Facial Hair Removal For Women Over 60 - Advice From A Celebrity Makeup Artist

Facial Hair Removal for Women Over 60 - Advice from a Celebrity Makeup Artist

When we discover unwanted facial hair, our first reaction may be to shave it off. The problem, as Ariane explains, is that shaving tends to make your hair grow back in thicker.

This isn’t so much of a problem on your legs, but, it’s more noticeable on your face. Visit Sixty and Me: http://sixtyandme.com/facial-hair-remo...


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#FacialHairRemoval #CelebrityMakeupArtist #SixtyAndMe

Hi everyone - this is Margaret Manning with 60 and me. This is the place where women over 60 come to be inspired and art, makeup and beauty. Expert Aryan pool is with us today, she's a great friend of 60 in me, and we've got some questions from the community for Aryan. How are you doing Aryan? I am doing really great and ready and raring to go. It is so good to have you here, because this time you know, we've done lots of videos with you. We have a product videos as well and a beauty videos, and we have asked the community of women we have about a hundred thousand in our community. Now yeah and we asked them what questions do you have for Aryan and they love you, so they just laid it out there all the stuff, that's on their minds. Well, I love answering, so I'm ready all right fire away. Okay, so we have one here that I'm people are it's not a taboo subject is one that people sometimes don't want to talk about, and that is facial hair. They pop up in the strangest places like overnight sassy boom, said overnight. You look at myself in the mirror. You put your creams on at night, you go to bed thingy. Ah, you know lovey you wake up the next morning. You look in the mirror and where did that one? That'S suddenly it was not there and it's suddenly. This long, it's a mystery, it's one of the mysteries of the universe. It really. I think we should do a time lapse on our faces and just see how it kind of rings out at us, but laughing aside. What do we hear quite disconcerting? I have facial hair as well. I'Ve got a few that grow here along my chin. I'Ve got quite a few that grow along here, which I really you know I'm keeping an eye on, and then I give it a few that should grow around this area like by my ears, and things may be annoying. So so what do we do? That I mean I actually get them to the side of my table and I hope I'm doing the right thing, but you're gon na tell us what it whatever right thing. I get them here. So yet you can see as we go. Alright, there's there's a few things. I say the nose first is totally okay. I have had quite a few clients that I'm doing their makeup and untouched here and I suddenly feel like stubble and they have shaved that area, probably out of frustration. So I can really sympathize with that. You get so fed up and you think, ah enough - and I don't do I beg you not to do that, because once you get down that road, it sees the pre-wrote you have to keep on doing and it grows back in stubble like a man's fear. So you really really don't want to do that now, um. Normally, I would say to that me I'm a huge fan of threading for the eyebrows, but I spoke to one client when we were talking about this conversation exactly funnily enough, and she said I tried threading on my face, but it made the hairs, grow back thicker And more now that could have been just her experience or that could have been a generalized experience. I don't know, but I'm just sharing that with the community just in case it happened to you, you're, not the odd one out. If it has happens on areas just interrupting you, but could you just explain for those who don't know what threading is? What is is an Indian technique from India and they kind of hold like cotton thread in their teeth and they go like this. I don't know how they pull out the hair with the lid i Alfred um. I'Ve never had it done. I don't have that many hairs on my brows to do it and I've always been really vigilant with my brows anyway, but I've recommended lots of people having it done, because the ones that I've seen who had the brows done look amazing in whenever I'm doing someone's Makeup - and I see perfect brows, I said: do you get it thread and they go yes, and I know it. I know it for a fact. So it's a good thing. Okay, um, but, like I said I don't know what the situation is when it's around the face, the face area rather than the brows okay. Now, what I do is I use tweezers. I use a good pair of tweezers