Dyson Airwrap V. Dupe On Straight Hair | Automatic Curler Side-By-Side Comparison & Honest Reaction

How does the $50 Airwrap dupe from Ali Express compare to the real thing? Peep my video to find out :)

Get as hot as it needs to be: oh, it's kind of hot, see pretty good. Okay, pretty good, hey everyone! Today'S video is about the airwrap dupe versus the real thing. Now the dupe is 50 on aliexpress, whereas the real thing is retailing for about 500. On amazon, so it's 10 times as expensive. Now, if you're like me and you're doing your research before buying any type of beauty, product or any type of big purchase, then i hope this video works for you, because this is the kind of thing that i wanted to see when i was deciding whether or Not to just stick with the dupe or get the real thing like does the dupe really hold up, let's find out, i am going to be doing this side of my hair with the dupe and this side of my hair with the dyson air wrap. I also have a little bit of water here, because apparently the cowanda effect is much more pronounced when your hair is moist. So let me just split my hair down the middle so that i have equal parts to work with this side will be for the dupe. We'Re going to start with the dupe, it just comes with the actual hair dryer and it comes with a variety of different attachments, but the attachment i'm going to be using is the one that curls your hair without the traditional iron. I want to use the arrow going away from my face. Yes, which is this one? Okay, so it comes with three settings, but the truth is it's a little janky. It doesn't actually go with all three settings. One thing i notice is when you go to one it's the same amount of air, but it is not as hot and then, as you go to two and three there's no difference, it gets pretty hot, pretty good, all right. So for this one i basically just let it get as hot as it needs to be. Oh, it's kind of hot, and then i basically turn it off. Let'S see pretty good, okay, pretty good all right. So let's try like a medium section of hair, see it doesn't really pull up very large sections. It works well for really really small sections all right see how that goes: okay, pretty decent! So, let's take a piece like this and by the way my hair is completely dry, so it doesn't pick up the entire section. I really have to feed it either. Really really small sections or just let it pick up whatever it will and the force of this air dryer is actually pretty strong, i'm going to bring it down to one. It sounds the same, but it's actually cooler air. So warm though, so i don't know how much it really sets your curl and all right. So, as you can see in these three pieces, it works. It really works. That being said, it will take me forever to do the rest of my hair. It also doesn't pick up the hair very effectively. It'S almost like the air coming out is going in so many different directions, but it doesn't really pick up my hair, okay, not doing a good job of sectioning, my hair, but let's uh see what it picks up. If i just wanted to put it in my hair, it doesn't really pick up hair super effectively. You have to really feed it. Tiny increments of sections, okay, but see these pieces that were not curled right. So now, let's try it by wetting my hair, i'm gon na brush it out. It doesn't think i want to take any bigger sections. Go, go! Okay! Now, it's all in! I wonder if my hair had to evaporate from the moisture first before the rest of it was light enough to get sucked into the cowanda effect all right. Let'S see okay, i'd say it's actually about the same as without my hair being wet to be totally honest, because these were completely dry and this one was wet. So i don't see a huge difference there. Oh yeah see it really only pulls such a small amount of hair. Okay, yeah it'll. Take me forever to do this side. Oh got pulled right in all right, so i said it took about five minutes just to do this front. Half of my head. Alright! So now, let's actually do the airwrap dyson the authentic one from dyson, so right off the bat. This feels a lot more quality. It'S slightly heavier. It just feels better built. I mean it better, be it's 10 times as expensive. The dupe feels a little more on the hollow side. This is the dyson attachment. This is the other one that i was using all right. Okay, try this oh wow! That was pretty easy. The first thing i'm noticing is that it just picks up a much larger section of hair - let's section this properly, so that we can really see it so right away. I can kind of tell it's not as hot as the duke. It feels a little bit more gentler and the air is much more directional. The device is much better at moving air in one way, whereas the dupe it was kind of all over the place. Okay, however, i feel like the curls aren't lasting as long as the dupe it might just be, because it's not as hot i'm blasting it with cold air to set it now. I keep brushing it out, which is why it's not as curled here. Oh all right, wow, it's working, blasting it with cold air to set it these ends, don't seem to want to go in. Maybe i've grabbed too large a piece of hair, okay and then last piece here i didn't even blast that with cold air i just went for it hot off. Okay, this is the dupe, and this is the dyson. Now i'm going to grab a section of hair just so you can see what it would look like with the dyson side wet a little