How To Style & Blend Bellami Boo-Gatti Extensions With Short Hair | Blaize Mckennah

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I’m constantly getting asked how I style my extensions into my thick, short hair... here’s your answer! I also share my tips, tricks, and personal knowledge and experience with various extensions.

BTW don't freak out when my dog walks behind me - it almost gave me a heart attack when editing!

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Hey guys so today I'm going to be showing you how I clip in InStyle my Bellamy, Bugatti hair extension, said the 22 inch length in platinum blonde. So these are my extensions. I curled them and have a brush them out or anything. Yet my hair is already curled. I used my curling wand right here. I saw a brand, I bought it off of Amazon. I love this thing. Currently, my hair is a bit of a hot mess. I'Ve gone through a huge hair transformation in the past year. I went from almost black very dark brown hair to what it is right now. The ends of my hair are still a little brassy and darker than I would like them to be compared to the top of my hair. Ideally, I would like my hair to be this color, but you can see that a couple different colors going on with platinum and blonde hair, getting their hair to the right shade and getting extensions to the right shade is often very difficult and a lot of extensions. You'Re not supposed to tone, I did tone mine with Wella t18 toner to get them a little icier, and after doing that I mean I did some research. I had a few people tell me you really shouldn't do that, but other people told me that it's fine mines are not fine, but always be wary whenever you doing anything their extensions or your own hair. I am NOT a hair stylist. I don't have a cosmetologist license, so what I'm saying take it at face value: okay, okay, it's just what I do with my hair, I'm working with it and I'll show you how to blend your extensions with your natural hair seamlessly in the best way, when you Have a short short hair like mine, so over the years I all sorts of extensions. I tried fluids, I've tried, clippings, tried all sorts of brands, the glue ones were horrible, they ended up ripping a bunch of my hair out. They would just slide off of my hair pulling my hair from the root. I felt that they didn't blend very well. It was a lot of upkeep. They don't match your natural hair texture. Obviously, so it's hard to keep them styled. All the time like when you have natural hair, you know, if you don't want to style it one day it all just kind of blends together when you have glue-in extensions and you don't want to style it one day, you really still have to style it. Even if you're putting it up in a bun, because you have to make sure that your tracks aren't rolling and all that fun stuff, it's so much easier with clip-in extensions, because you can take them out. If you wan na go swimming, you can take them out. If you want to go to the gym, you can put them in whenever you want, and you can take them out whenever you want it's, not something that has to be kept up with constantly every day, all the time so styling extensions in the short hair, like This can be a little bit more difficult, especially when you have almost a log cut. I have a little more layering and if there's no log or a bob, but I still have a very blunt cut at the bottom, because I like the way it looks. I don't know like layers having layers is a lot easier to blend extensions into, and I suggest taking your exchanges in when you buy them and having them layered by a professional with that being said, it starts all right, so I'm going to part my hair, I'm Going to leave just a very small section at the bottom, not too much hair. You just want enough hair to attach the extensions to thanks. You want to take a comb and wrap up your hair. You want to do it quite a bit, so you have some good traction also. I have very thick hair. That is why I have such thick extensions. I have a lot of hair hiding up in here and it's easier. You always want to match the amount of hair that you have to the amount of extensions that you have if you're such and such a thing, you're, not crazy. If they're too thick, it's gon na be easy to see tracks after you have this first layer ratted up, you want to take it fold it up on itself and take bobby pins to pin it up really want this hair hidden, because, if you put in your Extensions without doing this, all these little hairs down here, and especially if you have a very blunt cut, it's going to be way too obvious that you're wearing extensions, the first WEP that I use is a three clip. Alright, so here's our first wet and you can't see that layer on to the next layer, I'd like to know about 3/4 of an inch of my head just because I have so much hair from where I put my last extension in so again about not quite Three finger links from the end of your track right there and I like to backcomb a little but not going too crazy. I like to take the 4 clip weft and there's one that's slightly bigger and one this slightly smaller, I'm taking the slightly bigger one. So when I clip in the extensions I want to make sure that they're matching all the way around, so I start from the back. So, as you can see, my hair obviously doesn't perfectly match these extensions, but we're gon na make them blend as much as possible. So for the next section, I'm going a little bit further up about two inches from my last weft, so I'm using this guy. So it's got two layers of clips he's huge he's thick and I like to get a bulk of my hair down before using this one just to hide the mid layers of my hair. But I don't want to go up too high. Otherwise, you are going to have huge gap in your hair. So when you go to tease your hair, you want to tease it a little further down as well like you want to keep it teased up to the top. You also want to tease down here a little bit, so this has something to do, because otherwise all the weight is gon na move your hair, so you'll do that middle