um. These are my Aryan pool ones, but tweezerman ones are brilliant because they are super efficient and super great, and then there's a lady in here in the UK kochava and she does some really great tweezers as well. Okay, you know looking for one, you need to have a good pair of tweezers not and you have to make sure that they come together. So if I do that this has to come together, if there's gaps is it pointed, is it a pointy one or is it flat? Oh, it's slanted. Okay, some people like pointy some people like Santa. I prefer slanted because of the angles that I go in on and okay like that so on, but it's completely personal choice. The other thing I would suggest is a super super good mirror. I have a love-hate relationship with this mirror. I have one. This is also a tweezerman mirror, I think it's magnification times 20 or 15, or something like that. It'S huge, it's a scary, mirror. What is great, it's got these little suction. Yes, I have went to on my way to go there. You got it on your way that you look at you got oh my gosh, and you could be there for like 15 minutes getting rid of all the stuff that you need to get rid of. But at least you can see it because you know looking at a normal mirror, you just don't notice them and how. I noticed the ones on my chin, I'm sitting in the car in traffic idle and you try to pull it out with your finger. What doesn't work now? You can't get a grip with your faces anyway, so I don't think it's a really an issue. Laser treatment is really really good women. I know that I've had it have actually sworn by. So if it's something that is in your budget - and you really want to have it done then go for that as well. Okay, you know there aren't there are options out there. What about the creams? I'M the only reason I'm not a huge fan of the creams waxing is good, but the cream. Sometimes, if you're, if you have sensitivity, it can cause a flare-up now I did an event in a waxing studio um. How weird is that um? It'S called wax in the city, it's here the UK, but apparently it's all over Europe as well, and these women came out with these there. There there was this bit here, their upper lips wax and they were complaining that looked like a bright red. So you know it works really good to find that redness. No. What I was gon na ask you about that eye. Concealer palette, uh-huh, oh yeah, your concealer palette is okay. I put it on one of the ladies and she went oh my gosh. Yes, she ran around the salon, but look at look at look at you can say why am i lucky there's nothing. You have nothing done. I have I had this wax. It was bright. Red arjan got rid of the red. So if you're gon na do the waxing and you have to go somewhere or go to work right away, yeah or go any anyway go out the door anywhere except anywhere in public. Even if it's on the you know getting home um, the concealer palette works really really well to neutralize its non-core clogging. So it will not clog the pores it works really well just to neutralize. So waxing is a really other good option as well. That'S a really great suit. I'M glad that you mentioned that, because I have always been nervous about putting makeup on my lip after I've had it waxed, because I thought that I would get it would flare up with my acne it. What you know that it would get into my pores, but yes yeah yeah, but that's great to know that I mean, of course the concealer palette. Isn'T gon na clog, your pores. So it's perfect! No! It was only because she sat in my chair and she wanted me to do her eyes and I'm looking at her eyes thinking. I can't do that with this bright red. What looks like a like a red stripe? I said it's gon na distract, so I said, let me just do this into a corner and she I did it into it. Okay, that is yeah. That is actually more happy with the fact that I hid the red. Then I did amazing eyes on her, but she was really chuffed with the red god. That is good okay, so we know what not to do. We know what to do and if you want to take a look at Aryans website, it's Aryan, Paul, calm, that's pol! Eecom and you've got some the concealer palette, of course, and all kinds of other wonderful products, and I think this has been helpful. I hope that this has helped you, if you're watching and concerned about facial hair and if you do have any questions for areum. Just leave them in the section below the article and Aryan checks in down again, and I can answer as well and make sure we get all your questions answered. Thanks, Aryan really appreciate your advice on this one. You

