um yeah could get the point across a lot better than I can.. So please Hi, I'm a ShoutyShepherd, and today I am here to tell you about Pretty Shepherd's Miracle Haircare Potion. Have you been dreaming of having long luscious hair, just like the PrettyShepherd Well you're, clearly in the right place as PrettyShepherd's Miracle Haircare Potion will give you the hair of your dreams–? No, No! No! We'Ve been through this. I'Ve told you you're not allowed to fib or lie or whatnot unless it is such a big lie that it's ridiculous enough or if it gets a funny point across you know, drives home a joke., Okay, okay., So come on Get yourself together: Okay, ..., Our most Determined team of scientists work tirelessly to find the ingredients that will give you the hair of your dreams., The most secret recipe of PrettyShepherd's Haircare Potion includes The most special of special snowflakes., Only one in a bajillion qualify., *Epic, music building up to epic moment* Conserved and Preserved in a way that will help enhance its special uniqueness. Bottled up cat meows from the luckiest black cats, with the most luscious dark, hair. *Mjau*, *Mjaaauuu*, Sparkle, sebum secreted by the most intimate of unicorn skin glands.. I don't really think you want to know how we got this one.. Our determined team of scientists have selected a dozen more herbs and spices and magic ingredients to create PrettyShepherd's Magic, Haircare Potion.. What You're not yet convinced Just look Wow. I have PrettyShepherd hair and you can have it too So order now and try it out today. Much better *Laughing Shepherd noises*. Now a lot of you asked me about how I keep my hair tangle free.. Well, uh. I don't. I mean I get tangles, just like everyone else., I use a `` Tangle Teezer''. It really works very well. And again, of course # notspon.. I brush it like every two or three days usually, and if I manage to stick to that timing, I usually get away with, like average smallish tangles.. But sometimes, if I'm having a busier time in my life or if I did like an extra-super-complex hairdo or maybe some curls, I do get worse. Tangles, of course, and for those occasions I will bring in the big guns – which, in my case is actually just oil. In these past years, I have used a variety of oils for detangling.. It helps like any kind of oil will help, but there is one more product that I use: from'' l'occitane'''s, `` repairing'' line. It'S this repairing hair, oil.. Now I'll be honest with you. It smells brilliant, but perhaps the even more important aspect of it is that it doesn't weigh down the hair. It doesn't grease it up quite as much as other oils do, and the nice little cherry on top of the cake bonus feature is that it helps with flyaways as well.. Now I'm one of those girls who believes in the fact that human hair is supposed to frizz like it's just a natural thing that our hair does., I don't tend to fight it, a lot.. A lot of my hairstyles will, have you know the flyaways and the frizz and to me that's perfectly fine – I just embrace it., But since a lot of you asked about flyaways and frizz, when I reached out to you on Instagram, I thought I would mention This little bonus perk as well. And then the other issue that was probably the top request on Instagram, was about cutting or trimming my hair., The last drastic haircut that I had was 16 years ago.. I got a bob.. I was 13 at the time and yeah ever since then I've been growing it out.. Last time I went to a hairdresser was probably 10 years ago. I went there. I asked for a trim, *Diabolical AngryShepherd voice*, and I got like 20 centimeters chopped off of my hair., So that kind of left me with trust issues when it comes to hairdressers and because of this at present, there are two people who I trust enough to let Them go anywhere near my hair with scissors, and one of those is me and the other one is my mother., I'm actually going to be honest.. I don't really care so much about split ends.. I wear my hair a lot in coils of braids and buns and updos – you can never see the ends of my hair. Now. If, if you wear your hair undone a lot, I totally get it go, get a trim, get it nice and straight, but it's not worth it for me.. I'D rather have that extra 20-30 centimeters of length, because, let's be honest, if you would want to cut off all of my split ends uh. They start like at least at my waist. So all of that hair would have to go, which I wouldn't be happy about. So I haven't really been to a hairdressing salon this past 10 years, but that hasn't really stopped random hairdressers to try and share their unsolicited WiSdOm with me, and I figured just for the fun of it. I'M going to share with you my favorite tips that I got this way. You do know that long hair can cause a lot of back and neck pain right. Ah, you say that, but you know long hair is not really like a wig or extension.. You don't just wake up with it., You grow it out gradually and you get accustomed to it.. I have a feeling she may have only had long hair experiences with wigs.. You should wash your hair much more often because of the polluted air and the dust and the cars. And oh, Oh yes, please tell me more about how I could take care of my hair to keep it healthy and long. And–. Oh, wait! Uh! Your hair is short and dry, Maybe not the best person to take advice from Shorter hair takes less time to take care of. I beg to differ., You know. Maybe it does take you a shorter time to wash it and dry. It maybe brush it as well, but you have to style yours, you have to use products, you have to use a hair dryer and all those things to make it look the desired shape, whereas I can pull my hair into a 30 second nautilus bun and be Done with it., You should cut your hair as often and as short as possible, because it will grow back, thicker and stronger. Why would it, though, Cutting it is not really like a reset button, because you know your hair grows from your scalp and the ends of your hair have very little control over what goes on here. And my personal favourite of the bunch. You should actually trim your hair regularly because split ends cannot breathe. Ah, No, no, Your hair does not require oxygen to breathe or to live, because it's not actually a living part of your body.. It'S dead, cells., They're dead.. They don't feel a thing. They're, not alive.. That'S why you can cut it and you don't scream out in pain, because you can't feel a thing, because it's dead. Biology, 101. And I think, that's a wrap. Hopefully, I've addressed everything, but if I missed anything that you're still interested in, please leave it in a comment below and I will get back to you., But what I'm actually really interested in finding out if you could leave it in a comment, is if these tips Were helpful to you if they were new to you, if perhaps they were shocking to you, please tell me about it if you've already been using some of these, if you knew about them, if they work for you, but above all tell me if you have some Other tricks, Especially if they're for a different hair type than mine. After all, if somebody watches this video, they are probably looking for real, tried and true tips and tricks that can only come from real people.. So, let's help each other out. If we have wisdom to share., I hope you've enjoyed this video and if you like, this kind of content Subscribe to my channel because I post new videos every week. Thank you so much for watching. I really do hope. This was helpful. (. Let me know in the comments ) and have a great day and b-bye. Oh, why hello, You're still here. How nice of you to stay. I'm a bit of a star here now, uh yeah I've been on the channel like three times. You know pretty big deal. Yeah so um, if you want to see more of me, then make sure that you order now.

desertlover12: I’m Indigenous so our hair is obviously very important to us. My Great Grandmother had breast cancer before I was born and lost all her hair and it never grew back the same way again. My family would always told me that I got my long, thick hair from her before she lost it to the treatment. I have lots of memories of sitting at her knee while she ran her fingers through my hair, braiding and unbraiding it over and over. Taking care of my long hair now feels like tending to her memory.

