Hairdresser Reacts To People Cutting Off Their Bleach Damaged Hair

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Hi Beautiful! Today we watch some people cut off their long bleach damaged hair. So satisfying!

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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

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Hi beautiful sometimes when you color your hair, it gets a little damaged and i think we've seen a lot of that over the years, especially in hairdresser reacts. So usually what happens when their hair is damaged? Is you need to cut it off so we're gon na see just that today? We'Re gon na see a couple. People cut off all of the damaged hair on their head, all of that colored hair, so they're back to their completely natural hair, color their natural texture, and it feels nice and healthy and smooth and soft and silky and sexy that was good. They'Re, probably gon na have to cut it pretty short, so hopefully it looks good, but first today's video is sponsored by native you guys already know. I love native i've used their deodorants, for i think, like two years now, what's also really exciting, is they now have 100 plastic free packaging? This is made with 90 post consumer recycled paper and native is a proud member of one percent for the planet. They are committing to donating one percent of their plastic free deodorant sales to environmental nonprofits. Each of these guys are aluminum, free, paraben, free vegan and cruelty free here in front of me, i have aloe and green tea, it's so fresh, but it also has that very. Like earthy plant smell, this one is the one i literally always use eucalyptus and mint this one just smells so fresh, but then it has that little kick of like sexy at the end, like oh gorgeous and native just released hair products. This is almond, and shea butter delicious also really good for your hair. Three plastic free deodorants would be 39, but if you use my link and code brad mondo 3 you'll get them for 26.. That'S over 33 off with my code. You can also get 20 off any body wash or toothpaste up. First, we have ch527 kerosene i've seen her videos before and she never fails to shock me with these videos. So i'm sure today will be just as shocking. I'M going to be cutting all of the color off and i have a vision for what i want the end result to be, but i also have no expectations for myself. I'M excited for this transformation. Her hair is a mad long and she's gon na have to cut it very short to get all that color off. The reason why i want to cut all my hair off my hair is extremely damaged. So when i bleached my hair, something just didn't go right. There'S a lot more breakage than i normally used to have, so you can kind of see it, but it's just like little strands that are basically just the brown yeah. We got some breakage, it's not that bad, but we definitely have it, and i cannot wait for her to chop it off and it's all throughout my head that i can find these little ones that have just basically snapped off, and so that's a big reason why. I want to cut it. Super short is to just get rid of the super damage that i don't want. Let'S just start over, it feels so good when you have damaged hair to just cut it all off goodbye we're starting fresh. I like where this is going. I love a girl in a shaved head. It looks dope, okay, cool, that's done feeling a lot better. It'S definitely been a while, since i had shaved my size, alright. So next i'm just going to wash my hair, i'm so glad that she wet her hair before cutting. Nobody ever does this and it's the easiest thing to do to ensure that everything is being cut at the same length when your hair's wet it's heavier. It weighs down those waves and curls in your hair. It takes out all the texture, it's easier to cut. You know, wet hair strains than it is to cut dry hair strands, it's easier to keep it in sections when it's wet, it's just easier when it's wet. Okay, that was like the worst first cut. I could have possibly done. Oh, she is making her way around the head and cutting. This is so satisfying to see all of that dead. Bleached hair hit the floor tone like this. Okay, i'm just gon na. Do that to the rest of the back and then check in after? Oh, my god, there's so much length leaving her head, she was not kidding when she said she does not like long hair she's like i'm, going to cut it all off. It'S already starting to take shape. I like where this is going. I'M intrigued, okay! So now that i have most of the length off the back, i think now i'll try to like actually cut it into something. Oh, it's getting tough to watch she's, trying to give herself layers right now in the back of her head very difficult to do. Wouldn'T recommend that was not a good cut, but hopefully we'll all come together. Somehow just turn your head to the side and look in the mirror, though, and then cut like you know. This is looking in this. That becomes too confusing. I'Ve tried it. Those are the biggest sections ever take a smaller section, so i think next up is just try to get the length off of the top slash front. She has to cut all of that length off, i'm like excited to see it go, but i'm kind of sad in a weird way. I'M just gon na cut all of this off. Okay, that you know kind of gets the job done. It definitely got the job done. I also have to say i really like the black and the green together, like i kind of wish she would keep a little bit of it. It'S a good combination, especially when it's short like this. It looks really cool. Now, what i'm gon na do basically the same kind of technique that i did for the back, which is to just split it in half and go from there she's, like i'm, just gon na figure it out. Somehow i don't really know but it'll. Just it's gon na happen because there's no technique right now. The technique was there. I like this she's, giving herself some layering she's cutting at an angle. I think what i wanted to do get my bangs to just kind of chill for a second, but then the rest. I need to get some of this green off. I can see the cut starting to take shape and it looks so good on her. Okay, i kind of just want to be done. It'S just like too thick and too full yeah. I don't know, i don't think the back looks too awful. Besides the sides i'm just going to leave it like this um i'm either going to buy a longer clipper attachment and just buzz at all, or i'm going to go to a professional who can cut a pixie cut. So here's my little weird mohawk for now. Oh, my god that could have been so cute and i was expecting it to be so damn cute. What happened? You have way too much hair to just