Styling A Wig To Look Like My Hair | Black Friday

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• My Tshirt in this vid came from Black Hope Curse:

☥ Notey Notes:

This video was not paid for. Wig kindly provided by Uniwigs, however all opinions expressed herein are genuine and my own, and always will be :) Some links may be affiliate links.

Hey everybody, how are you i feel like i've done like angry eyebrows today? Am i imagining that or do i just look kind of growly? I don't mean to if that's the case so a long time ago, and this is a little bit embarrassing to admit. I cut all my hair off. It was. It was a long long time ago now, but i um my whole family had urged me to do it. My my grandfather even was like. I will give you money if you cuddle your hair off, because they just everybody hated this everybody was sick. Of this. Everybody was sick of the buffy black nest and my grandparents were like we would love to see our red hair granddaughter again, one more time before we die. How do i say no? To that? I can't say no to that, so i let my hair grow out. A bit, and then i just cut it all off, saving like the bangs in the front, because i feel really naked without something in the front anyway, i did a really rubbish job of it. So my mom took me to a hairdresser who cut off the bangs and cut my hair. So short, i looked like a boy i really did. I was just oh. I had this like massive identity crisis. Afterwards, i'd look in the mirror and it wasn't me. I didn't look like myself. It was weird so that i didn't feel weird about looking at myself and also to keep my family happy and what i decided to do for a while was wear a wig afraid i haven't got any photos. If you want to see proof or something, but honestly it was like that long and i i really it was like it was like a boy haircut. I just i really looked like a dude with this. Like short orange hair, it was very easy to look after, though i must say it was very convenient and really good for the summer, especially as at the time i was working outdoors and orchards and it was, it was lovely to have like no hair for that. But anyway directly, as my hair was cut, i got a wig and i styled it to look like my normal hair. It was pretty convincing, i think, most of the time most people didn't realize that it was a wig. I think the only thing that really gave it away sometimes was that the fringe was like too smooth and shiny to be natural hair. Obviously, eventually it grew back and i dyed it black again and nothing's really much changed since then. What was handy, though, is that i i still had the wig i hadn't done my hair, but i needed to get ready really quickly like if somebody was going to come over whatever and i'm like. Oh no, i don't want to look like a complete. I could just step on my wig. I no longer have it sometimes. I do feel like that would be really convenient like when my hair isn't styled, which it is most the time like. You know, 90 of the time it's up like this, but it is nice. Occasionally to have it down, and i think it's healthier for the hair to like - let it be down and breathe and move and stuff and not be full of um, hairspray and stuff. I kind of miss having the option of wearing the wig like. If i need to look nice, like my usual self again, but very quickly, without the commitment of doing my hair i'll find another wig and i'll style it to look like my usual hair or as close to it as i possibly can so i found this book On uni, wigs um, where i get most of my wigs from they're, pretty good lace, front nice fancy lace, front wig. I don't actually know if they still do this same one anymore, i'm pretty sure they don't i'm pretty sure, they've discontinued this exact model style, but um they've got loads and loads of stuff. I chose this one because i felt like it looked kinda like my natural hair, like my natural hair, is it's not curly, but it's really kind of kinky and twisty and wavy like right right. So i found this curly black lace front wig and, as we all know, i'm not good at styling. Wigs you've seen me do it before. Maybe i'm getting better at it. I don't know, but anyway, this is it here. I plunged it on my head. The other day and mr l, my partner, said that it just looked like my ordinary hair. It'S definitely like curlier and springier than my hair, and it's got a fringe as well. So like i do like to have a fringe. I'Ve been kind of contemplating cutting a fringe back in again. I really don't know what to do this. One, i thought was relatively relatively close to what my hair looks like when it's down, rather than getting just like a plain straight one. This one, i feel, is more likely to look how my how my hair actually goes when i put it up like this, it's lovely! Actually, it's it's heavy and springy. There'S a lot of hair. Every wig i've ever received from uni wigs has been really decent and very beautiful, not real hair, but you can style it almost exactly as you would real hair. Today'S mission is to try and style this wig to look like this or more or