How To: Sleek Low Drawstring Ponytail On Thick Natural Hair|Easy Protective Style

hey yall! I got this thang for $4.99!! and it is truly a go to of mine. when i dont feel like dealing with all of my hair I just whip her out. lol

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Yeah, look I'm posing it in the bathroom with a sweat jacket on and a sports bra. Somebody help her out today, hey guys, so my hair has already been in this style this week, so it's kind of already molded to how I want it to be, but I'm gon na start off with the water bottle and go ahead and give my hair a Good spritz, so that I can work with it better, I'm going to get it damp so that I can get my paddle brush and work through. So I'm checking to make sure that my part is straight enough and I'm working in two sections. So it's going to look like I'm going to be putting it in two ponytails, but since my hair is so thick that part in the middle will have a hump, if I don't section it off in two sides, so I'm gon na get my clamps in and Get my eco styler gel and just smooth down my edges first and then I'll be binding it all together: okay, taking this boar bristle brush, I want my hair to be a sleek and slick as possible, so I'm trying to get as much of the the waves Out of my edges as possible, because I'm just gon na use the brush to help aid in that I use my fingers to help smooth it out as well, because I can feel where I have the most lumps with my fingers. So I just do that to help smooth out the edges as well. So now I'm going to just take it all down and slick up my back and then I'm going to bind it all into one ponytail so see here, I'm slipping it all down at the top and then pulling as tight as I can to the back. So that I don't have that hump in the middle, where I have my swoop, that's the most difficult part. It seems super easy right now, but that's the most difficult part if you have thick hair like mine and everything looks good. So I'm going to take this. It'S kind of like the string that you use to put in your big puff, so I'm going to take that and wrap that around as many times as I need to, and then I'm going to tie it together to make it tight. I'M making all of this tight, but not so tight. That is straining my hair and scalp. You know give way so that you can. It won't give you a headache, so you won't be pulling your hair too tight. I'M only fine-tuning my edges right now so that I can make sure that everything is as slick as I needed to be before I lay down my scarf, because once I put on my scarf, that's gon na lay everything down completely and I'm just gon na spray. My hair one more time with the water bottle - I don't know it just makes me it makes me feel better to know that I sprayed it one more time before I laid it there. Okay. So this part this is the inside. It has clamps on the inside. So that I can connect it to my ponytail or bun or whatever it is that I'm connected to um, it was $ 4.99 in my local beauty supply. I don't remember. The brand hair is really it's decent for $ 4.99, it's not the best, but he gets the job done and it's a great protective style really nice decent links. I can put it in a high ponytail and still have lean side low. You name it. You name it so I'm going to connect it to my boner, I'm going to take these clamps and clip them onto my hair. So I'm going to get my bun and clamp this inside of my hair to make it more secure, clamp, the other side stuff my hair inside of it, then I'm going to take the drawstring and pull it tight and pull down now. This part wrap it around. So that you can hide that portion, do a bobby, pin and secure the string underneath the ponytail and voila. You can wrap a piece of hair around it, so you can make you look. However, you wish for it to look. But honestly, I don't wrap the hair around because I don't really mind. I don't care take this off, so you could get a better view how far it goes down yeah, if you guys owe something I think is really cute that I normally do, take it and operate it. We made it all the way down about there pick a black rubber band that matches the hair and band at the end up, so it doesn't come apart. Beauty supply jewels, the hair jewels. I am going to wrap that around the end of the braid to cover up the rubber band and just to give it a little pizzazz going to kind of like and give you a little bit of a Lara. Croft Tomb Raider, as you guys can see. As I'm taking down the braid, it doesn't leave any lumps clumps or kinks in the in the ponytail. This is a perfect protective style, for you know those days where you just don't want to do too much. It takes literally 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the state of your hair. Before you connect the ponytail I can take. This point is here often I thought in the corner. It doesn't give me a headache. It doesn't do anywhere. It'S here on. My hair is a true protective style; it protects my bun and the rest of my hair. I love it if you guys enjoyed this video today. Please give your girl a big thumbs up. I thank you all for watching today. Please make sure you click there bill. So that you could be subscribing up to date with any and everything that I post I'm just really happy that you all have made it this far thanks for watching today and I'll see you all in my next video

LaCoya Bell: Thank you so much for this! It was so hard to find a tutorial for long & thick type 4 hair lol you look so good! ❤️

Positivejourney: Finally! Someone who has the same ponytail as me!!!! Yasssss❤️

Mallory Brayboy: Beautiful, and I love it braided! I also love your makeup! Do you remember what lip combo you’re wearing?

see me: I'm here for the pony. Think it would look so amazing with a fishtail braid. Yas hunty !!

Elaine Yokley: Love the ponytail

Tyaunna LeNelle: Great video. You’re hair looks so good!!I’ve been wanting to try one of these!

Milly Mango: So so pretty. Glory to God

Curlyhead Rain: Great video ❗️❗️

celestiial: I saw it. I then grabbed my phone and typed colourmekay then i watched the vid like a boss

StylezBy ROBIN: Nice

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