How To Change Hair Color In Photoshop

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Changing Hair Color in Photoshop

There are many reasons why you may want to change hair color in Photoshop. Perhaps your subject has recently dyed their hair and it doesn't look natural. Perhaps you want to see what you would look like with dark hair.

Changing Hair color in Photoshop is much easier than doing it in real life and by the time this episode is over you will be on your way to color city!

Some Guidelines on Hair Color

It is much easier to make hair dark than light. If you are starting out with a blonde and want to make her a brunette, not too hard. Turning black hair into blonde hair is nearly impossible. The reason is that you have more information to start with in lighter colors. With black you will see very little detail, making it difficult to make lighter colors realistic.

Also be sure to not over-saturate hair color, there is a big difference between yellow and blonde.

Altering Hair Color in Photoshop

One of the best tools to use here is the "Selective Color" Adjustment Layer. You will be able to pinpoint a hair color (usually in the "red" range) and use the sliders to change the color. This adjustment layer is great because it will allow you to change hair color without going too drastic.

To make black hair use the Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer and bring the saturation close to zero. Then use a Curves Adjustment layer to make the hair darker. As is often the case when making something darker in Photoshop, you will need to take care of the highlights separately. In this example we paint with white over the hair and use "blend-if" to blend it into the lighter areas of hair creating more defined highlights.




