Detangling 13 Year Old Matted Hair.

  • Posted on 01 April, 2022
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous

Over 1 months of matted hair. She is living in group home for kids, and staff brought her in to get her hair Detangled. It took 2 days of Detangling and a lot prayers to accomplish this mission

Location Miami, Florida

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The Lily made by The Washington Post about me and my Journey to help people free their hair.

Her hair y'all, when i say marlene and i pushed we pushed and we pushed a big push she over there clapping she over here in shock, oh she's, in complete all y'all. It was hard, but we didn't give up. So i want you guys to see it. So i know you're wondering how does this happen? Who do we blame? Who do we call sit back, take off the judgment and listen so she's 13, her mother fell on hard times and instead of being on the streets. She'S in a group home now keep in mind she's 13., so she decided to stop brushing her hair due to life in the things that she's going through and she didn't think her hair would get this way. So the group home found me on social media reached out to me, brought her every single day to get her hair detangled and they covered everything, so they did their part actually went above and beyond so shout out to them. So this is day one and we're taking all the stuff. That'S in there out now when we see her pictures, her back was free, but by the time she got to us, which is like a week later, it was matted again, so they tried to like detangle her hair, the people at the group home, but they weren't Able to do it, especially the top part, the top part was really hard. Now, when she came in, she was very quiet, very timid. She wouldn't talk that much so little by little. I had to allow her to be comfortable um, realizing that this is a new space for her and her past experience at a salon was different. I think she was under, like nine and her hair got mad like this before and i believe her aunt and her mom took it to salon and they talked about her. It made her feel really bad and they end up cutting a lot of hair out. So she has a love a little bit of past trauma, so i'm being very patient with her um. This is the end of day one, and i told her because you know she did an amazing job, that everyone have a pizza party for her tomorrow. We'Re gon na have some popcorn and we did. We got some sprite and at the end of each day she gave us a hug which was amazing because for her not to talk to us really when she first got there. But by the end of day two. She was talking she was interacting. We were watching movies now. What you see here is a lot of build up, i guess from when they tried to detangle her hair, their stuff still stuck in there and also when she tried to take it out now. She didn't think her hair's gon na get this way because she has a lot of hair, but it's fine now here i'm either cutting either some old hair or i'm cutting a rubber band or something that was stuck in there. So i can get through it um. It really didn't hurt as much because it was towards the end, but as you get as we got closer to the scalp, it did start to irritate her because we're tugging towards her scalp and those hairs are a little more resistant because it's been matted for a While and she had a lot of build up in there um to be honest - guys, that's hot pearl, that top part was, it was hard it made me and marlene worked um. It did like - and we told these people two days and i'm thinking in my mind, like i don't know how we're gon na do this in two days. This is hard marlene end up staying extra hours after work just so we can push through this and get this done, because i did not want her coming back the next day for this um also, i wanted to relax because my body was tired, but we was Able to push through and not only save her hair, but also see the transformation in her personality. She started putting her accessories on towards the end she's, like i'm back to myself at one point she wasn't going to school, so they really had to find someone to do this for her because she refused to go to school with her hair like this, and it's Understandable imagine being like in middle school and your hair's about it middle school's, already hard so imagine having having matted hair and imagine going through all the situation that you're going through with life in general. So our purpose there was have her have a safe place that she's comfortable before we did anything with social media. We talked to her first now. Look at the end result guys we were able to save all of her hair, there's no broken pieces. There'S no patches! There'S, no anything, that's weird um she's, giving us a little dance here and she is free, like she's, truly happy - and i know a lot of times when i go live on tick, tock or social media like well just cut it off or why do it? Because why not look, how she can fill her scalp? Look, how she's waving her hands of happiness like look at this. Look at this look at this so because you guys were so patient. I'M gon na. Allow you guys to see like the conversations we had behind the scenes. How do you feel good? She feels good. She feels good good. Like grace y'all, i almost was like um today you meant to come back tomorrow, like we don't tell these people 6. 30. 7 o'clock and our body hurt my body hurt at this point. She in pain, because her scalp is sensitive, she's tenderheaded, i'm about to look like this tap half hour. Mommy'S, like i got, ta, go bubba stay and help you and she's like who? Are we not johnny? I'M, like i don't know mom, i'm sorry, but we got ta finish the day i got ta. I want tomorrow, oh free, look! How long this hair is. Look at this guys. Look at that scalp. She is free. Look at this guys. I know 111.. Look at this. How do you feel? Are you happy? Yes? So how short are we cutting it to the shoulder? The hump is gone girl. I know hey pretty girl. I know do you feel like yourself again yeah? Oh, i can't wait to finish your hair, hella hair. There'S no hair ripped out. It'S all. Still there there's no broken pieces. It'S all! Even it's still look at this. This is her hair. Look at that and it's all attached to her it's all attached come on. Stop playing with me. Stop playing with me. Stop playing with us stop playing with us. You see this. You see this! Yes, ma'am get into it. Yes, ma'am you see it. You see the ponytail, you see how she just swinging it from side to side. Oh, you should get it play with somebody else, but don't play with me. You ready girl for your new beginnings. Oh, my gosh, oh my goodness, and she had the hair and she decided to get um to donate it. I don't know she couldn't keep all of it y'all, but she wanted to donate her hair. Come on y'all, stop playing with people. I'M gon na touch your hair. I know no more anything so go to the stick: she's gon na wash your hair for you and the theme we couldn't cut it beforehand because it was stuck to her scalp, so we're gon na breathe. The hair first then cut it so for now on. This is, i want you to sit, sit up, high, okay, up chin up head high, you feel beautiful, say it. I am beautiful. I am fierce. I am amazing, and i'm going to do great things in life and i'm going to be what i want to be awesome, oh so from now on what i want you to do when you're, sad or happy just look in the mirror and start telling yourself these Things: okay and if you don't have a nerve to say to yourself, you just keep saying it until you feel it and believe it, because sometimes you don't feel like saying it and sometimes you're, not gon na, believe it but still say: okay, tell yourself you're beautiful, Say something smart and tell yourself that you're capable of anything? Okay, no matter what the circumstances are. You should do anything, okay, i you know, so we are done guys. We'Re gon na do our after pictures and we're going to check out, but today we are done. Thank you guys so much for sending all the love and positivity she is happy. I will post the results. Y'All see it, she looks um. How do you feel i'm feeling great? Oh, are you happy? Do you love it? Do you feel beautiful? That'S all that matters. My love bye, guys bye, guys


