Filly, Darkest And Harry Pinero Haircut (Fail)!!! | Bad Barber Ep 3

  • Posted on 04 August, 2021
  • Hot Topic
  • By Anonymous

We give @YungFilly, @HarryPineroTV and @darkestman2128 full control of some unlucky volunteer's trims... It didn't go well.

Comment who got the worst hair cut, and you want to see on the channel!

Sam, i'm not to be evasive. Um. Are you in a relationship? No i'm single! Oh okay! Okay, so are you? Are you a claw or are you uh um, keep your wood to yourself, um doctors just quickly, just because you specialize in this area, yeah, okay, yeah! As you said, situation yeah man, but we never left bad barber season. Two myself, young philly, harry pinero and darkest man, yeah yeah, yeah, we're air cutting cutting barber trim spade all of them. Ting bar led. Yes all here today. Oh, the aim is simple: we're just gon na spin, this lovely wheel here and whatever it lands on that's what we're giving our model we've been here before, how you just done it in simple terms, and he just said a madness. Thank you for that. We need a balance, yeah man and welcome back to philly fades. Today we have my brother sammy, sammy, yes sami. Where have you come from woking? What'S the typical day in woken? What'S it like what birds in my beak average average yeah compared to london, it's quiet, but it's the county. Sorry, sorry, it's quite busy! Is it because everyone's woken? How did he get a job? So just before we begin sammy? Is there anything you don't want? As you can see, um it's simple bro, whatever you land on is whatever you're getting yeah. Would you go bolted? It no yeah. I do not want to go ball today. Hundred percent. Okay! Look at yourself! No! No! No! No! No, i said. Look. Look. Look. 100. Tell you what i'm not being funny you cut my edge, but obviously out of respect as well. You have come on the boy show true, so if it does land on the ball, if it lands it i'll, take it there we go there. We go. Oh philly phil, i'm happy with that. Yeah yeah, let's go for a fade. Let'S go for a philly face, it's an awful favor! Oh it's it's the question, one yeah, okay, cool! So the wheel at the back. Sometimes it doesn't look explain the physics because look sometimes the bolts not tight. If i tighten the ball spin slowly, then don't spin yeah so um and you're lucky anyway, because i'm better at this one. So um talk to me. What'S yours, oh your hair is lovely. I i got some of the texture when i can't run this for his hair out chill out, but yeah. I'M saying no do chill out because now chill out makes me look like i'm a you that gets excited about her you've been begging, but that's exactly what just happened now. Finally cool so anyway, like i'm saying um. So when it comes to bob and cutting hair and stuff here, what's your look? What'S your go-to look, have you seen this new thing where it's like? It'S quite old now it's like a side parting, okay, what the jack really no like, um small, like 1940s side parting. Okay, remember i'm a barber that specializes in like fades and um black people's hair yeah. I would obviously work in the hairdresser. So where would i start with this darkest? Okay, i would usually say the back, but the thing is: i've never actually seen a client like this, so i'm screaming left side yeah when we say left side. Are we cutting through the middle i'm doing a step over and turning in or or am i doing a step over bar lining cross? No, i'm saying crossbar yeah right under the sideburn. Is it yeah, i'm saying crossbow right under the sideburn, because this is crossy and that's right under the side of it? The last thing we want is a yellow card. I think posting. In last thing. We want to see your look on hosts posting in about two. More games, all right so again, left side, i'd, say left side from here. Yeah left side from there. Trust me, as you can see, he's got an amazing uh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah and i feel like this is a bit too long, so cut like shorten that yeah. That'S what that's, what they're doing yeah yeah they do that and then they shorten it a little bit. That'S what it is there we go there we go phil! Look after him, man, yeah, yeah, yeah beautiful night in cambridge, mirror! No! No! No! That'S at the end. That'S at the end, that's right: yeah, that's it yeah! I'Ve never seen philly, so confident in my life in my life, i'm here to let you know philly. Does this on a regular like he's normal yeah, the clippers, please juanita, where's the clippers yeah there's. We need to take up there. She is cheers, monitor and i'll see you i'll see you tonight at seven. Okay, that's that's um, felipe's, um, yeah, sam, i'm not to be evasive. Um. Are you in a relationship? No i'm single! Oh okay! Okay, so are you? Are you a claw or are you uh um, keep your wood to yourself, um darkest just quickly, just because you specialize in this area: yeah, okay, yeah as you're saying yeah uh! So are you a clutter or are you uh keeping with you with this section? Well, i