The Easiest Ways To Get Messy Hair

I love messy hair, its my number one hairstyle because of how easy it is to achieve and maintain, this is why I today I am showing you the easiest messy hairstyle tutorial !

Products I used:

Hair Powder-

Hair Clay-

These hair products are hands down the best products for a messy hairstyle. They work perfectly for my wavy hair, easy to use, and easy to wash out! This is why I recommend these products, this is what makes the messy hairstyle so easy to achieve!

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So i'm going to be showing you how i do my hair in 30 seconds, because that's literally how easy it is so, as you can tell i start off with some damp hair, i was drying it off with a t-shirt because that's much better than a towel And then here is the hair product, i'm going to be using it's a powder, so all i have to do is sprinkle some on in my hair. It'S not that hard. You do not need a lot and from there you just kind of mix it in there and then scrunch a little bit more as you could see that i'm doing right now. Scrunching is also probably the most important thing, and here is the final result. If you cannot tell by now, i love messy hair and you just watched a tutorial on a messy hairstyle, but today i'm teaching you how to achieve this messy hair. So the first thing we need to talk about is the haircut, because this is something very important, because you can't really have messy hair if you don't have the right haircut for it now. This all depends on which type of hair that you have and what looks best on you, because everyone has their preferences. Like me personally, i like a little bit longer hair, i'm not really into shorter haircuts, but some people are so that's exactly what i'm saying. It'S all about preference and what you think looks best on you. So me personally, i get a low taper on the sides. I try to keep it long. I try to keep some bulk in there, but just remember the bulkier. Your hair is the heavier it's going to be, which makes it harder to achieve a messy hairstyle. Now, if you want to see exactly which haircut i get and more detail about this, i have a video that shows this, so you should definitely watch that after you finish this video, but essentially what i'm saying is the lighter the hair, the better it's going to Be for the messy hairstyle, but you could definitely find a good balance between light and bulk. The main thing i ask for when i get my haircuts is texturizing, the top. Basically, what this means it cuts off most of the bulkiness on the top. So that way, your hair is a lot more lighter and it's a lot easier to achieve a messy hairstyle. Now, let's talk about the hair types, because i get a lot of questions asking if you can achieve this hairstyle, if you have straight hair and the answer is kinda, so your hair is not gon na look exactly like mine because we have different hair types. If you have straight hair, it's not gon na look exactly the same as my wavy hair. I naturally have wavy hair some days i'll wake up and do nothing to my hair and it's probably gon na look very similar to what it is right now. The only way you could actually achieve something like this is, if you get something like a loose perm, so if you're open to that idea, you could look into that. But if you don't want to do anything with your hair, that's totally fine! You can follow these steps and it's gon na look relatively close to mine, but not exactly what i have going on. If anything is going to look something more like this, which is still perfect because it's the whole messy hairstyle. Now, let's talk about the hair products, because the right hair products is definitely going to help with the messy hair. So since i have naturally wavy hair and plus i get my haircuts texturized, i really don't have to worry about too many hair products that is going to help with texturizing. But if you do need help with that, there are plenty of hair products out there. That are specifically made for extra texture in your hair, and it's also funny because me personally, i have a new favorite hairstyle every single time i want to say every single month i switch out the hair products that i like just because i think i found something Even better, so the one that i'm currently using right now is actually going to be the slick, gorilla, hair, texturizing powder. This has definitely been my favorite one, it's so easy to put in your hair, and it makes your hair look incredible. So if you wanted to pick it up, the link is going to be in the description, but if you're not into hair powder, i really like hair clays as well. So i'm going to be linking the one that i use as well. There'S also such thing as sea salt spray, which helps with texture in the hair as well. So you can definitely pick up any of these products if you need help with extra texture in your hair. Trust me. These hair products help a lot if you're trying to achieve this hairstyle, so i definitely recommend that you try it out. Then, of course, the next thing we need to focus on is healthy hair. I promise you no matter what type of hairstyle you're going for it's going to suck if you don't have healthy hair. So there are plenty of ways to achieve healthy hair. The easiest and my simplest ways to achieve healthy hair is preventing your hair from being damaged. In the first place, so what i like to do, instead of using a towel, that's really rough on your hair. You could use something like a t-shirt, because this is way more gentle on your hair and pretty much essentially, what you want to be focusing on is being more gentle with your hair, because you got to think about it. Your hair is very fragile, so you can't really put too much stress on it. So a good alternative would be using a t-shirt. Like i mentioned. Also, you can stop going to sleep with your hair wet. You should definitely wait for it to dry before you actually go to sleep. This will help with hair care and it will also help from having really bad bed head in the morning and, finally, the techniques i use to achieve messy hair. So my all-time favorite technique to use is going to be scrunching. I feel like this has become very popular recently. I have been seeing it a lot. Essentially, all it is is grabbing your hair in bunches and then squeezing it together. Now you don't have to be too rough with it. You don't have to pull your hair out of your head instead you're, basically just going to be squeezing the hair without tugging or pulling it's actually something very simple to do. It honestly works best when your hair is completely wet, so i do it in the shower and i do it while my hair is still drying. This also really helps as well, because when your hair is wet, it's also a lot easier to train. So the more you do, this, the more your hair is going to be used to having more of like a wavy pattern like i said this is pretty much the easiest hairstyle you could possibly have it's really easy to achieve, and it's also really easy to maintain. So if it did help make sure to leave a like, i would really appreciate it and if you are new around here in this channel, i stumble five minutes fashion and lifestyle. So if you want to learn more about that, make sure to subscribe right here and if you're really eager to learn more right now, it's all good, because i have a few videos right here. That will definitely help you out anyways on that. I hope you have a great rest of your day and i'll see you in the next video bye.