less kind of like this wish me luck. This should be a nice challenge. Please do not look at this as a tutorial. There are lots of quick styling tutorials out there. I'M just going to do my best, okay, so that, hopefully i'll be able to do my hair in the future, essentially just by putting on a hat like if, for any reason, i can't or don't want to style my hair, if it's like you know just like A quick fix, something that would be okay or if i'm gon na, like put a hat over it or something like wings are great. Wigs can be really really handy. Actually, i know a few people who wear wigs all the time because it gives them so much. Freedom, so many options living here. It'S like is that a big gust of wonder is that an earthquake for its boat, all right. Let us relocate to the bathroom and i am going to take my hair down. So it is normal, usual flat south and try and turn this into this. Let'S go all right, prepare for roots like you've, never seen them before whoa. I hate filming in here, because the light is terrible. It'S extremely cramped and small. It'S all we've got and that's better than nothing another good time. I thought to wear a wig because when the roots are very long like now, i've, never let them get this long before it's for a reason, it's the reason. I'Ve grown it up, i'm not sure. If i have a really big head, or if it's just that my hair is so thick but wigs seldom fit my head ginger as usual, with wigs from uni wigs, a couple of wig caps came in the packet looks like a cone head. I don't think i did a very good job. Hopefully, if anything that just adds to the volume i haven't even cut the lace off this wig. Yet so it's very fresh and new yeah, the bangs are a wee bit long. It'S my sea attribute cut off the lace, but now i have to cut the bangs, and that makes me a bit nervous - i'm not very good at cutting bangs, that's like or hair at all. Normally, it doesn't really matter because hair grows back, but this one will not grow back. If i cut it badly, i better not [ __ ] up, i'm probably gon na [ __ ] up, though i guess i'll, just whack it off. Okay, that looks really bad, but that's all right i'll continue with that later. Oh, it's not coming off my face. My idea is i'll, just kind of style it the way. I would normally style my hair chop off any too long, but get the i've been using. Lately to texturize my hair to give it a bit more hoop and i'm very fond of it. I don't like the smell of it because it smells very coconutty and tropical i mean it's a very nice smell, but it doesn't it's not like my smell. You know john frieda ocean, wave sea salt spray thought this is a good idea to be putting on this wig, but it's quite silky, as you can possibly see. The hair is really nice. It'S silky and soft nice silky soft, real hair, it's quite hard to tease because it needs it needs texture. It needs to be a little bit really wobbly a little bit dry. I would have used texture powder, but i think it's sold out in the entire country. It'S the scary part i'm going to flip it over my head like this okay, oh god, please do not destroy the wig. I can't see at all what i'm doing, i'm just doing it, but i feel like what i would normally do if this were my hair, give it a bit of a backwards fluff with a brush and then go in with the fine tooth comb to get close To the roots, to get some real serious volume like i know you can style this here like real hair but like if i pull too much of it out or if i damage it, you know it doesn't grow back, and this is a very nice wig and I don't want to like super ruin, it she says and she combs it backwards. Okay, i need some more around here. Oh, it was like a big piece of chopped hair in my eye. My main concern is that it's going to look bad from behind, but, like the back of it will look quite crappy because that's what i always struggle with when trying to start wigs. Okay, now i'm going to try and clip it into place, and that is what should really give it its shape. So hopefully i don't get too shitty your job. You can tell i've got a lot of faith and confidence in myself. Don'T explain it. I hope i don't do too bad because i'll be more like embracing the natural shape of my hair, maybe basically i'll just kind of pile it. I don't know if you can really see what i'm doing, but i'll kind of like grab the twists of it and pile it onto my head and clip it into place like that sort of. Can you get in there there's so much of this hair? It'S like so thick, hopefully, it'll, be okay, i'll check with a mirror to see what it's looking like on the sides. The side on view is very important. With my hair, like i like to create a certain silhouette, you know i'm also trying to get the clips. Just to go into the lace cap of the wig and not into the actual like mesh cap below it or into my hair. So, ideally, when i take the wig off um, it'll kind of stay, the same idea being that i could just chuck it on and off like a hat again, the fringe looks really fake. I think i might need to give that a cut like with a fancy pair of