bit, let's see if it makes a difference. Okay, so there's that and then there's okay. So i really do think that having a little bit of moisture does make a difference. This curl seems to be a lot tighter because it was wet here. We have it um. My overall verdict is that the dupe does the trick. It just takes a lot longer because it only uses very small amounts of hair, because the suction is not as directional. It works great as a hair dryer, because it's so powerful and it gets really really hot. I really think it's not so much because of the design of the attachment, it's more so like the heat of what you get with a cheap dupe. That'S what i think really set my hair. As for this side, there's a lot more personalization with how you use the dyson, because it has so many different settings. The directionality of the wind that comes out does make a really big difference, and i think that you can grab slightly larger sections of hair with the dyson. So now that both sides have been preliminarily curled, you can really see how they both work. When i re-curl some sections, so here is the dyson side i'll take a pre-curled section, very neat, very simple kind of works perfectly on the side that i did the dupe with i'm gon na grab a similar size section of hair. Only a little bit gets pulled out great, so the verdict really is the dyson will save you a lot more time. The dupe works. If you don't have that much hair. Overall, i would say the dyson is still the superior product. This is a dupe in the sense that it is designed to do a very similar thing. Hot air comes out and you can kind of use it to curl your hair. It does what it says it does, but this one works way better. A reason to get the real dyson, in addition to it being just the original product, the inventor, is that when you turn off the buttons it actually like vibrates ever so slightly to kind of tell you like. Ah i hear you i'm gon na turn off now. So it's all of the little design elements that to me make it a much more high-end experience, not to mention the fact that it'll just save you so much more time. If you were to use this rather than the dupe. That being said, the dupe is so much cheaper and i'm sure you have 450 that you can spend on a lot of other things right if you are in the market for a dupe, be careful where you buy it from there are some sellers on poshmark that Are selling what is really a 50 device on aliexpress for over three times the markup so be a savvy shopper and get it for the lowest price possible. The dyson does come with a bunch of other attachments. I really don't necessarily use those attachments as much so i wanted to show you what was in the dyson airwrap complete versus the dupe. Now it's pretty much like a one to one mapping. So if it's in the dyson complete it's in the dupe, here's the attachment for the hair, dryer and the counterpart here is pretty much the same exact thing it's just honestly, more shoddily made definitely feels a little less quality. You can tell what the manufacturers were going for. It'S pretty obvious that they were replicating everything in here um. I did try the hairdryer for the dupe and it works fine. I think it's a little more powerful on the dyson, but for this one it's good enough. You have the actual round brush this one isn't as big as this one. As you can tell, i can't say that i've used this because i didn't buy the dupe with any of these attachments in mind. I was really only interested in this and same thing for the plastic brush, so that is this: it's pretty much the exact same thing, but the most interesting is this, which is this there's a bit of a tapering that happens here that you don't see with this. This one is exactly straight, and you can also see the lines are literally 90 degrees perpendicular to the base, whereas with the dyson it's slanted a little bit, and i think that this design does make a difference. It picks up more hair and it sends the air more directionally, whereas with this one, the air just sort of goes in multiple directions and it picks up whatever small pieces of hair happen to get swept up in that gust. The base is also a little thinner on this one than on this one. The arrows are also a lot easier to see on the real dyson you can see. There are way more options. This controls the fan, strength, the temperature, and this is the on off button, whereas for the dupe it literally goes from zero to three. You just have to ignore the one and the two well technically, the force is the same for all three, but the one is not as hot and then the three is uh, pretty darn hot. It gets pretty steamy. So don't get this too close to your scalp trust me, you will yelp, it will hurt, but this is actually pretty normal for a lot of sort of chinese knockoff products. Is they will put scales like this and then say that they have the adjustments, but then, when you actually use them, it goes from zero to 100 there's no in between, and so that's similar with this product dyson's a lot thinner. It feels more slippery. It feels pretty good. This one definitely feels more like sort of a cheap knock off the cord for the dupe is also not as long the cord for the dyson is wrapped in a type of rubber that makes it feel like it's going to last. A lot longer, if this was helpful to you, please leave a comment and subscribe for future videos. See you there bye, you

