How To Take Care Of Natural Hair + Updated Hair Growth Tips || Alyssa Marie

heyyy naturalistas! a video on hair growth is my most requested video of allll time, so I figured why not do an updated video with tips that I consistently use and have proven that they actually WERK for my hair...

hope you enjoy! xo

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Hey guys so summary here welcome back to my channel, so for today's video I wanted to touch on something that I get hundreds and hundreds of questions about daily, and that is all about hair growth. So I have done a video on hair growth. I shared a few of my top tips like earlier on in my natural hair journey, but I feel like at this stage like I've, learned a lot more and I can actually attest to some things that I have been doing religiously and consistently since the beginning of My natural hair journey, so I just wanted to do like an updated hair growth. Video, I'm gon na be sharing a lot that I've learned over this past year and a quarter or so that I've been natural as well things that I've learned from hairstylist diva Pro certified peeps like I'm, always spelling all the teeth, giving you all that I've got So, if you're interested in hearing about all of that, then just continue to watch alright, so first things first, I just got ta clear: the air get this out there. Hair growth is genetic, so the rate that your hair grows out is genetic. That is something that you're born with, not something that you can necessarily change. What you can do is make sure that your hair is in tip-top shape in order to be able to grow as fast as it possibly can. So it's important to kind of not compare yourself too much to other natural ESA's and their hair growth, just because your hair isn't growing as fast as somebody else's hair does not mean that you're necessarily doing something wrong. It could just be that that's just the way that your hair is genetically wired with. That being said, it is a possibility that there are some things that maybe you are doing that can inhibit your hair from growing as fast as it possibly can. So really what I'm discussing here, some tips that will help your hair to be at its happiest and healthiest, because that's really the main goal once your hair is healthy and happy, it's gon na be growing as fast as it's genetically wired to do so. For my first tim is actually something that i have learned recently and i have actually tested on my hair and realized holy. This is true, so my first tip would be to stop using heavy oils and heavy butters in your hair. Now, when I first started out my natural hair journey, I saw like Oh give me all the butter. I need all the moisture give me all oils. I even did a little porosity kind of video as well and for low porosity hair. They said you know, you need the sealing the moisture with some oil and blah blah blah, but I have since learned different, so how you can think about it is that oil and water, when you try to put them together, they never mix they just completely repel Each other, and so when you're putting oil in your hair, it's actually gon na repel any other water from getting back into your hair, especially when you are just continuously using oils on top of oils and butters and more oil. All you're doing is adding more build-up to your hair and that could actually in turn, make your hair drier, because there's so much like caked up on your strands that the water isn't able to get in and then you end up with dry hair. That'S just really upset with you and then it just doesn't want to grow. I actually did learn this from a diva curls certified hair stylist and at first I was kind of dislike. My hair needs oil like what are you talking about, but actually gave it a try and stay away from my heavier products and started using more light. Products like diva curl products, amazing camilla rose - also have some really amazing products that are really moisturizing, but not like a super heavy heavy butter. But i have noticed that my hair is much lighter. It'S much more bouncy. It just seems happier overall when i'm not layering. It on with all that kind of gloopy stuff natural, hair, crêpes, moisture water is moisture, so you don't want to use oil and make that be a barrier in between your hair and the water that your hair needs so much alright and for my next tip, is To do weekly treatments, and when I say weekly I mean weekly, like consistency, is key when it comes to taking care of your hair. A weekly treatment will allow your hair to bounce back from maybe a rough week of styling. Maybe you went to the gym for the full week me and your hair just completely dry it out. It'S just like a nice boost for your hair and it fills it back up with much-needed nutrients, and I just think this is something that is 110 percent necessary. But you can't just do like a weekly treatment here and there, if you can't wait for your hair to be like super dry breaking off for you to then be like. Oh, let me do a treatment like a treatment is something that you should do consistently. Ever since I went natural, I swear to you. I have done a weekly treatment without fail like once a week. Sunday'S are my days. I just pick a day and it's just. I call it my self-care Sunday, and the first thing I do is just take care of my hair, alright for tip number three. I know this is gon na be a hard year from some of you guys who really likes to use straighteners and stuff, but I would say absolutely no heat zero heat to straighten your hair. I personally have stayed away 100 % stay away from flat irons and from blow drying my hair straight 100 %. I made that decision from before I even big chop to like I said I was done, no more heat. I didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize my natural hair and, to be honest, I feel like that, has prevented my hair from a lot of potential damage, a lot of people with curly hair likes to say. Oh, you know I only blow-dry, my hair like once or twice a year, but to me I just feel like heat is eat and once you have put that into your hair, it's kind of like it