cut it off like that and leave it like you need to get texture in there. You need to thin that out get a lot of that hair out of there. It could have been so good, but it just didn't make the cut, but you're still so beautiful, and i know you've done so many things to your hair since then, and it looks incredible up next, we have elise eklund, i'm cutting off all of my hair today And i'm terrified, i'm thinking, maybe here that could be cute. I have my trusty baby scissors get some real scissors. Also wow she's cutting a lot. I know they're all supposed to cut a lot off, but every time i'm like wow they're cutting a lot off wow. This is so fun oh hold on. Do you need to take a breather, because i do she's already got it in ponytails and she's already going for it? I always want to cry when this happens that noise, it hurts me deep down inside. Oh, i i missed a whole section. No, the bob on her is so cute. I also love the little bit of color on her ends. I love like tips on hair, like colored tips. It is such a thing that more people need to do. Can we make that a trend, i'm not gon na lie? I struggled cutting through the hair, but i never give up except the times that i do give up. But this is not one of those times. Why is she cutting this side way longer than the other side? Look how uneven this is. As you can see, i did a very good job and it is completely even the back is probably worse. I'M going to let you all have the first peek. Oh hell. No, no, it is up down. All around is whoa, it is wild in there and the color is very uneven too great job, i'm about to give y'all a boost of serotonin, because the little baby ponytail is my favorite thing about short hair. It'S freaking adorable, and this is probably how i'm gon na be wearing my hair for the next two months, since i did a horrible job, cutting it and i needed to grow out another good short hairstyle is the half up half down. I am an expert at this one see you can't even tell that it's not even so. That'S where she kind of leaves it sorry for the short video, but it was also really epic and crazy in like one minute. I think she looks so good with this cut, but, like imagine, it actually cut. Imagine if she gets layers in there. I feel like she would rock like a choppy bob with like a little curtain. Bang like something really like rocker, i feel like she could really pull that off and then just coloring the tips of her hair, pink like this and making it all. Even all around would look phenomenal. I hope that's what she did up next. We have raven alexis. I am cutting my hair, i'm cutting all this off, all of it. Okay, y'all! I just left sally. I got the scissors. She bought professional hair, cutting scissors. That'S what we need in here and i'm glad we have it it'll help her a lot. So here's a little link. It'S not at my show, just a little pass it. But when i had my braising, it was like right out my armpit. Let me go ahead and start unraveling, my hair wait. I wasn't expecting her hair to be so pretty. Why are we cutting it off like? I would like to see her hair just all dark again, but like it doesn't look that damaged like this video supposed to be about cutting off damaged hair, what the hell! What happened? Uh! I have a love hate relationship with my hair in the back, not because it's kinkier, but it's so dry like it is so dry. It gives me so many problems if i'm going swimming or anything like, and it's so dry, and i just want to cut it all off and start over. She said her hair is so so dry. She was also talking about how she wants to cut it off. So she can just have her natural hair and let it all grow out healthy again. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Oh, she went really really short shorter than i thought she was going to go. Was that too short? The shortest raven is really really short. I hope that she can make this work and look right. She might just need to shave it off like. I feel like there's that time, where it's like just too in between, like grown out and short. You know what that grown out, hair look yo, i'm dying. That is so much hair, that's kind of too long. Isn'T it too long, you just cut it all off hold on. She is like so just doing it most. People, like you know, have a little mental breakdown at this point, but she's just going through it doing it all and like really not giving a, which i love like she is by no means attached to her hair. Clearly like wow. I would be scared to do that to myself. I'M sorry! I just can't get over how much hair she's cutting off this is wild. Oh yeah, you just made yourself bald. This is gon na, be the most random haircut if she ever decides to blow it out straight, like it's gon na, be like one like up here down here up here, like just crazy, because there's no technique, it's just like cut cut done. This is so cute. I love it. I just took this comb. Whatever hair was a piece now just cut it. I did some swoops in the front. I can't do much with it, because it's not even an inch hey, y'all, okay, this is not the next day. This is like two weeks later, i'm so sorry, i'm loving my hair. It'S very very cute. I got the back faded, it transitions a little bit more smoother, but i'm loving my hair, it's very cute. She is so cute. Oh, my god. She has like a little doll face with that shaved head like oh she's, so adorable i love it. I want to see her with like full-on makeup full-on glam, like an eye shadow moment or like a lip. Like i don't know this haircut, you can do some edgy with, like i love well, those were dramatic changes that i was not expecting like. I thought they were gon na have a little bit of damaged hair like this long and just like trim it off and no, they went crazy with it got rid of more than like six, seven, eight, nine ten inches of hair, which is dramatic and a lot. I just love the transformations you guys know. I love a good transformation and these were good, definitely could have been done a little bit better, but that's okay. They still look great if you guys like check out me anywhere else here. All my social media handles also x, monohair and x. Wonder color get hair inspiration from there and you can shop my hair color and my hair care line with the link down below we have hair glosses, look creams, oils shampoos, everything to make your hair look and feel incredible. All the products are created and formulated by me and the rest of my team. If you'd like to check out more videos of me there they are for you go for it, it'll be a good time, and that's all for today guys. Thank you so much for watching, don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time. Bye!