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Today, I'm going to show you how to change hair color in Photoshop, hey guys and welcome to phlearn. My name is Aaron NACE and you can find me on phlearn comm, where we make learning Photoshop and photography fun and today we're going to be changing. Hair color in Photoshop and it sounds kind of easy, but it's actually really hard, and here are the reasons hair color is. It has to exist within a certain range to look natural right. You go to green or two blue. Something like that. Hair is not going to look natural, so that's a little bit tricky. The other thing is that hair has usually different colors in the highlights than it does in the shadows, even my hair, which is like super super dark, but when I get on the Sun, the highlights turn a little bit brownish. So that's kind of some things you have to think about when you're actually trying to change hair color and the other thing we're thinking about is, if you want to change. Hair color going from light to dark is a lot easier than going from dark to light. In fact, going from here like mine, like almost black hair, to blonde, that's nearly impossible in Photoshop, so we're not going to mess with that today. If you want that, if you want your dark headed subject, to have light hair in the end photo just get them a wig or something like that. But today we're going to be editing a redhead and we're going to go blonde. We'Re going to change your hair to brown and then we're gon na change her to black as well we're working on Daniels image today he submitted this in a contest recently and he's winning a phlearn pro tutorial because we're editing his image here on Fleur. It'S a great image and I love our hair color, but I thought this would be a cool opportunity just to show you guys how to change it. If you did want to do something like that, okay, so we're going to start off, she's got really nice red hair, I'm gon na start off using a justment layer and we're going to go down to selective color. Now I don't use selective color a whole lot, but when you need to take a color range like a you, know, red hair or something like that and just kind of push it and pull it a little bit. I find that selective color actually works better than hue/saturation. Well we're actually going to use hue/saturation adjustment layers later in this episode, but for the initial adjustments, I find that selective color really works well with hair okay. So here we go. We got a couple different options here: we're going to go to our black Channel and I'm going to pull this up and that's going to give us a lot more black, I'm going to pull it down and that's going to give us a lot less black. Okay. Let'S go ahead and give it a little bit less black there we go, then we've got our yellow slider. So if you can see you want to make it like a little bit more of a yellow hair, you can do that. Magenta is pretty much like red. You can push push that up, pull it down. It'S going to give you a little bit more green and then cyan is going to give you more cyan pulling. That down is going to give you a little bit red alright. So using these sliders you should be able to adjust. Let'S see, you can even go kind of crazy with the hair color. I that's not what we're going to do today, but you do whatever you want so using these sliders, you can see we can get like a light brown here we can get like a dark brown and usually by adjusting these guys, you can see it's kind of Adjusting your highlights and your mid-tones and your shadows separately there we go and something like that I feel, looks pretty good, so we're just going to go ahead and close that up so most of the work you need to be done doing can usually be done with A selective, color layer, okay, let's go ahead and say that's our brown copy, so we're just going to grouped out together and we're going to call this brown so very simple, just to take some of the red out with using a selective, color layer. Okay, next we're going to tackle is our black hair. So for this we're going to create a new layer, I'm going to go ahead and group that with itself and we're going to double click and call this black hair. Okay, now in our black hair group, what we're going to do first, we need to take all the color out of our hair. So I'm going to go to my hue/saturation adjustment layer, we're going to click right here where it says master. I'M gon na go to my reds and then we're actually going to click on this eyedropper and then choose this color right here. So this is like we're going to take this color and we're going to take all the color out of it so bringing saturation down to zero. Now you can see it didn't include things like this color here, so we can use the plus eyedropper and get it to include that hair color as well. Now, if you wanted to eyedropper, you could click on the skin, but you can see the skin tone was actually really similar. Some of these colors that are in the hair, so we're just going to use a layer mask to get those out okay there, but we can see the background which is blue, still stays the same color okay. So what we're going to do now? We'Re going to use our layer mask and I'm going to paint black on the layer mask overtop of her face now. If she had a skin color and a hair color that were completely different, you wouldn't have to use a layer mask, but in this case I do have to use a layer mask all right. There we go so this is taking the color out of her hair. Now the next thing we're going to do after we finish our layer mask and I'm going to revisit this layer mask in just a little bit. This is it's almost there, but it's not quite there. The trick that I want to show you guys is right here at the edge of the hair. I want to bring my float really low with my brush and choose a nice soft edge brush and just kind of like a fade this into the hairline. Just a little bit: alright, there we go so this is a good start. It'S not perfect just yet, but it's a good start to what we want to do with the hair, so we're taking some of the color out there we go and we can see it looks a little bit more natural there. So now what we're going to do is grab an adjustment layer, I'm going to go to curves and we're going to bring this down so we're going to click right here in the middle and just kind of like bring this down now you can actually use the Same layer mask from one layer to another one, it's super easy: all you have to do is hold alt or option and click and drag from one layer