poppy flower: A sense of humor goes a long way. You guys are great! The facial hair problem is a constant thing for me. I pluck and shave, but they sprout, even before the day is over! Can't afford professional intervention, and I think those options HURT, too. Getting older is definitely not for sissies!

Fiona Fowlks: Think of threading as speed tweezing! The operator holds a loop of thread between her teeth and then twists the two ends together. Taking an end in each hand, she pulls one side or the other, making the twist run across the skin, ripping out everything in its path. It is super quick, super precise, lasts a long time and is relatively inexpensive. I get threaded two or three times a year, and then do occasional plucking in between to tidy up.

Serena: I'm so glad to have found this channel today! I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only 60+plus dealing with some annoying facial hair! I use the angle tweezers as well as the magnified mirror! I would "never" shave my face! I'm going to check out the highlighter and foundation at a store called, Big Lots. They are a discount store in the US that carry make-up. Knowing what product name to look for is helpful...so thank you. I have bought name brand mascara and lipsticks for half the drug store price. I've never used a primer serum though. I'm cautious about products on my face and like a light natural feeling. Anyway I appreciate this channel. The 1st video I saw was about living alone and managing our time. I'm also 65yrs young, single and enjoy it! My children are grown and living their lives and mom is creating a new normal. Hasn't always been fun or easy but it's good! Thanks Again!

taylorgrace87: I am 58, and I use the Bellabe facial hair remover. It is a tool that pulls the hair out by the roots, much like tweezing, except that it is removing many hairs at a time so it is quick. And at this age, I find that using tweezers is impossible as I can't see the hairs. And Bellabe is perfect because I don't need to look in the mirror at all!!

Deborah Montgomery: Glad you covered this topic! I think this point may have be covered in comments?: Regardless of what method we use for hair removal, at home or salon, the number ONE responsibility is keeping all equipment clean/sterilized, right down to that fave pair of tweezers. In salons it's a good idea to ask & there should be no hesitation toward a client to be shown, how cleaning is done on everything: tweezers, epilation devices, thread, equipment for laser, etc. Show if gloves are used, hand washing techniques. Pamphlets/ website section devoted to this is a good way to describe/promote your business...follow through is vital. I offer this example from experience: perhaps you are unable to see up close or are prohibited in some way to tweeze & have found a salon that offers service of hair removal. Do the above...ask. If waxing or sugaring are not what you want, it's ok. If someone does do tweeting, chat with them first, same with shaving. May sound excessive, yet, tucking the little individually wrapped alcohol pads in a purse will prove useful for several things actually, (a box being inexpensive.) In this case, to double clean the tweezers, (or bring your own pair, many do.) Also, quite important, the conversation can occur with no hard feelings when handled well. Don't learn the hard way! Bacterial, fungal, etc. transfer sadly happens too often. At home make a point of washing tweezers with soap & water before each use, as well our make up brushes & sponges...it's common sense really..We can avoid many skin infections. Same for nail salons. Another level ; - ; Been in all 3 sides...An ounce of prevention! Your channel is delightful Margaret, you card deck beautiful. Thank you!

Marianne Harms: Love the topic. I was a very very blonde child but also have always had plentiful (soft/blonde) arm hair and plentiful blonde “peach fuzz” all over my face and neck. It’s lighter to negligible on forehead, center of cheeks and heavier on neck, chin, jawlines, lower cheeks out to the hairline /sideburns, and of course above and below the lips. I have found that if I ever remove the hair entirely with waxing or depilatory (especially now in my early 60’s) that my skin looks overly waxy/shiny which emphasizes wrinkles and texture. I guess the bit of peach fuzz “softens” the look and, for me, looks more natural? I do tweezer plucking of coarser hairs on the chin and around the mouth and lips and then use one of circular head wand style “shavers” lightly over all of the heavier peach fuzz areas. It does give a very soft “stubble” grow-back. I think I might look into the Emjoi type tool. It’s a battle for sure.

Maggie H: I tweeze most of the thicker longer ones that are easily visible in the regular mirror. I then use a tiny little batter powered razor meant for dry removal of fine hairs. (Similar to a Schick Silk razor) I have no issues with that at all. No thicker or darker growth, no stubble - because I've tweezed so much of it. When I used to go out of the house more than I do now, I used to use the upper lip hair removal. Now, well, I just don't care anymore. LOL!

Jammer170909: I had lots of chin hairs and hair over lip. I waxed and tweezed ever day since the hair grew really fast. I finally went for electrolysis and after many treatments, I have no facial hair. It was around $30 for half hour and took some time but I’m happy with result and no more waxing or tweezing. I just go back for touch ups and now doing some maintenance on eyebrows so I don’t have to wax them. I previously did laser but wasn’t happy with result.

Deborah Hurt: I’ve had several laser treatments but the hair always comes back. I can spend an hour or more plucking chin and neck hairs. It’s so frustrating!

acmeannie: Shaving does not increase the number of hair folicles you have nor does the existing hair grow back in thicker...otherwise, our menfolk would disappear in runaway beards by the age of 20. Tweezing may be ok for a few hairs but not for a whole jawline, upper neck, and upper lip full...it may offend our feminine pride at first but shaving may be only way to go for some of us to go.

