A Week In My Life | Hot Yoga + Mother'S Day Prep + Hair Care & More | Naya Rieyana

#roadto5k #datenight #vlog #bikram

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Hey y'all, so i'm all dressed and ready to go. Um you guys are ready to go to the movies we're going to the movies. It'S like a dining movie theater. So we just chose the movie like these days. Everything that's in the movies you can see on. Like uh hbo max and all these other websites, but i just haven't been to the movies in a little minute. So i was like i need that vibe again like with my boyfriend, so i'm waiting on him and we're about to get ready to go to the movies and it's like a dining movie theater. So it's gon na be nice. So i will take you all along with me. I wish i think, about the the girls outfit today. I just have one nude and like these leggings and cute little top and some shades to match so yeah, but i will see y'all when we get to the movie. I had a feeling i've been taking on so much good morning y'all and welcome back to another vlog wait, i'm confused, i just must be old y'all. I started the day off by working out. I decided. I don't know how this is gon na last, how long this is gon na last. But i decided that i want to start implementing my workouts in the morning because um just because i just feel like in the mornings work better for me and i really be tired by the end of the day. So, like those training classes i'll go to on thursday, i really be pushing myself to go because i'll be doing so much at the start of my day, and i wake up every day at like 6 30 7 o'clock in the morning. So i already be up early as heck in the morning so um i decided to go to the gym this morning and i had a really good workout. I'Ve been following some different pages, um for more workouts that i haven't been doing, and i actually really like the workouts that i've been coming across. So i've been implementing new workouts in my routine. Now - and i love it so far - and i woke up this morning and the mindset that i wanted to get stuff done so this week i have a couple things planned um. I have a dentist appointment today, though, let's just start with today: let's not even get into the whole week, because that's a lot - let's just worry about today - tomorrow - have its own worries. Okay, so i have to go to the dentist: i'm actually getting ready to go to dentist right now, um. I have to be there at 9 30 and it's currently 8 54.. I'M supposed to be out of the house y'all by nine o'clock, but it don't look like that's about to happen just right now, so we don't see how things go but um. I also have a couple clients later on today, right after my appointment, and i think that's probably really it for today. I got a couple other appointments this week, because i'm just trying to take care of myself take care of my body um. I have doctor's appointments. Coming up in a couple weeks too, mj has an appointment tomorrow because we're trying to make sure that we all good feeling good. Looking good. All of that i trying to figure out what kind of hairstyle i want to mix like y'all, trying to figure out what kind of hairstyle i want next is so loud because it's like i don't know what hairstyle i want, and i really don't want to wear My hair needs braids today, so let's see what it's getting i just it's like when you wear a leave-out, though it i don't know, it'd just be weird, but that's on the agenda for today, i'm gon na be working until like 5, 30 and yeah other than That i was over here watching um a couple youtube videos, oh, and before we even get started. I never introduced myself, so my name is naya h. My name is naya and i am look. Somebody text me early in the morning um hold on y'all. Okay, my name is nia. You know what i'm gon na do introduction later, because i just came right now: i'm just trying to figure my life out so anyways y'all. I must be leaving out the door. I must be leaving out the door, so i will see y'all in a little bit i'm trying to get something done to this head because, as y'all can see, you look a hot mess and i'm over this hairstyle now. So i'm really trying to figure out what to do next, but as of right now i will see y'all when i'm done getting ready. Okay, anyways, i hope y'all can see me good, but since i last talked to y'all i, since i let's talk to y'all, i went to the dentist and i had two clients. So i just finished two of my clients. I got one more. No, actually, i have two more clients um when i get back, but i got like an hour break right now, so i'm just eating a salad girl, i'm trying to decide healthy choices, and i also need to go to the grocery store tomorrow, because healthy eating outside Is going to be more than what it would be eaten inside, but this salad is good, so, but i'mma call y'all when i get to eat my salad, because i need to eat my salad. It'S really good! So i'm gon na hit y'all back when i'm done. Y'All, i'm even gon na lie. I'M tired, like i'm exhausted, and i'm ready to go home, but i still have two more clients for the day. So it's looking like we're gon na have to dug it out