doesn't matter. How often you do it? Obviously, if you do it more often than your hair is gon na be more damaged, but just because you only do it once or twice a year is also not like saying. Oh yeah it'll be fine, because once you put the heat in your hair, that's damaging it like right there. If you can stay strong and just stay away from the straighteners. The only time that I ever have used heat in my hair is when I'm drying it with the diffuser. Even then I kind of like to keep it on like a more warm setting, rather than the fully like hottest setting. I really feel like that has helped my hair to stay very happy to stay very moisturize and bouncy, and just in an optimum state, alright tip number four is something that I noticed or started doing, maybe halfway in my natural hair journey, so I went to San Francisco for my first trim and I found a diva curl - certified hair stylist over there and she was the one who taught me the importance of finger detangling and I went to her. I was super frustrated. I was having really frizzy hair and I just couldn't understand it, but what I learned when I went there is that the reason why I was experiencing frizz is because I was brushing my hair, so I have a Denman brush and every time in the shower, whenever I would put in Izzy's conditioner. I was then go through and brush out my curls and I know it works for some people, but for me it absolutely did not work. My hair was just a hot mess. Ever since I started finger detangling, my curl definition has been on fleek. Nothing else makes my curls pop as much as they do when I finger detangle, so I actually spoke to another diva curl certified hair stylist today about it honestly, you know like, what's your take on it, because I know I see some girls use brushes and combs And stuff in their hair is perfectly fine, but from mine it just didn't work, so I wanted to find out from him. Like you know, what's your thought he was explaining to me that when you use like a comb or a brush, you kind of lose connection with your hair. So you can't even realize like how hard you're pulling it and it just it. Just can confuse the curls kind of like you, don't realize how hard you're pulling in it's just like a hot mess and you're like yeah. I can hear. Oh, you don't even know versus when your finger, detangling, you're kind of taking your time, definitely have to do it in two small sections. It is more time consuming. But for me I have seen a major difference in my curls. My curl definition is poppin. Whenever I just take the time to just go through and finger detangle tip number five is something that I've also just started recently, and that is doing a full refresh of my hair twice a week. So, like I said earlier every week I do weekly treatment. So that's one of my full refresh is of my hair and then I'll do it like on a Wednesday or a Thursday during the week I'll go ahead and completely drench my hair again, not necessarily using a deep treatment. This time, because I kind of like to limit that to once a week, but I will use like a conditioner and then start the styling process over from the beginning again, natural hair, just really loves water, really loves moisture, sometimes waiting like a whole week for wash Day is just like not good enough for natural hair. Curly hair is just drier than regular hair. So when you're able to just give it that second refresh like in the middle of the week or so it can do wonders for your girls, all right for tip number six, which is last, but certainly not least, I would say to trim your ends consistently about Every four to six weeks, I can always tell when my hair needs a trim. It speaks to me. I swear to you, it's just not how it normally is. You just got ta, listen to your hair, like when my hair needs a trim. It gets a little frizzy, it's a little bit on the drier side. This lasts throughout a full week like it just will lose curl definition quicker. So when I start seeing those things, I'm like oh yeah, how long has it been since I've how to trim so trims are super helpful, because when you trim your hair, it helps to oxygenate the ends of your hairs. That sounds really fancy and scientific, but it just allows your hair to breathe more. Your dead ends are gone and it just gives it a new life, and I've also noticed that whenever I get a trim about like within the next one to two months after my hair grows, like a freakin weed, I don't know it's like magical. You think like, oh, I have really short hair and I never want to cut it because I want it to be super long that can actually hinder your hair from growing. If you don't get consistent trims, so you want to go ahead and get those ends. Oxygenated and pack, the light in order to promote more healthy, happy hair rooms, vampire that is it for this video super short sweet into the points. As you can see, the main goal really is to just try and keep your hair as happy and healthy as possible. It'S not a matter of saying, oh, what do I need to do to make my hair grow as fast as hers or grow as fast as hers like it's, not that it's? What do I need to do to get my hair as happy and healthy as possible? Everybody'S curls are different, so I feel like these tips that I have shared with you in this video are a great starting point and they're quite general tips that everybody can use. Everybody can try and see how God helps your hair. I hope you enjoyed this video guys. I'Ve been wanting to do an updated video just based off of all of the questions that I get on this topic. So if you guys have any further hair growth tips, please go ahead and comment them below your girl needs to see them. Other girls need to see them. We all need to see them. Let'S just share all the hair growth tips down below. Okay, as always, if you like this video go ahead and give me a thumbs up and also please do not forget to subscribe, let's help my channel grow. Y'All we got to do this together. Don'T forget to also hit that notification bow so that you can know every time a new video just anyways thanks for watching guys, I will catch you in my next video bye.

