Gray Hair Transition Story| From Black To Natural Silver Hair

  • Posted on 07 October, 2020
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

A unique and very popular gray hair transition story of Amber. She transitioned from black dyed hair to natural gray hair.

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Kathy Reidy: I started going gray at 16. I had a huge white streak right in front and that's when I started dyeing it. Helps that my older sister was a hair dresser. I got fed up with dyeing it when I hit 57. Within 2 weeks of paying a fortune to get it dyed, it looked like someone painted my center part with a paint brush. I dyed it one last time for my daughter's wedding 2 years ago. I have never felt freer and my bank account thanks me. I have one small problem, though. It yellows. The bluing shampoo d oesnt work that well and sometimes I end up with blue hair. Any suggestions on how to stop the yellowing?

ChristusMansioneBenedicat: Seriously one of the prettiest full head of silver I have ever seen!!!!! So seriously classy and elegant

Myriam Valenzuela : I absolutely LOVED your video. I decided to let my natural hair grow, only an inch of grays but I am quite excited and already happy I made this decision. You look more beautiful now in my opinion, must be that inner confidence glow ❤️❤️❤️

finding my inner self: Im 28 and all of my roots are now coming in white. My oldest brothers hair is completely silver and he just turned 36. Everyone in my family Grey's early. Everyone keeps telling me to dye my hair to cover it. I agreed to dye it but what they don't know is I'm gonna dye it all silver grey! I'm gonna embrace my hair. Just shows how much I have been through and will make my confidence skyrocket!

Nourish Fit Move: I'm in my 50s and seriously thinking of doing this myself now. Your hair looks wonderful and so do you. Thank you for sharing.

Heather M: How is it that you look younger after your transition?!?! You're beautiful & inspirational! You're 10 years younger than me & I think I'm convinced this is what I need to do

T H: You look beautiful. I am transitioning too, with white and grey roots about 3-4 inches long and dk brown-black hair about 8 inches longer. Can't wait to be completely transitioned.

Karen Garner: I had to comment!! You look amazing! I'm 45 and have dyed my hair black since I was 18, I've been grey since my early 30s and now dye my roots every 4 weeks, but my scalp is so tender and I started thinking it may be the chemicals, anyway you have made my mind up, only trouble is my black hair is super long, to the top of my bottom so ill have to cut it at some point But I love your hair, you look beautiful!! Sending you lots of good wishes from London UK xx

z l: Watching this brought tears to my eyes. I've been dying the grey roots of my dark hair for many years and I hated that it bothered me so much. It's mostly grey now, I'm letting it go grey and have stopped dying the roots for more than a few months. You are an inspiration and you are so beautiful with your grey hair!

R K: Wow! Amazing transition. You are stunning with your natural hair.

Caryn Wyatt: Love my aunt amber! I’m so glad she can be an inspiration to others ❤️❤️❤️

Joanne M: omg your story is my story! I'm only about 3 - 4 months in, and I've been tempted so many times to dye it all black again. My hair is long, and when I put it in a pony tail it's about the only black that's left! You've inspired me to keep going. I'm going to be 60 this year, and I've been dying my hair since my twenties - Everyone in my family goes gray early! I can't wait to see what mine will be like in a few months. I love your cut, and that's what I've been thinking of getting done too! Your hair is beautiful!!!

Louise Taylor: I am half way through my transition and I to have started wearing lipstick and changed the colour of my clothes to reds and yellows. It really does change a lot about you as a person.

Derrick Knight: I love the look of grey hair. Look at it as a privilege to go grey or get older. Many people are denied that, so be grateful for your life. There’s to much worry over looks, the media doesn’t help with that. You look great. Embrace everything that you have.

Angie DV: I wasn't expecting it, but this brought tears to my eyes. I was practically bullied in high school for being the only girl with greys; not fun. Then you become an adult and somewhere in your 30s realise you don't care about other people's criticism anymore. Yet it's so hard to make the decision to be YOU when you're conditioned to repress your true colours (literally!) all your life. Such a brave move and such beauty that comes out of it!