Brad Mondo: Save 33% on your first Native Plastic-Free Deodorant Pack - normally $39, you’ll get it for $26! Click here and use my code BRADMONDO3 #AD

Elise Ecklund: I’m crying and deceasing lmaooo thanks for including me in the video!

Archana Yadav: I love the last girl. She's just living in her own world and loves herself. ❤ And she looks so cute too after the haircut. Initially I thought she's cutting too much but honestly she pulled it off. ❤

Lacey Miles: I love how Brad said “colored tips is so cute, can we please make it a trend?” when he is already rocking the colored tips! you’re amazing and we love it!

Nicolle Van Dyke: If I had a face like the first woman, it wouldn't matter if my whole head was shaved. She could legit rock anything and look amazing.

Gabrielle Pereira: The first girl, I love her. I love all the hair transformations that she does. She’s fantastic! I love that you didn’t expect her shaving her head hehehe.

Sonny & Skully: I hope Brad knows that this is his prime time with his look. The hair, style, freckles, and everything — he looks SO good. This is it. This is the look, Brad.

Monica Janek: I recently had to cut all of my hair off, full buzzcut. I bleached and dyed it one too many times to the point where it wouldn’t even get dry because it was so desperate to retain the moisture. At the time it felt like the lowest point in my life but I’ve been slowly getting used to it and seeing this video made me really happy. Thanks Brad Mondo :)

Journaling with Jade: BRAD - You should do a hair cutting competition show where you get everyday people to be contestants and cut their own hair according to different challenges you set in each round. It could be called "Making the Cut." It's basically what you are doing now by watching all of these people cut their own hair, except you would be judging them in a competition. I would watch it.

