How To: Balloon Ponytail Ft Kanekalon /Braiding Hair | Martha'S Empire

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Here is a quick video on how to do a balloon?bubble ponytail using cheap kanekalon braiding hair in the shade 1B.

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tags:balloon/bubble ponytail on 4c hair

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel, if you joining me for the first time hi my name is Martha and this is Mathis empire. So in this video you guys I'm gon na be showing you like how I did my hair. If you follow me on instagram, i'm sure the vlogs, I'm certain plugs will be coming after this, and you see like this ponytail I was rocking and everybody was like. How did you do it so I'll tell go back, I'm like you know what? Let'S do it like, so I'm gon na be showing you how to do the they call it the balloon ponytail really using this breading here and it's like literally the easiest natural here, like you, know, style you can get on so before you leave. I'D really appreciate. If you can subscribe to this channel, leave a comment down below and thumbs up to this video got further ado. They don't wan na see the bacon. This is how they roll right. So, first things: first, as you can see, this is my hair and that's your hair. If you can see like if you've watched my previous video I've just like loved my hair and straightened it. So this is pretty much stress stretched, but this is 100 %. 4C, hair, like yeah, so I'm just gon na, do all that so for this style you can use Joe. But for me I'm not gon na use your because the moment you put Joe in your hair, you have to wash your hair. You know not the move, but not right there, but right there and then, but you still have to wash it because you can't really stay with Jill and I just washed my hair. I just wrap my hair. I'M not really looking forward to watching me here anytime soon. Oh the first things. First, I'm gon na use like this oil and if you watch my channel, you know this for you, this new miracle oil and I'm gon na go in with my African pride hair. Moisturizer lotion this for me, acts like Joe, but even though it doesn't like it just like, holds everything together so yeah, but also be careful if you should enjoy here, it might kind of like shrink your hair. So that's something to look out for so I'm just gon na, like detangle, my hair, it depends on what you start with, but anyways gon na do my hair okay. So what we're using this here from Africa and collection is 100 % honey come on and you can use it to braid your hair. It says jumbo braid, so it's like really long. How many inches is this? It doesn't say like how many inches it is, but it's in the shade 1b look at this braiding hair like it looks more of like a natural hair thingies, please about vibes of natural hair. So that's actually good. So, actually, you could go and start working on your ponytail with the hair like this, but your ends. I'M not really gon na. Look nice and sharp like the ones like the way I had it on, and so what you have to do is you have to pull it here and look at how like tiny this is mine. Then I'm going to start pulling these ends so that it can be more of a fish tale ending and how? How do you put it into just what you do this, so I always like section apart like this, and then I stop pulling like that. So trying to get it like this like this, can you see this side? You see the difference before I go on and put to the other side. I always love to kind of like comb, the hair with our white afro comb, just so we're on the same page and I'm not going to put it back instead of using an elastic I'll use every one, because I feel like your hair kind of your thingy. Your ponytail is much more secure than elastic because it can always break so again. I'M gon na go in over like this, and I'm gon na go up, and I will like get it from this side like like this, so this is very secure. So now I like back to my hair, I'm gon na put it up in a ponytail. It depends also like where you want to position your ponytail. If you wanted to be low or whatever just bring it as close as possible and don't tie your head, you're thinking you're putting a really tight because you're just going to be uncomfortable the rest of the day so like that, I'm gon na use just an ordinary. Basically want to tie my hair and then the last part, I'm kind of like going to hold this together, like this, like that now it's time for the ponytail. So this is why I have it like this and the read one I'm just gon na put the strip in here like that, and then I'm gon na pull it to the side. So pretty much here as well. It depends like when you want to pull it out to be because I love Allah. I like it with my ponytail force to the side and not the back. So if you want your ponytail to kind of like be at the back, you have to kind of like Center it here and then pull it back like this. Oh, oh girl, AHA see so I mean if you want it to be on the side. You have to make sure it's on this side and then you're pulling like that. Yes go! Yes, so I'm just gon na like pull it to this side and then before we start with up with a ponytail kind of like have this section out just a bit of here like this. Much to this side like that and then now we're gon na work easier to make sure that your hair is nicely secured like so the next step is now when the curtain comes in for use, so I would suggest, before you even start with the whole ponytail. Just cut like chunks of cotton and we'll start with the top, so I'm just going to like make sure my my braiding hair covers my natural hair like that, and then I will go in my mind. Wants you? Oh? So the next step is pretty much. This remaining piece of here, which is going to tie everything together, I'm also going to add more moisturizer to it that I'm just gon na go like that. They'Ve done so I'm just gon na put it up. Put it in like that and the next spot is pretty much to kind of like cut off these ends. I also like to add another bobby pin like here like this, just like hold it and then kind of like go in and secure that it's going to remain to this side like this, you see that yeah, hey guys so after this is the finished look. So this is pretty much the concept of how to do like a balloon volunteer with Kanekalon and nickel on here or expression here with braiding here and yeah. This is how I did it. It'S a side ponytail. You can always flip it up and flip it, but also I'd, say here: it's gon na look more neat. If you kind of like use, Jo or if you freshly, like you, know, straighten your hair like the way I had it when I was in it and I'm sit down like now, it doesn't look that meat, but I think if it is like it gives me That natural vibe, because look it's like my hair and the quality or that kind of like almost the same texture, which I like you know so there you have it guys, your voice. My mind wants you, so you guys if this video was really helpful. Please give me a thumbs up and subscribe for more videos and, if there any other videos that, like me to try out I'm also open to that, don't forget to follow me on instagram at math, underscore Empire and ya. See my next one. Thank you for watching. Bye, hair oil work with me, hi hi, guys and welcome back to my channel, Oh breast, breast, breast, breast breast. All right, no, okay, yay! I gave you many chances, but you pushed me down.

Ruth Tembo: Lovely hairstyle, will definitely try it out. Thanks Martha

Liziwe Mwale Dethlefsen: Beautiful

Bwalya 95: My favorite

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