Get Ready With Me!!| Barbie Swoop Bang Ponytail Ft. Amazon Clip-In Extension |Cecycocy Hair

Happy New Years

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& @thatgirl_tayah






First name? Tayah

College grad ‍

Age? 22

Film with? iPhone 11

Editing with? iMovie ( MacBook)

Status: Married

All these want you, but i'm the one you want. Hey guys, welcome back to my channel and happy new years. I hope you guys had a wonderful new year's eve. Um mine went pretty well. I watched seoul with my husband, roommate and her best friend. It was pretty good, we had a few drinks and it was just a fun time. So i'm sure you can guess by the title. This is a get ready with me. I'M gon na show you guys how i got ready for new year's eve, even though the style well the maintenance of my my my appearance did not last like i did makeup my hair, then um, i don't know the outfit was getting itchy. The skirt was too tight. I forgot. I had makeup on and wiped my eye. It just went terrible, so i just ended the night, looking crazy and that's okay. So now i'm just brushing out this old flexi rod. Oh, my gosh guys, i'm gon na show i'm like i'll, put some clips of the video um that didn't make it to youtube. I did a flexi rod set on my hair and i kid you not. I look like george washington. I don't know why um, but i did not like the flexi rod set so to try to save it. I did brush it out, but then it just looked like a frizzy mess and i just ended up going in a ponytail, so yeah, i'm starting off on the old flexi round, set um brushing out my hair and for this style i watched a lot of youtube Videos - and i noticed that a lot of women put a lot of heat to get the style that i'm getting that i'm going for today and i didn't want to put any heat in my hair. So i'm just going to brush it out to the best of my ability. Uh, yes, get it straight, get it as straight as possible because no more heat, i do not want any damage, so do so. This is what my hair looks like completely brushed out. Now. I'M getting ready to part my hair, because i want a sleek bang and a high ponytail, so i'm parting, my hair off trying to get the part as straight as possible. Now, i'm just checking to make sure that the bang is how i like it and so far so good. Now i'm sectioning off my bang to put it away because, like the bang, we're gon na work on so now that my bang is sectioned off, we can work on the back of my hair. Oh actually, i take that back. We'Re gon na be parting. Edges. Sorry guys so yeah we're gon na part, the edges out and then we're gon na slip, the pony so now that we have our edges parted off we're going to start the flicking process. I tilted my head downward and brushed my hair up with my paddle brush. I haven't added any product yet because first, i kind of want to just put my hair in a ponytail so that i can mold it together, like add the product to slick it down smoothly. When doing your ponytail make sure you have no lumps and bumps in the back of your hair, because then it's just gon na mess up the style, so yeah make sure you pull your hair taut and like wrap that wrap, get get some really good, scrunchies and Wrap that thing around your hair keep going, keep going look. My hair is super thick and i got these long nails on. I don't know how i did it, but i did it a slow motion for you. Look at that ponytail, okay. So now, oh, i changed my line, so first i'm going to start off with my um jam because i wanted to add, like some oil based type of jam. First, like i wanted to add the jam first before i added the freeze spray, because the freeze spray it's wet and i feel like that was going to revert my hair back and i didn't want my hair to revert back so yeah. I put this oil jam base first, to keep my hair straight and don't forget the kitchen guys get into that kitchen. Okay, you really got ta split that beach up. Okay, then brush it up brush it up brush it up, but don't get your edges cut in there because we're not working with edges right now. Okay, so now i'm taking out my ponytail because i'm getting ready to add the got to be glued spray. So i take out my ponytail and i hold my hair to keep everything in place. Um, i'm still brushing it up working in there because, like it's like a whole process, you have to make sure the style is straight as possible. See. I understand why people reflect on their hair. Like what's the point, what's the point? Look, my hair looks pretty good. This is my first time using um. This got to be glued spray on my natural hair, so i was kind of scared like i was like. I thought i was gon na revert my hair, but no my hair looked pretty damn good. Look at that. I should have used a blow dryer to like you know, help it set faster, but i didn't have the time. I didn't feel like doing all that. I should have okay, so after adding the product and slicking my hair um, it's time to put it back in that scrunchie make sure you're holding your hair as tight as possible, because you want your hair to look its best. Okay, guys now it's time for edges. Um i bought a new edge brush, so it was kind of hard. Every time i get a new edge brush. It feels kind of weird like because i'm so used to it being like hard like when it's when it's like soft bristles. It feels weird, but it's good to like change up your edge brush every once in a while, and oh my god, look at my husband in the background watching tv, oh and i forgot to mention that i'm using gorilla, snot yeah