Alison Emmert: I love this. After my coma, my hair looked similar to this, and my sister tried, but couldn’t detangle it. We really thought we were going to have to cut it all off. When I was finally able to shower, I used a ton of conditioner and came to one of the hospital techs a bit embarrassed and asked if she could help detangle, as I couldn’t get it. She sat with me for a long time and worked until I could get a comb through it. I legitimately cried because it meant so much. I remember it and her name years later, because it meant the world to me. I didn’t have to chop it off, and it made all the difference in my mental recovery. Thank you so much for this.

Scarecrow: Thank you for treating that baby with respect. When I was 11, my mom stopped taking care of me. At 12, she decided to take me to a stylist who was just as kind and patient as you were. What you do is so important and Im so glad this video was recommended to me ♥

live in ms: Im a parent of a disabled child and I can tell you this is a huge problem in our community, Thank you for your hard work

Black Veil: First of all props to the group home for actually bringing her to you and yall are angels for this! Seriously so amazing

siren electric: I absolutely loved that you guys didn’t just do your job and keep it robotic I loved that you added so much of your personality and care into her appointments with small touches like pizza party, playing movies, and especially having her repeat those affirmations to herself, not to mention reminding her to sit up straight and hold her head high I know this will be something she remembers even as an adult Her dropping her guard was a sign that you made a safe space for her

Jessoup: As someone who had this issue as a child with neglect, depression, and such- I got yelled at by my hairdresser and lectured for the Matt. I appreciate how gentle you were, consistent, and very sweet and compassionate overall with her, you’re a blessing❤️❤️

Annikki Rahko: Oh my god that poor little baby! Thank you so much for giving her a great three days and making her feel loved and special! That’s so wonderful! That’s so lovely! I’m really glad her group home sent her to you and paid for it. That was really good on them

Stregha's Corner: Not even halfway through this video and want to cry. As a kid who come from the system, people who truly care are few and far between. This girl will forever have the kindness you showed her clear in her memory. You gave her much, much more than you could imagine. How absolutely beautiful. You are AMAZING.