mask to another one, and it will copy it really quickly and easily from one layer mask to another one. There we go and this layer mask because we need it. We didn't select out the background in the first one, so we need to go ahead and make sure we do select that out as well. So again, I'm just using the brush tool. Here there we go and painting black in this area, alright, and it's going to be totally up to. You is like how how detailed you actually go when you're working with your layer masks in here I'm doing a relatively quick job in this tutorial. Just because it's you know, we just want to make sure you guys can actually learn this and you don't have to spend two hours watching me. Use my layer masks and things like this, but this is a really great way to just kind of darken the hair. Now let's say we wanted to go like more of a gray color, let's just click on this curves adjustment layer and instead of bring it down, I could bring it up a little bit and she'd have a little bit more of a gray color, so we're using One layer to take the color out and then different layers to define how light or how dark it's going to be. Alright, that looks pretty good that dark now we're going to let's go ahead and close this out. We'Ve got a couple tricky areas here, where we've totally D saturated right now, instead of just taking this layer mask and making this invisible here, because this is, it's got all that red color in there right. We don't want the red color back. We just want skin color back in there. Well, we should see kind of between the little bits of hair. So, instead, what we're going to do is a new layer, I'm going to grab my brush tool and we're going to grab a skin color there and we're going to change our brush. Sorry, our layer, blending mode to color. There we go down to color and there we see we can actually paint with the skin color and bring some of the skin color back in between the hair, all right. So that's bringing a skin color back instead of the red color that we started with just going to lower the opacity that just a little bit to make it look a little bit more realistic, all right. There you go and you can see how fading it right here, fading the scalp into the hair works quite a bit better than just kind of like you know, using it really really blunt all right there we go and we're just going to fade that dark area Back in as well all right now, if you are going black, there's one more thing that I would suggest and that's adding some highlights after you've graded the black because black you know it's going to like show the nice shine and things like that. So we're going to add some white highlights to it. So for that what we're going to do is I'm going to grab my brush tool and we're going to paint with white and I'm just going to paint right over some of the areas that actually have shine. Like here in her hair there there we go and right down there. Okay, now we're going to use blend if to have this only visible where the underlying layer is lighter. So super simple, just double click on your layer here we're going to bring our layer style way over there and I'm going to hold alt or option and we're going to go from left to the right. And now I can just define how much of a shine I'd actually like. So the farther I bring this to the right, the more it's kind of kind of going to blend, and the farther I bring this more. It'S just going to focus just on the highlights. I think something like that looks pretty good, so turning this off and on looks really good. Now, if you did want to add a little bit of color, let's say it's like okay. I want my hair to be pretty much black, but I want like a little bit of brown over top of it. It'S not too hard to do just grab a color. Maybe I'm going to use a color that I find here in the skin there we go something like this nice Brown and then you can just use like an overlay blend mode and you can add a little bit of color back into the hair all right. So it's like black, but it's got some highlights on there. Let'S just lower the opacity a little bit. It'S got a little bit of brown in there I kind of like the full black, but that's a good way to do it. Alright, so first we've got our regular red hair and then we created the brown here and then we just created the black hair. So blonde hair is probably the trickiest of them all, because we want to take some of these darker colors that are in the hair. Not only do we want to change the color, but we want to lighten it up a little bit and that's going to it's really tricky to actually make it look good. So we're going to start off we're to create a new layer. Let'S go ahead and group. It together double click here, alright, and we will just call this group blonde and we're going to start off. Basically the same way. We started off with the brown layer we're going to create a selective color there we go and we're going to choose our Reds here. Pull down our blacks and then let's go ahead and pull up our yellows and we're gon na just the magentas and the cyan. So we're going to start off really similar. Here there we go looking pretty good. Now you can see with our layer mask it's actually affecting her lips and things like that. We want to make sure to paint black on the layer mask over areas like that. So it's giving us the natural color on the face. Again. We really only want to actually adjust her hair. Okay, that's a good start now. The next thing we need to do is add a couple layers of highlight into the actual hair. So we're going to create a new layer, I'm going to use my brush tool and we're just going to grab like a nice blond color here, something like that. Basically, most hair is going to exist in, like the orange color range. It'S just going to be like how light or how dark it is and how saturated it is things. That'S a blonde is going to be right about there now we're going to grab our color and basically, I'm just going to paint right over top of our hair. We'Re going to change our blend mode from normal to screen and what screen does is it allows your colors to blend together, but it's always going to lighten whatever you paint on there so like. If I was painting black, for instance right now, it wouldn't even show up, because it black obviously lightens nothing right. So screen is just a really nice way to add highlights. So if you were painting green right now, you could use this to add green highlights. Okay, now, a lot of people would just kind of like lower the opacity and that's