Maria E: Wow, you look stunning with your natural grey hair! I'm so proud of you! I'm 40 and have natural dark brown hair with greys coming in and I hope I will be as brave as you as I allow them to come in. I'm so glad to come across videos such as yours to give me the confidence I need. Thank You!

Aishah Ali-Molina: I finally found someone that I could relate too. I've colored my hair for 20 plus years. I finally walked away from the black dye in August 2022. I said to myself that's it let it... I'm sick of being on lockdown every Sunday evening at 6pm in the bathroom coloring my white roots. I'm a darker Brown woman I was afraid that I would look old and worn out, But I so wrong I'm 53 and I'm being told that I look as young as 35 no older than 43. I will be 54 this sept 23, I noticed that your beautiful color made YOU look even younger thank you for taking the time to share your journey with us.

Infamy, Infamy. They've all got it in for me.: It's 4 months since I last dyed my hair dark brown. I've got so fed up with my hair looking great for a week and then getting that grey line I have to hide with hair bands. I've been considering getting blonde highlights instead, but after seeing so many videos of women going grey I think I'm going to give it a go. Amber looks great with grey hair, it might just suit me too. If it doesn't, I can always get blonde highlights afterwards.

Margaret Hough: It actually seems to me, that with the grey you're much younger. Than when you were trying to hide it by dying it all those years. My hair has done exactly the same, grey when I was 18, family members of mine all went grey earlier, so here I was still dying my hair until the covid. Your video has made me re-think that letting it go grey is better in the long run.

Angie: Your hair looks beautiful. I got my first gray in my early 20’s. Now at 42 I have lots and I’m tired of dying every so often. I’m considering letting it grow now. The thought of it is scary. Thank you for the video.

Farhana Khan: What a beautiful transition! I am so excited to see what mine finally looks like. I’m only 4 months in! This video was very inspirational.

Slavi Славица: Your natural color is absolutely stunning- way nicer than the dyed brown!

Vard Hov: Thanks for sharing this i hate, how people around me tear me down, when I say I want to grow out my natural grey. I've colored my hair, since I'm 19 because of my greys. Now, with 36, I finally dgaf anymore but have to shut them down one by one. It's so exhausting......

Mary Ellen Thompson: What a beautiful transition!

Carol Ina: Thank you for sharing this! You are beautiful and your hair is gorgeous!! I've been considering growing out my silver and stop dyeing it dark brunette. Seeing your transition gives me hope that I can do it and I can't wait to see the end result.

Kathleen McTigue: I started graying at nine. I'm 52 now and so over the maintenance. Watching this has made me consider just letting it go!

Isabel Marques: Thanks for sharing. I’m just now beginning my process at age 54. I decided to try this out during the summer since our hair goes through so much during these hot months, and I didn’t want to add dying to it as well. Hopefully I will break the chains of the dye process. Yes, I will do what makes me happy in the end. Dye, or no dye.

Denese Graham: OMG. I I absolutely love it. I'm just starting to show more and more of my gray hair coming out at top of my head at the roots and under my hair. I'm 62 yrs of age. My granddaughters told me grandma leave it gray you look so good with it do you know how many of us young ppl pay to get hair like that they said. I really enjoy your story on this you are a beautiful young lady with natural beautiful platinum hair that didn't cost you a dime you are lucky you inherited it. I remember saying for years and started dying my hair about 15 years ago because I didn't want to look old. I said to them I don't want to have gray hair because it makes me look old. Your is not only gray it is more of a platinum look. My two daughters my two out of three of my oldest granddaughters would love to have hair the color of yours naturally but instead they have to pay and go through a process of getting their hair to the color that yours... Yours is natural and didn't cost you a dime and 1 of my daughters has been trying to get the look that you have for many years it is a process and she has not gotten it yet and she gave up. She she would be so happy to get this color...You are one lucky beautiful young lady and I will be sharing your story with her and my granddaughters..