HabitusCræft: For people with very curly hair, Katherine Sewing has a video on growing out her curls that I find similarly valuable. This really is a treasure-trove of information.

Ranuel the Bard: I have hair down to the bottom of my butt and I mostly watched this video out of a sense of solidarity because I also wash my hair once a month, sometimes going even longer in winter,. I do a lot of the things mentioned in the video but I learned some new things to try so thanks! My hair used to be nearly knee length but I went to get a trim just before Covid was a thing and had the same experience you did of having it cut MUCH shorter than requested. Grrrrrr. When people ask me how to grow their hair long I start by telling them stop getting it trimmed the recommended every 6 - 8 weeks. Just get it trimmed to even things out as it grows when it starts to look scraggly and they nod. When I next tell them to gradually space out washing their hair until they are washing it no more than once a week and then see if they can go even longer than that they usually cringe and I can tell they are either reconsidering growing their hair out or if I'm a reliable source or not. When I get to my point 3 about nutrition they tune in again so at least they get some good out of the conversation. Next time I should point them to this video. I see in the comments people talking about being asked if they plan to donate their hair. FYI to anyone reading this, at least in the States, the most commonly known hair donation charity, Locks of Love, has been shown to be a scam. They do not make wigs, they sell the hair, and they don't give children free wigs. They will SELL them a wig at what is supposed to be a discount if the parent is willing to wade through an application process that seems to be designed to get them to give up. The best advice I've heard is to sell your hair and then donate the money to a pediatric cancer charity. Less processing costs for the charity and you will know up front if your hair is usable to make wigs with. Even Locks of Love admits that most of the submissions they get end up in the trash because the hair is not suitable for wig making for some reason even if the person who donated tried to abide by their guidelines.

Lawliet Way: I am Mexican and we tend to shower *a lot* without shower hats, and at least my paternal grandmother taught me to wash my hair every day (sometimes, in my country, we shower even twice a day when it's hot), however, my hair never grew past my shoulders and was *extremely dry* . It also started to fall a lot, besides my ends being always awfully broken. Thanks to YouTube (you're now included), my hair is *at its longest* NO JOKE. It's also not falling as much.

doot: A word of caution concerning neck pain: I had hip-length hair and got neck problems because of wearing it in a braid on the same side too often. Got into the habit of tensing and cracking the opposite side of my neck. I don't know of anything else that could have caused it and the tension I have now is sometimes debilitating as it emanates to the rest of my body. So definitely try to use a variety of styles like PrettyShepherd says, or consider shorter hair if you feel tension or pain.

Chelly Barnard: Your routine actually resembles the routine that most African Americans have always used. When I was in high school, I was ashamed to say how seldom I washed my hair. But my hair was healthy.

Stephanie Gilmore: Love how you care for your hair. I'm aiming to train my scalp to wash only once a month. I'm at once a week with distilled/soft or rain water only. I was tired of my shampoo and hard water causing issues with clogged pores, dandruff and oily hair. I half thin fine hair and am planning to grow it out and not cut it at all anymore. I've struggled with on and off excessive hair fall/loss the past three years and with such little to work with, I cut it and always regretted it. I'm done trying to fix it with pain stream advice and want to be as natural and simple as possible. Thank you for you video, it is very helpful and inspiring.

Trudi Goldberg Pires: This was REALLY helpful. I now feel free to stop worrying about split ends. And I no longer feel ashamed of my "incredibly high maintenance long hair" because you're absolutely right - short hair is just as much work if not more so! Maybe I'll get to knee length one day. It's at my tailbone right now. Thank you so much Pretty Shepherd! :D

Alicia L: Your sense of humor is amazing. I did not think I could sit through this 29-minute hair care video until you started talking. I think I will incorporate some of your tips into my haircare routine.

poxana: Thank you for the transparency about the split ends! If you get really obsessed with perfect ends, it's extremely difficult to make it grow past your waist.

Sinn Badd: Homegirl the African American community fully supports you. It’s not gross or wrong to wash once a month. ❤️

Cocotte2518: Oh my goodness! Finally someone who acknowledges that she hasn't set foot in a hair salon in over 10 years!! It must be around 20 years since I stopped going to hair salons to trim my hair because the same thing happened to me! I had my hair cut in unwanted ways and/or shorter than I asked for, especially knowing its tendency to grow frizzier and more difficult to manage the shorter it is (but then I guess it was in the hairdresser's interest to do that so I'd come back... which didn't happen actually). I used to trust my mum to trim my hair but she's getting old and has sight issues and I haven't actually trimmed my hair in probably over 2 years. I only use natural products on in (henna, coconut oil, essential oils mixed with henna or oil and natural shampoos) and let my hair dry on its own. It's obviously not as long as yours (I wish ... ) but I find my hair healthier now that I am in my forties than it was in my twenties. I wear it loose most of the time and happy with the way it looks even though I suppose many a hairdresser would want to bob it out so it looks more fashionable and neat in their eyes :))

Triple S Farm: I agree with Pretty Shepard, short hair, to me is much more work. I cut my long hair to a bob when I graduated high school and regretted it! I hated having to actually dry my hair everyday and make sure it was "styled" right. And too with my hair being a mix between curl and a wave I ALWAYS had to flat iron it if I hadn't used a hair dryer on it. Thank you for the tips!

