How To Make A Scrub Cap With A Ponytail Free Pattern - Download

Here is a little tutorial on how to make a surgical scrub cap for long hair or a ponytail. Download my FREE PATTERN. PLEASE, DO NOT SELL PATTERN. You may sell the caps you make.

I have a REAL-TIME video of sewing this cap if you need more details.



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Hey there, it's Nathalie welcome to my channel, and I don't know if I'm like y'all are y'all are like. I am just kind of a little bored with being inside anyway. All that aside, I have downloaded, purchased, tried numerous patterns for surgical scrub. Hats. I'Ve got some nurse friends that have requested so and I'm gon na post some pictures of what I've already made, what they liked, what they didn't like, but anyway, they decided that they liked close-fitting and was a little poof for a ponytail that has an adjustable band. A little elastic and a ribbon slide. Well, I don't have enough hair for a ponytail, but I'm going to show you how this fits anyway. So and this one I put just an extra piece of fabric up here, you don't have to, and so this will come in and tie and then you can tie up your ponytail or your extra hair and there's one. If you, I don't have much hair, you can see. I'Ve got all this extra space out, cuz, I'm my hair's thin and fine and short. So I purchased a pattern to call pixie it's a design by Angie and she's on Etsy. But my nurse friends didn't like the bouffant style it's easy to make, but they like the one that was close, fitting close to the head, and so I found Larissa Fontenot and she's got some videos on YouTube and I'll put the link below. But the ponytail thing was too tight. I don't, I may have not done it right, so I just decided to make my own pattern. So here we go. A pattern is going to be a free download. You can go over to my hall, closet, dot-com and go and you subscribe there and you can get it from my resource library, my free, pretty good e-library anyway, so I'm gon na show you step-by-step on how to do this. So don't go away to cut this surgical scrub hat you're, going to need 1/4 of a yard, a 45 inch wide fabric if it's only 42 wide you're going to need a third of a yard. I have adjusted the fold where it's not selvedge to selvedge. So it's the length of my main part of my hat pattern and pinned it down. You'Re, also going to need two lengths of 15 inches of ribbon and three and a half inches of elastic. Now it could be quarter each or three-eighths inch. I have this on the fold on the cross grain of the fabric and then so that cuts the the main part. Then the crown you can cut it on the fold or you can double your pattern piece and then do it like this, and so you can just cut one layer as you go now, of course, if you watch my other video on cutting multiples, you could layer Up this fabric, I have quite a bit of this fabric and I could probably cut six of them at a time and get them ready to stitch now clip that little Center part. So I can know where to match right here. It'S on your pattern. There is a buttonhole mark and I'm using a water, erasable pen or you can use a pencil to mark that and so that buttonhole will just be in a single layer and you're not going to do two layers just say and that's what your ribbon is going To go through and your elastic is going to go through and I'll explain that later on the video. So don't worry about that, so I'm going to match up my centers on the top of the cap on that curved edge on the backside. Not this straight! Not the straight side but the side that has the the curves in it. So I'm going to pin in the middle and then I'm going to go down to the edge and pin in that in the dip and so just kind of mark right in there and pin that and then you can ease around normally. I just sew it, but I wanted to show you how to pin this so that you can make sure that you don't wind up with a bunch of fullness in one place and then it not matching not meeting where it's supposed to meet. So I'm going to go ahead and pin that other edge the bottom edge in that point again just to make sure I've got that where it'll, where it'll meet and do what it's supposed to do all right and then we're going to go to the about all. Pending place, we're going to go to the sewing machine, and so there's my point and then my Center and I'm going to take one pin loose on the backside so that I don't catch anything whenever I'm stitching this. So that'll free that up for me to stitch around and I'm going to use I'm going to back do a back stitch, I'm going to do a quarter of an it or the width of my presser foot so about a quarter of an inch seam allowances. What I have allowed on this pattern and again this pattern is on my website, my hall closet comm, you can download it. I asked you not to sell the pattern, but you can you know so, for your friends or sell sew them to sell them. That'Ll be fine also, I this is an adaptation from like three or four different patterns and things that I saw online and had to just figure out. I just went with my what my nurses friend my nurse friends wanted, and this is what they requested. They wanted something that fits close now whenever I get down to this point and watch that little point area right there and then match it back up in here and then just bring those stitches together and just kind of let them touch but not overlap, close watch. My stitches backspace there we go not backspace a reverse stitch. There we go now and I am going to take this to the serger and Serge my edges. You can zigzag it to finish it and see right there. I'Ve got a nice close fit on my on the point at the the bottom of the that crown so Serge that all around and now I'm going to mark for my buttonholes and again they're, just going through a single layer. So what I've done is. I have a piece of interfacing: that's going to go on the underside and that'll. Give that buttonhole just a little bit of support. You may not even need to use that or to do that, and I have a little buttonhole god. The stitch thing I'm not using a buttonhole foot, just my regular presser foot and following the instructions on my sewing machine for making a buttonhole. So it's about 3/4 of an inch long, because you want to make sure that it doesn't catch in the band. When you turn that band under all right now I'll go ahead and clip the excess off and open up the buttonhole, and it's going to be easier. If I do this from the back side, because I can really see, especially if you're working on print fabric - that sometimes it's hard to see the