snips put some baby powder in or whatever to reduce the shine. Yes, wigs are also a good option for people who you know want to have interesting hair, but can't for their jobs, go out to a festival or a party. You can just pop your wig on and look more like how you normally would like to. If you wear a lawyer or something like that, it looks like a version of my hair inspired by my hair yeah, i'm not finished yet so i'm chopping these bangs, as if i know what i'm doing, i feel like every time. I'Ve trimmed a wig. I'Ve been finding bits of it for weeks. It'S like glitter way here i couldn't be one of those people that styles works for a living. I'D go crazy. I'D contemplated like becoming a wig maker for a while there, while i was doing hat making. I was like. Oh, i could try wig making, but no absolutely [ __ ]. No, i don't know if you can even see what i'm doing. I really apologize for this [ __ ] little room and i don't have anywhere else to go. It looks too kind of like neat curls. Obviously the frame still looks like [ __ ], although i mean that might change with time when it's been worn a few times right see, it looks really flat here, even though i've got that bun underneath, which is unacceptable. If i sound a wee bit tired, it's because i am - i got woken up at one o'clock in the morning by an earthquake, and i think it's currently seven in the morning. So this is not a good time for me to be awake and alive. How do i do that? It wasn't a small earthquake by the way it was a really short one, but it was a 4.8. It was scary, mr. I went straight back to sleep um. I couldn't. Those of us were particularly mobile parts of the country, we're just like, don't get out of bed for anything under a 5. this week you can wash it and use products in it too much based on it, like you would ordinary well, at least from the front. It'S starting to look more realistic. Oh yeah! There we go. That'S the ticket, just a bit of brutal brushing. Now we know not sure if better honest to god, i don't know if you can see a thing, i'm so sorry, it's just so [ __, ], tiny in here. I really look forward to being back overseas or we can at least for a while, be in a larger apartment, hopefully move somewhere better. Where there'll be space to film things. Nice i feel like with a few wears. It will certainly get fluffier the more [ __ ] looking means the more real in my mind. Oh he's, really sharp going upwards, always cut it like diagonally, like i've done with my own fringe many times. This would be a bad time for there to be another earthquake. Now, i'm just snipping it sort of upwards. Is that the right thing to do hairdressers? Actually it looks a lot better from the sides. Now i think i might even be satisfied. Can you see in the mirror there it's not all flat and strange? Can you see that side there we go? Can you see that i know it isn't perfect, but does it look like my hair? It feels pretty comfortable and quite natural, which is nice if anyone's got any tips like wig tips, for how to make like this, for example, more like hair, it's really smooth, but it's also really stiff, and i think that's what kind of gives it away is being Fake my own hair's, the opposite of that just like i don't know if i would go out, maybe i would go out with this. I feel like. If i put a half on it, it would actually be okay. This would be okay with me i'll. Try it with a wee hat i'll, just go, get a small one. Okay, i got one one of the things that really makes a wig looks. Obviously, wick is accessories there we go. Does that look things are a bit thick, but i think it actually looks. Okay. It almost looks almost looks real almost looks like my hair. I think i've got it more or less the right shape. I think it looks a little bit too neat and nice to be my real hair. What do you think? How do you think i did for someone who's really rubbish at styling? Wigs, oh by the way, please try to ignore all the little bits of black trimmings, all over my face and the slightly mushed makeup. As a result, someone who's not good at styling hair and especially bad styling legs. How do you think i did i feel like? I could wear this to something at night, probably not during the day. I think just my expectations were really low, so i'm actually pretty pleased with the result. I feel a little bit better now that when i've got lots of roots - or i haven't done my hair - that i can just slap on my way - maybe i'll wear it for like live streams or something and see if anybody can tell that i'm wearing it. Thank you very much for joining me in this tiny little chrome space. It'S pretty lovely, i'm going to change my real hair. That'S the reason. I'Ve grown it out as i'm i'm thinking of doing something a bit different with it, not entirely sure what that's going to be, but i guess we'll find out when it's done. If you have not really done so, please subscribe to my channel. That would be most excellent of you and, as always, take care of yourself be nice to each other, and i will see you again next time.