Shield Maiden Uncy: So funny how, with age, some of us start losing the fullness of our eyelashes and eyebrows......yet, all of sudden my missing eye lashes and eyebrow hairs apparently have decided to start growing out of my chin!

lyndydaisy: So helpful and really made me smile ... and smiling about chin hairs is such a good idea thank you both.

Nancy Ingram: Thank you for addressing this issue. And thank you for NOT calling it "plucking"! We tweeze, you PLUCK a chicken!

bostongal912: I just love Ariane! She is so sweet and down to earth! Thanks for all the great tips! Women all over YouTube are shaving their faces but I'm afraid to because I don't want that stuble on my face! I've tried the creams and they work pretty good and I use tweezers too! Anyway don't ya just hate it! Oh the joy of getting older!

Leslie Ann: Great video ladies, this is topic that most of us women go through but to ashamed to talk about it

Catherine Dorrian: I had my eyebrows threaded once. Never again! It just went on and on and on getting gradually more painful. The tears were streaming down my face and the sweat was running down my back. I had to tell the girl to stop as I couldn't bear it any longer. And left with one eyebrow done. Stuck to waxing after that. It's still painful but it's over quick.

Ginny Lorenz: I love my "Emjoi". (Got it on Amazon.com) Looks like an electric shaver, but it plucks. Love it for my upper lip. It gets so many little hairs (and big) at once. Also use it on my legs, arms, etc. Hair grows in less and less (at least on legs). Upper lip seems to be able to keep producing lots of hair. Oh well.......such is life for this 77 year young lady.(-:

The King's Daughter: For me, it had gotten so the cream would irritate my skin (upper lip peach fuzz), but the hair would not budge!! Waxing is it for me now. And my skin isn't red after the procedure!

Rosalind Stewart: I got my upper lip, chin and brow area waxed yesterday and ended up with a severe allergic reaction (with red puffiness and bumps). I guess my facial area has grown sensitive over the years (I’m 71). I used to get this same kind of waxing done years ago with no problems. Ugh!

Bethany Wenger: Plucking the chin hair can leave bumpy skin that looks like scar tissue. Waxing can stretch skin and increase wrinkling. I think laser would be ideal. Otherwise, I think a mixture of techniques that prevent you from stressing the same skin area's over and over is the best way.

Indy Smith: It is important to know that laser hair removal only works on pigmented hair, not on grey hairs. Electrolysis is one of the few permanent techniques to remove grey facial hairs. Laser will work, but each person may need a different number of treatments.

Osso Taylor: Ive been waxing for 10 years. I simply have it done in the late afternoons, with cortisone cream or aloe vera gel over night. By morning the redness is gone.

Linda Swoveland: I used to tweeze my chin hairs, but would end up with little bumps on my chin line. So now I shave and it does not grow back thicker and I have no more bumps. So I have to say NO to tweeting chin hairs.

Sue Lois: I love how natural you ladies are. I use a cream, seems to work well for me but every now and then there is one of those rogue hairs. Ewwwwww

Kathleen Zajkowski: I would like to add my experience with laser hair removal. I am naturally blonde, very blonde and the laser does not work on light colored hairs. On one treatment they even rubbed black goop on my face hoping to help. It doesn't and I spent several thousand dollars trying.

Cathy Thielen: While it might be true for most that shaved hair does not grow back dark & stubbly, I would be careful about "all". Genetics, hormones, environment play an individual role. That being said, my mother had dark stubble after shaving so I'm not going there. I had electrolysis done in my 30's and it was extremely effective but menopause has undone some of that. Waxing worked wonderfully until I started using Retin-A (tretinoin). I tweeze to get rid of those shadowy hairs I can't see anymore - usually in my car in my driveway cuz I'm not a make-up girl and I don't see myself close up in the bathroom mirror!

Patricia Dumas: No, ask any dermatologist-- shaving does NOT make hair grow back thicker. It's only the angle that it grows back that makes it look thicker. But it is not. Grows back the same way. Just shaving has to be done every day.

Charlene Brownlow: PTL Margaret…good information; I use tweezers! I am determined to get over my inexperience and teach myself to wax. Again, thank you for sharing.