Life Soul Centered: Your hair looks super healthy and beautiful! I'm going to try changing 3 things; stop using so much oil; finger detangle; do a mid-week wash and light conditioning. One tip I've discovered - don't sleep with your hair loose for more than 2 nights; twist or braid it every couple of nights to prevent breakage. Another tip I discovered - do trim your ends every 3-4 months. My curls were beautifully defined after I trimmed my ends and I saw less shedding. Thank you for these excellent tips. Your hair looks amazing!

Tray: I love these tips!! When she said every 4-6 weeks for a trim I was like wait a minute but she meant months. And if I can add another big tip which to me is the biggest tip to anyone because its the foundation of any type of hair growth no matter the texture which is keep your hair and scalp clean especially the scalp whether that means using a shampoo, cleansing conditioner (co wash), clay what ever you choose.. So many people in our community believe in this myth that (dirty hair) grows for some reason and their walking around with itchy clogged scalps and all types of dermatitis and dry hair because they think water for what ever reason drys their hair out. Some of us can go longer than others without shampooing all the time and it works for them I agree we are all different and not all of us produce heavy amounts of sebum so we can go a little longer but only cleansing your hair once a month is pushing it at least every two weeks which to me even that is pushing it I can't go longer than 4-5 days my scalp ain't having it. But trust me clean follicles are the foundation of any type of hair growth and if your someone who suffers from a tender headed itchy scalp it could be because your not washing it enough so its causing your follicles to be irritated and inflamed.. In my experience I've noticed alot of people with scalp issues such as ( tender headedness) also don't wash their scalps for weeks at a time and they keep slapping oils on their scalps trying to combat the issue when its only making it worse. People sometimes don't realize your wash day is the most important day for your hair its the day when your hair gets the most moisture and TLC its the foundation for a healthy hair regimen. I use to have the worst scalp condition because I followed the not washing my hair for weeks myth and instead of listening to my scalp when it was trying to simply tell me it needed to be cleansed I walked around with horrible dermatitis until I learned my scalp needs to be frequently cleansed every few days and now my hair grows faster than I ever could imagine. Imagine what your face and skin would look and feel like after weeks of not washing it..Your scalp is also skin so that dead skin and oils just sit on it for weeks at a time. Just a tip listen to your scalp more often than not an itchy scalp is your scalp trying to communicate with you screaming cleanse me please.

Belle: Your hair cut and shape is everything! Looks so great on you!

Tanya: I think she has average length for 1 yr of hair growth. Her hair is beautiful!