Pennywise The dancing clown: Ginger roots with the black hair actually looks really cool!

suemommie: You could be like the Dolly Parton of the Goth world.... just have all your wigs styled for different occasions and you’ll always be ready to go!

Megan fonseca: Any one else think her ginger roots with the black on bottom looks amazing on her ♥️

Tiffy Tattoo: Try dry shampoo to reduce the shine. That was one hell of a ride from Dolly Parton to Peggy Bundy to Nina Hagen and finally a true Black Friday style ^^

Pip Murray-Gorringe: As a cosplayer, a way to make a wig look less synthetic is soak it in a bowl for 5 days-a week with 1 part fabric softener to 3 parts water. When it’s been the designated time, let it drip dry, and use some talcum powder to help lessen the shine, and brush it through like dry shampoo.

Alexis Kyle: Thank you bunches for this! Especially, because I lost my hair from my cancer/chemo, and because GODDAMNIT I envy and adore your hair (and beautiful face!)!! Hope you're doing well, love you oodles babe.

Carlos Sebastian necrotic goth: Your natural hair looks cool with two tone colors

Sabastian Tyler: I think the two tone ginger and black in the hair looks pretty cool.


julian soliz: I love how your natural hair looks at the moment, very firey darkness vibes! Also the wig actually looked really good!

Mikey Buchanan: I think the Ginger roots with the Black grown out looks good! lol not gonna lie.

hocus pocusnz: love the two tone colour your hair is. Looks awesome

LittleHippie123: I love your ginger roots with the black!!! Omg ❤️

Pennywise The dancing clown: If you can use heat on the wig use a flat iron to curl the bangs in. If heat can’t be used, try applying a setting lotion and pining the bangs to something that will hold the shape and let dry.

Badkittylulu: So adorable and the hat looks great with it! Also kinda getting a Lydia Deetz vibe from the bangs ️

Margot Denise: Wow your natural color is stunning, I would kill for that :o

latinaloca1981: Your root colour with the jet black hair, looks intensional, not bad at all. And i think you did an awesome job with your wig.

Lizumaki: I was beyondddd excited when I saw this video on my notifications. Glad to see your beautiful self!

Natasha Richardson: If my roots grew out your natural hair color, I wouldn't dye them lol! Looks really cool <3! As far as wigs go I think they're fun occasionally. I was icy bleached blonde on Halloween with a wig my mom gave me and didnt even think I'd be attractive with that color :o lol!! I'm kinda lucky with changing up my look in that way. You're excellent at cutting and did a good job! <3

C S: i can't believe how gorgeous her natural hair color is. i'm glad she grows it out at least a lil bit on occasion

ceh zeh: i actually think your usual hair style would look soooo good in red <3

K.: Your natural color is so pretty, with your style it gives me soulless ginger vampire vibes❤️

MeganAngel: I love the wig and think you did a great job. I love the roots out with black hair.

Jenny ジェ二ー: I've missed you! I've been watching your videos for more than 6 years now and it's always so nice to watch you again, I feel like going back to the roots, good old days! I hope you're hanging in there during these dark times. Love you!

Luna Light: Okay but the ginger roots with the black is gorgeous!

HeldbyHim: Your ginger roots with the black look amazing!!

Angela: I’m so happy to see you again. I wish this year brings wonderful things for you and keeps you healthy and happy.

RC COOK: Your roots look great with the black. It's intriguing. And you did a terrific job of styling /cutting your wig. You don't give yourself enough credit. Thank you for giving us a smile today. Was so happy to see you in my notifications. Stay well.

Mandy McNeil: From one ginger to another you look amazing with your natural roots and black ends. Then again you always look amazing.