Best Beech: The last girl, YES!!!! Finally someone that chopped off ALL of the damage, didn't play no games and also looked super cute with the short hair. I love it!

Diantae: Love to see Brad experimenting with colours in his hair

LeahxSamurai: Whenever I’m watching people dye their hair and start by the roots I cringe and get mad at them because I watch Brad Mondo and I know what’s wrong

Salicylic Acid Milk Rinse: The first ladies hair didn’t look that bad/damaged but good on her. it suits her.

Rachel Nicole: okay i’m obsessed with that super short cut on the last girl. she was nervous at first but it looks incredible! such a look

Illusion271: I love these girls. They could literally destroy their hair and somehow still look amazing just because they exude confidence.

Rita 25 y.o - check my vidéó: I love how Brad said “colored tips is so cute, can we please make it a trend?” when he is already rocking the colored tips! you’re ahead of your time and we love it!

Rachel Frumkin: I love Elise she is chaotic! She always cuts her hair and hates it but eventually she loves it. We love chaotic queens.

Mariah Mickens: After all the damage from coloring my hair surprisingly I’ve never had to cut it off my hair care product always gets my curls back every single time

Lucy Morris: Loving the 90's early 2000's surfer vibes Brad's outfit it giving us

Rachael Maehl: The first girl is amazing ! I love her channel, she's always doing something awesome to her hair

Sandra: Looked at the mirror, stared at my hair Found it too boring, it needed more flair Grabbed some scissors, cut a bang Pulled too hard and up it sprang Then came the bleach, I wanted to try Something fun, like a split dye But oh boi, this too went wrong Used 30 volume, it was too strong Not only that, oh no there's more Started at the roots, just like before Should have learned from past mistakes Just one of Brad's video's is all it takes "Section your hair." is what he would say I believe if I did it would have made his day So here I am, bleached and fried Waiting for my hair to be dried Hoped to be blonde, oh one could dream What I saw in the mirror made me want to scream Ended up with piss-yellow, orange or inbetween I could hear Brad yelling "DONT USE T-18!" "What do I do?!" I asked myself When my eyes landed on a nearby shelf And there it was, my saving grace Staring me right back in the face My hair was a complete disaster This only made my body move faster I knew the thing I held in my hand Is something that Brad would rather have banned This object would definitely make him cry Because I was box dye.

[Official_scarlet_overkill]: I just cut my hair today EXTREMELY short. I shaved the sides and the back and only left the top! I love the result and my hair feels a lot healthier. I dye my hair a lot and so far I’ve dyed it 6 times. (And bleached.) after the cutting it was amazing and I still have a bit of color in the front and it looks rlly good. Also, If your wondering, it was a pixie cut.

Cassandra Waller: First girl, I love watching her hair transformations. They always look soo good.

Rachel Frumkin: I don't know how but Kero always makes her look so good. It always always turns out eventhough I watch every video like "oh, no girl what are you are doing?!"

Sway Ziolkowski: <3 I love you so much brad! I am 14 and I am going to be a hairdresser when I grow up because of you ❤️

Taylor Hagens: Thank you for posting a video at all today. It’s my first Mother’s Day since my mommy passed from Covid in October and I find so much joy in watching you, so I’m grateful I have this today. Ad or not. Thank you.

F R A N K I E --C0me 0ver L!ve: I love the last girl. She's just living in her own world and loves herself. ❤ And she looks so cute too after the haircut. Initially I thought she's cutting too much but honestly she pulled it off.

fluffy3049: I love the first girl!! I don't watch her regularly but it seems like every time she makes a new hair video, I get it in my recommended videos. I've watched her go on one heck of a wild journey with those dead cells flowing from her head. ❤️

Caroline Shephard: Ahh a Brad video to watch while I wait for my bright red hair dye to process ‍