um, it's crazy because i went To the beauty, supply store this today that well that day and you would think i would have remembered to buy some edge control, but i didn't and yeah. This is like the best stuff to use, because i didn't want to use a streamlined gel because it's a water-based and my edges were going to revert back for real. So i tried you know, gorilla snot it. My edges still kind of reverted a little bit, but it it it has a pretty good hold so and don't make fun of my side edge. I'M really trying to get this down, but i don't think i have side edges. They'Ve never come out right. So now i'm prepping my hair for a braid um. If you don't know how to braid, you can also band your hair with, like some rubber bands or some scrunchies anything like to get your hair in that little unicorn stage. But yeah i'm just going to just do a quick braid and then we're going to start with the clip-ins. Can'T wait, see you then so now that we have our little unicorn horn. It'S time to start with the veins, i couldn't figure out how to get that going. I should have left out a little bit more hair to get that desired. Look but um yeah. In the end, it still looked cute. Hmm! So now we're going to begin brushing the hair to help the hair lay in that in the direction you want it to lay in so yeah brushing the hair. Then i'm going to start adding my products in so i'm just going to add the got to be to help freeze it in place, i'm using my hand my brush to help it lay down um. I started to notice that you know the product kind of making. My hair look a little puffy, so um, i started to add some clips to help with to help with stretching my hair after you're finished licking your hair, you want to apply your scarf to help, lay the style down. I kept my scarf on for a good 45 minutes because i had to flatter my clip-ins and apply the clip-ins you'll see that in the next few clips. Okay, guys excuse my ashy lips, but here are the clip-ins, the pearl hair clip-ins. I received these clip-ins from cc cosy, but, as always, the link will be in the description box. It'S an amazon, uh hair company um. The hair is really cheap. It'S only 35.99 on amazon. So if you guys are interested in these clip-ins make sure you check them out, they match really well with your natural hair texture. I haven't tried them with my natural hair yet, but there will be a video i'll i'll, probably record a video of me um using these clippings on my natural hair um. The curl pattern is 3c4a, but i think it's more like the 4a hair type. It will probably blend in very well with my looser textures of my hair, because i'm mostly 4b, but i do have some looser patterns in my hair. So we'll see how that goes. Anyways, i'm just brushing the hair out and flat ironing the hair so that it matches my straight hair and guys, like i love this freaking hair at first. When i received it, i thought it wasn't. Gon na, like work, i didn't think i was gon na be able to achieve this. Um clip-in ponytail look, but i had a lot of hair. I had i had a lot of hair and i was surprised um. This hair comes with eight pieces, um and 18 clips in the hair, and the hair is 16 inches. When i received the hair, like i said um, it didn't seem like it was much and it looked really short. I was like oh my gosh, but once i flat ironed it it worked out and once i started once the look started coming together, um, so so hmm! So now, i'm just prepping the hair for some curls. I wanted to lightly curl the hair. To just you know, add some pop to the side so foreign. So now i'm finished with my hair. I got dressed off camera now, i'm getting ready to do my makeup, so i'm not really going to explain what i'm doing with my makeup. I'M just going to just let you guys watch me. Do my makeup: i'm not going to really go into detail what products i'm using i'm just going to, let it do to do so. Sorry guys. I did try to get a clip of me applying my eyelashes, but when i was putting them on, i was out of the camera. I apologize. I kept getting distracted by the tv. My husband was watching a funny show um, but anyways i'm finished. How do i look, i feel so elegant in this look, i feel like a ice queen, look at icy barbie. Oh no, i'm really feeling it now. The icy song is in my head. I don't want to sing because i cannot sing but vibe with me guys. If you know the lyrics, i had to stand up to give you guys the whole. Like shebang. I got my little cute skirt on i'm trying to get him to look at me, but i guess this soccer game is more important than me, but hey whatever that's what i signed up for get ignored, but he loves me. I swear it's just when he's playing a soccer game like don't mess with him. Anyways guys make sure you like comment and subscribe. Follow me on my social medias and good luck to the new year. Bye love you

ChaseNtextures: Love the finish product! I can never get my swoop bang to lay down like that! And I love the clips!

Jane R: Your hair is so thick and beautiful! I’ll definitely be checking out the clip ins!

helenaxhaile: I can never get a hang of the barbie swoop, I will be trying this method!!!

Dalia Whitley: Your hair is so beautiful ❤️

Jandira Ortega: Love the swoop bang pony

philicia joy: Love your hair!

Dacorsha Sutton: Super cute look!

Just Chyna TV: Cute style

Portia Luxy: This is so nice

Veauna Howell: Your hair is so full

Shamim Nantongo: Hair goalssssss


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