stitching against the print, but whenever it's against the interfacing, it's really easy to see where you need to clip and go Ahead and clip that open and then we're going to go ahead and Stitch. The back part of the the ponytail holder area match up that little dip stitch, that's right there and then stitch around the curve and go back, and I'm going to Serge that I searched that in place and normally I would Serge this long edge of this band Area, but in just in case you don't have a serger, I'm going to go ahead and show you how I just fold in measure in think it's an inch and a quarter, and I turn it a quarter of an inch under so that I can just do A long straight stitch, and so my stitch length on my machine that said about three so just about a medium length, stitch and I'm gon na start at the bottom, at that ponytail area, metal, curves, section and stitch all the way around, with just a long straight Running stitch and I'm going to clip off that there's a little bit of that interfacing show, and I didn't want that to show and just turning it. You can pit press it and pin it, and, but I'm just like pushing it in with my finger as I go, trying to keep this video so that it's not like them a half an hour, long or two hours long or something like that. Okay, we've got that ready to go now, and this is what it looks like opened up. There'S the crown part besides and the little pony tail area, and so our next step is going to be to cut our ribbons. We'Ve got the ribbons cut 15 inches long and I'm going to use. You can use a candle, I'm just using a little lighter to fuse the ends of the ribbons, so they don't fray. That was cut a little crooked so again use my little lighter, be careful! You don't burn yourself or catch your house on fire. You don't need that on top of all of this other stuff, that's going on, hope, y'all are staying in and staying safe, alright, so we're going to attach the elastic to one end of the ribbon and I'm moving in about a quarter of an inch on the On the on both pieces, so that I don't know if you can see that, but so you can see it's about a quarter of an inch in on the the with the stitching alright. So it's about a half an inch in oh and then fold that ribbon over to so that it's not going to fray out when you run it through the casing. The casing was what we formed with that long running stitch we're going to go into one of the button. Oh first, we need to measure three inches because at three inches now that's from the very bottom of that curved area, we'll put a little pin knot through both pieces. You got to make sure you just pin through one piece: you could mark it with a little with the water erasable marker or you could mark it with a safety pin like on the very edge and just so that you don't catch it. So that is where the elastic is going to start and stop. So we're going to thread that ribbon elastic assembly all the way through the casing, just feeding it through watching them. Whenever I come to the pen to make sure that I'm free there - and so whenever I get to where I'm going get to where I need to be I'll, be able to feel the thickness where that ribbon and elastic was attached together. And I want to make sure that it's flat so that it hasn't turned backwards on me as I'm as I'm inside that casing. There'S probably another way to do this, but this is my way. So you know you can there's so many videos on YouTube right now. For caps, surgical caps and hats and masks and feed that pull that ribbon all the way out to the other end, the other button hold okay. So now we're going to adjust everything back through I'm going to feel for that fix thought where my ribbon and my elastic are joined, repend that, because my pin came out three inches from that bottom and again, my elastic was cut three and a half inches just Feeling around it and I can feel the beginning and the end of the end of the elastic and the beginning of the the ribbon find the middle area of that and then I'm gon na stitch that in place here. Do it make sure you can feel it in there, so I'm going to secure it, so it doesn't slide on me. Do the other side pull that through? So I can feel it again now. I guess you could just even everything up and then do a stitch at the very bottom and then just let it do what it's going to do. Stretch and pull this is so that you can adjust it around your ponytail or your your hair, but it with the nurses had asked me, for they wanted something. I'M going to backstitch I'm going to do back and forth and back and forth or forward and back twice, and but they wanted something that wasn't so snug on their ponytails. One of the patterns that that I found online, the video her video was really good. The pattern was too tight to get your hair down into it. So that's the reason I made this little pouch so there's the adjustment that the elastic stretches at the bottom and then you can do an extra adjustment with the ribbon ties and then your your hair can go in there, and so this will accommodate a reasonable head Of hair also I'm putting a button on the side. I don't think I said that in the introduction, but this is because a lot of my nurse friends, their ears, are sore from wearing the mask all the time, and so this this way they can attach those elastics of their face mask over the buttons. So I'm measuring down seven inches from the center of the top of the cap and then two and three-quarters inches in and I'm putting a little piece of interfacing behind it. This time, like I did for the buttonhole and then putting my, I have a button attachment for my machine and whenever I put it to zero setting on the zigzag, then it will automatically drop my feed dogs. So it's not going to move but line that button up and I'm gon na what very carefully to make sure that I have my adjustment. The width adjustment right just do a couple of little stitches to start off with now. This video was speeded up, so you're not really seeing that and then clip off all of my thread, and we are almost done. This is the last step, is just getting those buttons in place and I've move that pin out of the way before I start stitching. But that pin shows me where I need to be, and it also holds that piece of interfacing in place and there we go. That'S it well. I hope my video has helped you. I hope you liked it be sure you give me a little thumbs up subscribe share. You know the drill stay home, stay, safe, use, common sense and if you have any issues, let me know thank you for stopping by, and I will see you next time. God bless you bye,

