True Science Hair Care System | Tips And Application

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Allyssa LaScala is a Holistic Metabolic Coach, Personal Trainer, Lyme Disease Warrior, and Adrenal Fatigue Advocate. Although she values her degree in the Exercise and Sports Science field, it was her own health challenges that ignited her deep passion to become a master of nutrition, hormonal balance, and biohacking the body to successfully achieve one’s health goals and heal the body from the inside out, naturally. She does this through several avenues. From customized nutritional planning and training programming, to group coaching, masterclasses and e-books.

Her belief is that no matter where you are in life, no matter what is going on and what challenges you’re facing, we can design a program and implement lifestyle changes that will work for YOU and help you restore optimal health and well-being.

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You have your scalp serum, your shampoo and your cognition, so they can dip. The shampoo is very, very liquidy, so when you open it instead of taking the seal off what's recommended is to poke a little hole in it. If you poke a really little hole in it, don't push really hard because it might pop this side of him and when you use it just always, when you start just keep it up is a good tip and then the other little fun thing I heard about Is when you have this open and you use it when you go to shut it for the day, make sure it actually clean eyes shut? Some people have accidentally thought it was and then what happens is you leave and it's so liquidy yeah he's gon na run out all day long, so be very careful with that. Okay, so I am here today just to show how the scalp serum is applied. Yes, so it is you have it's the last step after you, shampoo condition granted some. Ladies, don't shampoo your hair every single day, so you don't have to shampoo your hair too. However, if you are going to shampoo your hair, just make sure before you put this in is once you put them in it defeats the purpose if you shampoo right. So what we're gon na do is there's a couple of different things ways you can do it. The first, this basic wave is to target problems, so this is supposed to help stimulate hair growth. It'S also gon na have help with moisturizing your scalp a good way to view this product, though, is not not so much as a hair product. It is a scalp serum and it's made for your skin on your head, not your actual hair. You can put it in your hair. You'Re, not gon na get the benefits that you're gon na get on your scalp you're, just gon na be kind of wasting fronted. Yes and it's expensive, so how we're gon na put it in it's a lot of so a lot of problem areas on some people are right in these crown areas, because we get these little like baby hairs. It will help kind of strengthen those and build a lot of people as they get older in hormones. Change colleague areas tend to go a little thinner as well. So what we're going to do on this side? Yep, okay, yeah, I'm going to so sure you want to do if you want to divide it out into straight lines and then you're gon na when you have your very own at home, you're gon na use this tip exactly just draw a line all along the Scalp: okay, that's why you want to take these straight lines too, so you can get it as close to the scalp as you possibly can versus having to work through all so at home, you're gon na! Do it with this applicator, okay for sanitary purposes. I have to use a q-tip, so if you want to see just kind of how it like you, don't really need to worry about a pea-sized amount. When you do the line, alright, so you're gon na, but don't squeeze too hard because it does come out pretty easily okay and you're, just gon na take a line like that. Okay. So when you do that line, that's gon na literally go right here on the scalp yep. Now, do you rub it in at all? Yes, you do so do next year smells right, it's kind of runny to stuff, sir. This has also got okay, it does so it's government in 20 minutes peppermints also gon na be what's the feel, like it kind of feels like an oily but light screen. Okay, yeah yeah: it's not heavy so all day yesterday, I'm all kinds of hair types and all day today. So one thing I want to notice about this product, which is make it's better for the everyday use, because I know people are really concerned about. If I use it every day and I'm not shampooing every day, yes does it. My hair gon na be super dirty and greasy it shouldn't leave. However, everyone scalps are different. Yes, so you do need to gauge that just cuz, I'm saying it's not going to it. Doesn'T mean it won't happen right, the trick to making it the least amount. Greasy, though, is to really get it on the skin, as you can, Oh guys in the hair. Yes, the more you get it cooped up in the hair, the more you're gon na run into like you're, going circular motions and just massage it right into the skin. So essentially, this product feels it's more like a lotion than anything okay. So, if you think about when you put so the biggest thing for the next day, if you don't check for your hair right, think about when you put lotion on your hands or your face in an hour or the next day, when you feel it you're not Going to feel