okay, but it doesn't look realistic because you want your highlights again to just show up where they should actually be highlights. So, instead of lowering the opacity, what we're going to do is I'm going to use blend if again and we're going to target just the highlights so hold alt or option, and I'm going to grab this underlying layer and we're going to pull this from the left. To the right there we are, and depending on how far you pull this, it's going to just show up like how much you're actually going to wind up affecting there. We go and let's lower our opacity just a little bit. That looks pretty good. I'M going to use my eraser tool and just erase it from the background and some areas that we don't need and again remember we're like what we said earlier going lighter is going to be a lot harder than going darker. So if you know, if you want to make a blonde - or you know, brunette into you know having black hair super easy to do, you guys saw that was not too difficult, but going going lighter in the blond is actually a little bit more difficult. Alright, there we go, and let's just paint that right back game, okay, we're looking pretty good. I do want to take care of some of these areas that are a little bit darker and for that I'm going to use a levels, adjustment layer and we're going to target our darks and kind of change, the color of those so a levels, adjustment layer. So, let's just go down here to levels now, what we're going to do is I'm going to grab my Reds and I'm going to pull my output levels just like this, and what this is going to do is basically going to say. The darkest point in Reds is just going to get a little bit lighter, so you can use this like color your blacks to a little bit more of a red, so we're going to pull our Reds up just like this, and then I'm going to pull my Greens, up to Matt there we go, you don't want to go too far to where the image looks screen. Keep it right about there, and this is a total visual thing. It'S going to depend on both where your read levels is where your read level is as well as where your green. There we go too far. It'S going to look green, not far enough. It'S going to look red, but right about there we're looking pretty good. Now I need to keep my blacks intact as well, so I'm going to go back to RGB and I'm going to pull my black levels in just a little bit there we go looking good okay, let's pull those back out just a little bit now. Basically, I'm going to hit command-i on the layer mask there and I'm going to paint white on my layer mask just over top of my hair, and this is you're just going to help all those dark areas. It'S going to make them a little bit lighter and add some color to them. There we go and it's going to add a little bit more color to the hair in general. All right, I'm already going to tell that. I'M going to lower the opacity on this because it's a little bit too much and it kind of just looks fake again. Making realistic blond hair is tough. Here we go alright that looks pretty good. Let'S go ahead and lower the opacity on that and then we're going to basically do the same thing we did with the white highlights on the black hair, we're going to add some white highlights onto the blond hair. It'S going to make it look even lighter, so we're going to create a new layer, I'm going to go over to my brush tool again and I'm going to paint white this time again on the hair. There we go and I'm going to double click here. Go to our layer style again, the same exact technique hold alt or option and go from left to the right, and this is just going to pinpoint it to the lightest areas all right and then it's totally up to you to change your blending mode. You can just change your opacity here if you'd like to lower your passive a little bit, you change your blend mode to something like an overlay or a soft light, and that's just going to help it blend in a little bit better as well all right there. We go I kind of liked how it looked in soft light. Alright, that looks pretty good now, just kind of looking at this might be like the wrong I'm going to take the hue and just kind of like push this a little bit to the left. A little bit because I felt like it was a little bit too yellowy. I don't know it's just needed a little bit more like not yellow in it, so we're just pulling the yellow to the left a little bit all right and then I'm going to paint black on my layer mask here over top of the face, all right. Very nice, I think, we're looking great and if you want to just add a little bit more brightness in it, that's where I would suggest grabbing a curves adjustment layer and just kind of pulling that up, and then we can paint in some of the brightness here. Like in some of the areas that we just needed to be a little bit brighter, because this is supposed to be blond all right, she looks more like a dyed blond than a natural blond. She has, you know her roots are showing that's. Okay with me all right: there we go. Let'S go to our hue/saturation: let's see if I bump our saturation up just a little bit or take it down, I'm okay, taking it down actually just a little bit all right, very cool, so you can see the blonde was pretty much the hardest out of the Entire group - and I would go in here and fix up my layer - mask just a little bit like this - needs a layer mask on it. There we go paint black on there, just so we're not covering up any of the any of the skin, because it's going to make the skin considerably lighter all right. So there's our blonde, pretty good! We'Ve got our original image. We'Ve got our brown hair, which was super simple to do, and we've got our black hair and then the hardest of all we've got our blonde hair and if you want to make these any more realistic, just lower the opacity a little bit - and I feel like That'S going to help these in these effects. Look a bit more realistic guys thanks so much for watching phlearn. I hope you enjoyed this episode if you're planning on buying your own hair, do it in Photoshop first next time, and you can see how it's going to look before you have to do it for real on your own head. If you like, what we're doing here at firm be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel comment down below, if you have any ideas for episodes and be sure to share this with your friends and family and other people you just meet on the street randomly they Might not like it, but do it anyway, i'll phlearn, you guys later yeah. Alright, I feel like a crazy person. Tolu

