Quick & Simple 30 Inch Red Ponytail

I have been working towards this moment for a while and it is finally time!

I am extremely grateful for EVERYONE that supports me and has motivated me on a daily bases to chase my dreams to the fullest extent, I literally could not do this without you you!❤️

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Please bare with me & the technical issues that occurred with my phone while recording.

I will be investing in a vlog phone ASAP so that I can have the BEST quality content for my fans, Again.. I appreciate each and every one of you SO much!


What'S up y'all welcome to my youtube channel today, i'm finally dropping my first video. My first tutorial. I know y'all have been waiting forever. People been telling me come on. You keep saying you're gon na start, you keep saying, go start it where's the dab, where's, the channel where's, the videos where's, the content, it's finally here it's finally here so y'all go ahead and like subscribe comment, share, show some love. Do everything - because i couldn't do this without y'all? If i didn't have supporters, i wouldn't be able to do this if y'all are wondering why i look so crazy, why i got a hold of my shirt, it's because i'm about to show y'all how to do this. Long ponytail and we finna play that [ __ ] period, okay, so let me tell y'all. First of all, i got ta take care of these [ __ ] roots. Because do you see the baby um girl who the [ __ ] said? Who, who said you could do that? Nobody, okay, so we're gon na take red for dark hair, only high color, permanent, permanent baby? Everybody want to know how i keep my hair red. You'Ve got to use permanent whenever you go to the store. Look on the box that [, __ ] got ta, say permanent. Okay, then we got this little intensified intensifier by ion hot red hot red, because you know that [ __ ] got ta be hot on fire, baby, okay, okay, so i got my little mixable yeah. I got my 20 inch, my 20 volume uh developer, that is from iron. Don'T look at my nails because i do not say you have to talk about me for my nails period, so just ignore that, because i'm finna go to the nail salon right after this. So, okay, anyway, but since they look so crappy i was like this would be the perfect day to do my hair. You know it needs to be dyed, needs to be taken care of, so we're just going to do that and go to the nail salon. I'M gon na be a whole brand new [, __, ]. Okay, so y'all see the setup y'all see what we doing we're gon na go ahead and get started, because this [ __ ] is not okay. This [ __ ] is not acceptable. Baby. Look at this [ __ ]. I look like wendy what y'all want y'all 104 for four baby. We got the spicy nuggets and we got the fries the fresh fries guaranteed. Okay, hello. How are you doing this [ __ ] is not cute like this [ __ ] is faded for real, and if you walk around your hair faded like this, then with you is wrong and i'm talking to you. Yes, you me myself because i'm looking at you, okay, yo, i'm gon na - have too much fun with this. And if you don't like it, then you just don't like it, because i'm crazy as hell and that's why i've been putting it off, because i didn't want to show y'all how crazy i really was like. I could be a little too much of sometimes but at some points, but that's cool because who the [ __ ] you got to mix the macaroni in the pot. Okay, so first you want to get your bowl actually. So, on another note, y'all know: oh, let me tell y'all a little bit about myself while i'm doing this [ __ ], because you already know what i'm doing i'm just putting this in the bowl and i hope i'm not getting no hoes in my glove. So i'm 19. i'm trishy chase a bag um i'm from arkansas born here not raised here partially raised here. I'Ve been everywhere like everywhere, that's a whole, another story, tom cause. I grew up basically just all around the world and i love that, because i've got a lot, i meet a lot of people along the way and just make a lot of connections: [, __ ], it's really cool but uh. I have two businesses, luxury, lashes and bougie beach, bundles and lace fronts. I just started both of those up um. I want to start doing eyelash extensions. That'S like another big thing, that's one of my goals, this coming up here that i want done for sure. This look crazy, like y'all. Probably can't even take me serious, but i don't care. Take me serious because it's cute and it's gon na come out so good y'all gon na be like hey. She really a hair stylist out here like what come to me for your knees, baby, i'm gon na get you right, i'm have your edges laid imma. Have all that [ __ ], looking good do not play with me. Do not [ __ ] play with me and i might look busted, but i'm a bad [ __ ], okay, so here i'm just taking the second one and i'm mixing it well. I ain't mixing [ __ ] yet, but i'm just putting it in the bowl. Squeeze that [ __ ] squeeze that [ __ ] out and get that [ __ ] all in there. You do not want to miss none of it, because i swear all that matters. Oh so one of my colors was red and one was magenta because i like to mix them because i like to have like a different. You know shade type, because i, like my [ __ ], to be different. I don't want to feel like nobody got the same [ __ ] as me, even though it ain't hard. I know somebody out here got the same [ __ ] as me, but it don't even matter cuz. They could