deathByTaCoBelL: Great video bro!! I’ve been rockin’ the messy look for a while now and love it! It’s easy to style for lazy guys like me haha

Luka Ferrell: I did this and got told to do my hair before leaving.

ItsLiam: My hair logic: Short: straight Long: Wavy I like it

Daniel B: Just realized I have just about the same exact hair style and type as you. I’m ordering the slick gorilla powder now, thanks for the recommendation

Anown: what is the biggest difference between the hair clay and just normal gel? I'm wondering if it would make that big of a difference using the hair clay compared to something like american crew or something like that.

Rahul Sharma: So helpful tips Thanks for it. ♥️

Bob Hed: Dk why it annoys me when people with naturally curly hair do this but I appreciate the tips anyway

luv: Bro every time I’m trying a new haircut I hope this one fits

Sel: But if my bulk on my sides are too long do I ask for a little trim on the bulk or leave it?

Alejandrojr870: Tryna hide my messed up hairline so this’ll help

WILL_PLAYZ332: Do I put the hair powder in before scrunching my hair?

DIEGOOO 13.: This helped me!

Scared Bryson Studios: Could you do this with thick hair?

SeaHeat: What’s your exact haircut besides a low taper fade? What do you say for the top of your hair? Thanks!

DxriusWrld: Thanks bro I was growing my hair out for it too

twrbo: what sea salt spray should i buy to get this hairstyle

JS Angers: Hey could you give us a workout type video? Like any home/gym exercises to acheive more muscular mass and a diet could be cool too! Just a video idea :)

Shresth Upadhyaya: from where did you buy your chain as well as the pendant?? love it

Justin Hamenia: Yo a room tour and closet tour would be sick

Josh Ritchie: Hi there, can I achieve this purely with a salt spray or D’you recommend like a hairspray/ powder after it?

sxltyangel: So my barber just messed up my hair, and my question is how long does my hair have to be. Or how long is your hair?