Krista Samuels: Yesss! Fill them in! I love that you're open to professional advice I've also seen such I big difference in my hair since I stopped using oils and started using more water soluble products

Shaneka G: Loved these tips. I would have given the same ones. I especially love the one about not using heavy oils and butters on the hair. It was so frustrating when I started my hair journey, a lot of the hair videos on youtube recommended shea butter and various oils to seal the hair but it NEVER worked for me. Always made my hair feel dry and tacky. I can get away with putting a very small amount of certain oils on my hair but thats about it. So far whats working for me is just to use a leave in follow by a styler. Right now I'm using Pantene gold series curl defining pudding or mane choice 24 karat twisting gel. My hair stays moisturized for days and all I have to do is spray it midweek. I want to one day try and incorporate a midweek wash as you mentioned to see if it affects the moisture levels in my hair and length retention. As of now though, once a week deep treatments are a must!

Ana Christina: I just did the big chop 2 weeks ago and I love my curls. My natural hair stylist gave me treatment plan and no oils or butter. I though I needed oil, water is a great friend to our hair. I have a weekly treatment and I shampoo/condition once a week as well. I was so worried about going natural, but I am so happy with the results:)

Teetee In the house: Regular Aloe vera and rice water treatments, 10 minute scalp massages with peppermint oil, rosemary oil, and Olive oil before washing or co- washing, NO heat and a trim at a natural hair salon twice a year are my growth tips..I’ve been natural since 2004 and I love it!

Kearsten W: This is an excellent video, with so much valuable information!!!! Love it

Carla Shipman: Hair looks super healthy. Great video.

Hart Hart: Lighter oils No heat Finger de-tangling Trims!

Stephanie MDA: Gracias por toda tu ayuda por compartir tus conocimientos

Nikki Adams: Your hair is looking really good. Can you show us your routine with the lighter products?

Cindy Bindy: So pretty just big chopped. Thanks for the tips ❣️

Khaira Wilson: Yes would love to see current wash n go routine with instruction on finger detangling and example of "lighter" products. PS Your hair is on fleek!!

Sherryberry DC: Your hair look so cute and health. I will be cutting back on the oil. Thank you for the tips

Nurse CoCo: OMG. You’re my new Curl crush & curl twin too… Thank you so much for these tips


Monica FB: You and your hair are gorgeous!

Katshell: I used to wash my hair every 5 days so I definitely believe in washing twice a week.

Alicia of CocoaStyles: You're my hairo I just love the advice you give! You're such a cutie pie too lol

Sarah Roxanne Watson: Great tips!!

Food: your advice has really helped me so far. now I only use my wide tooth comb to detagle before my pre poo. Next, I rinse the pre poo then shampoo( not coming). Then I apply my leave in with my fingers and rinse. I need to know what do you do after? can i part and brush my hair so I can trim it? I need to use a tool in order to get the hair ready for trimming.

KallMeNetty: I literally just told myself that I was gonna stop using oils and gels And start using more water based moisturizers and creams Came to youtube & that’s ur first tip☺️☺️☺️☺️

Anna Lisa: What products would you recommend using? I just recently started with my natural hair and I'd like to know how to take care of it using certain products.

shakeema higgins: What is your weekly treatment and what is your midweek refresher

QueenHer: What do you use for your “weekly hair treatments” ? I’m trying to get on a consistent regimen

Charis Excel TV: Can you show your weekly hair regimen. Showing how you wash and style your hair and how it looks daily

Tavz 91: Can you do a wash day routine video?

O'mya Rose: I hate that I ever fell on any hair band wagons the main band wagons I regret using is the shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie, coconut oil “life” change and wash and gos my hair was breaking and felt dry. Then I found the love of SHEA BUTTER and olive oil, I just started using leave ins the first leave in I ever bought was the Alikay lemon grass it did the job but my first buy and staple is mane choice (cool laid) I bought some others to try from the mane choice as well. But a leave in and butter are my staples !!

Adrienne Smart: I've been finger-detangling my hair for 25 years I hardly ever use a comb or a brush in my hair. I do have a plastic pic. I never see breakage or shredded hair more than a dime piece.