Lumi Lightz: Finally a useful tutorial, showing more than just the hue/saturation technique that I find very lackluster. Thank you a lot for making this video!

Jeff Fedor: Great tutorial,these techniques are a great baseline which could be taken even further to add even more fine detail.Excellent work!

Andrew Avi: Hey mate!!! Just want to say this is awesome. I usually only use lightroom for editing, but seeing these new techniques seem less invasive to the original picture. Its good to see it enhances and not change the whole thing and not make it Fake

P W: I stumbled upon this channel by accident, and I have to stay it's pretty damn good. You make complex things in Photoshop look actually somewhat simple.  Thank You

Rodrigo Villani: Awesome! I've always thought it was almost impossible to lighten dark hair on PS. Good to see that someone agrees. hahaha Awesome channel and if it wasn't for Phlearn, I'd never noticed the 'blend if'. Now I use it all the time instead of making masks from color channels and leveling.

Angel Hernandez: As always... Amazing! You are an amazing teacher. Also thanks to the crew, they are doing amazing, too. And the intro is beautiful.

Katie Swanepoel: Thank you so much for the great tutorial! Subscribed, and fantastic tips! Haven't thought about utilising some of these techniques before. Will try now!

Xyfin: So simple, yet so helpful! Thanks, Phlearn :)

camilla beaumont: used this for making loads of pictures with pastel hair! came out sooooo good!!! thanks for this! :)

Hamad Alawadhi: I loved this Tutorial, very useful indeed. I have been trying to apply a color effect on my photos but I kept failing. it is quite challenging for me, I am sure you could help me with that if, it is Evanescence - Fallen album cover. Thanks!

SayHellototheMoon: Thank you so much! I retouch images for a long time, but you never stop learning! wow, found out new things about blending!:)) And I like the way you speak and teach it's easy to learn, so I subscribed to your channel with pleasure and I hope it will be useful in my work! Good luck to you and have a lot inspiration :)

iambluetyler: I'm assuming you can use a technique similar to this to change clothing color too. And it will be easier because you don't have to deal with "realistic look" to a sweater for instance. Great video. Cheers!

fpgroups: Aaron, love the tutorials - Will buy your bundles to support your work!  One question, what brand is the tablet you're using or can you suggest one for a novice?  Thanks!

N. Nieves: Awesome tutorial, Aaron... I got the Intuos Pro Small just like you... I love it... I still haven't completely transitioned from my mouse to using the tablet full force and I've had this tablet for a few months now... However, my editing has become a lot faster with the use of the pen on tablet... Thanks so much for your video a few months ago on the Intuos Pro... =) 

eurossocial: Excellent demonstration and Tutorial. One tip that I think it might help, is usually those who have black hair, the shining areas are most of the time look like "bluish" color. blue-black. looks better than white shine... Anyway. Phlearn for me is the ULTIMATE brand Photoshop Channel in Youtube! Thank you very much Aaron. ;-)

Meira Vich: I like how Plearn combines tons of tips and tricks in 15m in video, very helpful.

Chad Vegas: Holy smokes!  Thank you, Phlearn!  Great tutorial, and I've learned from all of them.  Best wishes!

Thomas Kaarup: Since you're the most awesome teacher in photoshop i've seen i wanted to give it a shot and ask you for a tutorial. I've trying to change the flooring of a picture to create many variants, but can't figure out how to get it right. I've tried masking it and so forth. My big issues is that the new floor i want to illustrate, i only have a sample of, physical. Took a pictures and tried to make it into a patten and just apply it but again, didn't look right. You got any videos on that ? :)

udip21: Great one as usual. Got to say, you always go beyond just changing color. I have seen you in about 5 different hairstyles now :)

vladimir·bmp: You make really good tutorials! One thing I don't like/prefer is brush-painting all those masks. I think you could have saved yourself much time by making a good selection of the hair (polygonal lasso tool plus 'refine edge' would have done a great job), and altering that same selection for highlights, levels, hue/sat layers etc, instead of painting areas in/out over and over and over again for each one. Other than that - great tips. :)

goldhillproductions: Awesome as usual! Always clear :) I feel like my Photoshop skills have multiplied so much since finding Phlearn!