at this point, but i just thought that that was true, because i needed to get a couple things and to clean my suite up this hair y'all. This hair coming down - i'm not even gon na hold you. Oh it's all nice and neat in here today: okay dollar tree okay, so i think that we need i'm gon na buy the water floss, because that's what the dentist recommended. What is that? I need some caps. I did not have any caps for my toothbrush stop grinding. Apparently they do not. I don't and know like they got what i'm looking for here, but i also need to get some bleach and some fabuloso. Damn you too cold bro. What you doing um is is hey y'all, so i went to the gym this morning. I went to the gym this morning and i also freaking it's like this part of my hair. Just keeps sticking up: okay, hey y'all, so i went to the gym this morning and i also went to my appointments, i'm just leaving my appointment. It is currently like one o'clock and i am at five below, because i need to get me a map, a mat. I need to get a mat and i also need to get some 10 pound weights, because our gym does not have 10 pound weights and it's so annoying because i'll be wanting to do certain exercises that i can't, because i only have 15 pound weights, which is Fine, but i can't really work with those to a certain extent - hello, but i'm gon na call y'all back because obviously there's music playing hello y'all. So it's been like so many days later. I am currently sitting in the closet because i'm about to get ready to pack my bag for yoga tomorrow, um me and ashley are going to yoga in the morning at like 9 00 a.m. Well, really we have to be our like 8, 30, 8. 45, because we have to get our accounts and everything set up, but i bought me a yoga mat um from five below i'm gon na, see how well i'm gon na do with this mat. It was five dollars, so i was like okay, it's the deal with cecil. This is my first time going to yoga. So i'm not gon na go all out this time so um, but i might have to go. Get a mat, that's different, because i don't know if it's thick enough, but we're gon na see how we do with it tomorrow. So i bought a mat um. Actually, let me take this out the wrapper, because i want to be coming to the class and then i'm over here taking mine out the wrapper, like i ain't used to being there or nothing. You know what i mean it's already bad enough. We gon na be new, but still weird mj mj seriously like what's up what's going on buddy, it's not for you damn, but anyways y'all. Why don't? I have no scissors anyways whatever, so i got a mat and then i am to the class tomorrow. I'M gon na wear, i'm gon na show y'all what i'm gon na wear, because okay, so basically we're doing hot yoga. So hot yoga, the rooms are mj, you're, literally walking past my camera, but these mats, this mat is kind of thin. Oh no y'all! We gon na see, i don't know. Hopefully everything works out um, because one of my clients was telling me that the thin mats sometimes hurt like if you have to lay down on it and stuff like that. So i don't know but um. I got that and i got a beach towel um, because we're gon na be sweating like a lot and i'm gon na be burning a lot of calories and basically um. They said that the room is going to be like 100 degrees for hot yogurt. This is my first time doing this, so i really do not know what to expect. I kind of been getting a little bit of information from people, but i don't really know for sure um and i did buy some weights yesterday at five below two um. Some five pound weights because they don't have any at our gym. I think i told y'all that already um but yeah, so the high yoga, basically we're gon na, be doing stretching techniques and all those good things. They told us to just make sure that we're hydrated beforehand, um make sure we have some slides or some sandals to wear, because when we're doing yoga, we won't have shoes on and um also what else she says to wear something tight and fitted. It'S something that you comfortable and like sweating in and then um. That was really it. The class is like 90 minutes. So that's what i'm scared about like. I don't think i want to be sitting in that room for 90 minutes. I mean i will but yeah, and then i got this sewing in y'all. So, oh, i just know it's gon na be something, but i'm gon na try to tie my hair up the best way i can. I should have bought me a little clip. That'S what i should have bought me a clip, but i probably will just tie my hair in a knot or something and just wear my head in or something i don't know but um so because i don't want it to be hanging on on my back this Stuff'S going to be too much, i'm getting irritated but um, but yeah, so we're going to yoga tomorrow and then later on in the day tomorrow, we're doing um the the gluten core training class, which we have been having some really good like training. So he was like we want to keep going we're going to keep doing this or whatever, so we going every thursday now um and yoga. I think we want to do yoga a couple times throughout the week. We gon na see how it goes this time. We might try pilates next time just to