Joanna DeChenne: OMGAWD. The silver is STUNNING on you!! I'm about 4 inches in to growing mine out too. THANK YOU FOR THE BOOSTER!!

Elizabeth Berry: Congratulations. The pandemic did it for me and many of my friends have gone grey and were beautiful beghb ore this and now after. It's not about beauty as much as it is about no longer choosing to meet an expectation of the current culture. You are amazing for what you did for yourself and I am too. I have a ways to go and very short hair but no more dieing for me either...... ever again.

Maggie Worthington: You look really beautiful and younger! I love it! I'm 6 months in and loving the transition! I'll be really happy when the demarcation is not so stark anymore, maybe another 6 months? Thank you for your sharing your beautiful story, very inspiring!

Ria Ed: Inspiring, indeed I will embrace my gray from now on, like you, I started getting grays at a very young age, now at 44yo, I need to embrace what I have and enjoy it! Thanks for sharing bravely what you did

Fahmida Aslam: This was really inspiring! Believe it or not I’ve been looking for someone who was going through the same black hair to grey transition- found this video after weeks of looking! I have very long black hair & I’ve just decided to give into my grey - like you I’ve had grey from around 17 years old. Dyed it ever since! 42 now & I can’t be bothered with the dye. I have a very distinctive grey/white streak right at the front with a sprinkle all around my head. 1 month into it there’s roots of about 2&1/2 of white hair! I’m almost contemplating dying again but thought it might be easier to cut my it but I’ve never had short hair! Wish me luck!

Elizabeth Anger: You are stunningly beautiful with your silver locks! I’m inspired to keep growing out mine too!

marimo chan: Thank you SO MUCH for this! I am in the same boat, have dark black hair and white roots, and every time I dye it, I get back handed compliments - wow, your hair is SO BLACK!!! Meaning it looks odd against my aging skin. I am going to try this, but in stages, I can't go cold turkey as you have, as you are way more younger. I am going to try the dyeing method that only lets certain sections of your hair go darker, while keeping some areas of gray. Thanks again for this, this is liberating and enlightening!

GGGG1040: Wow!!! You look absolutely beautiful with your natural grey hair ‍ — I wish I could have the courage of doing it but I’m not ready yet.

Sandi Williamson: I love it. My daughter did the same thing. I am going to try this method as well. Thank you for sharing your encouragement

Toni Martin: Such an inspiration! You look like a ray of sunshine! I started my first day this morning, I am a red brown with silver white roots.. scary and looking forward to it.. I also will be documenting my journey! Great video

Julie Anna: SO PROUD of you !!!!☺️

Violent Violet: Your natural grey is beautiful, it has brought out the lovely colours in your face and eyes. You don’t need dye on your hair, you look amazing just as you are.

El Kadosh: You did a brave thing and was it ever the best choice! Even though darker hair can make us look younger, lighter hair (like blonde) can do that too! You totally suit this gorgeous color...and can now even spank it up with shades of silver or light lilac etc!

MrsSchnep: I actually cried at the end. This video is so inspiring!!! Thanks so much for sharing. ☀

Kristie W: I am completely white as well but have never let it grow out. I am dark headed like you and just keep touching up those roots and I'm so wore out. I am also nervous about growing it out but I really can't keep up anymore with dying it all the time and I actually hate the way it looks dyed. I just LOVE your hair and it actually makes you look a lot younger as well. I hope I can make this change! The freedom would be worth it I think.

Sally Leads: Thank you for sharing your story. Im going for it now. My once bluey black natural and now darkest brown bottle hair, I will find best way to embrace grey instead of dreading every two weeks the hairline grey! Great to care enough to share with others, so inspirational. Stay safe and stay as beautiful as you look. Weight loss after for me as well LOL - one step at a time

Teshana Pryor: About start my transition. You look gorgeous!

Darlene Salamone: ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. You look AWESOME!!! I am glad I started growing mine out 2 months ago.