Britt Ritter: This had me in tears immediately. Never in a thousand years would it have crossed my mind that detangling people's hair would be such an act of love, care, kindness, and PATIENCE. You are an amazing person ❤❤

CarissaEllyn: This is so beautiful. As someone who struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life my hair would get so matted like that. And they would always cut all my hair off and make me feel so terrible. :(

Kit M: God bless you. What a gift you gave her - not just what you did with her hair, but how you treated her, with such comfort and kindness. Being in a vulnerable housing situation can quickly make you feel like you’re not a real person and not deserving of love and attention. You showed her that isn’t true. And she has such beautiful hair! Do you take donations in order to do this work?

Felix Law: As a hairdresser that specialises in neurodiverse/queer/vulnerable clientele, this is so special! I'd love to sit in for any detangling training if you do more lives :) Love from Australia !

spencerA9: 9:07 almost made me CRY. you made this girl feel so welcomed, safe, and hopefully worth it. you treated her with SUCH kindness and compassion, from the pizza party to the countless assurances that she can do and be anything

atheris: You did a wonderful job and thank you for treating her with kindness.

Lady Nightingale: Lovely cut afterward. Absolutely amazing job.

Lea: To help an adult detangle their hair is one thing but to do it to a child is something very different. She will never forget you and your kindness or the sweet, inspiring words you told her.

Red Roses 🌹: Such an amazing job! ❤❤❤ beautiful hair!

Mara Shanteau: This made me cry…thank you so much for helping!

Beanie: As someone who has dealt with embarrassing situations as a child, thank you. Thank you for putting your love and time into this child, thank you for helping her heal her past hair trauma, thank you for treating her like a person and not a problem. You don't need to see her face to feel how good she feels about herself by the end and that is so purely beautiful.

quiet cherry: I had some matted clumps in my hair when I was a child. My hairdresser was very nice and de-tangled it, with minimal cutting. The other hairdressers in the shop laughed at me and were talking about me behind my back. At the time I felt great shame. Looking back I feel shame for them, laughing at a child who showed signs of possible neglect. I love the lack of judgement on your channel. I'm happy to see people like you exist.

barb ryll: When you feel depressed....self care can feel overwhelming. I've been there. You guys did a wonderful job!! Her hair is beautiful!!!

VIIVI: wow i teared up when you showed the pizza party. i can't believe someone as good as you exists, what an amazing heart you have.

geekfreak2000: I was in a group home as a teen, and they treated me with the love, care, and kindness I needed at that time. They were my saving grace, one of the only reasons I'm still alive to tell this to y'all. The love this little girl deserves was given by this salon and group home, and I hope she continues to know that she's loved and valued and worthy of all the good things in life❤️ Sending so many well wishes to her and everyone caring for her while her family is on hard times. Community support is crucial in helping these families thrive when help is needed ❤️

Sara Morgan: Thank you so much for saving this sweet baby's hair, I'm literally in tears right now. My step daughter was dropped of with her hair matted like this as a preteen and the amount of time, energy, oil, and conditioner it took to get her hair presentable again was immense. The work it took to repair her self esteem was an entirely different battle all is own. You are an absolute angel for helping this sweet girl in some of her darkest moments, bringing a smile back to her face and instilling so much confidence in her throughout the process. ❤️

annewrite: You’re such a wonderful person. We tend to believe that being a preteen/teenager is so easy. The truth is it’s one of the hardest times for us. We’ve got hormones going through us, school, friends, and bullies. Then add living in a group home and dealing with adult situations makes it harder. You made it life easier for her and gave her the love, attention, and compassion she needed.