never do it like trishy. Who could nobody? I'M back after my phone rudely interrupted me girl. That was talking about my iphone storage low. All this weird [ __ ] and then my phone died. So y'all didn't even get to see how i put this on. But let me tell y'all what i really do is just run that [ __ ] with my fingers put the gloves on rub that [ __ ] through my hair and you got to get that [ __ ] soaked, baby drenched baby like you got to get That [ __ ] perfect a1. You see, you see the line you got to use the little wipe get that [ __ ] perfect. But look at me. I look like a little cherry. You know that [ __ ] got ta dry whatever and then i'ma come right back and show y'all. Once i wash this out and once i wash it out, then i'm gon na blow dry it whatever let it dry. I probably really gon na. Let it air dry because i just died. You know, like i'm, trying to be easy on my [ __ ]. I look so [ __ ] funny, but it's fine cause y'all. Just wait for this [ __ ] out for to look like a bad [, __ ] period. Okay, so let me show y'all well [ __ ]! There ain't nothing to show y'all, but this okay, so i'm gon na be right back whenever we wash this [ __ ] out, i'm gon na. Let it sit for 20 minutes set my timer for 20 minutes and then i'm gon na rinse it out and we're gon na go from there. What'S up, i'm back y'all, okay, so i did it and i think it turned out a little darker this time because i didn't put the bleach on before, because i'm trying to take it easy on my hair. You know i'm trying to give it a rest, because i've been doing it red for almost two years now, so it needs a break, but i'm gon na leave it in the towel. Let it dry for a little bit. You know i don't wan na put no heat on it really, so i'm gon na be back with the ponytail we're gon na [ __ ] it up. Okay, i'm back y'all, it's straight now. I straightened it put some little treatment in it, so it could stay smooth and healthy. Um do my makeup, so y'all got ta, keep looking at me like a little busted ass biscuit or something we gon na put this [ __ ] up, i'm gon na turn. This a little bit see i can see i'm gon na put my hair up real, quick and then we're gon na get into the ponytail. So first, i'm gon na do a little ponytail for y'all, because i don't think my hair is really long enough. Yet i know i could do it with the uh high ponytail, but for today i don't got every product that i want to use. So i'm gon na just do the the low one today, but i'm gon na show y'all. First, you just want to get your initial like shape for how you want it where you want it at, but this little ponytail, don't matter. Okay, that's gon na be just to get the um get your part right and your edges straight with your hair pulled back. You don't even really got ta do this, you can do you can do your part and everything first without pulling it back, but i just like pulling it back because i feel, like i get everything more precise, so first i really need a mirror closer. First, you want to take your little comb grab. One of these with this pointy ass little end, and you want to carve your head literally you're, going to press real hard, get your little part that you want. I like mine, to be curved kinda, so you see it kind of has a little curve to it like it's not just straight, and you want to get it real clean make sure you got every little hair perfect. Once you got that, oh yeah, let me tell y'all this way, is not how i guess everybody does it, but this is my second time doing a ponytail, and this is how i did it the first time and it really turned out really good. So this is how i'm doing it now so you're going to take. I have this brush that has like uh little bristles in it, and then it has the regular like brush bristles too, and you take your got to be spray just to get your like. Every little fly away down, really you want to take one of these brushes. They just work better than a regular brush because it really gets everything kind of like smooth and fine, so you're going to do that. Okay, and once once it looks good enough, like the flyaways, are all laying down and everything i'm out the camera. What am i doing? Okay, once everything's laying down you, can take your little ponytail. Take it out because that it really don't matter then, like i said that don't matter anyways i'll just do that for a little bit a little bit of help. So then, i'm gon na take this and you're gon na. Take your got to be glued gel spiking glue, whatever i'm giving all the sauce because uh this [ __ ] for your edges, everyone baby, your [ __ ] gon na stick for days, and then you just want to rub that [ __ ] on there - and I don't care if y'all think i'm crazy, because um my [ __ ] stick baby, my hair that [ __ ], don't move! So don't come for me that [ __ ] come that [ __ ] gon na be stuck up and [ __ ] stuck you hurt so you're, just gon na rub that [ __ ] real good, because you want you do not want no flyaways. Don'T nobody want to see that with this, like, like slick back supposed to be slick back right? Okay, so we're gon na sleep that [ __ ] back and you're gon na take your little brush hold on. Let me get this straight because that need to be perfect. Okay, what is on my shirt? Oh no baby! Okay, so uh take your little and then you gon na put your finger right there swoop d. Oh no baby! I got ta get in the mirror. We don't turn okay i'll, take your