lotion on your and not have absorbed into your course. If you a blow-dry treatments on outer strands of your hair, that's gon na stay on your hair until you shampoo it out your hair's, not gon na soak up a blow dry right. Some oil is it well, but seem even those are a little heavier and they don't old, a soak up this, your skin they're, just absorbent. So, by the next day, when you go to use it, it's gon na feel, like you, didn't, even put it in the next day. Yes, the day before, so that's how you kind of get me get away with using it now. How many? How many lines would you suggest that's the biggest question that we have kind of the hardest? That'S been the hardest for the kind of behavior that everyone does everyone's different. Some people are really big. So for someone like Amanda that the she knows she has thinner hair at the top, so unfortunately the fighter here to putting it all over you're the kind of person that might be a little more on the like a little greasy today. So what they recommend - and it actually says, they're right on the bottle on the back of this - if you do it during the day and you wear it all day before you go to bed at night and sleep with it yeah so the other way. The other thing now is: how do you get yes say, there's a guy that has a huge, bald spot. Yes, there's not it's okay to just put it, apply it and then rub it around today I add one earlier. You don't want to just do this, though. That'S not massaging it yeah and that could break your actual hair. Okay, doing that back and forth over and over again go in the more of a circular motion there - overhead! Yes, that's gon na be a lot more gentle but like for me, like I'm sitting here, does my colleagues right here yep so same thing, you still don't wan na run right awesome, so I already put a stripe in the hood right there. So I'm not going to go back through that spot, but what I kind of discovered in the last handful a day is using this, for bigger areas is what we're gon na do. Is our limestone sure people problem zoo is the same idea? We'Re going to take our lines right and if there's a lot faster it easier when you can this. Yes, back to this crown area, we're going to make a bunch of lights, so I'm going to do a line here, I'm going to go over about like half inch to an inch of a section over part. It again yep! So before you even rub that line in okay - so I want to do this whole top part, so I'm gon na actually go through it. But for explanation was we've heard it do your line here? Let'S go about a half inch to an inch section wide over. Do another line yep and then you're gon na go across the top. Do that whole way that way? Okay, so for your crown, probably do about like four or five flames across don't massage it in yet then once you get those all in without massaging them, what you can do is then go in and work it all the way through, like this and blend those Lines together in it, so then you don't have to get crazy and be like right here and exercise here, because there's also something that people want to be able to do every day and if they feel like it's making an extra 30 to 45 minute process. We'Re going to be much less likely to stay compliant all at once, so we did about four or five lines. Crotch start massaging those lines, because what's gon na happen is those little half-inch intersections in between each length. You can massage that into each section. I'M really blend at all without totally making your best results. If you can stand to do it, you would do this earlier in the day and then go on your day and normal work do whatever. If your hair can take it, they recommend you can't use it twice a day, so you can do it. Also, when you do one later that day right for people just start off, I would recommend starting once a day just to get a feel for it feel how heavy it is on your hair, because people with more dry scalp super super oily scalps dry scallops are Probably gon na soak this up nastier than if you have already a really oily scalp. It'S probably not gon na absorb all of it twice a day, so you got it everyone's heads different in that bird, so you got to kind of gauge that your scalp flora could be completely different than someone else's, but the biggest biggest thing to try when you Shampoo, your hair, I would recommend, do you train it damp? We did it dry today. What'S going to happen, when you do it dry, you risk getting the chance of like hitting these little flyaways more stuck in the product city for on the hair versus damp. You can really hurt it and smoosh those all down. Yes right, I like that application is a lot more direct, even if you can fight your hair, yeah and yeah, so you could dress. That'S a really good idea, so for those of you guys watching, if even if you just want to get a little spray bottle that just had water so that you could dampen your hair to make the process easier for application, you don't have to go and take A full shower every time, if you don't want just go ahead and moisten the top of it and then after it's on your scalp, then that's when you would put your styling products in and you would style.

Chris Lawton: Thank you for posting this!

Carolina Acosta: I want one update on her traitement

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