Miss Anthrope: Watching and learning from you saved my daughters long hair this morning!! She wrapped a comb into it and she came down crying. I thought, at first, I was going to have to cut all her hair off. Instead I took a deep breathe and channeled my inner Hadassa. I got out wire cutters for the comb, leave in conditioner, and a rat tail comb. I slowly picked the hair until I could move it enough to cut chunks of the comb away. After 45 mins of comb cutting,I got it all out. I was left with a tightly knotted chunk of hair that was so tight it was touching her scalp. I slowly used the rat tail comb to pick small bits and broke up the large knot. About another 45 mins, and her hair was brushed out!! You are not only an amazing stylist and person. You are also an amazing teacher!

Stephanie: This video randomly popped up on my feed and I can honestly say that you’re such a wonderful human being. Helping someone in a situation like this must be so difficult, yet you’re doing it. ♥️

Beth Shea: Her happy stimming throughout just warmed my heart ❤

Peta Tong: You’re an angel!

Elizabeth Hauck: You are an angel with your comfort and words❤

Ath: As someone who had this issue as a child due to neglect, depression, and my own tenderheadedness, from the bottom of my heart thank you for what you've done for this girl. Not only for doing it with as much gentleness as it can be, but for boosting her up and also giving her a MANAGEABLE LENGTH due to her wishes after it was done. So many stylists only ever cared what my mother wanted and what they projected onto my hair no matter how hard it was on me, and it hurt my self esteem and sense of autonomy horribly and thanks to many years of having my hair ripped out when it was finally too unpresentable to her even afraid of brushing, until the day I was finally able to get it cut. She will never forget you.

Keith Bryner: God bless you guys! As a dad of three girls (and two sons), I have had my time as the official detangler of the family. That was a miraculous job. Your compassion, love, and skill makes me tear up. That young lady will never forget that experience. You're changing lives. Thank you.

Audoric: It's amazing how long her hair is after detangling it, and it's surprizingly healthy too!

Fluffy: I had this video recommended to me and although it's normally something I'd never watch, I'm glad that this showed up on my feed. You gave this young girl such a beautiful experience. Not only by helping with her hair, which you two did an amazing job with btw, but with the way you treated her. You likely made her feel special with her pizza party, watching movies with popcorn and making a normally embarrassing experience in to a fun one! You were so gentle and patient and showed her that there are good people in the world who will treat her with the respect that she deserves. Loved the way you told her to be confident, that she's beautiful and raised her spirits. God bless you!

Shay Chaney: This beautiful woman must have children of her own, she is giving caring mother vibes and it made me tear up! Thank you for helping this young lady and being a positive role mode too! ♥️

Anna Zuver: I hear so many horror stories about group homes, and I think it's absolutely incredible that the staff took this girl's hair seriously, found a solution, and helped her make it happen. So proud of EVERYONE who was involved in getting this girl's hair detangled & manageable again, including her!

Lizda Veronica: This made me cry, as a mom of a 14 yr old young lady, seeing her excitement when she saw her hair just made my mom heart happy. I hope she is doing good and her situation has gotten better for her and her momma.

KatherineTheMediocre: This just randomly came in my recommended, but I just wanted to say thank you for doing stuff like this ♡ When I was in high school, I went through a LOT of traumatic experiences and got really depressed. My hair god almost as bad as hers did, and I remember my mom shamed me and made feel so awful and embarrassed for it. I'm sure she is super super grateful for your compassion

Kim Buksa: I love what you said about being her safe space. What a beautiful gift to this sweet girl. Tears in my eyes for the ways you were compassionate and empathic for her trauma. I'm sure you guys have changed her life!

Hannah Hoffman: You are an absolute magical creature!!! I'm in tears watching her hands go up the more excited she gets! Also, HATS OFF TO YOU for keeping all the hair and then cutting it **after** she was free to pick whatever shape she wanted instead of what "had" to happen because of the knots. The difference. The ministry of JOY! You are a saint walking with magic hands and hard work. I'm amazed and impressed.