Cilla Latte: I love you guys. I suck with digital EDITING but you guys make it seem so effortless. Can't wait to try my Photoshop skills. Thank you guys so much! 

王浩林: Lol, this is great. I've often wanted to play with my hair color in Photoshop but didn't know how to do so in order for it to look... decent. Thank you very much for posting this tutorial. :)

Katie Caldwell: I SERIOUSLY WANT TO SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH.... that is, for actually making a video like this where you go fast and don't spend an extra 20 minutes yapping about nonsense that no one cares about. Seriously... before I found you guys I was about to go crazy! I like to set the video up on the side and work in photoshop as the video plays and with the other people's videos I would just be sitting there waiting for them to stop yappin half the time. Anyways, POINT IS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ACTUALLY MAKING GOOD VIDEOS!!! GOOD VIDEOS MADE TO ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE... NOT JUST TO HEAR YOURSELF TALK. :D

Shiana: brilliant tutorial. I love your techniques, you make it look easy. 

Sneewitchen1: Best way to change hair color I've seen so far. Thank for clear explanations and for sharing this video!

Mariusz K: Hi Aaron! amazing tutorial as always. I'm proud of you! :D im trying to make all tutorials of face retouch on one picture and I have a problem. I'm trying to change blond hair with darker blond lines on totally black hair and after the hue/saturation and curves tip i have black hair with white/gray stripes. I tried levels to make it darker but im loosing hair details.. how to fix it? blend if doesn;t work too or i just don't know how to do it properly with this type of problem. Pls. help :) PS. BEST WISHES! MERRY XMAS! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! ;) sorry for my english ;p

Samar Marashly: Thank you so much for the amazing videos . I have learned a lot from them and I am looking forward for more informative Photoshop Tutorials . Bless you 

someone true: Sir Please upload a brief tutorial explaining in detail the various blending modes and its composite effects. Thanks in advance

Makeupbydeliav: Hello, which is the tool that you used to give the skin color back when the background became blue because of the saturation? Thanks

Dex Pyran: You are the best instructor Aaron! Thank you!

Janbo el Pe: There is a very old fashion way to change color in photoshop (I have to admit I never did hair but for example skin tones work really good). It's the replace color tool under image > correction. There you can choose an other picture (and a selection in it) to replace the color you have in the selection in your picture. It can be hard to find the right selection but it is fun to work with. In the videos I allready watched on @*****  I never saw it, I think. If you did not show it yet, it is totally worth it. Sorry for my bad english, I am working on it.

Rey Fox: Awesome tutorial! Helped me a lot! Thanks Aaron! ^,^

NorthINC: You're doing great tutorials, thanks for that! If you have an idea of how to get a preview of haircuts before actually cutting them, please let me know ;D

Fredina Mihaila: Amazing blend work. Thanks! Gave me a few ideas to try out..

dave insanityinanutshell: Ive watched most of your tutorials good stuff. I have an issue with this one, you should have pre masked only the hair . you did the inverse and masked everyting as you went . Too many workflow steps, it could be simplified. Judging by the the rest of your postings im sure the advanced program is worth buying.

Forest Cherry.: I've been looking for a photoshop tutorial like this for many time and this is the best one so far!

APRICEPRODUCTION: Having used Photoshop for about 17 years, I'm still marveled by the things you learn from tutorials for this great piece of software. It really offers endless learning, and you never stop learning how to do things. 

mythrodos: Aaron you are amazing I really enjoy learning from you. Keep up the great work!

markie polo: Being only an advanced beginner it made my head spin but it's fabulous...I'd love to be doing this all day.

Marcelo Favio Media Designer: great video... refreshed a lot of old tricks I had almost forgotten.. Thanks!