clip up top and then the two bottom middle clips, and then I like to do the Bottom side clips and then top clips. Obviously I still need to brush these out so now, I'm parting about 3/4 of an inch from last wept again to meet the back. So now I'm taking next 4 clip not ton of hair left, but you can still see a huge difference right sectioning, your hair out in different sections is very important because you would not want to have a huge chunk. You know sitting over here and no extension to go on top of it and look how funky this looks but then like right now. This looks a lot better. I think it's obviously not perfectly hidden, but it's layered out pretty good. So this section, you don't want to go up a ton higher because you run the risk of showing your tracks higher. You go so from my last left, I'm about a half an inch and again this really depends on the thickness of your hair and the thickness of your extensions. But I'm taking these three clip weft all right, so we're getting pretty close here just concerned about the front. The back is very voluminous right now it's layered out pretty well, but the front as you can see, we have big chunks of hair up here. So what I do is rather close to my part, as you can see, I'm party in the middle rather close, but not too close, I'm going to make a part see we have all this hair backcomb and then I'm taking my two clip and you want to Attach it almost to the very front of your hairline, but not too close, otherwise it will be seen and up on these top ones. It'S very important to be back combing quite a bit and see that you can see my track, so I'm actually going to pull this out and make my part slightly higher, not going too crazy, because otherwise, you're gon na have a big chunk on top and you Want to make sure to part the back as well. Otherwise, your extensions gon na be showing back there reinstalling the extension so again, we're gon na be putting the extension in on it. Basically, the exact same part on this side, alright, so taking my last whack, the last two clip piece, cashing it the same way a lot so now all my hair is in. I just need to brush it out and style. It the same way I'm just taking this paddle brush and I'm going to start from the ends and very lightly brush, because you don't want your curl to completely go away. You don't want it to be too frizzy either. Throughout the day your curls will loosen up. So my recommendation is: if you're looking for more of a beachy wave to keep her pulse tight when you first do them and then they will loosen up. You know with humidity and the weather your curls aren't going to stay super curly, I'm actually going to backcomb the top layer of my natural hair to hide my extensions. So now I'm going to take my curling wand and match my natural hair. On top with these top layers of extensions you'll, see where your hair stands out from the extensions and you'll take chunks of hair. You don't want to take too much hair because it can get a little crazy and you want to brush that piece out. Taking your wand, you want to wrap the hair around making sure that all the little fine pieces are getting blended in another little trick is, if you have a lot of hair hanging out like right here in this section, you can take a bobby, pin and pin That back so that it's hidden, so I'm actually gon na. Do that really quick! So have a lot of hair right here and leave a little bit on top just once and with my bangs, but I'm gon na take this section twist. It up try and put it as far back as possible, underneath the extensions close to where you have that hair pinned back there Wow, so we have that hair hidden for the most part. Look at this look at this right here we are so it's really not that difficult to put extensions in. There are just some important key factors to ensure you're doing when you are blending. Your extensions with your natural hair always make sure the color matches. I'M not exactly doing that at this point, just because I'm having some personal issues with my hair, but make sure it matches as best as possible and sometimes even blend two colors of extensions. If you can, when you are layering and partitioning your hair, you do so in a manner that complements your hair thickness. Your hair length and your hair type ensure you're, always blending your hair with the extension to make sure that your extensions aren't too thick or too thin. Another thing Julie, your research before you buy extensions, buy the right ones. Personally, I love my Bellamy Bugattis. This is the second set of extensions I've bought from Bellamy's the first set or a little thinner, and I had some issues with that, but these are great. If you have thick hair, if you have short hair. Yes, you got ta use all the way, but there are so many kinds, styles of extensions out there you're, I'm sure you're gon na find something - and if you just want to play around, buy some off Amazon, you can buy really cheap extensions off Amazon. I love extensions if you've thought about experimenting with them. Do it they're great? If you guys have any questions comments concerns with this video or with extension, please let me know I hope you enjoyed watching. I hope you like the way they turned out there a little bit earlier than I would normally wear them. But I just did that so that the probe will last longer because I'm going to be going out with them, and I don't want them to be too straight and not blend well with my hair. I'D rather have them be a little too curly anyway. Let me know what you think if you want to see how my style, my short, hair, anything else, if you have any questions for me, please let me know please like comment subscribe and share. I really appreciate it and thank you guys for watching and if you're already subscribing thank you so much

Herminia Madrigal: This is exactly the video I needed!!! I’m torn between the khaleesi or boogatti. My hairs a little longer than yours. But I’m probs gonna go big and get the boogatti! Thanks for the video! New subscriber!