see how it is and the yoga that we're doing is bikram yoga, um and then some people tell me like yoga is like different practices or whatever. But honestly, i'm not going there for any type of practices. Like you know anything spiritual like i'm, really not going for that. I'M going for the part of just the benefits of me being able to strengthen my body um. It'S like hella benefits with yoga. So i was like i'm going for those reasons i don't know about all the extra stuff, because yeah but um, basically hot yoga is beneficial for improving flexibility, burn, burning, calories, building, bone density, reducing stress, eases depression, provides a cardiovascular boost, reduces blood glucose levels and nourishes The skin, so we finna be sweating, like hebrew slaves, so the thing is, though um she did tell us like it's like a mental thing as well, so you kind of like getting used to the heat as you're in there like doing the stretches and everything. So we gon na see how it goes. I have to make sure i drink a lot of water tonight and then i have to make sure i drink a lot of water tomorrow, um because you don't want to get dehydrated while you're in the class or um after so that's gon na be the key. I think i'm it's 90 minutes, but i think i might only do like. I think i might only do um 60 because girl - i don't know about that, but um. That is all i just wanted to come out here and talk to y'all about that, because that's something that we're doing tomorrow and i guess i will take y'all along with us. I don't know if we're going to be able to record in the rooms or not, but i definitely will take y'all with me in the morning just so that y'all can see the place um, but i was packing my bag. Oh, let me show y'all what i'm gon na wear, so i'm just gon na wear these adidas shorts um. They like some short shorts, but they tie up in the front and they're like cool. So i feel like that would be good for me to work out in i mean do yoga in and then um. I have this sports bra that i'm wearing with it. So that's that and i'm gon na wear some slides in there or maybe some sandals. I don't really have any like thong sandals like that, though, but if you made it this far in the video make sure that you are make sure that you like comment and subscribe to my channel um and make sure that you give me feedback in the comments. What would you like to see from my channel um? What is your like? Favorite things? What'S your favorite content for me and yeah, whatever y'all want to talk about just write in the comments and subscribe to my channel like this video and turn your post notifications, but i will see he interrupted. My video like. I will see you all in the morning because obviously mj is hating yeah. You are right, yeah, hey y'all, so it is the next morning and i'm already i have on my little. You know my little adidas outfit. I really like this sports bra. It'S so cute, and i like how fitted it is um, it's black, but um, but yeah. So i am already i'm waiting um on ashley ashley should be pulling up soon, um and then once we go in here, i guess we got ta fill out. Some little paperwork or whatever, to get ourselves ready for the class and then i did bring. I got my water with me. I bought my aluminum bottle because you know if you keep your water, regular water bottles in there, it's basically gon na get hot. So i was like, let me just bring my aluminum water bottle today and i got all my stuff with me. So i'm excited, but i'm nervous at the same time. So we gon na see how this goes. Y'All bear with me: okay, pray for me, but um. I'M gon na go, i'm gon na show y'all what everything is looking like once we get in there. Hopefully i can record, i don't know if i'm gon na be able to record while we in there and then i feel like it's older people out here. So i feel like it's gon na, be a lot of old people in here. I don't know we gon na see y'all but i'll see y'all. Once we get in the place. We got ashley with us so cute good morning perfect and you guys were both wanting to do the 40 um did we want to do the? I think we just wanted to do the one class for today yeah, because we want to see how it works. It'S our first time doing this awesome, that's personal yeah! Yes, my name is nikki i'll, be teaching your classes. Okay, hi nikki, i'm maya nice to meet you. Do you guys mind if i record? No? Okay, i'm a youtuber. So i like record. Oh also. I know i was wondering this is so cute. Thank you. I guess we're not hey y'all, so i finally made it back home. Excuse me um. The class was great like i have no complaints about the class. The class went really well um. I feel very relaxed and everything um. She told us that we need to drink a lot of water and a lot of electrolytes so that our head doesn't start to hurt um. So that's what we're about to do um and it was just really relaxing. I don't know why i still got this happening, but it had been on. It was really relaxing. My mom called me up and said: ask me: do i want to go get lunch or whatever so we're about to go to this little mexican sushi place um and then i'm gon na be chilling for the rest of the day and until later on tonight, um And then we're going to the training fitness class later on so stay tuned for that, but i'm feeling really good. I'M definitely going to be going back. I was like dripping sweat, like i never sweat like that ever in my life before so, i feel like it was very, very beneficial for me, but i got ta get myself together, really quick cause. I have to meet my mom for lunch at like 12 15 and it's already um, it's already 11. 