sunshinejuice: Oh. So I thought I just had horrible hair habits, but I’ve actually been unintentionally loosely following your haircare routine! And I’ve always been told that my hair grows insanely fast. It’s also incredibly thick and I can count on one hand the amount of split ends I have ever found. So I suppose these tips do actually work lol. And yes, genetics are huge. My mom was very particular about her nutrition when she was pregnant with me, and I know that has a lot to do with it.

davie nihill: Thank you for adding genetics to the outcome. I know my moms side and dads are thin haired, BUT i think modern routine and diets adds to the thinning and can be countered and remedied, within reason. I look forward to trying it out. I also always found it intriguing to look at photos from 1950"s and prior and the young ladies all had enormous luxurious thick hair without exception. That has dwindled steadily through the decades...very telling!!!

* FlowerChild *: I had a teacher who’s hair went white at a young age and her hair was very long, thick and beautiful so ofc we called her a fairy princess lol you remind me of her a lot

Beathriz de Oliveira Alves: My grandma always said we didn't need shampoos (she's native and has a very different hair care routine, she just wets it and uses all kind of natural mosturizers). I've never trusted her at all, but when you said tou wash your hair once a month it started to make sense.

Morgan's Magick: Yes! I love that you emphasized on the importance of nutrition on overall health with hair

Love Iam: I have full thick waist length hair and I’m a hairstylist....and you actually have valid proven points that we learn about hair and our scalp in styling school, for instance you shouldn’t wash your hair anymore than 2-3 times a week so your not constantly stripping your natural oils away, I wash mine once a week, also brush it once a week and adding the oils to replace what was stripped away is very beneficial to keeping it looking luscious and sleek, don’t cut it!!! I’d never cut my beautiful God given locks!!

Annie Malone: I've been going natural since 2006 and I only wash my hair once a month and it grew longer than it's ever been and still going strong with only a few hiccups in between.

Damn Gina: I had shoulder length hair when I went to prison at 19... I didn't come home until I was 28 but the point of the story is that once I got to prison I started washing my hair once a month as well and my main reason is because there was always such long lines for the shower and you don't want to be the one always taking a long time in the shower and then a bunch of women complaining so I just started washing my hair once a month and the only hair product we had in there was Pink oil lotion instead of hair sprays and gel, so I got in the habit of once my hair grew out a little more putting a little dab of pink oil lotion in my hair and wrapping up in a bun everyday and just washing it once a month.. by the time I came home my hair was long and strong and thick and down to the bottom of my butt... And now still to this day I do not use any hair products as far as gel or hairspray.. I still use Pink oil to this day and wash my hair once a month. It's not something that I tell a lot of people because they look at you weird so I'm kind of glad you're discussing in this conversation LOL

Lauren Thompson: These tips were super helpful! My hair is very short and I’m in the beginning of the grow out journey! I can’t wait to see where I’m at in a few years

chellierose: Best change I made for my thigh-long hair, was to skip the towel, and wrap my wet hair in an old t-shirt instead. Like you, I have to change it after a while, because it obviously gets soaked, but I see a lot less split ends and less tendency to frizz (which it still does, but less). Also, I went slightly scientific about it, and discovered the “curly girl method”, which helped me pick a suitable brand of shampoo, conditioner and hairmask. Which was cool, because I found a brand that was much cheaper I don’t do all the curly girl styling, I’m all for buns and braids. But, changing the products slightly and ditching the towel still made a big difference

Nia Stevens: This channel has been so inspirational for me! After my mother chopped my thigh-length hair off when I was 10, leaving me with an awkward afro, I've had maybe 5 "trims" over the last 20 years in an effort to manage the split ends while keeping it long. I see all my mom friends cutting off their hair because it's "too much work," and with baby #2 arriving next month I've been so worried I'd be tempted to do the same thing. I'd already switched to bar soap and had been playing with headscarves for a while, but since seeing this video I've bought more scarves so I can wear them every day and am down to brushing once per week and washing my hair every 3 weeks or so. I wouldn't have thought to try it were it not for this video, and it's proving to be sustainable for me! I'm also getting compliments on seeming much more put together (no more frizzy pigtails), and it's so much less work. Not only that, but my hair is much healthier and less dried out, so when I DO wear it out it's much more attractive!

Michaela Melton-Berry: I recently cut 40 centimeters from my hair (and now I’m here, trying to grow it back, lol). Shorter hair is MUCH harder to care for as far as styling. I would love to get to the point where I could was just once a week. I’m trying to ‘train’ my hair. Thanks for the tips!

Who Dunnit: With your hair length, I dont question the one-month hair wash. That doesn't look like a chore, it looks like a full time job

Mellow Yellow: And I thought my hair going down to my waist was long… but there is something about long hair that always makes you feel like a princess.

Feline Paralysis: a little tip: it is best to apply the oil to damp hair to get the maximum effect. Oils lock in moisture in the hair (also good for naturally curly hair, which is prone to dryness). E.g.: if you have very dry hair like me, then there is no moisture to lock in (without moisturizing the hair beforehand). Additional: my ends die and break from buns. I can recommend braids (braid onlx when your hair is dry)

Klára Law Marešová: Hi! Below-butt-length hair here. Thank you for your video, I have to say I absolutely agree with and practice pretty much everything you've mentioned. I can't go more than two weeks without washing, I'd like to, but my hair starts falling out if I go too long. I disinfect my brushes with Milton tablets once a month before washing them (binky disinfectant). Anyway, I'm also big on natural oils and my powerhouse oil for haircare: rosemary EO. I put it in moderation in every hair oil that I use (mostly argan, jojoba and camellia) and mix it in the brown dropper bottles like you. Makes every oil smell amazing and it stimulates and repairs like crazy. Camellia oil is an old geisha secret. I'm a big folk remedy enthusiast and my two other secrets are - Slavic folk remedy: flax oil&sour cream (50/50) 30 min full hair mask before washing. Japanese&Chinese folk secret: fermented rice bran wash, I actually pour it in a basin, lay down with a rolled up towel and do a 20 min full hair soak and massage my scalp during it. Last but not least: boar bristle brush!