Aislinn: Haven’t watched beyond the intro but just saying that this is the cutest hairstyle Brad has had fr Edit: these were so satisfying! I actually also did this once, going from really long (almost to the small of my back) but really damaged hair to a short pixie cut. The amount of times my hairdresser asked if I was sure, 100% sure, before taking the scissors into her hand never regretted it once (although growing it out was not pretty)

Mella6815: The feeling after getting rid of that damage is indescribable! My hair was long and damages after dying purple then red, and when I cut it all off in a long bob, look so freaking good! My hair has improved and got healthier since

Zen Zeph: The first girl was (and still lowkey is) one of my biggest hair inspos! I actually followed her tutorial on bleaching when I did it the one time I did to go platinum. (Also why did my hair feel healthier after 2 bleach sessions than it did before???) Plus she introduced me to the death hawk and faux dreads

DrawingIsMyOxygen: I recommend watching more of the first girl she has sooo many amazing hair videos.

Brooke: Hey brad guess what. YOU'RE AMAZING. Been here for years and staying for as long as you continue your mesmerizing career

Max Hu: Yknow, brad makes me so happy. He has such strong reactions and emotions, so much passion for so many things. He's just so bright and opinionated and dramatic and .... when I feel down, when I feel empty, he gives me energy, he's just wonderful to watch.

Latisha Campbell: I've done this twice, 5 years apart. I've gone from damaged, bleached, blonde hair to a #3 and #5 guard cut. I love my pixie cuts but then always grow it out. Damage it and cut it all off again.

Koshvat: i’ve been a follower of the first girl and let me tell you her hair was always short. I saw one of her videos when she got two undercuts. I think she SLAYS short hair like omg

Lara Chaplauske: Brad, I really hope you're taking good care of yourself. You spread so much good vibes that you deserve all the happiness .

9melissal: His video choice for Kerocene really didn't do her justice. She's given herself so many amazing haircuts and this one was not the finished product.

Khalilah D.: Wow I didn’t expect these to go as well as they did (especially that last one but she was adorable and I think it came out so well )

Jane Oh!: I'm about to do this! I've bought proper hair shears & I've got a good length, 7months of regrowth - I've almost shaved my head twice in the past few months haha ETA Australia needs XMondo!!

Tiffany Arturo: The last girl is gorgeous! I love how her cut came out, fits her face shape really nice

Stevie Scissorhands: Brad, this is my favourite hair on you. love the accent fringe colour, love the baby mullet peaking out the back. looking good gurl..

Smokey Santiago: When my hair gets dried out, it's holds onto oil for dear life and gets gross quick. But cutting it at that point has taught me to love on my natural hair as much as possible because my fro is so healthy and happy!

Raven Vargas: 9:43 Yes my girl brought hair cutting scissors her and the first girl are my favorites. Watching people cut off damaged hair is so satisfying

Brady Kimball: Just discovered your channel… I adore the commentary- I could watch all day!! ‍♀️

Justeen Schoner: I love Elise so much, she's so talented, and so sweet <3

Estelle: The green was so nice on the first girl, I was def sad to see it go. But I totally get that feeling of wanting to chop all the damaged hair off your head. I’ve been growing my hair out for the past 2 years after completely destroying it. The ends are still so fried, and it takes so much self control to not cut it off, but I would look awful with a bob, so I have to wait. Def learning to have patience, but I have so much more appreciation for my natural hair! Thanks for the vid Brad ❤️ all these girls look amazing after their haircuts!

Danna’s channel: I bleached my hair recently at home and I actually really liked it thankfully my older sister told me to watch the brad mondo bleaching video and I am so glad I did and my hair is still really healthy and pretty after I bleached it so Thank you for making that video or I would of started with my roots

Sheva Pendragon: I'm about to do the same thing to my hair. But I followed your bleaching advice and my hair feels very healthy and strong. Thanks so much for that. Happy mothers day to all the wonderful moms out there.

Rianne van der Kraats: Hi Brad Mondo, I want to thank you for this video. My hair was badly damaged by the bleaching and had been thinking about shaving it for a while but didn't dare to do it. I saw this video of you last Monday and I shaved my hair off the next day. I'm so glad I dared to do it because I'm super happy with my almost bald head

Syrehnity: I just had 7 inches cut off and am now rocking a bob with curtain bangs! Love it! Much needed with all the damage I had going on.