Elizabeth Bentley: I think once your hair grows out to like 6 inches of roots it’ll look like an ombré

Shadow Knight: You are beautiful just the way you are. A dark& gothic beauty.

sideshowericka: A little fabric softener will take the shine down and make it seem more like "hair." If you're feeling it, try to soak the bangs with super hot water too, you'll be able to change them to fit your idea. Good luck!!

lady luck: I actually really like your natural colour with you goth look .

urðamáni: you mentioned Mana being an inspiration to you when I remember correctly and I think with the wig you even resemble Mana even more :D

Blood Guts Candy: I hope you're doing okay!! I think you genuinely did really good at styling this wig

Chronic Butterfly: Dry shampoo is your best option for taking shine out of the hair and adding extra texture. If you don't have dry shampoo, you can use baby powder, or baby powder mixed with a touch of coaco powder for darker hair. Apply the baby powder with a fluffy cosmetic brush so you don't get too much. I don't have tons of wig experience, but it was part of my job as a stylist. I only had 1 client in my career who wore a wig... she reminded me of Wheeza from Steel Magnolias.

Donna Gehringer: It looks great! Be confident that you’re a good with wigs. Love seeing your face!!

D G.: Love the bangs. They always compliment big, round eyes like yours

Kelsey: I think an undercut dyed cherry red would be really cool!

ForLove OfAnimals: At 9:22 your “ Get in there” killed me! So glad you’re back. Love your channel!

The Black Rainbow: You did a great job. Gorgeous as always

xLightning: honestly the wig is like you're actual hair with a little extra spice because of the extra curls that stand out its almost more formal. But still so gorgeous!

Jack Scarab: your unstyled hair looks so good! the ginger matches the black absolutely stunningly

Rilude: Spraying synthetic hair with dry shampoo or using baby powder helps to reduce the extra shine that it tends to have. I think that might help it to look more natural. Other than that I just usually prefer human hair wigs lol

Samantha Moore: I love the hair that was fantastic it looks great on you I can’t wait to see more videos from you in the future

Cemetery Goth: Good, to see you back Friday hope you’re well and great video

Thalita Maya: Well, again I must say that. You will look amazing with your dark aesthetic and ginger nest hair

Sierra Webster: So glad you're doing well!! Regardless of the content love! The wig and yourself look magnificent. Keep safe in these crazy times!. ,

Kate: Please make more videos! I miss you on YouTube so much! This is wonderful to see you again!

roial: I've just been looking for a black wig !!!! I wanted to start dressing a bit more extreme but didnt want to dye my hair yet bc getting it out would be kinda a pain update: ordered one !!!! it gets here soon and I am so excited to finally have black hair

Dianna Hunter: I love your hair so much! I'm afraid to style my hair like your cause mine is so incredibly straight it's annoying. So I live vicariously through your hair videos lol.

Val done cards: I think you did a really good job! This wig looks nearly as gorgeous as your real hair love it!

Amy Bonilla: You actually inspired my everyday hairstyle I think you look like a goddess with it. You’re gorgeous

Cash Only: I love wigs! The styling was fab. Great video.

Χρυσή Πετρίδου: Ah, my goth queen, I am from Greece and I love you so much! You seem like a very sweet amd loving person! You are an inspiration!

Suzanne Contant: I think you did a great job. I really like how it turned out. I couldn't style a wig to save my life, lol.

CarnivalCorpse: Your hair is so gorgeous <3

Mi mi: I love the 2 tone look. Its cool on you.

Lilly wallflower: Omg You look gorgeous as ever!please make more videos we have missed you so much

Dr.FruityBoots: theres no way a beautiful knockout like her could ever look boyish in any way.

RedRosesDead07: I think you did an amazing job!! You always look so beautiful though it was quite a pleasant shock to see your roots, I actually love your natural hair color! I am drawn to dark hair though, I dye my own hair black, too.

Adi UG: I swear to god you did actually an amazing job with the wig.

Tori Adams: I love the roots with the black and your wig turned out great !

Cryptic Jasmine: Girl! I did your hair look ONE time for a transformation video and that was enough for me! I don’t blame you for creating a wig with your hair style! Lmao the original bangs of the wig look like a sheep dog. Awesome work and great to see this works with a wig! The hat defiantly helped I feel you could go out with that hat on.

Absinthia Venamortis: I love this! makes me want to try this myself!