R. H.: A very naive question, but I'm a beginner and wondering: what difference will this process make than using the brush tool and adjusting its size and color opacity to simply change the hair color?

-Vlad-: Very fast but i learned a lot!!! thanks for this tutorial!!  :)

Al Aitken: Man I am eating up all your tutorials! They are great, thank you so much :)

Yoran Mitz: I have viewed this video a couple of weeks back and it is amazing! Thanks to it peoples' hair colour is no longer a challenge. I have had only one problem- when changing brown hair into ginge i didn't know how to create shades to give it a more natural and settle look.  can anyone be of assistance? 

Jean Gallant: Thank you! You helped me greatly to change a client's hair color from brown to grey.

MAXXIMILIAN: 20 minute Photoshop tutorials that are actually entertaining? Subscribed!

Megan Leleniewski: This is a great tutorial! my only problem is that in highlighting the black hair and doing the blonde hair, it doesn't change all of the hair, it gets horribly pixel-y and not smooth at all when I change the underlying layer. 

M I: This is awesome. Could you please tell me which software you used to make the video-in-video effect? Thanks

Ammar MokBel: Thank you for this great effort being done But is it possible to leave us a link to download the same images that you work them to be downloaded and rehearsed and thank you

NighteeeY: Wow. Pretty impressive. But I miss something: in so many lessons you do stuff with layer masks and say "i dont spend much time to create an accurate layer mask" but THIS is, what I would find very usefull. Can you please do a lesson about how to create an accurate layer mask, specially working with hair or other difficult objects. Thanks so much!

Brandon Campbell: Incredible tutorial, defiantly going to be looking into more of your videos.

CiV: Good thing I subscribed in your channel...Learned a lot of things from you guys! Keep up the good work!Kudos!

Tom Harris: Wow works great!  Now if only every picture I take is of a redhead with a solid background I should be set!

Moon: I always wanted to learn Photoshop, but there are never any classes offered at the colleges or universities around here. I mean classes specifically for Photoshop and learning different tips, tricks, and techniques. Thanks for the video. Subscribed!

Kash Bani: easily understandable !! Thanks :)

Anubi1989: I find this technique simple when you start from brown/blonde/red hair, but what when hair are black? The hue saturation tool seems useless in that case... do you have any tips for the black-hair case?

Promiseu Mandi: its not impossible, But you can change from dark to hair to blonde, it just depends on what you lay over the general picture as well, you can also lay it over and then erase everything else around but by the hair you know? anyways, Hope that was helpful.

NetTubeUser: 17:03 - To me, it's just a Black&White effect, than real black hair. The problem is that all the colors are gone in highlights and in mid-tones. But yes...we can say that she has "black" hair, in some way which is good for a "fast preview".

Piyush Harjani: if u want to change hair colour from black to light colour then follow steps 1 select hair 2 hit cmd I ...this will change your black hair to white and will keep the texture 3 change hue of selection

Madeleine Guatache: Hi!! Great video, I´m not so good with english and I really really appreciate if you could put subtitles, if not too much trouble of course !! Thanks!! 

桜島莉子: Thanks a lot!!! This helped me in doing my homework and hopefully other projects in the future

joony02: It's a really good tuto, but I still have some problens in changing from blonde to black, I'll try harder! Tks for the vídeo, your tutos are amazing

GrownFolx: This really helped me. I get great info from every video i watch from you Thanks soooo much

Christopher Down in Brazil: Dude! Thanks for this intense (that's a lot of info to take in at once) video. Love the outtakes BTW .

Luca: This seems to be so hard but i know a easier way. Just create a new layer change it into overlay and then take a brush pick any color you want and start brushing. You'll see that her or his hair color will change. You can change eye color or lips color with this method .