don't know what a class it's best in that situation like is it more in the case of um, i think wait hold on hurry. Uh. I think you know what yeah, i think, no no you've got a new contact lenses today, let's have a look. Let'S have a look if, if one starts there am i allowed to roll my hand through the head to see what the situation is at the end, please, why do you dude, okay, you know i'll be real. It doesn't even look that bad. I don't yeah. I don't look that bad okay, so no go and sit down sit down, but just just let me know i i can adjust it. If i go through the middle right, um, i'm saying right, no goalkeeper say mom, i'm saying no go. Goalkeeper yeah just try something different africa work as well, because you've already sort of you get me what rush goalie, um yeah, no gloves as well he's he's fuming right now. I think he knows that something is probably not right. He loves us, he loves it, but i will say one thing, though, that actually doesn't look too bad. I'Ve got it. I'Ve got it. I don't look bad, don't like you're doing a good job, got it all jokes aside. Oh my god, i've got it. That makes sense as long as you're not going there we go banging banging banging carry on yeah. I think you should just continue doing that yeah there we go turn around quickly. Just so my colleagues can see it that way: lower lower um. No, that's the right level, maybe a little a percentage higher and then just shape up and down. That'S pretty much it yeah. Can we stop doing the back and do the front? Oh yeah, yeah yeah, oh yeah! If you want the front door, they need to. It'S always good to listen to what they said. He said he hates it. He didn't say he dislikes. It said he hates it. So my my view on this is that philly should just remove everything from there um. So we can see clearly um. I can see clearly now the rain has just gone. You'Re. Relaxing me feeling i can't sit really now. The rain is gone. Oh yeah, the rest of the song yeah, that's it. I don't know. Okay, i think i'm done people so look um. This is called um. The san domingo, uh, sorry santo domingo means uh holy sunday and you've got this. Is it sunday today yeah it's sunday today? So that's what we've done over there um so out of all the trims that that's on this uh will. What do you think you know represents that nothing on there question mark. The question mark question is it's for me to get creative remember. This is a mixture of bowling, but i know currently, prime um. Let'S have a little look. What did you see? I just wan na have a look um, no, no uh, i'm gon na. Let you be honest, take a look and be real. Oh my gosh, the angles at the side. What is this wait? Wait until you see the back. Look. Bravo. You'Ve been doing this for 45 years, look cool. You didn't inherit your grandparents just giving yourself a chair. You would you reckon like it yeah. He said! No! No, but you know what it is, he's actually trying to look at it to see if he likes it. He wants to give me a chance please, but you know what a guardian number you could revive it. No, but he definitely so it's potential. If i want to explain how um your haircut looks, do you want to let harry revive it for you, yeah football terminology. Harry revival took a chip in the box. You took a chip in the box, that's what he's done to you. Okay and that's enough of you harry the show's, not about you, there's three of us here. I can't i can't look at you. I know obviously you're gon na have your moment uh good snitch. That'S brilliant! Well done brilliant! On that note, um i've been barbara. This has been philly fades and he's been sammy. Thank you. So much guys cheers guys. There'S a big triangle going into my forehead just looks horrific on the back. All i can see is like a big, bald patch yeah. I'M disgusted. I'M very disgusted. Welcome to clark your ting, i'm harry potter, but today i am joined by jake jay. How are you feeling today, jake yeah, i'm buzzing yeah, can't wait. That means he's ready to enjoy himself yeah. All right. Well, have a little look. No, we don't care about. You! Um, so looking at this board here this little wheel, um, what trim, don't you like? I mean just going to completely borders? Okay, so so the bold person is actually our good friend over here. So what you're trying to say you do not want to look like that man at all, no all right, um! Well, i'm going to spin. This will, and whatever this rule says, is what i'm going to do in your headpiece, okay, you're right with that yep all right. So i'm just going to hold down power power 2. There we go cry if he gets darkest. Oh, i don't know. I cannot suit him. You know what this is my speciality uh. They call this the wankery sides wine kevin. What'S going on so the wine chemist in general, like when you get a haircut. How does that make you feel? Because for me, when i get a haircut, i think it's very rude for a woman to walk past me and not say: can i have your number i'm married so for me that doesn't happen