Scientists Say That Red Haired People Have These Genetic Superpowers

  • Posted on 21 November, 2018
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Scientists say that red haired people have these genetic superpower. We take a look at these superpowers that red haired people have.

Although red heads may only make up two per cent of the population, recent studies may show that redheads might be even more unique than you thought. Recent studies suggest that redheads have different genes from the rest of the world. Red haired children and even adults are quite often singled out, and this petty bullying can continue on well into adulthood.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

Although redheads mainly make up 2 % of the population, recent studies may show that redheads might be even more unique than you thought. Recent studies suggest their redheads have different genes from the rest of the wild redhead children and even adults are quite often singled out, and this petty bullying can continue on well into adulthood. This is all parts for prejudice. That'S existed for centuries against redheads they've often found themselves being accused of something strange or perhaps even sinister. This is simply because of the color of their hair, even in some cultures today, where magic and voodoo are believed in redheads are thought to be evil which, in Latin writings from the 1300s believed that redheads had the ability to perform magic. For example, it was thought that a redhead could turn copper into gold after scientific studies. It'S now said that redheads are different from the rest of the world's population. In some ways, when we think of redhead people, some of us will associate them with certain regions. For example, places they're cold like Scotland, it can't be said that the ancestors of redheads most likely lived in cold regions which do not get a great deal of Sun. This trait means that people who have red hair also have pale skin and their protection against the Sun is ingrained. This is why people will this collar hair are more vulnerable than others. There is another advantage to this genetic heritage. Redhead people were unique in that they can create their own vitamin D. They are able to do this without exposure to the Sun. This means they're at less of a risk of getting diseases associated with a lack of vitamins. Scientists have also said the mc1r gene, which provides instructions for making a protein called the melon caught in one receptor, detects changes in temperature and is much more keenly attuned in redheads than the majority of the population. This means that natural redheads feel the cold and heat much more than others. Another interesting discovery is that a number of investigations have found that redheads are more robust than the general population, so not only can redheads cope with more pain, but they also need around 20 % more anaesthetic to knock them out since the 19th century. It'S been commented upon that redheads give off a pleasing smell. As it happens, the skin of redhead people tends to be more acidic than the average, which means fragrance been broken down in such a way to produce a stronger smell thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos. You

The Boss: All of these are so true I’m a redhead and love being one. All my redheads out there, like for your and my kind

Celia Lovett: Due to my red hair, I've been accused of being a witch, a vampire and a soul sucking demon. Not all of them were joking.

Serge: a mystery doesn't have to be a world changing conspiracy theory. it can be a neat little detail like this. i love the work you guys do and hope you keep it up

Season of the Watchers: My mother told me, from my earliest childhood memories and on, that my red hair was a mysterious gift. There is nothing evil about red heads. We possess wisdom of the ages. Learn to tap into it.

Tina Leubecker: Still one of the only stereotypes that’s okay to make fun of. But thank you for the video. Being a redhead can be challenging, but I still love my hair (you forgot to add we keep our hair color longer but when it turns, they turn stark white, not grey).

J. T.: 1:30 He is absolutely correct about the fair skin trait. My natural red headed wife has had 8 surgeries for basal skin cell cancer. And she was never a sun person who sat out in it over the years.

K 8: I've heard it all throughout my life. Redheads also bleed more and take longer to recover from surgery. We definitely have a higher pain tolerance than most. I found out the hard way about anesthesia and it sucked. It's never difficult to find a vein for blood tests and IVs either. I don't like how I can see through my skin so easily. It's bothered me my entire life. We also have more recessive genes than anyone else.

tec.: As a redhair, I can say that our skin is really sensitive to sunburns. In fact, today was a very cloudy day and only was out for about an hour and I burnt my face lol.

Maria M. Dias, Esq.: I am older so I have grey hair but when I was younger, my hair was light brown with reddish tint. Some days it was completely red. My son inherited my hair and most people say he is a red head. His beard is completely red. We both have physic abilities.

Cailyn Lopez: My great-great grandmother had red hair and nobody other than her sisters had red hair, then came me! I’m the only one in my family in a long time that has red hair! I’m very grateful

Dark Fire: I love red heads I thinks they’re beautiful

Kera Burke: I'm a natural redhead and I have a vit. B deficiency. But I do agree with the hot and cold. Higher pain tolerance , Along with needing more anesthetics. I've had 2 babies and didn't feel any contractions. And when I have dental work done I always max out the numbing shots

Teutonic Trickster: Highest percentage of RH- blood type also. They mapped the human genome & neanderthal as well. Both had red hair genes but are not the same gene, so its not from neanderthals if humans have red hair.