Trybe Trybe: This is going to jumpstart so much healing for this baby. Plus you killed that long baaaawb ❤ thank-you for your compassion and dedication to your clients

Isabelle Taljaard: This is sooo amazing!!!!!! And Im so glad that the group home didn't just decide to shave it all off, because that would just serve as a constant reminder to her about wat she went through! You guys are so amazing, and that girl deserves the world!!❤️

Chantel Anderson: This poor sweet girl. I haven't been to a salon sense my assault seven years ago. My mom cuts my hair. It gets so tangled sometimes ik I should have my split ends cut... My hair is my security blanket. I used to wear it short but grew it out so I can hide behind my hair. It's not healthy, and I know I should at least get trims but can't crying myself to go to a salon. I can't have someone close to me or I get sensory issues. Can anyone give me advice on how to overcome this

The HappiestGirl: Your channel popped into my feed today and I have been blessed. What you did for this little girl is so beautiful. You renewed my faith in humanity. You’re modeling what we humans should all be. I didn’t know this was a thing and it makes me sad to learn that it is, but it’s oddly satisfying to watch the transformation. Thank you for the love that you’re giving. I hope you receive it back in multiples!

Everly Nevins: When I was 13, I had a phase where I was just really depressed. My hair ended up super matted and I had the worst dead skin build up. I eventually showed my mom (I was very clever at hiding the state of my hair), and she and my aunt tried to de-tangle and cleanse. They managed to make my hair beautiful again. Eventually I went to go get my hair cut into a bob, and it was the most amazing feeling not having to worry about my hair getting matted again. I feel for this girl. Sometimes life doesn't let you think about personal care. No judgement.

Courtney Thomas: This is how you change someone’s life for the better. The world would be a better place with more people like you and your team ❤️

Marcus Johansson: Just found this channel and I am amazed by the work you guys are doing. I mean just the happy tone in which she answers your questions just make it so apparent how important this was. Thank you guys for being so great!

Jade Prescott: Her hair is so pretty! She has such a nice wave. You did such a great job and the cut is precious!

Nacole In Seoul: She will never forget what you’ve done for her. I’m sure she will be forever grateful. This was an amazing, touching video to watch!

Alyssa H: What you do is so important. Thank you! For a 13 year old to stop brushing their hair and let things get so bad you know she has to be hurting so bad inside. Poor girl, I hope she's doing a bit better and is getting the help she needs. Thank you again for what you do.

Kelsey Waldon: Your team is SO kind and sweet and persistent! I love that not only did you all work so diligently to do this for her, but you also went out of your way to make a personal connection with her and build up her confidence. Amazing!!!

Virginia Soskin: Wow, a fantastic job. A haircut can give anyone a lift but to detangle these mats -- this is such a compassionate thing to do, and I love the positive messages you gave her to "memorize" so that when she was down or anxious, she could repeat them to herself. She deserved this personal and loving attention to her appearance. Very impressive hairstyle!

Liliwyx_Badger: Big thank you to brad mondo for introducing me to your videos. You are absolutely amazing girl!

poo poo lol: almost all of my hair right now is matted and im crying right now because i don’t want my mom to be mad at me and i cant do it on my own ive already tried.

Ashley W: Absolutely AMAZING staff at that group home - this girl just needed some love. I bet she felt so much better at the end. You and your team were so kind <3

Marcie Garris: I love your attitude and the way you planted the seed and embedded self-esteem and confidence into her!!! This will stick with her forever!! You're an amazing woman!!!!

Angela - The Book Nerdess: Ladies like yourself, who put videos like this up, taught me how to detailed my hair after 8 months of not brushing. It took 7 hours, and 5 washes and half a tub of leave in conditioner, but not even the hair dresser I saw the day after detailing knew how bad it had been. So thank you.

Becuz Med School Said I Needed Personality: The fact you were so gentle and patient with her...loved this.

angelicMisha: Hair plays such an important part to our self-esteem, whether people admit it or not. So the fact that this girl went through so much in her life and was treated with respect, love, and compassion while getting her hair de-matted is so heartwarming to see. I really hope she's doing well ♥️

Kalise DeRoche: growing up, i always had matted hair, and even struggle w it now. i was never taught how to care for it (or myself in many ways as a child) so getting older & finding out how it really looks/feels when its cared for is Such a fulfilling experience. you’re doing amazing work!!!