Dana: Update (2023): I switched to Viori products and shampoo/conditioner once a week. Their products are very natural, so weekly shampooing is no problem for my hair. Tsubaki/camellia oil every night after brushing and before putting into loose braids for sleep. Hair is now past Classic/butt length and growing thicker! I stopped trying to shampoo monthly because my hair gets really itchy which aggravates my eczema (made worse due to dust allergies). I need the extra moisture on my scalp & to clear out my scalp from dust, so shampooing less frequently even with boar bristle brushing isn't enough to maintain my scalp health to prevent eczema. Old comment (2022): I've been going 2 weeks without washing, but you've inspired me to go for a month between washes! I'm at classic length hair now & only use organic conditioner, tsubaki/camellia oil, rosewater & apple cider vinegar (monthly). Super minimal, but my hair is at its healthiest it's ever been!

Lovebird Draws: My mother’s hair started graying late twenties, but my dad’s hair has stayed dark forever, so I’m waiting to see which genes I get

L L: So cool! Loved hearing your story. Inspirational ✨ My hair started graying at 21 and I'm hoping it will keep as beautiful as yours

Hischild: I wash my hair usually every 3-4 months and the length is passed my waist. When my girls were little I seldom washed their hair because it was so thick but beautiful and healthy. They had hair so long they would sit on it. They are now adults. So I believe that less washing and plaiting led to amazing growth.

Jessica Cowin: Holy cow! How did I never think of getting OUT of the shower before giving my hair a final cold wash? That tip alone is worth a subscribe!

Natta Mused: I love it! This video is so cute and I feel fresh encouragement to give long hair a chance again. The longest I ever get it out was to my waist, and then cut it off again. Right now it’s only almost down to the bra line, but I have bangs too. I like to keep bangs because I don’t like my face, and like to cover it a little. But I think long hair works better without bangs because all that hair helps it not look scraggly and thin. We’ll see!

Viv Filias: So, in the black hair community this first day process is called the Pre Poo process. You apply a good amount of oil (olive oil is a fav) cover with a plastic cap and wash as normal the following day. I actually discovered the 1 month wash option a year back by accident, due to Covid lol. My hair went from mid back to waist length...In Haiti, our people have been using castor oil for hair and other use for centuries. We actually have our native grown Haitian castor oil that also works for joint and various other pain as a topical application. Cold water rinse is a good habit. It locks the cuticles leaving the awesome conditioner to do its job. This accounts for your awesome silver shine. So the key of less manipulative practices overall and oil use works for ALL types of hair.

YAHsgirl2911 *: Thank you for this video. I decided two years ago to grow out the gray in my hair, so that meant no more bleaching it. This past Feb, I cut the last bit of bleach off my hair and it’s been doing so well ever since. I only wash about every 7-10 days and I’ve started looking into ways to strengthen it so it will grow long. My hair is fairly thin with wavy texture - I’ve just started finger detangling and adding oil each night and wrapped in a silk scarf. I also wear my hair covered every day, this has helped split ends tremendously - I’ve been covering my hair since Feb and the growth is amazing and now that I’m adding the oils, I believe it will get even healthier. My hair sheds and I attributed that to brushing and combing and I’m looking forward to seeing how finger brushing will help the breakage and cause less shedding - while I know some shedding is normal (or is it) I will find out soon enough. Thanks again - I like some of the things you do and will keep in mind the longer time frame between washes. Shalom and blessings.

Elizabeth Light: Loved this video, I've recently gotten serious about my haircare routine to promote growth and length, so I appreciate your tips. And I totally agree that less washing is better for long hair! Also: castor oil works miracles, the baby hairs around my temples have been growing like crazy since using it. I laughed every time you started talking to the door I love your style!

Svīre: FINALLY someone I can relate to on youtube! My hair is past my hips and I also don't wash it very often, wear it up and don't care about hairdressers or split ends. This was such a nice video! Thank you, I learned a lot of nice tips to try out to improve my haircare routine! :)

Jibber Over Java: Hey there, I really enjoyed your video. I happen to have the same genetic trait. My hair was just like yours in my late twenties. It's almost pure white now. When I was younger I wanted to know how I could stop going grayer so I did some research and found out that it is a genetic inability to absorb copper from our diet. Naturally there were suggestions on what to eat like molasses to give your body copper to change your hair but that only works when you don't have a genetic inability to absorb copper LOL. I agree after going to cosmetology school Mount Vernon NY with mostly black population who cannot wash their hair regularly as Caucasians can (in order to grow it out) I had started washing my hair with conditioner only and people thought I was crazy but it always came out clean and in wonderful condition. I simply cannot wash my hair everyday. It will get super damaged. I will go a week, weeks or a month depending on what my hair needs. My hair has always been exceptionally fine like a child's hair and breaks easily even against my clothing bedding and the car seat when I leaned against it. Thankfully it grows four times faster than the average person so trims haven't been major setbacks . I too have learned to let no one touch my hair with a scissor . Nasty heavy-handed beauticians LOL . I also learned that there should always be brushed from the bottom up using a wide paddle brush . I've seen a lot of hairdressers brush from the top down and I just cringe . Mothers will ask me what I do because their child isn't screaming when I brush their hair and I explained to them I just started the bottom. I've learned not to let the shower water run on my hair either because that damages it. And like you I keep it up most of the time day and night. I appreciated your valuable tip about switching up the direction you keep your hair so not to lose it where it parts. A client I had once, a teenager's hair was all the way to the center of her skull bald because she pulled her ponytail so tight and wore it every single day so she had no hair on the front half of her head. I learned a lot from the Black Culture how to care for delicate hair and make it grow long. I've noticed that those who treat their hair the way you do yours don't have to wear hair extensions. None of this might interest you , I'm just a nerd who's sharing things that your video brought to mind. I'm anxious to see your other videos. You're funny, you made me watch the whole thing