anyway. Congrats. How long have you been lucky man? How long you've been married for oh, it's all come out now. He doesn't even know he doesn't even know. He don't know it's nice to be nice. I think it's four years. Okay, all right. I think your reaction was funny though, but yeah jake. So how did you pick sorry? Let me you guys asked jake some questions. It'S my customers. My customers want to know how you're an extra. I kick you out of shop. I just want to know how you proposed yeah. That'S actually a very good question. How did you propose there, no jakey, so it's christmas morning, 25th of december yeah and romantically. I got a giant cookie with. Will you marry me on it and pop down on one there? So no ring okay with a ring. Oh okay, we've got so much questions. I feel like we want to get married subconsciously, we all kind of yeah. Obviously you know she likes you because she's your missus at the time yeah but weren't. You scared, she might say no even a little bit of percent of you. She was living with me as well, so oh okay, you can't blow on a grown man's neck. I'M sorry, but you can't just do that. No, not this year, not at this time me and jacob got a good relationship here. Bro! That'S just me! Thank you! For you, gon na shake poppy's bid for us, then, oh, no, oh no bro! I think jake jake loves the rough look. I think he loves when he's misses, grabs him by the beds and coming back yeah yeah. I wish it was like that. Well, listen check. Marriage, i don't mind that either i envy the guy. I wish i had what he had because he's able to just come here willingly just let someone him up. I need him to go back down. Listen, look have a look at that and you tell me i'm not doing look what you're doing come, it's good when people come in and they give me good vibes of good energy because it then transfers over to the head piece. 100. What i'm saying we haven't met someone that knows what clutter means. Do you know what clark means? No, okay, clark. What do you think it means yeah? I don't go on, not just bro. Okay, you cannot be wrong because, okay, that's fine, he thinks it means because explain to him what it actually means. Clark means to ruin or to finish or to destroy yeah or to yeah just pretty much those things. So so i could say i could say i'm going to clock that burger off or i could say when i get home, i can't wait to clap my girl, she's dancing, yeah different ways. I mean i want jake to use clark in the sentence to see if he i need him to. I need him too how the world he's got great hair. I must say man so jake cues claw in a sentence for me. Does harry clot, my hair? Yes, he is no actually two-phase, not what was that about. It was that right, i just love it. I don't. I think it doesn't. I love the word clock when people say i just love it, i feel like you could have done better yeah, no effort in that at all. Okay, so tell me a story: do you mind we're not taking off the bed, though we're just going to get all the uh? You know the excess hair yeah the side bits. You know i mean what not in my understanding half of the way. What is it? Uh just make it go joe, some more. We call it mgg mg. What does it stand for like a gojo mega, gojo? Okay, what does that do exactly? What does it promote you'll see so i wan na i wanna make sure that um whenever he goes for a job interview, if he you know because his man looks like a businessman i feel like you should have proposed through the post. I wasn't there then: oh, that is a good idea. That'S an amazing idea. I'M telling you man, i'm telling you she's, got a mad delivery in a box. Is it crazy? I come out of the box right babe. All these years. I'Ve been in love with you. Remember the time we met in year, eight, it was like yesterday, chantelle told me he was in the other class and i just had to approach you now. Look at us 30 years deep. Will you marry me wow? Oh amazing, i'm not going to lie to you. See if i spoke to my woman, like that, i nearly said yes all right so guys, um, that's been harry potter. This has been clark yachting jake. This is, i actually feel like it's right here, guys sorry, jake, it's not much of uh. What you're saying in the the picture is it i mean the sides and the back is, is not too bad matches the picture to a good standard, but the gel on top is it looks fluffy, don't it, but here it just looks it looks. It looks wet and slimy. This isn't my style at all, i'm more of a bog standard, one number all over and uh yeah just happy with, even if it was just completely all off we'd, be more than happy with that as well. Simple, completely simple! That'S what i prefer hello guys welcome back to darkest disasters where nothing good ever happens over here. We'Ve got my new client. What'S your name, i'm introducing yourself needed that needed that needed that i needed that all right, pretty sure you know how this works. We'Ve got a bunch of hairstyles on this wheel here, i'm gon na spin it wherever it lands on. That'S what you get is, there's