Courtney Kay: Thank you so much! I made five of them for my sister who is a nurse at MGH in Boston. The clear pattern posted with the right resolution, the methodic video tutorial and illustrated instructions made it possible for me to make one as I had never seen one of these myself! I looked at other patterns and tutorials and appreciate their good will, but your pattern really made a difference for me and my family.

lovelife: Thank you so much for sharing your pattern on YouTube, it is so easy to follow and my mom is making some for me as I’m a nurse at a hospital. These scrub caps were exactly what I was looking for with the ponytail holder, thank you a million times- you are wonderful and thank you from the bottom of our hearts ❤️❤️❤️

Sharon Shifflet: Thank you so much for this super pattern. It’s the best one I’ve come across. I’ve been making them for my daughter & granddaughter who are nurses at Mansfield Ohio health. I’ve also made & donated quite a few to their fellow nurses. Easy to follow directions. Thanks again

Lorena Holmes: Thank you for this fast and complete tutorial. Like you, I have purchased quite a few patterns, however they didn’t quite seem right. I’m so glad I found yours, going to make some of these for a dear friend of mine that’s an ICU nurse and is working hard on the front lines of this awful pandemic. Thanks again for your tutorial.

Paula Kershaw: Thank you so much for designing and sharing your pattern and your talent. I was able to make this for my daughter who is a nurse who got pulled to work in a critical care situation during the Covid-19 Pandemic. God Bless You! <3

Audrey Smith: Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. I am new to sewing thanks to all of this, and I am a nurse myself. I have been looking for the perfect cap for me, and like you was able to find pieces but not a complete cap that was exactly what I wanted. I have been sewing face masks for a couple weeks, but I need some caps! I will be making these for myself and my team! THANK YOU! I had no trouble downloading your pattern following the instructions that you provided on how to get it!

Karen M74: I just made my sister 3 of these. She’s working with COVID patients now and I am so glad I could do something to support her. She specifically requested a ponytail scrub cap and yours was the easiest to follow. Thank you very much

Margaret Hill: Thank you for the tutorial! Very easy to understand and I hope to making one in the next few days :)

Twirling Tuesdays with Kim: Such a great pattern and explained so well! Thank you for sharing!!!!

shar done: My daughter is a nurse. This is the exact pattern I was looking for, Thank you a thousand times!

Concetta Hartford: Thank you so much Nathalie, your guidance is perfect, today I'm going to create my first one!

Petra Ebisemiju: Thank you for sharing this pattern and tutorial. Two days ago my niece who is a nurse asked if I could make her a scrub hat. I really did not know where to start but I found your pattern yesterday and had her first cap made within an hour. She is thrilled.