Leanne Campbell: This is now my inspiration or should I say motivation! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO!

Jean Thornton: It's knocked years off you. You look stunning! I decided to go silver at my 60th birthday and have never regretted it. The compliments I always receive far outweigh the tiny amount of negative comments that I overheard. When it's not holding the dye, which was only last 8-10 days if I was lucky, then it's time to consider silver.

A H: I’m 29 with have black coloured hair but so sick of it and now growing out my white roots. I’m so happy to have found your video, you look so beautiful!

Angela Edwards: I think that looks phenomenal. Your hair is truly beautiful.

Katie Voigt: This such a wonderful video. Inspiring for sure! Way to go!

LoveKatz: You look beautiful! And younger with your natural hair. You've inspired me. I saw my first grey hair at 16. Thank you for making this video.

Xana K.: Its fantastic to see so many younger women sticking with their grey hair. It should be normalised as a choice, not something we're shamed into! I've been dye free for 7 years now. Been going grey since I was 16 and I'm now 30. I have full salt and pepper going on but I adore it and will be keeping it!!!

Kelly Pratz: Your hair is beautiful! I'm 54 and I've been dyeing my roots black for years. I like you have natural black hair and always thought if I let my gray come in I'll look old. I'm seeing more and more women going gray. I'm gonna try hard not to color my hair and see what happens.

Sarah Beddall: You look absolutely beautiful!! I’ve just started growing my grey hair out. Xx

Roois Mum: Thank you for this, its been very inspiring at this point in my journey. I`ve wanted to be brave enough to stop dyeing for years. Covid and lockdown helped me go for it. No colour on since January 2020. Hopefully if this current lockdown ends I will get most of my colour cut out at the end of March. Mine is mingled grey and my once vibrant auburn is now dull. I am determined to see it through. I have admired the ladies around me who have just gone for the natural look all my life. Take care everyone. xx

Tina: love the transition, just starting out on the same path after dying my hair for more than 25 years.

Kim Carstensen: I am literally crying watching your story! I’m 48 and after pulling out and dying my grays since I was 18, I have finally made the decision to let it grow out. You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey!!

Juan Ibarrola: Genial. Soy Lulu..y estoy en transición. 6 meses sin tinte. Se ve genial tu cabello. Bendiciones.

carolyn sole: I am on day 1!!!! Came across this and you have made my day ...xx

Margaret Matthews: You look absolutely beautiful,watching your video makes me want to do this,I've had dark hair all my life and want a natural look.

Just Me: My hair is white with that patch of darker hair about 2 inches from my scalp, it's nice to see someone else with one also. You look beautiful and congrats to sticking with it. I have tried 3 or 4 times only to cave and color. I hope soon I will try again and stick with it. Take care and thank you for sharing.

Margarita Lucas: Madame, I am in the same process now that you started, thank you for the encouragement, I definitely loved the results and also being healthy ( very bad allergies even when with amonia free dyes). Blessings!!!

Sara F: Absolutely stunning! I’ve started my journey COVID has helped me too decide! No more colour time for natural...

J: Wow you look gorgeous and younger. Amazing, ty for sharing your story. I’ve been wanting to do this and always look for transitions stories. Inspiring

DEBBIE HARE: Your beautiful with the gray hair...makes me want to let mine grow out too!!!

The Pearl: Looks just great! Thanks for sharing your journey with us - I am right at the point of 2 inch grey/white roots.

Grace Axisa: Oh my goodness! You look gorgeous! Youthful and fresh...which you are, considering your age! Well done! I am slowly gaining confidence to do the same...

Ruby Hernandez: Absolutely gorgeous

Paula Ellis: it looks amazing! I am only 3 weeks into no dye, so I'm covering the little white roots with black powder. I hope I can do this. My boyfriend is 14 years younger than me and he's mostly all grey and he doesn't care if I do this. He maintains that my thinning hair is due to dying it for so many years. I'm afraid it will look thinner being white but I am so afraid that I will be bald in 2 years I have to try this! Thanks for your video! I hope it helps me. Wish me luck!