Jasmin Serrano: Hey hun, when you refresh in the middle of the week, are you washing it or just refreshing?

Tanisa Pietersz: Can you do your current wash n go routine

nima0919: Easy for her to say, her texture is definitely not 4c

Portia Hill: Do you still use your curl refresher (water, castor oil, and conditioner?)

froggy 🐸: Do you finger detangling before shampoo or during condish/deep conditioner? Do you do hot oil treatments?

Jessottiz Baart: beautiful woman!!

Sharon Greaves: Can you kindly do your current wash day and list your products please? My hair is like yours and I only cut my hair 25th Feb 2019 but only started wearing it from 5th March. So yeah I need help

Mob3tt@_01: I love your hair I can't wait til mines get longer it's at an awkward stage

Ann Williams: What are some of the lighter oils that you suggest?

Janete Barbosa: I like your advice, help me to much

Lupe Brooks: For me, if it’s too hot for my skin, it’s too hot for my hair‍♂️

SadeReidOfficial: Thanks for that ❤️‍♀️

Sheana W: How do you tie your hair up at night? Do you pineapple? Thanks!

local jamaican: Have you already showed the channel how you moisturize your hair? Because I'm lost in my search.

The Robinson Family: My daughter hair loves heavy butters. (Shea butter) and her hair just find ‍♀️

Kandy Koated: Good video.. now how'd you achieve this style boo?

LL P: How you trim your hair ; in twist, professional, etc?

Feddyana Jean: What’s your hair porosity?

deannaj91: What kind of weekly treatments do you use

Dressed in Modesty: Your gorgeous

Janiurlyn De LA Cruz: I wish i could do my hair twice a week but school doesn’t allow me to

Angela Melinda: Does she ever answer any questions or comments?

Food: so use shampoo once a week and conditioner twice?

Kaira Here: your hair is too cute girl

Danielle Child: Your hair looks so rich and black!

Kell’s living: That’s how I want my hair too be but it not that puffy

Lavina hughes: Ok Alyssa tell us anout those new highlights girl!!!!

Claudia Okyere-Fosu:

April Woods: I don’t use oil it just grows with out oil just need to learn how to manage the thickness.

Anselma Pelissier: I love her

Arafa Sharif: How do you treat your hair plz let us know

Stephanie Pierre: Where in the Caribbean are you from? Love ur hair....inspired

Yasmine Elharouni: hello please whats your hair type (porosity, density, texture...) ?

Broke_ Travelgal: whats your hair type. I love your curls

Nicole: When she says weekly treatment, is she talking protein, hot oil, what?

Carmelia Murchiskn: Do you cut your hair ‍♀️ yourself?

Kell’s living: My hair growing more to my back just a little bit Though

Ghene Echoo: i get so annoyed when you youtubers tell people oh your hair growth has everything to do with genetics smh

Sharon Greaves: Do you dye your hair black?

Ghene Echoo: hair growth is not genetics lol my grandma has super short healthy hair it wouldnt grow pass 5 inches and my mom had super short hair but its locked now for only 3 years and its super long shoulder length already i have long hair so does my sister stop telling people hair growth has to do with genetics smh i know lots of people with super long hair and their mother or fathers side of the family has short hair

Hopie Pickney: I use the hair growth serum from both are all natural and organic. Right now luluholistics is having a 10% off purchase with coupon code 28w..... I have waist length hair 4 years after my big chop

Gracelike rain: If you trim that often you trim off your growth

reinventing me: Weekly treatment are you talking about hot oil treatment

NY HELLCAT: Too much water is NOT good for hair. Ask any REAL stylist.

Stephanie Noble: Can you show us how to do that style... please

Tina L.: How do you go about sleeping on your hair with the bonnet

Jaleel Shelton: So what’s a treatment?

Vivian Mubita: You beautiful

Carla Denton: hi guys am a 13 years old who want to grow my hair in coranvirus .... What do she mean no oil which oil is t that

the bean: What hair type is this? My hair looks exactly like this

Fran Lo: where are you from?? like ethnicity wise

Jaicamille: Talking too much

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