Jessica Luque: Thank You for a great video tutorial! I am a nurse and a new sewer, just recently bought my first machine. I have been looking to make scrub caps for a while now. Your video is very easy to follow. I just finished making my 2nd cap. My coworkers loved the first one and are already asking me to make them some. Thanks!!

Anna Lopez: My daughter is a nurse and ask me to do one for her, I Thank you so much for this video and the pattern I have cero practice in sowing machines but you made it really easy it took me a whole day but I made it !

JB Final Clean: This is perfect! My niece is an EMT in New Jersey and asked me to make her a scrub cap that all of her hair would fit into. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Estela De la cruz: Thank you for the pattern and tutorial! I’ll be making for my family and friends who are nurses. I’m a retired nurse !

The Creative Chica: Thank you! Just finished my 1st one, following your pattern and tutorial. Came out Great!

Laura Ly: Thank you kindly for sharing this pattern and video! It took me a couple of re-watches to see what part of the pattern you were using to complete the hat part and to see which way you were threading the elastic/ribbon, but the cap turned out great and I've made several more. God bless you!

Brad R: This was simple and easy to make. I made several for my daughter and her friends (medical students). The caps fit the friends perfectly but my daughter has long hair but not a lot of it. I made the cap, then reduced the space on top of the cap 1/4 inch all the way around. It then fit perfect. It cost me about $2 to $3 per cap.

Turtle Rose: Than you so much for the great pattern and the tutorial. My sister is an ER nurse at one of out local hospitals and had asked for a better hat than what they have available and this is perfect!!!

shelly chen: Thank you! This video is so easy to follow thru. I am going to make few for my nurse friend that works in the covid department.

Susan RN: Thank you for this pattern with a ponytail. As a nurse, I can tell you that there is an increasing need for scrub caps. I am interested in these as I have long hair and I need to braid my hair for it to somehow stay in a regular cap. I like that there is a button to hold our masks, I see some nurses' ears are getting raw and they are using a bandana/tie headband or safety pins/paper clips to give their ears a break.

Kipp Inglis: Thank you! This is so much more clear than patterns I've paid for and struggled with. I'm headed over to your website for the pattern to make a few for my nurse friend!

Ginny Phillips: I love this pattern and instructions for pony tail scrub cap. thanks for the free pattern. I have become popular with my daughter's friends even though we have not met. They are all in various direct patient contact rolls in a hospital.. Those that have received their hats say they fit perfectly and love the buttons for their face masks. There is no way I could sell these!! Thanks so much!!!

Bety K: Thank You for the video. Your instructions are clear and your pattern seems not too hard for someone like me (novice)to follow.

Sarah A: Love it ! Thankyou so much i have really thick long hair and so far this seems like the only one that will work for me :)

Dee Mayfield: Thank you so much!!! My sister is a Nurse and she is going to love these!!!

susan madwed guttmann: made a slew for a nurse-cousin who requested. thanks for the pattern! super helpful. stay well

Dee Green: Thank you for this pattern, I am new-ish at sewing. I have a question about the two pieces that need to be put together (the long piece) do I line up the two dark lines in the middle of the edge of these two pieces or do I line up the sewing dotted line as I cannot do both Am I doing something wrong?

Melinda Swift: Thank you so much!!!! I am a novice sewer and the videos help me so much!!!!

JC: Thank you for this . I’m a nurse and I love it .

Claudia Leahy: I’ve made several caps from your video I’m a nurse. I’ve made a lot for others and everybody loves them! Thank you so much!

Marcia Lynch: Thank you so much! Just finished 2 for nurses in New York. They are so grateful.

Del Galik: Thank you for the pattern and video. I made hats for my dentists office. still need to deliver them. I extended the ponytail part for a couple of girls with long heavy hair. Posted pictures in a quilting group I am in and am directing everyone to your site for the pattern. I can't wait to see how they like them!!

Southern Witch Magick in the Work: God bless you for this video! I am a nurse with long hair and this is really going to be helpful during the Covid crisis.

Dee’s Adventure: Thank you! I saw your tutorial! I just recently bought my sewing machine.

RadarblokeAnna: Thank you for making this video. Much appreciated!!

Amanda Craycraft: Great tutorial, excited about making some.