MeepIsTired: I never understand why people cry when they cut their long hair. I usually let my hair grow until it becomes a bother, then just chop it off at chin length. Only recently did I get a different haircut lol, asymmetrical hairstyle gang where you at.

Mehzabeen ZT: Brad!!! You look so great and I hope you are doing well. Missed your frequent uploads - they're the only thing that help me calm down and fall asleep. xxx

Hailey York: I love how your hair is always different every video. Makes me happy.

ILOVEMARILYNMANSON89: i love the third girl's hair cut the best! she also had the best styling and i loved how into it she was getting.

Aaron Jackson: Brad you should watch more of the first girl’s videos. She has so many amazing looks on her channel

lilli: Elise and brad in one video amazing . Elise is so wholesome love her .

Sunny Lyndis: How dry should your hair be after bleaching and dying it for the first time? I went to a hairdresser and she did a great job but my hair used to feel like silk, and now it's rough and I hate it. I knew it would be damaged but I hate how it feels. So much so I put it in a bun and since it was a balayage when I put it up/back I can't even tell I colored my hair. I feel like I just wasted money- again I like how it looks but it feels so scratchy it itches my neck. Q.Q Any advice yall? Edit: I don't use heat products, if I do I use a protectant. I have thick dark hair with some movement to it (I'm Korean). I wash my hair 2 times a week and when I do I let the conditioner sit for a few minutes. I don't take hot showers, it's luke warm water- mainly cause my hot water sucks. I feel like I'm doing everything right- the normal stuff. I'm not super obsessed about my hair so I could chop it, it's more of the feeling of wasted money that hurts so I want to make this work.

music frog: Omg I’m so obsessed with your hair rn, by the way, cut my hair out of boredom at 1am yesterday, it looks good :)

Sara Lee Mikell: I completely damaged my hair for about 2 years... Bleaching and straightening and dying bright colors.. But then I decided to go natural because my hair is naturally extremely curly and I was tired of spending so much time straightening my hair and then it just poofing out and still looked terrible regardless of how much time I spent. I shaved all my hair off to get my curls back and start over. It's definitely worth the chop. I have beautiful tight and shiny curls now..

Kathleen Burgess: I’m about to do my first big change from lower back level hair to a pixie and I couldn’t be more excited!!!! At some point I may dye it but I’m still a little scared for that.

meganistrashy: Yaass good for Elise, I've been watching her for a couple years now and I love her hair journey

Carolina Zanata: let's SOOOOO make coloured tips happen! I'd love to watch a video on advice on picking a colour to contrast with natural hair (light brown, been struggling haha) thanks, brad, you always lighten up my day!

behindtheballad: I got most of my damaged ends cut off a few weeks ago! My hair felt loads healthier, although I couldn't cut all of it off bc I couldn't handle going too short.

Meg Ratcliffe: I did this last week! 11 years of non stop dying and bleaching my hair. I had a few month regrowth and just chopped all my hair off, it’s quite short but i’m so glad I did it and I can’t wait for my natural hair to grow back to shoulder length I didn’t do it because it was damaged tho, but I just wanted to see my natural hair again and just felt like cutting it all off

Khalis -E: So glad you reacted to the first one she has a lot of good videos I’d love to see you react to

Krys: Yes to the last girl, so adorable! I just did the big chop. Never thought I’d look good with short hair but I love it

misschels26: I more obsessed with Brad's look in this video! Serving up some 90s boy band realness and I'm here for it!!

Zoe: The last girl is beautiful. The short hair brings out all her features. Gorgeous ❤️

Stella Δnnie: I love how people cutting their hair is body horror to Brad. :D

Tessa Castro: Bring on the head shaving...yesssss beautiful! I love the splash of blue in Brad's hair!