little spooky. You get that clean little clean little edge get a little bit more. Just a little bit dab it dab it then you're gon na, take your brush and make your little swoop okay. So this would just look like now you're going again, i don't care what y'all say about me. I love this [ __ ]. It makes my [ __ ] stick. So it's whatever y'all wanna. What do y'all wan na say we could tussle. We could tussle baby. Okay, take that gel. Take that [ __ ], smooth that [ __ ] down baby, like you want that [ __, ] slick, perfect, okay, tight, it's tight, we got ta, get that [ __ ] tight baby. I don't know now. I'M gon na take some to the back okay girl. Yes, you see, you see how smooth it is. You know the vibes go. Take your ponytail make it tight, make it tight. You want to have it at a comfortable spot, because girl is gon na, be there. Okay, so i got your little first little strand you want to take this. You want to take this wrap it, so you can wrap your ponytail because you don't want glue all on your natural hair right so and start you want to get like a good little barrier for it and as you're pulling it you're going to pull tight to Make it stay, keep wrapping, keep making it harder. You don't got to go all the way to the end of your hair, because you're not gon na you're, not gon na um like have it all the way to the end anyway. Well, at least that's how i do it and then i'm gon na take another one of these just two just to secure everything and tie that around the end. Okay, my god look crazy. I got ta get all the hair. Okay, it's in there it's gon na work, so i'm going to cut this in half because to me everything's easier! If you do it in sections like don't try to just go crazy and get it all done in one big wrap, because to me that's not gon na work, you know, got ta, have patience. Okay, so we're gon na. Take this and get you a clean space. Open up your glue, it doesn't really matter. You just got to get a hairball and glue. I think this one is good. That'S what i've used. I even use this on my lashes so going with this and you're going to start actually about right here, you want to get you want to get it super super duper tight and try not to do what i'm doing and get the glue in your hair because Did nobody say it was easy y'all? Yes, it is. What am i talking about? This is honestly very easy. Brush brush. Okay got that now you want to take your next piece and go ahead and cut you don't have to do that. That'S just what i do like i said little sections you don't get your glue on here then get to you're going to go a little bit above where you went with the other one and go and hold it, and that that this glue dries pretty quick. So you got ta uh, be kind of quick with it because it does dry quick. Then you want to hold this. Get your brush, smooth it out again. Okay, then you take your next piece, it's kind of a repeating cycle. At this point you just keep going up and up until it's to the thickness and the furnace that you want uh, i'm i'm using two bundles. All together, you can use probably one and a half. It depends on how how thick you want it to look like if you want more of a natural look. I won't use that many, but if you want like a a doll type ponytail like you could use probably three and it'll be very thick, but it's up to you. I just wanted to do a quick one, because this will last me about two to three days. Probably um just depends how rough you are on it and how you take care. So here we are going a little bit above and i'm gon na. Take this make it tight, make it tight. That'S! Okay, too! Oh okay, that's how you know that was no they're too tight. Make sure you squeeze want it on there good! You don't want it to fall out. Okay! Next part, i might not even use both bundles because, honestly, it's kind of already a good thickness kind of at the top, but still not just yet tight tight tight, so so this is what we got so far at this point, my camera's about to go out For the third time, because i don't got enough storage in this ghetto ass phone, i got to get a vlog phone for y'all, but basically i take the last bundle. I wrap it around the top of the ponytail to make it look natural and fresh and clean and yeah. That'S what's showing in this final picture right here. You see that one bundle wrapped around the top and it makes it really all come together. So here is the finished product and if you watch at this point, i just want to say thank you so much for supporting showing love, pushing me every day to do this and do what i want to do. Follow my dreams, remember to like comment and subscribe. So you can be a part of the bag family we're going up in a major way, and i want everybody to be a part of it. Thank y'all so much hugs and kisses

Krystal Burr: You’re so beautiful!! I’m so proud of you!!

Amanda Barber: Beautiful hair❤️

Amanda Barber: You did a amazing job ❤️❤️

Kyleshaaa: ~ purrrr here for it ❤️❤️❤️.

DGAME GOD: Can’t wait to next video

Alexis Chronister: Yaaaasssss Queen ‍♀️

Ireland Kubik: House tour next !!

TheBlownRanger: Imma do mine next haha


Krystal Burr: Babyyyyy! You gonna have to do my hair!!!!!

Destiny Renay: You really ate that Frfr

Kindra Hart: Yes ma’am!!!

Daysha Leavell: yessss queen

Magueriette: Omg you crack me up

Kayla cordero: Put me down for a 4 for 4

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