IAmThatIAm: Thank you for sharing your process, reasons for having it long and your humor. What I enjoyed and found most helpful about it is that you are following and honoring what feels authentically joyful FOR YOU. I also was this in your other video on why you cover your hair. I used to have VERY long hair (fr 19 -26 yrs old) until around early 2000"s. I had bad memories re hair salons fr childhood bec hair cutting was the way I would be punished/disciplined growing up (instead of being grounded or losing TV watching privileges) so of course, I HAD to grow my hair. My hair grows VERY fast and is pretty thick. I used to wash it every time I showered bec it is what I knew. Fast forward in time, I lost my fear and distrust of hair salons. I began having different hair cuts, shorter and shorter, bleached, colored, highlighted, etc.....then, around 15 yrs ago, I had a VERY strong desire to shave my head. It would have me free of seeing long hair all over, less time for caring, less products, less thinking about it, etc. So, in autumn of 2017, I finally shaved my head and I LOVED, LOVED it. It felt so authentically me, exhilirating and got a ton of compliments on how it looked on me. I started growing it again around 2019 and for about a year it grew pretty fast. I thought I was going to back to having long hair BUT the more it got longer the more it felt completely OFF for me -- everytime I looked in the mirror it felt all kinds of wrong! So I shaved it and felt a TREMENDOUS sense of relief. I am grateful for you video bec I am now keeping my hair in grown out buzzed cut of 3 wks hair growth (I like it lot FOR ME) and I will keep the same kind of simple care and upkeep as you do with your long, beautiful hair. The sulphur soap is FANTASTIC news. I never heard that before. I have watched a woman who is a L'Ange hair ambassador who has hair as long as yours (she's a natural blonde) and she also only washes once a month. Her hair is phenomanally gorgeous and she has hair tutorials on how she maintains it. Of course, she uses a lot of the products fr the company bec it has and continues to work for her. Bottomline, being that hair is VERY, VERY short, if I have to go out where it might get dirty, I will begin the practice of covering it. I will wash only once a month too and will do the scalp massage and brushing. I will also begin using sulphur soap for my scalp. Again, thank you. Your channel is a beautiful expression of your authentic self and it allows the rest of us to be inspired honor that in ourselves as well.

Lorian Dybus: I'm a hairdresser and totally agree with you and I think that's nothing wrong with washing hair once a month, my grandma, mother, sister and I often don't wash it for 2-3 weeks (or more) mainly cause of the process that has to be done, but also like you said about that events the time isn't right most of the time, hair doesn't really need it cause it doesn't look greasy.

HomeKissed: I have super long grey streaked hair, it's down to my waist and it's naturally wavy, I love it!

Jenn Willis: Thanks for talking about traction alopecia (balding from stress on the hair). As a hairdresser, I used to see it all the time. This was a really interesting and fun video.

Lulu McDonald: For once, I'm happy Youtube recommended me a video. I'm a sick girl (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etc) and I wash my hair every month or 5 weeks, because I'm getting worse of my illnesses. But I was feeling dirty and embarrassed (ridiculous because I don't go out the house), until your video. THANK YOU!!! It feels great to know I'm not the only one doing it. I even noticed my hair is barely oily on my scalp now. And I use coconut oil on half of my hair. It's shinny and healthy. Hugs from a Spaniard living in USA.

Lady Sharizyn: Very helpful to know about oiling prior to washing. Hearing you say that washing it less often validates what I've been doing, which, when people ask how often I wash it - they'd scoff at my saying about every 2 weeks with their outbursts of how they wash theirs every day or every other day. Now when I'm asked, I just say every other day.

Tracey Ray: Just discovered you and ❤️ the video!! I was educated, I laughed and laughed I also started going Grey at 13. Dying since I'm 17. Too many years and sores on my scalpe. Ugggghhh The amount of scrutiny from everyone makes is so hard to let go of the dye. But the pain!!!

Susan Hallen: This was my first experience with your videos, I’ll definitely be watching more! You’re so fun and sweet! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it! Currently working on a natural way to take care of my hair. Looking into the oils mentioned and only using a vinegar rinse instead of shampoo. Thanks for you’re expertise! Also, I love that you proudly show your greys. I’ve had them since I was 25 and now have a lot more at 38, as an American, I’ve been afraid to show them but I love how Europeans embrace them. I need to learn from you here. ❤

Aurelian Roman: One thing I feel that may be missing, which is a huge thing in my hair routine, is dry shampoo/homemade hair powder. I also wash my hair no more than once a month (I have fine but dense blonde hair). I used to wash it every day because it would get gross and oily. Over a summer when I didn’t have school, I tried to transition it to washing every 2, then 3 days. Now, I apply a homemade hair powder about every 3-4 days, apply to roots of hair and scalp, give a nice fingertip massage, and comb out extra powder and loose hairs. The powder (made with corn starch mostly) soaks up any excess oils that may be there and adds tons of volume to my hair. Is always wear it up, twisted and pinned or braided, and it looks awesome. Practice one or two hairstyles that you really like, and it only takes like 10 minutes to get it ready for the day and usually looks fabulous. Cheers!

Michele Milne: I just love your world of unconventional beauty. I feel that since 2020 many of us are doing our own thing, going back to basics and finding what works for us. These are the role models that are so needed in today's world and your unique style is appreciated.