Xochitl Lee: Dyson has changed my hair game. I love it. If you wrap your hair around the wand, it gives you beach waves, I imagine you can do the same thing with the dupe. Dyson is ridiculously expensive and just is out of reach for many many women, when arguably you can get a dupe with quite similar results.

white rose: Omg. This video was so unbelievably thorough and helpful. I almost felt both items were in my own home right in front of me. You covered like every single point in the differences between the two and allowed viewers to make the most informed decision possible without them having to shell out their own money to decide which suits their needs vs budget best. Great job. Much appreciated.

Alana Sutherland: This was a good video demonstration. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts. I too purchased the air wrap two years ago and returned it because I just couldn’t justify the price over the performance. It wasn’t bad how it left my hair but the curls didn’t last as long and came out similar to your curls. They were kinda present for the first hour and after that, they fell out into a wave and just became flat. It wasn’t bad but I just don’t think it’s worth the $550 which is why I returned it. That was two years ago and now that I’ve been without it, I feel stupid for returning it because so many dupes I have tried DO. NOT. WORK. It either is too hot for my hair which will soon lead to heat damage or it ripped out too much of my hair out and who the heck wants that?! The dyson was great in terms of temperature and when I used the brush attachment, little hair came out. It was the same amount of hair you’d find when normally brushing your hair dry. This video convinced me that with all the dupes out there, nothing can beat dyson.

A. Rosa-Gonzalez-Avila: I purchased the Dyson Air Wrap and it has seriously been the best beauty purchase I have ever made. I do pin curl the hair and leave it in pin curls until I am ready to let it go and that definitely not only sets the curl but it makes it last and if I really want it to look fresh the next day I sleep with pin curls.

Lilian F.: This is the best video I have seen comparing the dyson and the dupe. I appreciate that you kept the actual sound of the dryers. Great job, it made me feel like I made an informed choice. Thank you so much!!! ❤️

poopashoes: You’re meant to position the dryer towards the very ends of your hair. That’s why neither of them could grab hold of the hair effectively. Try doing that and they’ll both perform better. I’ve seen someone on here with hair halfway down her back and curled her amazingly because she did it properly.

Angie Gould: Nice video thanks! PSA if you want your curls to last roll it up straight away while it's hot and put a little alligator clip in and leave it for an hour or so do your makeup get ready etc then they will be set and last Soo much longer

Mohammad Anggi Nugroho MC Jogja: First of all, let me congratulate you on your many achievements. Miss California and Miss America runner-up are majestic achievements. I recently stumbled upon your channel.I love it. However, I believe that many people love your channel for the tips and tricks you share, not only women but men as well. I myself am a former title-holder of Mister Youth World Indonesia 2018. Perhaps, specialized episode for male pageants would be awesome. Not many channels do that! Regards!

1993rufus: I bought the Airwrap to do my moms and neices hair and its the best thing ever! Trust me, save if you need to but buy the Dyson and not the dupes!

Mistress Joia Von Floofington: This works great for my hair (the cheap version) but it has to be used with damp hair especially with slick hair.

Len V: If you're wanting your curls to stay try pinning them up as soon as you take it down. If there's still heat left that heat will just pull your curl down, but if you pin it up it the heat will retain that curl better (does that make any sense bc in my head it did)

ELLE: Do you notice you held dyson side hair above the dyson… gravity was helping. On cheap side you held hair under/away from device and relied on device to pull hair in. It’s probably not intentional but when doing hair how you angle and hold device matters.. and how you direction the hair matters. It affects volume, root lift, curl patterns.

Desislava Filipova: You're so beautiful and this video was extremely helpful! Your hair is so nice but now I see the effect of the original Dyson is not what I'm looking for. I feel like it's for slightly fine hairs so they can have more volume while I have plenty of hair and volume and just want nice sexy curls without burning myself and to also be kinda travel friendly ( so hot rollers are a no because of that) Most helpful video on YouTube honestly

smlawson9: Thank you for this video! I bought the dupe & mine does the exact same as yours, which sucks… Now I know for sure that I should get the Dyson period!

Val Eliz: Crystal, can you please share the dupe you’ve purchased that you recommend the most? Or anyone else out there?

Joanie B: Thanks for the video! Looks like I’ll start saving for the real stuff‍♀️

Lexi Retz: Do you have the link to the dupe you bought? Great video! ☺️

Christine Cho: I would be wary of hot that dupe is getting. You can really fry your hair if you aren’t careful.

Ayda Zahrooni: This is a really bad example because you're not actually positioning the tool properly. You need hold it at the end of the hair section and then once it grabs the ends you slowly pull towards the root....

asianamericanlegalfocus: Thanks for this great review! Maybe the price will decrease in a few years.

jazzmin celeste: Extremely helpful thank you!

Diane Was Here: Honestly the dupe side looked better Imo.

Priscilla K: You know what I was thinking maybe its the technique. Have you tried feeding the hair into it while its held parallel to the floor, horizontally. Then flip it vertically, cool shot then release? Hmm. Really wouldn't mind the dupe.