BuskyLover2023: What you did for this young lady is amazing! When you told her to repeat after you that she was beautiful, I teared up. Thank you for being such a kind, loving person and helping her! ♥

Julie D.: When I was a broke, stressed out single Mom, I neglected myself so much that my hair was just in knots underneath. I was really embarrassed to be seen in public. No one really knew how bad it got and I was too humiliated to reach out for help. It's people like you that make all of the difference, thank you for sharing your patience and kindness with the world. Much love!

Aprile Gunn: This happened to me after a divorce. I was so depressed and it got bad. To this day I take better care of my hair I have ever in my life. I can’t go an hour without brushing it from the trauma I had from having that heavy feeling of mat of your head. God bless you!!!!!

Delightra Cardeanne: I feel this. Currently dealing with serious depression and I'm lucky if I wash my hair every week or two... I get it, and she's going through so much more than I am... I hope this is a new beginning for you, sweetie. I love your new haircut!

Summer12 Girl: She has the same hair type as mine, and we're similar ages (I'm just on 15). I'm really glad that you did this for her, I can't imagine what she's been through. I hope things get better for her.

Jackson Hanks: First time coming across your channel. Shout out to you, protecting the identity of a minor. What an amazing video, teaching, entertaining, and maintaining privacy. What an amazing hairstylist and a great channel. I have very little interest in hair, but consider me a viewer now. Above all else I just love your energy, what a positive impact on this young person, especially not making them feel guilty or upset for the position they were in, showing very much respect and understanding, just such an amazing service

ack153: You and your team's kindness really moved me to tears. You ladies are such a blessing.

Colleen Gallo: This can happen even in a well adjusted loving household. My daughter use to wear her hair in a low bun as a 13 year old. She showered every day and her hair was always neat but what I failed to realize is that she wasn’t always taking her hair down and brushing it out but rather smoothing the top with a comb while it was still tied up. I spent 6 hours and a lot of oil to get the matting out.

M. Aurora Charvat: Tangles are hard to take out on long hair period. I have seen videos of women and girls in certain religion or ethnicities that had to always keep their hair long and braided like hers. Before they go to bed they have to comb it out. In small remote villages there are no detanglers or relaxers thus untangling is a tedious task.

Laurie Hecht: I can only imagine how hard that was for you all! You have to feel good about what you did for that little girl. She will remember you forever ❤️

Dana Goodman: As a child I dealt with a similar issue and had to have it chopped all off. I wish I had been blessed to have someone like you to take my hair on. Your love and tenderness is amazing! <3

sunstripe85: her hair is so beautiful! I'm so happy for her - thank you and the group home for helping her! Also, how sweet and wonderful of her to donate her hair! Her little hand waves of happiness/excitement make me so happy and warm inside ❤

A P: This poor lass has trauma most of us cant imagine. I'm so glad the support workers at the group home brought you together. I hope she and her mum get the support they deserve to be together in a safe, secure home soon. Thank you for making a difference in her life

Trisha Adaway: Oh my goodness... bless you beautiful ladies! You've literally changed her life and made it better! Your love, patience, and understanding is everything. I wish I could give you both a hug and her too. Praying everything is better for her now and she's living the life she deserves. ❤️

Sarah McEwan: The work you do is honestly so amazing, I can't imagine what a relief it must have been for her to feel her scalp again! The time & dedication from you is astounding!

a N: You are amazing - thank you for what you do! Also. Sounds like her group home is amazing too. Prayers for her and her family . And what a brave young girl.

Kat: Mental health can be tough I was like this as a kid and believe me when I tell you my mom tried I appreciate women like you who helped me when it got bad. Mine never got like this but no one was very compassionate about it when it got tangled or matted. You’ve blessed her genuinely

Forever Song: As a therapist I am so encouraged by your gentle, trauma sensitive approach to not only to provide a service but to empower her to be herself. What a beautiful transformation.