Love Willwinn: LOVE your story. One of my very favorites!!! ❤️

Karen Wade: Gorgeous hair and you look amazing and vibrant! I'm 4 months into my silver journey. Looking forward to the outcome.

Linda Dow: Stunning now! I am 11 months in. Just loving it.

TheAnniewoo: Looks lovely ! Well done for persevering

M G: Love it! And I loved your look growing it out too. It looked intentional!

ZuluReddy: That's my line "do whatever makes you happy"! yet here I am finally, considering going au natural and really doing what makes ME happy!!! Granted I've only now ( in the past 3 months ) noticed a much stronger presence of gray roots . Also, you are right there are not many folks who have recorded dark hair transitioning to gray. So thank you.

Gemle77 Gemle77: I love your transition. I didn't take as much photos of mine.... But i went the same way with half pixie haircut to cut a maximum of black ends. I had already two haircuts. Last one expected in december.... Hope to find a good style of combing afterwards you are gorgeous with black hair and white hair

Anne: She looks phenomenal!

Hello There: It suits you even better than black hair. You are gorgeous! I started to spot my first greys about 2 years ago (I'm 34) and decided to not color it. To let it grow naturally. Hopefully I will manage to hold on to this decision. Video's like yours really encourage me! Thanks for the upload.

mkingmorrissey: You look beautiful! I am 64 and about to start my gray hair journey. I’m so tired of spending my precious time and money on hair color! Wish me luck!

Gaby perez: Que gran transición te ves súper hermosa

Kathy Jakary: The grey is so flattering. I bet you are happy you made the transition!

SJ: My hair has been all grey for years. That is except for a streak of dark brown about three inches from my forehead. I wear it in a wedge. And when I go for a cut the other stylists come over and ask "Who colors your hair?" I always have a good laugh. Love my grey but the streak is always a attention getter.

Mary B: Beautiful! Loved your hair color ❤️

Tully Soulliere: Great vid! and you look lovely! good job on all the transitions.

O Luz: Beautiful natural hair!Looks more younger now.

Managing Editor: Your hair is gorgeous! So are you! Great work. :)

MzTymTaylormade Queen: Simply beautiful..I'm transitioning my grey as well

Senada Duracak: Good for you. Your hair looks amazing. I love it and I am trying to do the same thing at the age of 46. I should have done it sooner.

rebecca leal: Beautiful! I am in my second month from dark brown to white. I’m excited! Thanks for sharing!

Ne. Vs: A M A Z I N G !!! You look like a different person!!! I honestly think it is the best look for your complexion ...also lighter colour hair without cost !!! Don’t ever change it please ... STUNNING

Paola Ardila: You look so pretty, thanks for sharing this. I'm 39 now and my hair is naturally very black, but I'm starting to see a few white hairs but almost sure I'm going to continue with my hair as it is.

Debby Custis: This is a fabulous idea at first I was thinking about highlights over my dyed black hair but knew how damaging that would be. I will be showing this video to my stylist! Wish me luck LOL

Nichola Dawn: Absolutely gorgeous!!

patricia L: I have be thinking about going natural grey. I also have black hair and started getting grey at 17. I am so tired of dyeing my hair so often. Was thinking of bleaching my hair but that damages it to bad. After watching you I think I will try to do what you did. I also overweight. I so wish I can do what you did and go grey and lose look so pretty now. Fingers crossed I'm going to try.

SONJA CHUKMEL ZBINDEN: Very beautiful the grey bob cut.Wish I could get such lovely grey hair!

Liz Zy: You look gorgeous with grey hair! I noticed my hair got thicker and stronger since I stopped dyeing. Thank you for sharing! Hugs from Germany.

12 Monkeys: What an amazing beautiful woman. You go girl , I'm hoping to follow you .

Michelle Silva: i am noticing that most women who grow out their grey look younger

Julie H: Absolutely beautiful!

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