Ghd'S Max Styler Cuts Your Hair Styling Time In Half | Ghd Max Review & Tutorial | Cosmopolitan

“That is a game changer!” If you're after a tool that cuts your hair styling time in half (who isn't?!), we've got just the thing. In this week's Beauty lab, three Cosmo beauty editors with different hair types and lengths tested the new ghd max, a wide plate professional hair straightener with larger plates for smooth and sleek results. But is it worth the £179 price tag? Watch the video for our honest review.

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I love this. I think it looks so nice. It just looks like i've had a really expensive blow dryer. My hair feels very, very silky and healthy. Oh, that is a game. Changer game changer welcome to beauty lab where we've been busy testing the latest skincare, haircare and makeup so make sure you subscribe. So you don't miss any videos. This week, oh you're gon na be excited we're testing the ghd max professional wide plate, styler, which looks like this. It'S like your ghd, which is a little bit thicker, and you know what we like that so yeah. Apparently, this causes less breakage and 80 more shine and also helps you style your hair in half time, just some pretty big promises. Yeah i'm excited to kind of see how quickly this gets through my hair, i'm gon na straighten all my hair and then i'll. Let you know how quickly it does that so, apparently, they heat up to 185 degrees across both plates, which ghd say, is the optimal styling temperature, regardless of your hair type or texture. That temperature is a little bit low for straightening my hair, to make it bone straight um. So it will keep a little bit of body in it, which i think is good for some people and some people - don't love that. So, let's i think i can put in two sections like, let's see immediately, i'm trying to like shorten the job right. Okay, so i'm going to start at the back of my hair and i'm going to use them. Just as i would my regular straighteners when it comes to cutting my hair, so i'm going to clamp it and then twist it and pull it down. I'M going to see how big a section i can do actually from the start and see if that works. Now. Obviously, my hair is pretty straight to begin with, so it's not going to have that tougher job. For me, i really want to look at the speed of it. Hopefully this works well. Okay, here we go so i'm getting a really nice loose wave. As you can see, it's looking really nice. Actually, this is what i'm, even with the heat setting. That'S straightened the end bit of my hair really nicely. Can you see, but then the top of my hair, which is thicker, takes a lot more and you can kind of see that it's a bit thicker at the top than is at the bottom. But my hair feels very, very silky and healthy, which is nice. I could just like run my hands over them all day, all over the strands all day and like i love that look at the size section, i'm taking don't care, it will do it. It fits oh yeah, brilliant, we'll be done in no time done that side's done it's like the perfect curl. So far. I love this. I think it looks so nice. I am very impressed so far. It is just covering a really wide section. You can see how much of my hair it covers. Imagine if you have really long hair it'd be great. So far. I'Ve only been doing this for like 15 minutes and normally to straighten my hair. It does take a long time. It'S basically. Oh my god. I love it. It'S just like brushing your hair. Oh if you're haphazard, like me, you're gon na love. This look at that. I'M done! Oh, that is a game changer game changer, but honestly for my hair, pretty much took no time at all, so i've just finished styling my hair and i do really really like this um - it's 179 pounds. So it's definitely not cheap um, but it's kind of about average price for ghd. So if you're used to using their hair straighteners anyway, i mean you're, probably already aware of the cost - they're, not cheap, stylers um, but they are really good, and i found this so easy to use like it glide through my hair. It glided through my hair, really easily it didn't get tangled and it's just given really nice ways. I feel a bit like kate middleton. If you have long hair like me, and you have the same attitude to hair as me - that you absolutely cba, this will replace your regular straighteners genuinely. If i use a normal straightener and the amount of hair i have. I have to do about four sections and i definitely i feel like it's impossible to miss bits with this. So much quicker so much easier. It does everything it does everything quicker. I genuinely don't know if you why, if you had long or thick hair, you'd use the other strainer, no ghd max all the way as much as i say, about ghd and not being able to change the temperature setting or to get like just have it a Little bit higher to kind of give it a more flatter sleek down. Look i do always whenever i use my ghds, because i have a pair that i use. I have a pair of platinums that my hair always feels so healthy afterwards, and i just don't think you can fault that at all like they obviously know their stuff. Like my hair. Look how healthy it looks. This has got a big thumbs up for me and that took me 20 minutes to straighten my whole hair. So a lot less time than if i was kind of using a smaller um like regular straightener as well so yeah thumbs up. Thank you so much for watching beauty lab at home. We'Ll see you in the next one.

Nicole M: Great review girls! Love that you’ve shown the styler on different hair types and for different end goals

Unique 541: It doesn't straighten the roots of the hair. A higher setting is needed. That would be great thank you.

Big Brother Qc Recaps: can someone tell me if this is 4c friendly?

Jaki Botham: Baby loss do a wide plate straightener, can you review that?

Lindy: Ooooh :O

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