Hala Bin Himd: You are amazing.. Thank you I want to ask about the software you use to capture the lesson, how can i do it? Thank you

Post. Color. Gear.: You just reminded me of something. Before summer started, I shaved my hair. Before I did, I brought a picture of myself into Photoshop to see what it would look like shaved. Maybe that would be an idea for a future video. (Not for people who want to shave their heads, per se, but maybe if someone is doing a fantasy composite or something) 

Michael Hasenkamp: That's why I watched this so I could "Dye" My hair in photo shop to see how it will look on me and my friends. Thanks what helpful. 

Antonio M.: YOU are AWESOME!!!! Thank you, really learnt a lot. Keep it up ;)

Sofia Pracucci: I'm Italian, I managed to follow the explanation pretty well...until min 5:47. I can't copy the saturation mask with the curves, cause I didn't understant which buttons I have to use :D

CurSe: Dude i remember starting out and visiting this video like 3 years ago and now that a friend of mine asked me to change her hair color i came back here and the nostalgia kicked in.

sysneg: I could go through your whole channel and thumb-up every video but instead I just click subscribe. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

Lee Alcantara: sir, could you make a tutorial about the basic commands :) thanks. i always watch ur tutorial :) but im just a beginner :)

Mike Pawlik: Aaron, what's the name of this very nice backing track? I love it. Also, of course, great content, as always!

richie m Billy: thank you :) I never knew how that worked. now I do. that is supa kewl. I was able to help my Niece find what color she like to change her hair color to. her mom will have the say in that. but I was able to do this with your help. it is much appreciated. thank you.

tyas513: omg it's fun.. easy to practice too. thanks a lot :D

Yashxo: Awesome vids, I love learning new things :), thanks!

Gmanrule4277: When you come to this tutorial to try and see how your hair would look dyed but you have really dark hair :,)

Twilight Fey: Okay. I'm doing something wrong here. When I use the blend mode and bring down the underlying layer it leaves large blocks of yellow instead of blending like yours is doing.

Noor Atamny: i learned alot of things from you thank. and you funny so i can learn fast

w_R Andrs: I tried this and his tutorials are great. However the picture i use are almost impossible to do this task. I can't switch photo since this is a part of school project i'm doing. I blame the camera guy... Any way the problem is that there are some hair straws (thick ones) hanging down on my forehead so it's tricky to paint only the face back to my skin color without sacrificing the hair. Is there a way to mark only the face and leave out the hair so i can get done with this already? Any help is welcome ;)

Elise Stewart: Hi  I was just wondering to do things like change hair, body shape and so on.....Most tutorials already have a perfect background... do you do any tutorials that address these issues with a photo with its normal background.. thanks love your tuts

KingTutsPro: What microphone are you using? The one on your shirt?

Brian Pex: Exceptional tutorials! Love them! Fast paced but it makes you learn faster. These videos along with are great...

Danielle Howard: You always have the best tutorials~

Kelsey Lane: This is brilliant. Thank you so much.

Muhammad Assiddiq: Aaron, your tutorials are the best, thanks a're the best

Live Concert: very simple but awesome... easy to understand tutorial TQ

Am D: how did you select around the hair? if you can do tutorial on selection that will be good because i missed it up!!

Paul: Amazing. Thanks - I just find that you are moving a little bit too fast for a newbie like me.

swampz: whats the name of the tool he uses at 4:33 to bring back the colour in the skin?

Dhiren Trivedi: Great techniques. Thank you.

Lisa M. Noble: Excellent!  You are right, it is very hard to change hair color if you need to.

Daryl: Best hair color tutorial on the planet! Thank you!

Alexandru Dobra-Someşan: it would be interesting to see a tutorial from blackhair to blonde hair :D  not easy at all 

Raquel De Almeida: i love this! but i'm trying to do it with brown hair, so the Selective Color doesn't work in this case

Oliver Rickers: Awesome tutorial, thanks!

Amanda Rosebud: I'm using adobe photoshop cc 2015, and I have been having so many issues with the entire picture changing color, rather than just the hair. How to I fix that? I have tried selecting just the subject I want to edit, but it still changes the whole picture.

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