Koryna Ray: Love the way these extension look on you. Gorgeous.

Sarah Jane Hoyt: Wow you taught us so much thank you sooooo much !!!!!!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

emily Hart: ordering mine today! your look great babe! thanks for the video! it helped me decide to buy mine!

CHANTAL XOXO: Great video!! I also have this problem because I am a natural brunette but refuse to go back to my roots since HS. I'm a blonde at heart I have always used the Bellami's and LOVE them. I went to the hair salon to get a root touch up per usual and my ends were BEYOOOOND crinkled up in burntness if ya know what I'm saying omg it was/IS terrible! Not only did she use a different toner on me as usual, she had to trim all of the burnt ends and it was A LOT ... I already have thin hair as it is since I refuse to go back dark ! My hair now is probably a few inches longer than yours but not much and my extensions (dirty blonde) no longer match my hair. I've been in a hair coma for almost a month now and can only wear it in a bun bc they don't match & I tried everything trying to curl it like you did but my little hair just won't go around the wand bc it's too short. I noticed you had a much thinner wand than mine so I'm going to try that but I think I'm fucked on the color part bc it doesn't even blend if I try to make it Anyways, thank you for this video. I will try some of your techniques that I'm not already doing bc I miss my hair being down and fabulous

Michelle Mercado: You're so pretty!! Thank you for the tips!

Noelle Felix: Would LOVE to see you tone and color your extensions. They look very white blonde Marilyn blonde and your hair is more of a silver. I want to get some extensions but you hit some key points... it's hard to blend because it might not match your texture or hair color exactly. But overall would love to see the condition the hair is in after coloring and how they hold up. Thanks you're lovely!

Park Bench: You turned me into a GLAMAZON! Thank you!

Sharmin Sultana: You and your extensions are so beautiful! I love you video

Melly D: this is the best video .. thank you ! and you are gorgeous

Brayan Carmona: Wow u tout me a lot

D S: love this video, can you please tell me how long u left the t18 wella toner in your extensions?

Kaela Horne: Thus video was very helpful, and the color blends in really well too! Quick suggestion though, use less highlight on your nose because that was the first thing I noticed when I looked at the thumbnail of this video

Andrea Schönenberg: Loveeeeee ur lipstick!!! What brand is it and so what colour? Looks gorgeous on you!

tammy duke: Looks great

Y R: Can you please provide the info on the curling wand?

A Annalese: Gorgeous

Marilyn Grace: Hi blaize ! So do i get boogatti instead of khalissi ! Boogatti is human hair right ! You look so good ☺️

realbaresoles2: You're so beautiful, Blaize!

TheSak7171: I got Khaleesi today and I feel i dont even have enough space on my head for all of it to fit. Kinda glad i didnt buy Boogati... I have an over grown pixie cut..

Haizel Jamileth Houghton Ochoa: Which set is the best the Magnifica or Boogati set?

valentiina quiintaniila: Are they worth it ?

Riley Burke: My hair is a little longer than yours and I’m debating between bellisima and boogati

Megan Baker: Pls do a video about how you care for your extensions! i just bought some and i have no idea what to do with them

R M: I got these and they are sooooo long and thick. I need to cut them and thin them out a bit even tho my hair is long it’s a bit fine. Ughhhh

Jessica: You look just like Adel but with blonde hair!

Rachelle Kehoe: You're very pretty, you look like Adele!

Blaize McKennah: Just started my OF! Check me out @ slvtsbunny if you’re interested

Debi Dooms: What shade did you use in the biógrafo?

Tati Jay: living barbie

Stevie Asbury: What color ??

No shots All offense: You look like Christina Aguilera!!!

R.M.D: Did anyone else see the orb behind her 3 o’clock

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