Alpagator: The videos of the first girl were the beginning for me to watch hair related videos on Youtube *.* I really enjoyed her videos and it's pretty sad, that she doesn't create a lot content anymore :'(

Maggie Lee: Brads hair and whole look literally looks so good

Zaza Zipper: Also I love the brows! They are a bit "too dark". They are a bit "too much". They are a bit "too everything". It suits you very well. Absolutely gorgeous!

Michele El: Living for this beachy, blue, summer boy vibe you've got going on!

inosukesboarhead: I love Brad sm because he makes me feel less insecure

Love Bug: Love the first girl!! I watch her all the time and she's awesome!! You should watch her dread vids...

ananas wuenschdirwas: Oh Brad I love it, when you grow your hair a bit longer. It looks fantastic on you ✨

GamerGrandma: People who sew: Don't EVER cut ANYTHING that's not fabric with your fabric scissors!!! Hairstylists: Don't EVER cut you hair with ANYTHING that isn't hair cutting scissors!!! The first girl:

Spring Charm: This hairstyle suits you soooo good, you should keep that style and color.

ThatOneGirl: My hair was very damaged after finally getting it dyed a wild colour. I wanted to buzz it all off, and no one was supportive. :( I finally just went to the hairdresser and got it cut short. It feels so much better now though!

Shannanigans: So, I'm new to you and I'm sure you won't see this. I just wanted to say what a kind soul you seem to have! You just want people to be happy with themselves. I love your into, "hello beautiful". You're spreading positivity and beauty in an ugly time. Thank you, from a new (middle-aged, lol) subscriber!

Lauralyn: I cannot be the only person who died laughing when Brad kept gushing about how much he loves tips, tiny little tips...

Sarah D.: 9:27 One of the few times I disagree with Brad. I have the same hair texture as her and choppy layers aren't a good look. It ends up looking damaged/sloppy and requires so much styling. The bob looks good on her. IMHO, she just needed to even it out.

megan Bud: Love you brad ❤️ Your voice helps this single mom unwind after a long day of work and baby cries.

Angelica Jimenez: This came out the day before I shaved my head to get rid of damaged hair I bleached and mistreated during my grad school experience !

Phoenix Hunter: Brad, is there ever a time where you feel cutting dry hair is better? The best haircut I’ve ever had was when my hair was dry. I wish more would do dry haircuts

Kassie K: The last girl doesn’t give a fock because she knows how beautiful her face is! It doesn’t matter what your hair looks like when you have a pretty face

hospitalcakewalk: omfg yes, i love Chrissy (Kerosene) She's basically a rave model at this point :D I love her so much, I've watched her for about 4+ years now??? :} I LOVE HER DEATHHAWK TOOOOOOOO Besides her dreads, omfg!!!! Thank you Brad!!

sketchaycat: Not really related to the video topic but I just love your look today. It feels so summery and it's just making me feel so much more energized out here in rainy Oregon

Theresia Singleton: Brad was so happy when she said she got the scissors from Sally's! I literally reminded that part because it's so damn funny! Love you Brad!

Michelle Taylor: Brad you are such a beautiful person, I love how you are always so kind and complimentary . Keep your light shining.

HeathenFrens: About to start my hair coloring journey this August! Hoping it won’t have to come to this!

Park SeokJin: my fav was the last one, she looks adorable with that hair, i love it

MrsNunyaBusiness: Brad, you're amazing, keep being YOU ☺️, you're beautiful too!

Amanda Weaver: I binge watch Kero all the time I was waiting for him to react to her for awhile. I think alot of her followers have been .

m. Vard: the first two girls were such a mood. this makes me go to salon and cut my hair extra short again. but I’ll not. you know how annoying to grow hair, cuz there are periods when you hate that lenght but you have to wait until it gets longer.

SarahLee: The last girl is so gorgeous! Her hair cut is perfection on her! Like her face and her eyes pop, without all her hair. I want to do it so bad, but I absolutely do not have the face for it. Lol

flore a: I'm absolutely living for the blue baby fringe moment, you look amazing!!!

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