2baSelkie: Laughter is the best medicine, well I was smiling right through this excellent video. You will not believe this, but truly I only learned that women shaved or waxed their legs. I will be 67 on December 16th. One would have thought that I should have known. :) I learned this from a young man of 24 whom I had taught to ride. It was a hot day and I was wearing shorts and had legs resting on another chair. "you have shaved your legs!" he said. " "Eh, I have never shaved my legs in my life, why should ?!? I replied. "Well I cannot see any hair," he said. For a second I was confused I was sure I had hairs on my legs. "I have lots of hair on my legs, they keep me warm"" I was beginning to think this was so funny. "look," I said. He and I did. Confirmation, I was not hairless! It was just that being blond the hairs really do not show at all, same on my face. I do remember for some reason reading an article that said when you age there comes a point when the eyebrow hair does not grow back, so everyone be warned. Fran. :)

Judith Neeley: I tweeze using a flashlight app on my cell phone and the same magnification mirror you just showed in your video. Years ago, I went through electrolosis, but shame on me for reverting back to tweezing. They would have all been gone if I had finished the electrolosis. Oh well. I too get bumbs from tweezing, mostly on my chin area.

Lyn DeFehr: Tweezerman have a battery powered light that shines between the two shafts of the tweezers + they are sharp & slanted. It’s amazing what I see when I’ve turned it on after thinking I’d gotten all those pesky hair.

Bunty Bunny: I pluck the hairs from my chin and under my nose, but I shave between my brows. I don't pluck my brows as they are doing a very good job of disappearing all by themselves

Patti Pacer: I have been using an epilator since a hair stylist friend of mine used one to remove my facial hair. I works really well, much more efficient than tweezing and it saves me money because I don't have to pay for waxing.

Denise Younger: Nose trimmers work for peach fuzz tweezers are necessary for black strays! I have more face hair than on my legs lol

water2wine1: I think I’m going to get an electric shaver. My blonde peach fuzz grows back so quickly on the sides of my neck and jawline. Tried a razor but have difficulty hitting all the spots evenly.

Lindseyann2u: If you keep a magnifying mirror in your car for this purpose, be careful to cover it up if you’re parked in the sun. My mom caught the lining of the ceiling of her car on fire by the sun shining on the mirror. Magnifying mirrors have this effect.

Simone B: What about results of home IPL treatments? Is it effective? Thanks for video! :)

melendu29: I had planned electrolysis, but being under lockdoen for 3 months now... in the meantime, it grows and grows... This is the ultimate solution as plucking or threading does not work anymore, it makes it grow thicker, plus they are now too many. I guess I will be under treatment for at least 2 years...

Flordelotus: Love your interviews, always bring the best of the themes and interviewees.

Jane B: I've been shaving my peach fuzz for years,  mine definitely does not grow back thicker. You pay big money to have an esthetician "plane" your face. It's the same as shaving it.

N B: To whoever complaining about the breakup after removing the hair from the face, breakouts cause by bacteria, which could be on your hands or on the tweezer or the cotton strings, the solution is, wet a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide %3 and rub it over the face and then remove the hair, and use another fresh cotton ball, after u are done. if it's your first time or u have sensitive skin, mix a little water with peroxide and then use it until you get used to it, it's guaranteed u won't get any breaks out, I'm doing it for over 35 years on my own face , and I suggest it to all my clients, try it and thank me later.

AbbieJolie: I have used a smaller Epilady for over a decade, along with Tweezerman slanted Tweezers.

judy: I keep tweezers in my car!...sunlight shows things we tend to miss!!! Blessings!

Genie: I agree that shaving causes stubble. I know a couple of women who do this and they definitely have it.

water2wine1: Mine left my legs and arm pits and was rerouted to my nostrils. Lol

Shelia: Do you not feel that waxing causes the skin and gives you wrinkles around the mouth on your chin and around theJaw line and gives you more wrinkles as it’s pulling the skin

LaMar: I use a Tweezie battery-operated tweezer. I absolutely love it. It even gets the ones you can't see. It's a real bargain. It is fast too. It is tweezing though so it is not without a little pain. I will never burn my upper lip with wax again. You can get them on Amazon for around $10

Suni: Derma planning is best. Gets rid of dry fead skin as well

Carolyn Hiscock: Have heard that laser treatment works for black haired people ,not fair haired .I did electrolysis for years ....still have problem with unwanted hair growth .