40. 38. So i'm gon na wrap this up. I'M gon na talk to y'all. Once i get myself together and i'll see, y'all um once i'm done, is hey y'all, so it's been like two days. First of all, and today is lil, says birthday, so we're celebrating his birthday today and oh, i look cute. This is the this is the light right here, but anyways we got to walk in it's at the airbnb, we made it. We got richa with us and it's a full house. Like i said y'all, you don't even know, i don't even know damn just you too cold bro. What you doing, oh, is, oh, is, i know i'm looking rough, but bear with me because i'm about to wash my hair today and i had a list of things that i wanted to do today and pretty much got a couple of those things done. So, first of all, i have a package i'm going to open my package from amazon. Really quick. I don't know why. I don't have a box cutter, so y'all took my hair down because it was not. It was first of all it's getting too hot and in arizona - and it's almost 100 degrees out here in may so bro we're not about to be out here, suffocating and feeling uncomfortable with that hair. No, so instead i'm about to get some braids, i got an appointment next week to get the knowledge braids um, but today and this week i think i'm just gon na wear my natural hair. I brought some products. I'M gon na show y'all what kind of products i bought um, but yeah hold up, because why is all this taped up like this, but anyways yeah, y'all, so um? I haven't been recording really the last couple days since last week. Well, actually i was recording. We did the birthday celebration for my brother-in-law and yeah, so i bought this from amazon. Let me show you all these is cute. I don't want to take them all out, yeah, no, i'm not gon na take them all out, but basically this is how they came. Packaged right here and i'm gon na actually um put this on my amazon store. So if you're looking for these, then y'all can find them. I actually have seen the era by them, so i was like okay. These are super cute um, but they're. Basically, just glass jars um, it has a little straw in the middle, so she can put your drink inside of, but i'm i'm gon na be putting my smoothies in here and um. Oh, let me show y'all what else i got, because i basically basically my goal is to buy more dishes for the new house, because i threw a lot of stuff in the garbage um, which i feel like was a good decision. But i got these little shot. Glasses ain't they just so cute girl, three dollars at dollar tree and, first of all, let me tell y'all so dollar tree got this little, this little section. Well, this is the first time i ever seen this. They have this little section where um it's like a dollar tree, plus girl everybody's trying to make them some more money. I mean i go ahead, that's all i'm gon na say but um. Basically, they have like a lot of other stuff. That dollar tree normally don't sell, and i found these cute little shot glasses and i was like shoe. These are super cute. I'M gon na get these. I'M gon na put these on my bar carts, um, so yeah and i'm gon na use these smoothies. They also come with these little smoothie cups. I mean i guess i could put water and stuff in them too, but i just thought they were like super cute, but they come with glass straws as well, so boop and i'm gon na be making my smoothies in the morning so yeah, but so far today I went to go get some stuff for mother's day. I got this auto bag real cute. This is my mama vibe right here so mama. I got this for her um because momma she real she like real festive she's, not really like a simple girl like that. She likes to do different outfits and all of that type of stuff, so i feel like this was different and this was real cute for her. So i got her this. I think this and honestly i had looked at these bags and i was like honestly. I would like to have them myself like. Can i just buy these myself, but i was like i didn't come here for me, so i'm just gon na get them something whatever, but this is the start of my new vlog. I forgot that we was doing a new vlog y'all, so welcome to the new vlog okay, because i'm all over the place it's monday y'all. So i was like. Let me get this out the way early. I got clients this week, i'll make sure i got all the stuff out the way before the weekend. I'Ve been trying to do stuff earlier. So therefore i don't have to worry about it later on in the week but yeah. So what else did i get? So this is gon na, be my first time trying these products, but your girl needs something: that's moisturizing and hydrating for her for her uh hair, because out here in arizona every