Moon Flower Faerie: I think it turned out really nice and looks very similar to your hair. I love it . You are much more brave than I am. I have wigs that I never styled due to being afraid of ruining them. Nice to see you again sweetie

Andree Maree: Nice to see you again Freya i have missed you, and nice to know that the two of you are safe after the quake. I reckon you did a really good job and the hat looks great and really finishes it off nicely =))

Eunice Lee: I love the wig!! This is such a great idea!!

jennifergravestone: Omg your natural hair looks so good with the black

Pumpkinqueen: Use baby powder or really powdery dry shampoo to dull the shine and it’ll look less fake.

FreyaDay: Looks great! If you get some dry shampoo for a dark hair you can spray that on the bangs and anywhere else that’s too shiny and it will dull the shine❤️

Freddie Lucassen: I don't get why you don't get 1 million subscribers. Love you. Greetings!

B I S H 0 P: This is such a fun idea! I think you did a great job! Lovely to see a new video from you dear <3

Rayne Von Kroft: I definitely want to look into this brand, I really want just a blonde wavy wig for when I want a full head of hair for clubbing :)

Serena Noline: Seeing this video is like getting a hug from a good friend :3 Hope you’re well

Geee Louise: I'm not a goth nor have I ever listened to any music remotely close to the culture, but I absolutely love this channel. Idk , freya is so inviting without the "hey youtubers! Welcome back!" In your faceness lol

Hope C De Baca: You did a great job! The more you practice something the better you’ll do :3 love you queen

Lady Suzume: Looks gorgeous especially with the hat

Yami Hirugashi: You're back! The wig looked great on you but I always think you look lovely.

Tangerina: Ok but I reallly loved the black hair with ginger roots look now I want to dye a ginger wig that style.

Luisa: I think it looks so beautiful it really looks stunning

Jessie Holloway: Missed you!!! I'd love if you'd do a life update, love to hear where you're at now and how you've been. All the love in the world!

Lolli Rotten: You actually look amazing with your ginger hair.

alina_ borealis: Wooow a ponytail looks so good on you! Would you do a tutorial for a kind of goth ponytail thing? That would be massive thanks

DeziRae: Hey there Awesome Human Being! Your two tone hair is sooo pretty, can't wait to see what you do with it.

dreaincognita: Dry shampoo on wigs helps to reduce the shine and add natural texture!

Bernadette Schneider: Maybe you can dye your roots red and it will look like blood running down your hair. I think it'll look cool what do you think? Love your videos btw

Selkie: I did the same with a wig, because my hair are long to my butt and I was sick to break them :') I teased it layer by layer and it worked very well ! I cutted the front of the wig to only have my natural bang showing up, so it's now an half-wig

RoseRed: I really miss videos like this! I just want to watch you do stuff. Anything at all.

FrostyLichQueen: L<3ve your makeup ! I just chopped all my hair off, but I hated it soooo... hashtag wig lyfeee. Now, I'm growing out a mohawk. Love your vids

BabaO'Riley 00: i love your videos, thank you for uploading queen

Angel Leo's Adorkable Universe: I love it, its curlier but looks beautiful on you! Also, missed you and glad to see you again.

David Wilcox: A new video from you always makes the day better!

AtomicGothic: Love it and love you! I hope you're doing okay

Eddie Woznaik: I was just wondering yesterday if it was possible to style a wig like your hair! It’s so damn cool!

ikiyou: I think you did well for the limited space and lighting! The hat works well with it!

Some Are Ghosts: That looks great! I'd curl the bangs under just a bit to make em less crispy straight.

Tsura Angel: I always thought your hair was like a version of an Edwardian bun/updo..I was completely wrong, at least in practice. I do still love it ♥

Molly Moo: I've heard that fabric softener can help with making wig hair softer and less stiff. You could also try curling them slightly with a VERY low heat curler for more texture. Pinning them into the position you want them in and pouring boiling water over them and letting them sit a few hours can help style them as well :) Hope that helps! It was nice to see your lovely face again!! <3

Marilyn: I'm bald (alopecia), so this was very helpful on how to style one of my wigs!

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