JB Loveday: What a gorgeous fabric Ariane’s top/dress is! Wish I could see it all. Great video, thanks.

Carol Mielke: Ariana you are hilarious and tell it like it is!

Louise Ricketts: I like to keep a pair of tweezers in the car. looking at yourself in the car mirror in daylight seems to highlight hairs you may have missed before. I often wonder what people walking by must think when they see me plucking hairs out!

maria Minogue: Sorry but she advised laser but failed to mention that it only works on dark hair. Not red or blonde or grey

Sherry Hudson: I get infections at the site of a coarse hair and tweezing only irritates it. I now go to a lady who is certified in electrolysis. She says to shave but not tweeze. I now have clear skin from the electrolysis. Please check into it. It works and is permanent

marilyn gandhi: I love threading... but don't do it often... usually tweeze... or depilate...

Wendy Burns: I’ve been told that Laser doesn’t get rid of white or gray hair. I have had it done and it does help with the darker hair but still have those course white hairs that poke out of my chin. Someone needs to develop a laser that gets rid of gray and white hair. If someone knows one, let me know.

Grandma jane: She convinced me to keep shaving!

esterixis: I'm leery of laser treatments, since I'm darker skinned & fear skin discoloration. I've had brows/lip/chin waxed for years, & always had breakouts after, until I discovered a salon that uses pure beeswax. Seems I was reacting to the additives in the other waxes. I only use tweezers if I find a stray in between waxes.

MaryQuiteContrary: Lol, tweezing my chin -> hobby that I do to occupy my hands while watching (well, okay, listening to) Youtube videos, instead of just fingering my face and fretting. A lamp behind bounces light off the 10X concave mirror onto my chin, showing even the smallest culprit. Bonus: upper lip, nose, and eyebrows, too. I like skinny scientific tweezers for this because they don't limit my view of this very close work. Very useful video, comforting to know so many women struggle and overcome this common problem.

Elaine Warner: I have to tweeze daily and I use Bump Stopper as I get bumps galore, but it is not enough. I am fair with light hair thus, no laser. I can't use electrolysis as it scars my face terribly. Depilitories do not remove completely and irritate. I need to use every day and they are too caustic for that. Waxes at home don't pull out any hairs. Waxing is like mass tweezing but it doesn't work. Help me

Mona Miles: I tweeze and tweeze daily. Then the breakouts happen and I have in grown hairs all the time. What to do?

mintea: Isn't dermaplaning the same as shaving... does the hair grow back thicker?

Linette Cosper: I have peach fuzz all over my face. How do I get rid of it??

tillie true: Watch out for the neck too. I have found some long random hairs here and there What's up with that ? LOL I wonder why the facial hairs seem to go berserk with age ?

Claudette Monty: My dermatologist told me that laser cannot work for me because my silly long hair on the chin are white. You must have colour hairs for the laser treatment!

Gloria Salsman: I am 66years young, I have tried waxing, the emoji it worked but it hurt and the pain was the same, every time.i hear you say waxing is good until the wax pulls off some of your skin.

Mary Cheney: Bunk, it doesn't grow back in thicker. It might feel that way because the ends are blunt, but if left to "grow wild" again, they eventually taper to a fuzzy soft point again.

Cheryl Baney: Does laser treatment work on gray and white hairs as well?

Judy L. Beres: I end up picking giant holes in my face with tweezers. Waxing doesn’t get the thick hairs. Maybe I should just try to grow a beard.

dian kreczmer: I am afraid of ingrown hair on face, so just use fingernail scissors on upper lip and brows

Liz Moore: You really made me smile too to myself,,I immediately got up ,,went to the bathroom and had a nice shave ,,,,,,lols

Melinda Mitchell: I can't believe this women used this lady for her interview about hair removal! She knows nothing. Liz Taylor, Marilyn Monroe and so many others in show biz shaved their face. It does not come back thicker. It is another form of exfoliating and leaves the skin fuzz free and smooth. You can use these thin blades called "Tinkle" (I know weird name) from Amazon. Many use these. I always use them on the side of my face and it's amazing. Make up goes on better and no more fuzz. I'm light haired and have light skin. Celebrities do do this. It is safe and a good thing. I started with an eye brow shaver and then found these other shavers.

beegees39: Laser is good on dark hair but no good for white /light hair at 62 I have a lot of white hair on my chin .