LilFoxyCosplay: I have red hair and used to hate it because of bullying but I love it now and wouldn’t change it

Elisa Viera: How cool!!!!! They smell good, create their own vitamin D, feel less pain, AND need 20% more anesthesia to knock out. Seems like they are super humans

Tommy Owens: It is a sad day when you were once known as that red head guy down the street, but now they just call you the bald guy. Time to let the ear hair grow out and reclaim that glory.

Marla Mitchell: I am technically a redhead as I have auburn hair! This was interesting! ❤️

peg'S: That's true about anesthesia....I have just enough red in my hair that I have woken up in 4 out of 5 surgeries and it takes a higher dose of pain medication to relive my pain. Also, most people my age are gray headed by now. (60s) The little bit of mine that has changed is white.

L Day: The part where you said that redheads need 20% more of anesthesia is so true bc when I got my wisdom teeth taken out I woke up during the surgery and they had to give me more anesthesia to go back to sleep

Moonxx Ctar: We do feel the cold and heat more then other people,me and my dad have red hair we are SO hot all the time when my step mom says she is cold. I told her I was burning up and she said your dad says that all the time when I’m always cold.

Catie M: I’m a natural red head and this made my day. Thanks

monkey at an office desk: Ive got ginger hair and I've actually never been bullied for it. My friends make the odd joke but I just find it quite funny

Teresa Dudman: Great stuff. People tend to look down their noses at red haired people seeing them as underdeveloped sub species X x

xason: i used to know a redhead but he moved now i know none. they're so different and rare.

Kat A: Love your hair my red-headed family!!! We're unique and ignore the haters!

Sonja Beets: Now I am proud of my red hear, but what a difficult youth it was with this hair, and i had a lot of hair too ! Both my parents were redheads, so my brother too. My granddad, and brother of my father. We were pointed out as a game..

Rainy Day: My daughter has red hair and has a vitamin D deficiency. I actually have to give her extra vitamins.

John M. Castillo: Question for red-heds out there: Are your parents the same? Grandparents? Is this a genetic trait?

99041304 Davinci: Is it weird to say that like literally almost every friend of my is a redhead?

AnneARcTicA: My hair is my favorite asset. ❤ I would never switch colors.

c no evil: I was born with strawberry blonde har being out in the sun made my hair pure blonde as I got older it changed to auburn penny color but not quite I also had blue eyes but after age 5 they changed to blue green with some gold or yellow

gem: I was born with ginger hair so did my grandad. My mum doesnt have ginger hair or my absent dad but my cousin's have ginger hair

Mosaic Rose: Wow. I am a redhead and I guess this explains it. I've have been told that I smell good, even if I am not wearing perfume or anything.

julie breedon: That thing where 2 natural redheads meet and silently acknowledge each other....

Jeffrey Adams: Reader's Digest had an article in the 1980's that the hairs of red-heads are square, rectangular or triangular in shape. Everybody else has round or oval hair (in cross-section).

Michel Angstadt: I've always viewed red hair, pale skin and freckles as delicate traits. Because of this, I tend to like red-haired women and am initially wary of red-headed men. My wife had freckles but her hair was between dark brown and black. She did have a red-headed uncle on her mother's side. One of my two daughters has freckles, but neither of them are red-headed. If I'm not mistaken, you need to have red-head genes from both parents to come out with red hair. I must not have red-head genes on my side, in spite of my mixed blood (European, Asian, American and African).

RedheadxBeauty: I love being a redhead. but people always complement me and talk about my freckles. haha

99041304 Davinci: My life is saved by 2 gingers; a boy and a girl. 2 of my best friends. They helped me through my depression. Thank god for redheads

TOGunslinger: I was born with coppery red hair. My Mother's brother called me red on the head like the dick on a dog, I hated my red hair, so by hating it, I changed it to blonde but my beard refused to be blonde, it remained dark red until my wife dumped me, then it turned white over night. Now at age 77 after my uncle died, it is slowly going red again, but very light ....

:p: "It was once thought red heads could turn copper into gold" lmao

Nour Abdalrhman: Amazing, I didn't know that, I am a red head but people always ask me if its my real hair because its dark red that's so annoying!!

Trina: POV: your a ginger watching this like me wondering if you actually have super powers

Kid from Yesterday: What?? I’ve never been bullied or teased for red hair

Lurvy1963: My sister has red hair. Does that mean I have to look at her differently and suspiciously than anyone else in my family? I don't think so.