it's so dry out here so girl i'll, be struggling. My hairy dry be brittle and i need to take care of my hair underneath the protective style. So i did get some shea moisture, um the manuka, honey and mafura oil, intensive, hydration, shampoo and it has fig extract, bulb oil. I don't know if i pronounce that right, hydrate and replenish dry and damaged hair. So i got this and then i also have an intensive hair, hydration um conditioner and i also have an intensive hydration hair mask. So i'm gon na be doing my hair in a little bit i'm just about to. I really just want to clean up really quick and i need to edit my vlog, so i can have that go up this week as well um, but that's the plans for today i was off today. Let me see i'll have to check my schedule for me to see everything that i have to do, but number one for real. So i really need to do my hair. I need to clean up and i need to um edit, my vlog, but i need to go ahead and get everything situated. So with that being said, make sure that you have like comment and subscribe to my channel and stay tuned for the rest of the vlog and i'm looking crazy right now, but um i'm looking real cute natural but anyways so yeah y'all. So we getting everything together. Girl we got everything together for mother's day. I don't know what restaurant me mom is gon na go to probably my my sister's gon na join as well, oh and today's my dad's birthday, so i'm gon na i'm gon na. I actually called him and talked to him earlier, but um i got ta, give him a gift okay period, so ashley just sent me a message. Um ashley just sent me a message for the week. She said: hey love, book, happy monday. Let'S start this week off right, we're already off to a great start, stay consistent mind over matter, love you and see you tomorrow, she's just she's, just so great right. Like all the motivation i needed so i've been in the momentum y'all like i'm gon na go. I'M ready to get this stuff done, but y'all um but yeah y'all. So i think that's about it. I'M about to clean up and then we're about to do my hair and then we gon na um start editing this vlog, but yeah see you on a second. Is is yeah i just i just freaking um brushed out my hair, so now i'm about to go ahead and shampoo it and then i'm gon na put the mask on. I got ta read and see how long i'm supposed to keep the mask on my hair. My hair is growing so good though i just need my mom to um. I need my mom to cut my ends because i know i need my hands clicked by now, but let me see where's the instructions. Oh conditioner, this, the conditioner. I want to leave the conditioner my hair too. Oh, it says three minutes so really not long at all. Let'S do this whole process for my hair because my hair been a mess. So, let's get to it. Um is yeah, so i just got off the shower and i basically just put my hair in this little bun. For now my hair feels so good and moisturized um, so i think i'll be using this. This is good. I like it so anyways um, i'm about to start editing, my blog because um i need to get that in by the middle of the week. Also, if you're watching this right now make sure that you comment below what videos you'd like to see from me. So i know for sure everybody likes to watch the vlogs, the last videos and the organizing videos, but right now um i haven't been able to put out too much organizing content, which i will once we move and everything i'm kind of just still like vibing with What we have going on right now with this house but um yeah, so just let me know what type of content y'all want to see and um yeah. So i think i'm about to just edit my blog and then i'm going to start cooking dinner. I'M going to cook dinner tonight i think i make tilapia um and some sides. I don't know if i have any vegetables, because i didn't go grocery shopping yet, but um yeah, we're gon na see how everything goes. So that's what's going on right now, um! I'M almost out of edge control and i need my hair, my edge control for tomorrow. So i really didn't do too much to my edges, because i need to have edge control tomorrow and i'm going to get my lashes done tomorrow. So i'm excited about that um because your girl is due for a lash feel. Although i've been doing good my lashes lately, i have not cleaned my lashes, that's terrible, but um, but yeah y'all. So that's what's going on and um. If you got this fun, video make sure that you like comment and subscribe to my channel, um and i'll start editing my video hello and by the way is, i don't hesitate.

Kasha Phillips: Yess girl we staying consistent with the vlogs Great Video

Carlotta Upton: Hey Naya And Meck Yall Enjoy Yallself Have Fun ❤️❤️ Happy Mother’s Day To Your Ma

J Scriv64: ❤️natural beauty

Markeyondra Lawrence: My notifications are turned on! I seen this and said bye fb gotta go ✌lol I love your channel✨

Tashura Williams: Hey boo looking for more Maintenance vlogs

Malinda Suzanne: How to get clients in a new city, purchasing hauls, try-on hauls, how to handle difficult clients, maintenance vlogs.❤

Kenyetta James: Heyy Naya

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