Futuristic Tool Instantly Cuts Out Hair In Photoshop + Clean Edges

  • Posted on 03 August, 2021
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  • By Anonymous

How to cut out hair in Photoshop. Colin Smith shows how to quickly cut out hair and remove the fuzzy edges in Photoshop. See the new Photoshop features in Select and Mask.

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#Photoshop #cutOutHair #DeleteBackground

Adobe'S just sneaked a few little features into Photoshop. That makes it a lot easier now to cut out hair. Let me show you how it works. - Hey it's Colin Smith, from photoshopCAFE.com., Let's jump in and cut out some hair., So we're going to use this image from Adobe Stock.. It'S got lots of curly hair, which is quite tricky, but I'll show you how to do it.. The first thing that we do in the year 2021 or beyond is grab our object, selection or quick selection. Tool. Then you're going to see, select subject.. Now I've shown you this many times before, but let's go ahead and choose Select Subject.. So it's basically two parts in cutting out hair.. The first one is making the selection, which is sort of the easy part.. The hard part is getting those edges clean.. So, as you can see, it's looking pretty good., I'm just going to grab my quick select tool here, because I want to make sure that her shirt gets included in there.. So all you need to do is just paint over those areas that you want to include that are obvious., So we've selected, the hair. Next step, is to refine it., So we're going to choose, select and mask in order to view how well our selection is going.. Since we've got a light, colored background, let's go into view and change this to on black.. Ok, now we can see the problems. So first new feature is refine Hair, but there's newer ones than that. But let's choose refine hair. Notice that does a nice job of starting to select it.. Now we could go in here and manually fix this a little bit using this refine brush.. If there's some areas that have been missed, such as these areas of white., All right here is where the magic happens. We've still got a little bit of white fringing around here, and sometimes it can be colored.. But what we want to do is just go all the way down to the bottom and you see an option called decontaminate colors. Now, when you turn this on, it gets rid of the fringes. But notice how it almost looks: cartoony. Here's a new feature.. I don't know if you guys noticed it, but there's a slider called Amount.. So if we take this amount all the way to the bottom notice, it's not doing any fading.. But then, as we increase it just a little bit, we can dial in exactly how much we want. And at this point we just to new Layer, Mask click, OK and you'll notice, a new Layer Mask in here.. Now you can go into the layer, mask and paint in there and do further refinements and get it perfect., But, as you can see, we got 95 percent of the way there, just by simply clicking a couple of those buttons.. These new tools that Adobe's using are amazing for saving time.. So I'm curious, you guys knew about those options. Let me know in the comments underneath and also let me know what you'd like to see me make next week. And by the way, if you're new, welcome to the CAFE., It's great to have you with us., Consider hitting the subscribe button and turn on notifications. So you don't miss any of my tutorials. And if you guys like this, do me a favor. Hit that like button.. It helps us with the YouTube algorithm and until next time, I'll see you at the CAFE.

Maarten Roes-Francken: An excellent refresher tutorial. And you're right, it does a great 95% job. But, while it works quite well on busy or complicated backgrounds, the result is often less than 85% even when spending a lot of time carefully and gently refining and touching up with a variety of selection tools and brushes, almost pix by pix.

Jack Moskowitz: I would love to see this work on a picture with a complicated background. I shoot nature and we never get clean uniform backgrounds.

Alfred Fred: Great tips man! Thank you for always making us better designers!

fred coker: Thank you for the tutorial!!! I love your teaching! You make it nice and slow to where anyone can understand, but not as long. Keep it up!!

Blumanchu: I know you've done a few tutorials on blending 2 images before but is match color the perfect tool if I have a subject that I've green screened and want to put that subject in a landscape or urban scene so that the result looks real? Your tutorials, for me anyway, are so helpful and save me a lot of time. Please don't stop.

Rosa Perry: Colin, love these extra tips to cut out hair. Thank you so much! I'm just wondering what are the brush settings that you use for the hardness and spacing in the Refine Edge Brush Tool? It's not like I can reset the tool or can I?

M. Anne Black: Thank you for the explanation of "refine hair" and pointing out the slider at the bottom. I have been waiting for a tutorial on refine hair and so far yours is the first one I have found.

Jason Lin: Thank you for this amazing tip. Selecting hair has always been a headache for me.

Yoram Avidan: Dear Colin Smith Thanks for the tutorial, another noticeable improvement in separating hair from the background. Really shortens the whole process.

David Holdstock: Hello again and thank you for this tutorial. When you say "new", I am not sure what you mean. These features have been in the S/M section for a while...a few month anyway, for the amount slider and I think slightly longer for the 'refine hair' button. They ARE very useful though, having said all that!:)

Phil K: Man you just saved me with this video and I've levelled up with the hair thing now too. Thanks!

Joe H: Thanks, Colin. I've never used the amount slider before, didn't even know it was there, but will work with it now!

Jose Carlos Cobucci: Great job, but I can't replicate it. I never did. It only works on perfect backgrounds like the one in the example photo which is in gray color. Either way was worth this presentation. Thank you!

Terry Sanders: Great! Another tool capable of selecting hair from a highly contrasted, solid background–the condition under which ALL tools work splendidly including ancient CHOPS

seabreezeof: Enjoy all your 3 -4 minute quick tips, right to the point.