Florence Moss: Found you from Brad’s channel, so glad that there is someone with compassion for all clients like you have. I feel sad for this poor little girl! I use to be super tender headed so my under side would get matted. And I had super long hair for a while.

Alamo-mama yeap-me: As a foster/adoptive mom, this is beautiful. We took in a girl who had very matted hair. You are a blessing.

FranS91: You’re a goddess among human kind! Omg I could cry for your clients, I can’t imagine how hopeless they felt! ❤ keep kicking doing your thing woman, you’re on fire!

Mercedes McGraw: It's the compassion for me! That's SO amazing! Good on you and your assistant. And I pray the 13 year old and mother has better days ahead. Subscribed!

valdepulchrapuella: In addition to making her hair comfortable again you also gave her the BEST gift - the sense that she is worth caring for and spending time to help her.

Susan Huffman: You ladies are awesome! This young lady can once again take pride in her appearance all because of y'alls compassion and dedication. Thank you for doing what you do and making a difference in people's lives.

REBECCA J MCWATTERS: So happy she found you! I can attest to what so much love and compassion for a foster child will do for the rest of their life! I remember small moment of happiness and love like this. Helped me realize not everyone is bad. And helped me be a better person. Keep up the amazing work you do! Everyone that walks through your doors will remember that moment.

Dont Question: I love that you taught her how to do self positive affirmations! I hope that is a tool she never forgets and never stops using! I love all the positivity.

thegreenmanofnorwich: That was amazing. Given how nice it looked after detangling, I'm surprised she didn't keep it all, but it was lovely of her to donate so much of it.

Mars Gaston: my hair looked like this at times when i was younger bc my mom never taught me how to brush my hair. she would scream at me when it would get bad like this. what you are doing for this child is amazing and i know she thinks about you from time to time, you're truly amazing :)

Aila Ka: I’ve had a lot of neighborhood kids come to me over the years to take out their knots, one thing I learned, is that V05 conditioner works the best on EVERY hair type. It provides the most amount of slip, and truly loosens the tangles like a dream; also if you drench the hair with water, then completely soak it with the conditioner it’s quicker and easier to comb it out. The best part of using the V05 conditioner is that you can buy it at the dollar store, so you can buy a boatload of it, and not break the bank, and can really saturate the hair without feeling like your money is going down the drain using an expensive product.

Kodi Brito: Oh I’m so happy for her y’all did a beautiful job!

skrittle: just found your channel and this video almost made me cry. you are an angel. you are really out here changing people's lives!!

Caylie S: What a transformation! Not just her hair but her whole self changed along the process. She’ll remember you for helping her and treating her with dignity at a hard point in life.

Michelle Merz: I love how much care you put into keeping her identity anonymous really shows that you understand how sensitive and difficult this kind of trauma can be. Nobody wants to be recognized in that state— and you are amazing to make her feel like her beautiful and best self is the only self that people will remember.

Ms Teresa K: I don't know where you're hiding your halo and wings, but you're an angel sent from God. That's child's hair looks gorgeous!

Tini Murph: The empathy and compassion you have for your clients is so beautiful to watch.

Captain America: God bless you. You’re an angel from heaven. I think the bob cut rocks on her. Such pretty smooth hair now.

Nalayah Michalove-Velez: wow this is amazing I can't believe ya'll got through her hair in just two days!! I hope she's doing better now and I hope her life situations get much much better and she starts feeling more joy and happiness!!!

Liz Wheeler: As a grown up foster child.... Wow. Love this. My hair had to get cut off 2 years ago in the hospital because of my heroin addiction. I'm 24 and clean now. My foster mom is the one who brought the hair stylist to the hospital from an hour drive away. I love my foster mom so much. And that hair cut tho I didn't want to cut my hair... Was better than the knotted mess I had. Way worse than this child's hair I hadn't brushed in a couple years probably.

Robin Diehl: This one made me cry. Imagining any of my kids in this situation.... And you gave her a safe space, with positivity, man, my heart is in the biggest puddle right now. I hope if any of my kids get into a bad situation, that they run into helpful, compassionate people like you.

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