CAYMAN987: Yikes I will sit under a hot dryer for 2 hours and save a ton of money. Rollers are so easy and I can text my friends

C J: Where's the link to buy the dupe ? Thank you for your honesty.

Désirée Ohrbeck: I really, really want the air wrap but it’s sold out everywhere. I think I will get this one while waiting for the real thing. Do you know when the airwrap will be back in stock? Been researching but can’t find anything about it.

Hatch Man Do: I would have liked to see from a whole damp head as that is the point to dry your hair to a style. But nice to see. The dupe pics hardly any hair up.

LARIMAR _Make: Excelent review!!

Priscilla K: Seriously $450 I guess I'd rather get an awesome face treatment or more amazing skincare products.

Sim Mom: I have baby fine, thin hair to my collar bones. Do you think the dupe would work for me? Thank so much for this review!

Summer C: Nice breakdown, thanks

Malena Grieve: Where can you find a Dyson hairdryer for under $500

Andrea Carolina: Hi! Could you tell us what the dupe brand name is?

Clenato t: The Dyson your supposed to do the hot air, then cold air to set it :)

Geraldine Cipriano: Thank you very much!!! Now, I can take a decision. Take care

May Aguon: Does amazon have the dupe?

Zenia Gonsalves: you have helped me alot for my pagent

Shaija Hanoeman: Does the real dyson attachment fits in the the cheap version?

nhung: Do the attachments of the Dyson fit onto the dupe?

Savannah Bethea Music: I’ve seen Ali express but heard it was a scam site ... so your orders actually came ?? What’s your experience with them over all ?

CapeT: Thank you for making this video

Se Nile: Ty, yes very helpful demonstration ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ

mkfever2005: The duo one sound very loud. This is the big different I think

Laura: Yes much cheaper... also a lot more heat = more damaging on hair !!!

ha nni: sorry but if you already do a test with it. then hold the strand at the top so that it is drawn in correctly and not hold it down like you do and then half the strand falls out and then you say it does not pull properly. presentations are shown on tv where they do it. therefore I know that.

Isabella Duque: Can u use the curler on wet hair?

christina scalf: Okay but liiiiiike, you didn’t even try with the dupe? You just threw your hair at the dupe and said ‍♀️ oh no it doesn’t take my hair. Then with the dyson you actually took the time to section your hair correctly. Not a very good example.

Anton FIL: What’s the thing on the power cord, on dupe there’s no ?

Jess: Unfortunately i feel like a lot of this is user error

Yuli Hurtado: Damp!! Damp!! Not moist lol loved the review

Come Home with Catrinna: The dup wins in my opinion. Lol

Milla: Is it getting hit? Is it going to damage your hair?

Laylette: Girl I’m broke I really needed this

Shrey: Can you make a video of the best books to read to compete in pageants.

richbitch: Hey I had a questions and I know you are the right to answer this so I wanted to know if you are competing for pageants like miss world or miss universe and your age is 18-19 years the chances of you winning the pageants are less?

Angie: Curling iron so so so much faster.

Nadia: On right side u said that u do not section hair properly, but on a left side with dyson u decided to section hair. If dyson really that good ehy u need section your hair?

Lili lili: So dupe or dyson?

kaydie: You didn’t even do the dupe as nice as you did the dyson. You literally held it correctly and sectioned your hair. ?????

Angie: That thing would be a nightmare to me

sheezcute: Thank you!

Laranjeira Joana Alexandra: hey please do you have the link ?

Tiffany Zarate: Link to the dyson dupe?

Alexandra Miralrio: Fyi…your hair is suppose to be damp. Many people not using it correctly

Jessica Ducharme: Wasn’t a good example cuz u literally used a different attachment for both

Lauren DiTucci: Great video

Sim: i love your voice so much ❤️️❤️️

Dayana Fischer: Link?

Alyssa L: Im screaming at the screen your hair is dry that’s why it’s not working right lol

Princess Lightning Strike: Nice nice.

shashi kant Srivastava: You and your voice is soo cool

Ben W: WMAF urban dictionary

Robin Holbrook: Hm…treated the sides differently in feeding hair into machine. Neither side was hair fed into machine PROPERLY. How can you make a recommendation when you’re NOT doing it the way they recommend? Suggesting your viewers spend so much money because you fed your hair in better isn’t a fair review. This is my first time here. I’m impressed but not in a good way.

yepitsme: Rename this video, 'my learning curve'. You shouldn't try and do comparison videos when you haven't learned how to use the tool PROPERLY.

Angel Tan: Lol

Lavander Pham: Horrible

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