Kate Blakeman: Thank you! This did the worked almost perfectly for my project!

Erica Dyson: Hey Colin.. as ever, you inspire and help us lesser mortals! No I hadn't noticed the Amount slider. Nice. Thanks again.

Ron Davis: Love your presentations, Keep it up.

Ren Kessler: The thing about this technique is that it requires a fairly plain background. I am anxious, among the experts that I follow, to see a technique that works against a complex background.

Ron Davis: Thank you so much. That shortened my trial and error time considerably. Very goo.

K M: Thank you for this, I needed a quick refresher and that’s just what you gave me. Sorry for all of the commenters who claim to know better but are, for whatever reason, wasting their time looking for reasons to naysay your content. Or won’t take the time to see that you have way more advanced content as well. I just can’t with them.

Arun Rohila: Very helpful, thanks

klaus S: Hello Colin, you show me always new tips. Thank you very much.

John Griffin: Great feature, thank you for the video.

Sina Farhat: Thanks for the great information! :)

Eos Love: Thank you Colin,,,had neglected the slider and decontaminate options on past visits to this tool. Wow! PS is getting better with Ai.

JR Bradbury: Thanks Colin, I believe David is correct in his comment below, but another useful tutorial, many thanks! Sorry to turn in to a parrot but any thoughts on the A1 yet? Cannot make my mind up but am concerned about the "blackout" issue with the sensor next to the eye piece. Quite a lot of money to spend for an issue like that? Thanks once again Colin.

luis_soares_photography: Nice one Colin! Thanks!

Romie Miller: I've been using "W" to bring up Select subject & select & Mask . Does that not work as well? It gets me to the same initial starting point. I didn't know the layer mask could be refined. I'll have to look for that.

wa7sca: Nice, thank you!

Romie Miller: I assume that once the layer mask is refined it must be applied before continuing with a composite (?).

Grahame Gannon: No, I did not know about the check box and sliders. Question: would this process work to cut out a tree with light branches on a background sky?

Felix Smittick: No, I hadn't noticed those new options. Thank for sharing .

Francis Arthur: Can you explain or make a video if it is possible to create a non-destructive blur that I can change easily afterwards like adding a smartfilter that doesn't need 'OK' to press and can change any time. Only in a smart object?

Victor Price: Wow. I just tried it. Mannnnnn, do you know how high my blood pressure shot up trying to figure this out. You da Man!!!!

klowor seipi angin: So good.

John Manivong: Thank you Sir!

Polash Quadhi: You are amazing, and your tutorials

Fotograf Anne Helene Gjelstad: Always nice to see your videos!

Francis Arthur: But this is with a nice white background. I was forced to work with a few LED bulbs and the background is dark blue lol. I wonder if this works better than how I cut it out. Its mixed into the subject

Ken Toney: It’s hard to grasp that several years from now this may look rudimentary

Nirmalya Sengupta: Colin Smith means fantastic...the photoshop legend..

The 1Social MediaDiva Floyd: I didn’t know thank you

Stephen Lawrence Mitchell: All these AI functions were a mystery to me...UNTIL I discovered THIS channel.

evanbetter: This feature is there for years

Jess Whited: Thank you!

Scott Ruckh: Decontaminate has been there for years. I have used it in the past for doing green screen clean up.

Salome De Silva: Hello Colin great tutorial on refine hair however I dont seem to be able to turn on decontaminate colors. How can I do this please help I am not sure how to is it in the Photoshop Preferences.

David Robillard: Short and sweet!

Muhammad Umer Jan: sir you'r a great teacher tanx.

Roni GraphicArt: really awesome

Jose Carlos Cobucci: Don't use the refine hair. Decontamination color to 100%. The result will be best. Believe or not!

Richard Hopkins: Very good

Ross Peebles: Disappointed you didn't take this further. Going just this far leaves you with broken strands, discolorations, etc

Simon Wilshire: I'm still on 6.5, you're killing me lol

Eugene Maynard:

Geff De Poet: The best ever

coCani: not working for me, gibes my hair invisible spots....

Ken Morris: I was not aware of those options. Cheers from Nova Scotia....

Clay Droids: thanks

Krunoslav Stifter: Nice click bait there. Fooled me. Hehehe. In all seriousness, while its an improvement and can help to speed up the process, its far from foolproof. Try light hair or light background or situation where hair has light on one side of the strands and dark on the other and backdrop is complex multitude of colors and tones. Or noise image or any number of situation. Demos always work because they are designed to present ideal conditions. Still, its a step in a good direction but it will be a while before the tools can be properly trained and can actually make proper decisions on their own. Currently AI driven software is like a baby you train on particular things. And if you give it something it has not seen before, it gets confused. Its not smart, its just trained to do pattern recognition faster than manually doing it. And depending on the patterns it was train it, it can be serious hit or miss.

photoshopCAFE: Colin's Photoshop Selection Secrets: https://photoshopcafe.com/shop/photoshop-cc-selection-secrets/

Alan Berry: Can they sneak you in a better microphone?

gopi mk: happy

Mario Abad: Communityguidelines

MuzikkZone: This isn't new at all.

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