Amanda Holt: Thanks for the free pattern! Question I tried to make it but the crown top circumference seems too big for the band part. Also I have a lot of hair that's thick, how can I make a bigger poof part to accommodate my mop?

kalybre taylor: I want to thank you so much for your time and pattern provided I was able to follow and make one under a hour to wear for work .

Jane Diane Ricciardi: Awesome tutorial! Many thanks for sharing your knowhow!

Alicia Hobson: what material did you use to make the caps? 100% cotton or polyester ? Thank you for the pattern!

Dannie Harris: Thank You so much for an awesome tutorial.

H L: Thanks for your love to share with nurses your pattern. I have been struggling with my hair and the caps I had are not enough. Ill try it soon to make.

Melissa Lenderman: Thank you for sharing this video! Are you by chance selling some of the ones you are making? My sister asked me to make her some, shes a labor and delivery nurse, but she has grossly overestimated my abilities and now my sewing machine isn't working. We would be so appreciative!

lafg47: Thank you for this video and the free pattern, my daughter is a nurse and she asked me to make her some hats, I saw your video and thanks again.

Kelly Cercone: Bless you for the tutorial and the free pattern! My hair is breaking from the N95 masks and face shields!

Pilar Cano: Gracias. Hermoso modelo. Gran tutorial.

Teresa Johnson: I'm making this now. Looks like it's easy enough and will meet my needs.

Maire Mc Garvey: BRILLIANT thanks for showing also Thank you for the free pattern Scrub cap. I havent made one yet i made the masks free KEEP SAFE BLESS x

Brenna Clabough: Thank you, the only thing I may be missing... do you pin the pattern on right or wrong side of fabric?

Jess Ratcliff: Have you ever worked with a water resistant fabric on a scrub cap? I am a dental hygienist preparing to return to work and i have zero sewing knowledge however am researching options. I came across a fabric called ottertex that is a polyester but seems like it may be difficult to work with. one cubic yard is 11oz and .55mm thickness. Your caps are beautiful!

Ana Buchting: Muy generoso de su parte compartir el patrón y el vídeo. Las instrucciones muy claras. La gorra queda perfecta y muy cómoda. Gracias miles!

Rodney and Susan Swanson: What type of fabric do you recommend? (Especially for high heat/heavy soil washing)

Cathy Droope: Just made my first one. Yhe video was very helpful. Making for a friend who's a nurse.

barb garnier: I sewed a bunch of masks for the grocery store my daughter has been working at, but she goes back to the dental office next week and one of the docs wants a cap that can handel her ponytail. Thanks for the video and pattern.

C Rey: Hello. Im about to make my first one. Have a question regarding the ribbons, as i started to work again, i dont have time to go to the fabric store to buy ribbons. Is there any other way make the ribbon part out of fabric, will bias tape do or is it to too thick? Still learning how to sew so my skill level is a beginner. ☺️

eemarshell: Thank you so much for this!

Nan Keipper: Thank you for the great tutorial. I downloaded the crown yesterday. Today I found a different piece. Still missing the ponytail piece.

edhunley: I am a quilter, not a garment maker at all. When a friend in health care asked if anyone could make these, I decided to step out of my comfort zone. I got your pattern and made them without a hitch. To have the video was very valuable and I watched it several times during the process. I didn't have any ribbon and couldn't go out to buy any. So I made 15 inch long draw strings to attach the elastic to and it worked just fine. You are doing your part to fight the virus by offering the pattern free. Thank you very much for what you're doing.

Ashley Harper: Thank you! Your cap is more stylish for our ladies on the front lines <3

Lilly Jirau: Thank you for all you do!

Susan Nguyen: Hi! Can you email me the pattern or direct me to the website? I can't seem to find it. Thank you SO much since this will protect my hair and relieve the strain from the N95 masks. THANKS!!!!

cheekalatina: I am new to sewing... literally don't even know how to use a sewing machine, but I'm so glad I found your video! It's not only teaching me sewing skills, but it's helping provide unique bonding moments with my mom, as she was trying to gift this to me to work in the hospital! This pattern is exactly what I was looking for!

Anita Schatz: Thank you for this free pattern. It enables Face Masks by Baba to make these in addition to the masks we are providing for medical teams in hospitals.

Theresa Crawford: Thanks for your toturial, and video very helpful.