Charles Hutchinson: So many falsehoods attached at the forefront of society today when it comes down to certain beliefs,groups, etc. I do have to admit that I don't like these harsh stereotypes because what it does is it causes a strong divide and the perceptions that a person conforms to with these stereotypes worsens situations for the person or group that's being stereotyped. It's like certain ones in high positions want you to measure up to their way of thinking and be conformed to it and not think on an individualistic type bases because they want you to be lead by them but it's just like a person in high power to think in a way to oppress your mind to control you and want to be in power o lead you. I'm always thinking on my own whereas I think in a way where you don't feel like you're being controlled in your thinking but rather knowing you're controlling your own thinking. I will always see the uniqueness in a person.

Anime BookLover: Well I'm blonde but my hair is also red it changes depending on it's mode, and yes it's natural hair I've done nothing to it

toniiah: Data is conflicted, they sometimes have a higher sensitiivity to pain, thus needing more anesthetic and having sensitivity to heat/cold. So the superpowers are making Vitamin D, smelling nice, feeling hot/cold ... and being burnt tf by the sun with high risk of skin cancer ...

Lights Up the sky: I’ve been studying red hair and RH negative for 10 years now and what I’ve found is that most red heads are RH negative. I am O negative. I’d love to know other redheaded blood types from who ever is willing to share. Thanks

Annie Sue: I agree about the weather I can sense changes in barametric pressure and when the water table is higher in my yard I can feel the pressure when I stand on the ground and I know a day before when it will snow or be very cold .... sounds weird but it's TRUE I also have a very high tolerance for pain

Dáithí Ó.: Red haired girls are Gorgeous you can't beat them oh and so are red haired men because I'm nearly one just a bit to light but who cares ☘ Its a mit that Ireland is the land of redheads but only 0.03pc of the population have red hair it's those scots, Alba go h'aláinn .

Nocturnal Emission: Dated a redhead once. Her sexuality was over...powering.

xxkhandikidxx: Great video! I love being a redhead! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Matt Partington: Red headed women do have a super power, hypnotizing me with their beauty.

P C: I am redhead and that last comment that redhead's bodies are more acidic is key to why we get toenail fungus as we get older. I use baking soda which is alkaline, alot when I prepare food and drinks and it has totally gotten rid of my toenail fungus infection and I feel better overall.

99fruitbat: That's true about the sun , red head here and I don't tan ( get heaps more freckles ' tho ! ) .

Grox: Genetically Superior? Good thing my baby mama has red hair! Lol

Jo Wood: I have two red headed boys and I'm proud! They both have a temper


Redheaded Gypsy: Ha ha redheads always get a bad rap, so this clip was refreshing for me. Yes, I do have a higher tolerance for pain, but I also have a soul lol

JBA: Redhead women are my Kryptonite

Grox: The giants of mesoamerican mythology also had red hair!

William Buck: Ive woke up during every surgical procedure ive had and ive had a lot they can never knock me out right.

🌌Cad Bane🌌: I remember when my ginger dad told ginger me that he met a lady who believed red heads were witches and she was low-key scared of him lmao. He thinks it's funny

Karen Lynch: I'm a proud redheaded super woman

CatMom: Actually, redheads are a sort of mutant. Yes, we need more pain medicine & anesthesia. We don't produce as much melanin, which is why we're so pasty white. For that reason, we are at a much higher risk of skin cancer.

Tyler M: I'm not knowledgeable about this subject matter, I admit that, but I find it amusing how the people saying things in the comments like "BS" or "This isn't real" or "all lies" aren't providing any information on why they're saying that. Seems to me that some people don't care enough to try to learn something when it comes to hearing things that oppose their own personal beliefs, which suggests ignorance and close-mindedness. These mental elements exist in great numbers of people and it's all probably because people find it too hard to not get mad or upset when their beliefs don't exactly match facts, and hey if that makes people happy then so be it. All I'm saying is that if you want to be truly knowledgeable, it's smart to explore opposing points of view without judging or rejecting them immediately, and it's foolish to do the opposite. Also, I'll note that I don't know if this video's subject matter is real or not myself, but to each their own. Just saying!

Christian Arrizon: Red hairs are amazing I love everything about them

#Hashtag: Guess I'm just weird. I have only one red hair. (in a jar)

Daisy: in what way is lower pain tolerance a superpower?? its annoying. Plus I fry up in the sun and I bruise when I just bump into a wall sometimes.

Ladybug Jess: I think ginger cats are awesome.

Alex Cane: Who else is thinking oh yeah if I knew I could turn copper into gold I'd be rich by now

Yo: Who ever gave the name redheads to ginger people must have been colour blind plus it gets me angry casue i have actual red hair when looked at under a microscope i have blood red hair its a dark red but you will know its red and i cant find anything about it becasue of a fool who called ginger redheads. I think we need a group of people to start picking names for peoples conditions cause you allways get that person who just talks shit like how is ginger red ‍♂️ god help this world its becoming like gta radio

EraPrestigeX: People have always told me that I always smell good I dont try either... Never thought it was because I have red hair! Wtf?