Last Quarter: I have to thank you for this! My hair is past waist length now so it's quite long and since few people wear it that long now, I struggle finding hairstyles and haircare solutions. Your channel seems perfect for that! I'll definitely try using oils more often. I've had issues recently about my head being dry and getting greasy very fast after washing so I think I know why that is now. Thanks :)

Tiea: At one time in my life for years, I washed my hair only 3 times a year, it was not dirty nor did it carry a bad smell. I actually enjoyed that time, so much that I’ve decided to go back to that method and I’m excited about it. I don’t have to tell you, to keep doing what’s best for you. People just love to tell others what is best for others, and it’s truly sad because they clearly only know what works for themselves (barely) happy once a month hair washing ❤

Sarmatae1: I had to stop at 7:40 and say this is totally me. I can do a week, 2 weeks or a month. If it's 3 weeks, I have to call it "21 days" to feel good about it. You're right. It's weird, but it's definitely a thing. ♥

Roz Christopherson: An ingenious and refreshing video. Thank you so much. When I was a teenager back in the 1970s, my grandmother bought a book for me by Dian Dincin Buchman entitled, "The Complete Herbal Guide to Natural Health and Beauty." The book is still available at times on Amazon. There are a lot of the same tips you recommend, like the use of oils and natural ingredients for hair care.

Amandine H.: I began to have grey hair when I was a teenager. Around me everyone is dyeing it, so you never see people with grey hair unless they're really old. So since I chose not to dye it I sometimes feel really alone. It's good to come here and see people who embrace their natural color.

Delanie Lockhart: Hilarious and helpful. Cheers for that My hair is down to my butt and several shades of grey. Washing weekly at the moment but confess to only brushing it every 2 or 3 days. Working from home over Covid has definitely helped! Definitely going to try the pre-oil routine. Have a bottle of oil I use when I brush. It's pretty light and not greasy and since I haven't been using a conditioner, it helps keep the knot count down.

malevolentglitter: In glad I found you. My hair is thick and past my butt and I'm trying desperately to figure out how to stop my receding hairline, many people are telling me it's cause my hair is too heavy to be pulled back anymore. The info you give is great and I'm taking notes !

Luka Silver: Your hair sounds a lot like mine. I wash mine about every 2 weeks. I might try the sulfur soap though. I have something similar to dandruff but dandruff shampoos don't work. So maybe this will. Thanks either way!

SunkissedMalice: I wash my hair once a month, too; it's what my body prefers. Thank you for helping to normalize this, not at all for me but for others who may be questioning their own choices and experiencing negativity. ✌❤

alaynalx: my mom washes her hair on average every sixish months. her hair is never greasy or smells bad, its insane. its like she just trained her hair to stay clean

RarazJewel 69: I say this about anything regarding your beauty & health, whether it be bathing, skin care, brushing teeth, hair, nails, eating, etc. It is as they say “too much of anything can eventually be bad for you.” & I do mean ANYTHING! The biggest well kept secret is….leaving it alone, that’s right, take a break from it big or small break just do it, u won’t regret it. Following the latest beauty trends consistently will damage & throw off your ph balance. Learn deprivation in every aspect of life. At 42 years young I can confidently yet humbly say that I have the softest evenly toned skin & healthy white smile with all 32 teeth intact. I look 20 years younger because something that a wise old neighbor whom lived to be 118 but didn’t look a day over 65 left me with a gem of knowledge that stuck with me from the ripe young age of 16. Take a break from everything, fast, deprive yourself in order to preserve yourself. Has been my way of life since I started applying her wisdom at 25. Works wonders! Just forget about it, leave it be & you’ll see for yourselves how the things that society has been taught to shun+shame are the very things that will add longevity & youthfulness to your existence. Really not a big secret but is for most a big step to take when changing the mindset of the majority.

B: So I just wanted to say that after I watched this video I tried to follow your tips. I've had waist length hair all my life, since I've always hated going to the hairdresser as a kid, they naturally grew. Of course, I've had split ends a my life. When I was a kid I used to get showered by my parents every Sunday before church, as you said in the video, and growing up I've started to do it more often. Anyway I washed my hair around once a week,sometimes twice. Even without washing them often, I've always had split ends. A LOT of them. But I swear, 2 weeks in trying to wash them as least as possible and they VANISHED. I haven't even put any oil on my hair yet. I'm trying to get to the 2 weeks without washing step, but it's a bit rough since they are getting pretty oily, so I decided to wash them under just warm water and despite not coming out super clean, I swear they never looked healthier! Thank you so much for inspiring me to take better care of my natural hair and for sharing your amazing tips! I suggest some of you trying this to go no shampoo for a while(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Wasa Bee: Lmao I really enjoy seeing how comfortable you’ve gotten with making youtube content and making it your own! Still enjoying this channel as much as I did when I came across it. You’re lovely you shepherdlady and so are your videos!!

Keith Kogane: I had thigh length hair in elementary school but after recieving an AWFUL haircut from someone in middle school had to resort to short hair. I didn't care at the time because long hair made me feel feminine and as a trans man i hated it for that but now i miss having super long and thick hair. I shaved it almost a year ago and it's grown a LOT since then (my family has very quick growing hair) so now I want to be able to let it grow long since I no longer associate long hair with feminity

Countries To Go: Licensed hair dresser here. Believe it or not grey hair doesn't need to be washed as often. The scalp doesn't produce as much sebum (the oils in your scalp that make hair greasy) for grey and white hair as it does for "younger" hair colors so washing once a month works for Anna here. When you're a teenager your body over produces sebum so washing it every day when you're under 21ish makes sense for most ethnicities. As other commenters have said, if you're African (or of descent) your scalp also doesn't produce as much sebum and your hair is so curly it often doesn't reach most of your hair anyway. This means no matter how old you are, washing it more than once a week isn't good for your scalp or your hair.

stella: If someone is concerned with reducing frizz I can suggest switching towels for a cotton T-shirt, I have frizz prone, wavy, thick hair and I've seen it really make a difference. It soaks up even more water than terry cloth. I also avoid rubbing my hair.

Tiffany: I have very long hair and I wash it every other day and everyone compliments my hair for how healthy it looks. You don’t need to go a month without washing your hair people you just need to use good products that don’t contain a bunch of chemicals.

Camouflage Jumpsuit: You can also get the mermaid waves by gently twisting two pieces together. I think it makes prettier spirals than braided hair, and it's less damaging too

Gina Sanacore: Wow I started going gray at 23 years old and and I thought how unusual. I absolutely love your hair color and I love that you shared that you went gray at such a young age I guess some of us just do

EMYS: Apparently, I've accidentally given myself hair loss by not styling my hair differently every so often. Thanks for the tip!