Alma Aguilar: muchisimas Gracias linda de su parte ensenarnos y darnos el pantron me a servido de mucho, despues le mandare la foto del que hise, ese lo Hecho una enfermera que esta trabajando en el hospital de contaguiados y gracias a su ayuda me ciento muy contenta en aser y ella se encuentra muy contenta por el lindo gorro es el perfecto para su pelo muy largo. Gracias y NO vendere su patrón, Dios Bendiga por su apoyo de ayuda a otros que queremos compartir lo que solo Dios le dio mucho Amor, Voluntad y Humildad.

Bonnie Judge: My daughter is an RN in Denver and asked me to make her this pattern. You made it look very easy so I'll give it a try plus she likes the buttons because her ears hurt after working 12 hr. . Shifts in The Covid floor and wearing 2 to 3 masks a day. Thank you!

Phyllis G: Thank you so much !!! God bless you!

Becky Schrader: Help! I keep having a problem after you sew the first section- to sew the ponytail section- I start the first one at the right place, get that down, but cannot seem to get this. I always end up w a tiny little flap not caught in the back where the point is. Thank you!

Shelia COOK: Thank you for the video on tips. It helped me finish my hat. Now I see where the the drown goes. Thank you.

Tence Valentin: what model sewing machine did you use in the video i love the way your sewing machine made that buttonhole

C Rey: The ribbons ive been using are fraying (i burnt the ends beforehand) can i use bias tape to use for the ties?

carminia sandico: Hi. How do I modify the pattern if I don’t want the cap to cover my ear. I have been folding it in, but is there a way to make it smaller so it falls above the ear?

Danielle M: I want to make my hat where when I flip over the cuff you’ll see another color. I guess you take 2 pieces of fabric and sew them together but where do you cut the inside piece? Where exactly does the ponytail start that’s what you’d cut off?

Either Orr: Thank you so very, very much!

Stacey Ervin: When pinning, do I pin right sides of fabric together?

Sandra Zapata: Thank you for this tutorial video, you made the people are safe. Blessings

Lauren Rickson: Thank you for this resource it is much appreciated

Dawnita G: Thanks for sharing ❤️

Susan Metz: That was really confusing. I have a suggestion. Could you do a demo where the pony tail holder is a completely different fabric? It was really difficult to see exactly where it was supposed to be attached. It looks all bunched up and distorted.

Praise & Worship: I’m hoping I can make one for my daughter who’s a nurse and has very long hair so non of the scrubs fit because of the length of the hair. I’m a little scared to try cuz I’m a beginner but hopefully it will come out good. I will try to send a picture of the finished product.

Missy B.: Thanks for sharing this!!

Macklyn Fairchild: I am making a scrub cap with pony tail for my niece who works in Labor and Delivery. She wants a contracting band around the cap. Do you have a pattern or suggestion for that? Thanks so much.

Judith Medina: Thank you so much! Blessings anda big hug from

Robin S: Great pattern, a nurse at work was just saying she has to come home and wash her hair everynight without a hat and they are all sold out on line. Thanks

Sandra Richardson: Thank you so much!

Cynthia Pridham: Thankyou so much. I'm working in covid ward and my long hair was coming out on bought hat. I try this.

Teresa R.: I work in an industrial setting and think this would work great in place of a "welder's skull cap".

Mary Welch: Where can I download the pattern please?  I have a daughter who is an ICU nurse in Florida and she asked if I could make one with buttons on the side and ponytail holder. Thank you!

Geraldine Sherwood: Thank you so much!!!!!

Darky Johanna Martinez: Hola muy lindo el gorro. Te felicito.. me puedes ayudar a descargar el patrón, no e podido encontrar como descargar. Y quiero hacérmelo para mi hija. Gracias.

loraliwood: I bought 3 patterns from others none worked as well a yours. Thank you so much for this. I have some that do not want it for a ponytail, is there an easy answer to how I use this pattern differently for that? God Bless.

Bekki Weaver: BRAND NEW!!! Do I have the pattern pretty side to pretty side to start out or no? Thanks

gaylemae: My top is 1” longer than the band! I measured the square was correct. I’m going to have to snip off excess, as I have 4 already cut out.

Zokli Victoria Yawa: Great my nurse friends will be happy when I make it for them

Jackie Smith: Do you sell any of these in your Etsy store? Thank you

Mai Le: Thanks you my two daughter love so much ( nurses)❤️❤️

Magali Alvarez: Where do I download the pattern?

Maritza Castro: Thank you and God bless

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