Bryan Orozco: Soo what do you recommend for my hair eveytime i get out the shower it gets puffy but when its wet its staright i try products and my hair still wont stay into that type of hairstyle i try to achieve

Akshat: Yo so you prob wont respond, but I hope you do. How long does your hair go? LIke down to your eyes, nose, or something? also what is exactly what you tell your barber to do to your hair everytime? Nice vid tho I liked and subbed keep up the good work! im gonna check out more vids rn

SavageEgg5755: Wait so I got a question I need the haircut before i can do it bc rn i got like thin straight hair so if I ask for them to make it choppy and wavy then it will be easier

Fresh: Any tips on how to this even if you have straight hair

Kevin Estrada: Your hair texture and follicles is already wavy

KyanoSannn: Keep up the work my guy

Inovsi: Can I get my hair to look like this with straight hair

itzTony: My hair is a little bit messy. Imo hair that reaches a bit below the eyes is the point where it looks good.

andee: Idk what hair style I have it wavy and curly but when longer it curls a lot more

Diego Lopez: Hey. So i have sea salt spray and my hair is naturally wavy. What should my morning routine be?

Isaac Cook: thank u very helpful

james7151: So question, what hair cut details would you tell the barber

Nightz_lol: Could i use a hair diffuser to make my straight hair more curly/ wavy for this hairstyle?

Tristiian: how long did you grow your hair out for it to reach that length?

Darket: Bro any recommendations I have like curly ass hair and do you know how I can change it to this texture

Plix: I needed this

Carlos Morin: I know this is off topic but what’s ur viewpoint on khaki shoes for instance I got some eastland delray khaki shoes

Kriteeq: what do you ask for when getting a haircut?

tanish: keep up the work

super pants: So why is it when i use hair powder my heat looks realy dry but when he does it it looks perfect pls react

Chris Morales: Hey man. I have the Pete and Pedro Sea Salt Spray with the Clay. Do you think instead of water I wet my hair with the spray then style it with the clay?

Armaan RAJ: My guy! Congrats on 15 k

astro: sometimes I wish I had ur barber that knows what to do lmao

Raefjes Raeven: But doesn’t it like fuck up when it’s windy outside or how do you make it so it stays in form

MarcoGlo: Bro lmk if you add the powder when your hairs completely dry or a little wet?

24kSmoothiexx: Can a boy with straight hair can have that?

isaac.ward10: I have short hair on top do I grow it out

Toasty Buns: Do you need that specific powder

Eli217: We need another stream

Mattis: Does blonde hair work for this or what hairstyle would work best for blonde hair?

zzzspik: Aaron I was stupid enough to cut my own hair weird in the back and now I have super short hair in the back and medium length messy in the front. What tf do I do pls help..... It literally looks like shit.

Arden56: I have short wavy hair

ClassyBear: When you go to get a hair cut what do you tell your barber?

106.Aaditya Pal: I have the same tee;;

Cooper Bredesen: when should I were low sucks vs high socks

Ulvin: Me looking that Video After 2 min i noticed that i got a buzzcut ...

Root: What is your hairstyle called ?

MrBurger: When u have straight hair

MXI Music: Can u make a "How To Shave" tutorial?

A1vinKamara: I have thick straight hair, recommendations?

Slavic _Slav: Messy hair is ok, but hair on the forehead looks..funny

Quandalious Bartholomew Dingleton III: Just went bald

holdon YT: What haircut did you get?


Yoloz: What do you say to the barber to achieve that haircut

Gunung: Literal GOAT

KingSnazzle: You guys do it on purpose? 0:

Isaiah: I have thick hair :0

Xottic: Hey I'm 10 can you still get the hair style?

sdds: What do you ask your barber

Yoxi agario mobile: I cant find what you have but I use cantu

Eli217: And we need a gym shark sponsor

Iluvfathoez: what’s your haircut ?

Blake Thilmany: Let’s go!!!

Itslit everyday: The next Tmf, alpha m, and alex Costa

stormzyyy: Yoooo let’s go, you better remember me I’m Tony

Just4 Fun: Your cable management tho

Vaishnav Jayan: Bro what abt a buzz cut

frank: yo what do u get at the barber?

Danny2m : Looks sick

Farrris: Man you should be careful with that spot in your hair 3:46

Green Bay Julian🦖: First step: have curly hair

Shresth Upadhyaya: plzzzzz reply

ErikkManukk: First!!

KyanoSannn: Oh I am early

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