1RandomMiss: I ditched shampoo 7 years ago and only use olive oil soap bar and condition using coconut oil on my waist length hair. I was maybe 2 times a week. I’ve been informed numerous times that you shouldn’t wash your hair with soap. I never get dandruff and my hair looks and feels lovely considering it has a natural wave and I never colour it. Also I actually spend $15 on my hair every 5 months. I use the olive oil soap and coconut from head to toe. That’s all I need. Also I don’t own any towels anymore. I just use muslin wraps instead. So they dry faster, my laundry loads are dramatically smaller and when I travel I don’t carry much with me. So far it’s all working for me. I’m Slavic decent. Almost 50 and have only just started getting grey hair. The only down side is that there is no pretty smell. Just a neutral hair smell so sometimes I’ll add a few drops of essential oil to the coconut oil. I eat very healthy food so maybe all that ads to my radiant skin and hair. This what I found works for me and not saying it’s for everyone. My friend advocated aloe Vera on hair as she has shiny Asian hair but for me it just dries it out and is difficult to brush. We are all different yet same same

Steven Roig: This was extremely helpful! I feel enthusiastic about taking care of my entire body and fixing my hair situation

Rayana Hart: The addition of oil 24 hours before washing was a new one to me, but then my hair is naturally kind of oily (or has been since the years of being told to wash my hair three times a week by my mother), so my usual haircare routine involves dry shampoo, leave-in conditioners, lots of brushing, and only washing it every six weeks or so when I... need to get my hair ready to refresh the color at my roots. It does mean the shampoos and conditioners I have last a nice long time.

Ms_Tex: Twelve years ago (at age 40) I decided that I wanted to have long hair. The longest my hair got is tailbone length. I asked my mom (whom I trusted) to "trim" my hair, and I ended up losing over 12" (30cm) of length. I cried for days! I was so mad I did a BIG CHOP and got a pixie cut. Three years later (when my hair was mid-back length) I again got a pixie cut, but only to get rid of all of the hair color and allow my silvers to shine through. Two and a half years later, my hair is again mid-back length through benign neglect. I don't use heat or any styling products except minimal oil to control frizz, and my 2c/3a hair looks good when I wear it down/loose. I do basically everything @PrettySheperd does: wear my hair up (at least half the time), avoid ponytails and hair elastics when possible, oil the day before before washing (BTW, coconut oil turns rancid and is a definite no-go during summer in Texas!), and wash my hair only once a month or so, unless it gets really dirty. If I'm working around the house or out in the yard, I braid my hair and pin it up, then cover it with a scrub cap or bandana to keep the dirt away. I "water wash" (use only warm water and scrub my scalp) after getting sweaty from working out, which I do every other day.

Mari💜: As a black girl, I wash my hair every 1-2 months and thats because I keep it styled. If I don't style it, I'll get A LOT of hair loss, which i don't want. If I wash it too often, my hair will get super dry, and might fall out. All in all, washing your hair once a month, is still healthy. YOUR HAIR WONT STINK!

Cooki Keks: I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one to never have gotten into the habit of washing one's hair more frequently. Before I cut off 15 years worth of hair length about a year ago, my hair was just below my butt. I still regret that decision every day. I can't freaking braid it or have an updo or anything anymore. People told me literally every single one of those "tips" at the end of your video and I thought that maybe a bob would actually be more fun to style and all. Also, people kept telling me that I'd look way more mature and beautiful if I had my hair cut. Well, that sadly wasn't true either. I mean, it didn't look bad or so, but I really miss my go-to keltic knot hair style that I did almost every day for years. Also, since getting a bob my hair gets greasy all the time..! I can't wait to finally have long hair again, but I guess this will take a good 10 years or so. My hair just grows sooo slow, it's ridiculous :D

SaBoTeUr2001: Speaking of the amount of time caring for long hair: I agree, it's not that bad. When I have shoulder-length hair, I spend half an hour in the shower when I wash it. When I have waist-length hair, I spend *still* half an hour in the shower. The only annoying thing is waiting for it to dry, which can take a couple hours. I don't like to use hair dryers. I finger-comb it until it's untangled and 80% dry before braiding. I don't even try to brush/comb my hair wet, because it's so fine it just snaps. My friend's mother was trying to discourage her from imitating me and my long hair, saying it would take forever to braid up. I demonstrated that it takes only 3 minutes to do a neat French braid, and I didn't even use a comb or brush.

Amaya Sasaki: As to castor oil, my doctor recommended rubbing some on my legs to increase blood circulation, so that goes right a long with the massaging scalp that you mentioned.

Jenny Fry: I use a wooden comb, less breakage and much less static. Your hair is gorgeous.

Sarah Stephanie Landry: Her: "Massage your scalp to increase the blood flow and bring nutrients" Me: Starts scratching my scalp Her: "I mean massage with your fingertips, not scratching like a rabid dog." OOPS!

Lunatic Cat: Thank you for this interesting video! Especially with COVID going around and the closures of hair dressers I really was wondering a lot about what to do with my hair. I was at the hair dresser last week after more than a year of not going. She cut like 8cms and I really feel no difference so far - more like I miss what she cut away. So therefore I was also wondering what I could change about my hair routine and this is really interesting to know. Right now I wear my hair in small little braids with hair pearls and I wash it like every two week - so I was thinking about stretching this period too. The only thing that kinda keeps me from doing is, that the skin on my head is very dry and I fear that If I won't wash it every two weeks my head will be itching a lot more. Does the sulphur soap do something for this too? BTW your hair reminds me of my grandmother - she was from Romania and hat also that kind of length of hair - somehow I want to have it too.

saving gift: This is the sort of content that makes YouTube worthwhile it’s not the frequency but the thoroughness of the cleansing that matters . Keep the scalp clean

Snooks: I have really long dreadlocks, and my hair washing routine is quite similar to yours, including washing once a month.