Sheri Sampson: What about the flawless device. Seems to me it’s just like a Norelco electric shaver my dad used years ago.

Terry Ciraulo: Can't tweeze anymore because of carpal tunnel in my hands and shoulders. Have to shave. To much hair to tweeze. might look into laser.

CLARA3952 koss: when I tweeze around and under chin I get bad breakout as hairs grow back...

Connie Gilmour: What is the mirror called? Is it available online?

Josephine Fabi: Great info thanks

Patricia Williams: An at-home laser hair removal device, although very expensive, is definitely the way to go!!

Katalin Gerstenberger: I recently bought the Kenzo laser hair removal and they recommend shaving before using it!

Susan Brown: I have the same problem. My chin has stubble like a man. I have used creams but they burn my face. I have auburn hair and light skin.

Helena Hayes: I had 6 laser treatments under my chin. It eventaully just grew bak.

Gloria Salsman: I bought and have used the hand held hair remover, flawless, made in Germany, but they don't last long, I have a facial layer thinging about buying a new on that cover a larger space, I think it depends on the person, what works better for them, they need to invent a pill that would get rid of facial hair,

Lots3say: Supplements zinc and copper has lessened the hair on my chin.

Joellen Murphree: I am surprised that you did not include electrolysis. This is a permanent solution and is not expensive in my area ( southern U S).

Cathy L....... : Laser treatment does not work for grey hair my daughter is a estician...I been plucking for years and my facial hair does not grow back thicker

TMC: Hi I'm 34 but I love hearing wisdom an not the things most ones my age and younger are talking about! I have P.C.O.S an a lot of hair, osteoarthritis, degenerative disk disease, fibromyalgia , hooded eyes and lupus so a lot of women my age don't understand all of the facial hair and everything I also was blessed with hair on my nose lol! I love hearing y'all! And I use the really close mirror all the time! I can't do the laser treatments or the cream part because of everything I have an the other it all the mess I'm on so I have been plucking, shaving and now trying spearmint tea! (I have to pluck every other day and shave every day)!

Carrol McDaniel: I have been tweezing but I’m getting bumps from it ....help

Laurie Bott: Laser treatment only works if it's dark hair I have white hair and it doesn't work on it, and I have too many to pluck

Laura K: If I tweese/or anything (it doesn't matter where on my face) I get ingrown hair there.

Bella Bee: I find tweezing causes I growing hairs sometimes

Andrea Hughes: Is there a laser treatment for the white chin hairs. I was told a few years ago that there wasn't a laser to detect the white hairs. Now I've had a, salon tell me they can remove white chin hairs by making the hair follicle bleed and the laser will detect the blood in the follicle just like the laser would detect a dark hair in a folicle and it will kill the white hair root. Have you ever heard of that method or technique and if so does it work or would I be wasting my money on this procedure.

cata dunham: dark circles an puffyines can the mask help?

Mary Jane 1738: I shave my face all the time and have no stubble

Dee Schmitt: 67 and I shave and it's just fine. No stubble

N B: Tweezing is just like threatening or waxing, all methods get the hair out by roots, they are more painful because waxing and threatening will get rid of bunch of hair with one stroke, but tweezing is less painful because u get one hair at a time.

Irene Baker: Are the laser treatments permanent?

Nature's Friend: Nasal hair. Inside the nose opening is my problem area in ridding. I used to go to a salon and have wax removal. Trusted her to do a safe, professional job. Then she quit and haven't found replacement to do the job. Any recommendations? Over the counter?

Linda Mast: you two are fun; have to say though that I had laser and the hair was gone but I had a darkening of my upper lip after awhile as a side effect of the treatment; not a good tradeoff; so I tweeze which is just fine but time consuming; I've used wax too

CH S: I have a full on moustache. One thing to be thankful for although l have dark hair my moustache is blond. Thank you for sharing l needed this❤

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