_yunghoe_: 4/85 of people in my grade have redhair. Im one of them

Sarah Marine: I'm a red head and so was my grandfather

OG-GREEN MACHINE: If I chose a white girl I would only choose a redhead I wish I could tell you why Of course that redhead would HAVE fit with everything else I like Tall and slender I think I like the pale skin more than the red hair But white girls who are very pale without red hair? I don’t find attractive

Charles Hutchinson: Society has manipulated and caused us to view their fiction as reality for so long that that's all we see and refuse to see the other way around because all we know is what we've adjusted to and so that's all we see because we have been having certain info.given and confirmed to us so long it's like we literally have to see it that way and perform in that way. There's so many intrigues into the imagination where even if you take fiction there's no limit to the versatility of where that fiction can go also even though it's not real you can make it real to yourself. When it's good it effortlessly works out but when it's bad you don't want to know the amount of pressure and oppression you're going to have to deal with. But the good news is, it's not over because the bad that's been oppressing has a limitation. Evil doesn't last always. Lol lol lol.

Phillip Lopez: The physical problems associated with the genetics of red hair make it more curse than blessing .

deemdoubleu: It's funny, when I was a boy and out with my Mum, other women would quite often tussle my hair and say ooh I wish my hair was that colour. All I could think about was being called a ginger nut in the school playground. Now I'm older and my hair has darkened somewhat, I wish I was back to my former glory! But you can't turn back time folks, enjoy it while you have it!

Salvatore: Stop spreading myths about redheads having superpowers, people get cocky with lies instead of seeing the truth. I will be happy when this trend about red hair idolatry is over. Every red haired person I have met in my life was completely normal.

Charles Hutchinson: I have a strong liking for women with red hair.

randy thomas: Redheads are truly beautiful I hope to meet a loving redhead someday

Straka Zulu: Redheads are my weakness. My wife is a redhead of Irish and German ancestry.

PartTimeTourist: There is no denying the charming charismatic allure and stunning irresistible beauty of a natural redhead with beauty so rare it’s beyond compare. Actually, Redheads are so fascinating that being in bed with a redhead is the closest thing to being in heaven

Makaveli Soldier: Gingers shall unite and RULE THE WORLD! MMWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ginger Villain: Everybody hates on us gingers because they are jealous of our beautiful hair

☤INFiNiTE▼C0NSCi0US☤: Years ago, scientists found bones of humans that had red hair in Mexico, USA, and Peru. The remains predate the previous known indigenous peoples.

Micah Williams: I'm a natural red head but I have a medium skin tone and tan very easy.

JL McCarthy: Is it just me or do random people just come up to you and say your hair is beautiful or they say is that your natural hair

garry munro: Red hair, blue eyes, right handed, left footed, never had a injection of any kind in my life and never had any illnesses unlike my brother who had them all, so in conclusion, I'm the rarest human being you have ever encountered. And probably the f**king coolest. On a negative note, I have no soul apparently

Ezio Okter: Lol I got red beard... Even though none of my parents nor grandparents have redhair perhaps some of my ancestors do.... Bcz we are Indo-Turkic.

rsuriyop: But what you're one of those people who's hair only turns reddish with the change of the season?

un known: Red haired people have scared me since childhood.

Peter Phillips: Although I think redhead women are attractive I have two red-head family members and they are the family members I have the most conflict with.

Leslie Craig: Interesting i did not know this im a redhead

Santo Deportes: As a teenager growing up in the City I was told that Red Heads are devils. So I married one.

BlueEyedRedhead: One thing I find weird is when people say redheads have no soul, God gave everyone a soul. So....If we "didn't" have a soul, then how can we be alive? And yes, I know some people are just playing....but its kind of getting old.

la mujer en el budismo y la mistica formativa: I have super red color but i find reaction from people is strange like rejection sometines envy is strange someone told me atracts violence specially girls wonen either hate me or love me no middle terms ,to wirsten i live in a latin América country no red hesir people here very rare maybe is karma but i feel great keep going ted hair united if an irish women is there welcome

Laura Huynh: I have black brown hair and brown eyes like the majority of the population. I’m boring. Go redheads

Walden's World: I got bullied as a kid but that day was usually a bad day for the bullie! I got whooped few times ! But none did it twice ! I also woke up during my last surgery n heard the nurse say did you see the doctor freak out when the blood shot across the room ! I tried to push my glasses up but guess it was mask n they gave me a shot to go out again!

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