Layla Christina: Me: someone who is almost bald because I can't stand hair of any type in my body and I can for sure say that I will never let it grow for more than one month. Also me: watching entire 30min video about tips to let your hair grow and finding it very interesting

Iride Blu Serio: For those of you who are wondering: I asked my mum (she's a hairdresser) why so many of her colleagues end up cutting more hair length than required by their customers and she told me that making a precise haircut is much easier if you cut a larger amount of hair length and they usually go for precision rather than retaining length. Hairdressers also have a very different idea about how many split ends are tolerable compared to us common people.

Lily Layne: Ironically enough the 'dont oils with foul oders' took me back to the days when we would get animal fat from butchers, cream it into a lard mixing a natural cooking oil into it. The smell of the oil really does matter! Applying that muttered fat to my hair made it the healthiest it had ever been. I had hair down to my rump with no breakage or splitting ends. The moment I stopped my hair revolted with five inches of breakage and split ends over the next three years. You make me truly miss my long hair. <3

B B: Very informative! I had a shaved my head in 2018 and then bleached it as soon as it got about 2” long. Was platinum blonde. I got used to not washing it every single day as I was afraid it would further dry it out as it was already damaged from the bleaching (don’t be fooled — there is NO “safe” bleaching method that won’t ever damage your hair, because as soon as that lightener mixed with 10-60vol peroxide goes on the hair, the damage is already done no matter what a brand or stylist claims). 3 months later, I trimmed the blonde off and left the 3” of roots as I wanted to go long and natural again. Now, 2022 … from 3” of hair on my head, it is now below my rib cage (5’8” for reference). I didn’t really think it would grow that fast in just 4 years … but I largely attribute it to the infrequent washing. My husband never notices that I’ve sometimes gone 14 days of not shampooing my hair because I always use the LOC method — lather, oil, cream. I really only use that method on my ends, but it keeps my hair soft while smelling nice. Haven’t had split ends in a good while, haven’t trimmed in over a year. Whenever I do brush, I only use a wooden brush with soft boar bristles starting at the ends in small sections then work my way up slowly. I’ve had people ask me how I got my hair so long so quick, but when I tell them, they look at me like I have issues lol … as if not shampooing every day equals having max cooties or something. It’s so weird. I’m trying to go terminal with my hair now. I want to see how long I can get it to grow before my ends tell me “enough is enough, we’re not going past this length”. Long hair is the way to go! Absolutely love it. Thanks for the tips!

RG1 WhiteyWins: Six years ago I started washing my hair with natural bar soap. My hair stays clean a lot longer. Then I put apple cider vinegar at the end to remove soap residue and make comb out easily. I have long fine hair .

GoAway LeaveMeAlone: Your hair gorgeous: the length, colour and style are all perfect.

Bridal Sewing Techniques: I get all of the same unsolicited advice. I haven't cut my hair for 25 years. Every now and then, when someone asks to see my hair down, I will take it down for them. They usually immediately gasp and mention how beautiful it is. Then they tell me that theirs would never grow so long and beautiful. The third thing they say is, "you should cut it!" It makes no sense at all! My husband & I both love my hair long. The onlooker obviously loves it long. Then, they tell me to cut it so it can look as ordinarily boring as theirs does. Smh.

Bleak AF: The thing about only washing once a week as a kid, same for our family in UK, being a teenager gets us (especially girls) into such bad habits like feeling we need to shave or wash hair all the time, it becomes a cycle that is so hard to break. I very very rarely wear make up, and never full face, and I'm sure it helps my skin stay clearer and smoother. Make up covers things up, but it clogs the pores and gives you spots and I'm convinced all that touching your face gives you wrinkles, which then traps you into make up!

R S: YES! I have hair that is almost to my ankles, and I only wash it about every 3 weeks! I keep it put up so it stays clean! I use Viori shampoo bars and lots of different hair oils because it get dry!

L. M. Mulvihill: I started using most of the oils you use. I agree with you on haircare,I actually do the same. My hair is finally to my waist and thanks to jojoba oil no split ends. I've work to washing only about seven to ten days and use all natural shampoo and conditioner. Thanks for sharing . And off I go to my happy hair growth journey

K B: Amazing, thank you! Your hair is beautiful. I hope to get mine to your length soon. Its getting close! I recommend fermented rice water soaks once a week to help strengthen the hair. It's really made a difference for me. My hair has grown 6 inches in barely 3 months. 1 red onion, 3 aloe leaves and 2 tbs coconut oil blended is a wonderful treatment as well! ☺

Happy & Co.: What a wonderful, informative, and fun video! Thank you for sharing I will once more try to achieve longer intervals between hair washes. You hair looks and hair routine is an inspiration ☀️

Anne Miller: Your advice is the best! I know this, because this is basically what I do too! I started slowly some years ago to do in a gradual way and it worked better than anything. I don't uses the Sulphur soap but a baby shampoo or something mild. If I need to wash between my monthly main wash, I'd skip the shampoo and just use the hair mask or hair butter. Shampoo is the enemy of the skalp that dries it out and it wants to produce more oils not less!

fallenangelwi25: You just gained a new subscriber, I love this video you're goofy yet honest like me!!! My hair is currently just past my bum and I plan to grow it longer. It's been breaking though so I need to adjust a few things I've been doing. Thank you for the tips!!!

Amyg dala: I can relate to so many tipps of you! I feel encouraged in washing my hair now less than once a week. Thank you!

Gina Delfina: That's so true; I once told an African American friend, "don't be grossed out, but I only wash my hair once a week," and she said, "oh don't worry, I only wash mine once a month." As far as hair care tips go - I recommend using a wooden or horn comb; they don't cause static, and they draw the natural oils from the scalp through the hair. I also use hair oil like the Pretty Shepherd. Thanks for the fun video!

Lise: I wash my hair once every two to three days, and honestly it's true that they're not that oily or dirty. I feel I could easily go a few days more without washing them, but I don't know it's the routine of it, and I sleep so much better when I washed my hair and they're still a little damp and fresh

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