anything that you don't want. You could say none of them. You don't want any of this. So not even not even my brother philly here with the the pinpoint hairline, not even my butt yeah. No, we don't want him, but i'm just saying: oh what about what about this one here. Definitely no money, no ksi. Definitely not. Definitely. No. I feel like we're at a stage right now, where you should just rise off eating for a man to come on your platform and say definitely not yeah. Every single one yeah, i feel like you've got to do what is right. You you've got to make sure that you prove that you're, not a egypt, do what's right for you him and the community yeah. You guys are good friends, yeah anyways without further ado, let's just spin this wheel, so we're looking for power further yeah. What? Furthermore, why are we even spinning the wheel if you're, just gon na go free reign anyway? Yeah? No, because i just want to see what it would. Okay, yeah because i like the world, i'm gon na, say three it over, but there's no time to play, but it just means neating them up. Yeah, okay, cool, send them all brother. Oh just want to get going yeah again we're just gon na talk to me. Abdul when you go to the bar bar, what do you ask for that's a good look? No, my haircut normal haircut, okay, you're, a barber yeah! If someone comes to you and says i want normal haircut, what are you giving it? Well, if it's little pablito uh, he he tends to lack his skin fades uh, but when it's um it's jake or or bradley, it's always a come here. He just wants a good woman that loves god and he's gon na appreciate him qualified barber, yeah yeah yeah. He just couldn't sort out his own hair. I can't have those things cool yeah, the only advantage with abdul don't get too excited your hairline could be worse than both of us put together, but where you have, i may you have this thing here to cover what your hair actually look, you're lucky brother i'll, Make sure you do a reveal, that's your blessing yeah yeah, all right, no cat. No i'm not gon na shave. It! Oh! No, that's a good airline. Do you know how i thought was gon na start like yeah same people with fringes? Are so lucky man you're a liar man? There we go bro. Do you notice? I can feel how shook he is so. So what do you do with yourself? What'S your opportunity from the study and i'm still studying what are you studying, uh business and finance? Oh wow? Oh so, you're rich, don't laugh! You'Re right! You see a man's got bread yeah. He laughs like that. Look. The reason me harry where new money don't get me wrong, we're doing right now, but we're still gassed you get me. Man look at ah look, rolly, don't man, i've got so much bread. We asked him. Are you rituan? Do you know what level of money that is might not be? It could even be his dad, but who cares yeah yeah, it's a thing man. So what has anyone ever said to you? They want to marry you. No. This is too much. So not only has he got bread but galwa marion, because he said that that one was too much yeah bro. What'S your favorite color blue, blue, blue yeah? That'S what we've got here! All right, yeah, yeah! What country are you from? Oh he's in a from one like this: oh you could have been a bangladesh flag. He'S got the england in his head and he probably doesn't like him what you got anyway. Oh wait. Wait, wait close your eyes, brother yeah, all right brother, a quick one. Have you got anything important coming up soon, most likely like? What have you got to do? Okay, darkest is like riley jesus. Do you know what he can't respond to your question because, because he's thinking about the spray yeah, what music do you like? Oh wait hold on hello nasheed. What'S up correct me if i'm wrong is that bollywood music? I close your eyes, you know what he's a proper muslim man yeah. Exactly do you know what i thought he's an artist all right, i'm literally, i was older right now. He meant islamic music, oh wow, i'm filming bro, i'm sorry, i'm filming bro, all right cool done, yeah all right! Now, literally, oh no, you got ta open the door, i've just swallowed it. I swear to god you sprayed too much darkness man amanda. He swallowed it. I did you know i coughed enough. I see the spray paint come out man's map. I want to make this one color and then that side, one color yeah, you you i'm trying to make them around the abdomen. That'S under the washer. Of course it's washing it yeah, it's washable, um um. I i don't know. Let me speak to the doctors and and see if it's hold on, because i don't know if you can spray it on his face like hold on hairspray temporary hair color yeah. He looks absolutely petrified for him. Yeah cool, so chat today, man, let me see what you've done. I can just tell you've done it wrong. What have you done? Oh, what are you doing? Doc look bro! This is look, this is the blocker, so we don't want that to get wet. So you put it there dark, okay, correct yeah, yeah. That makes sense yeah. That makes it more quick that makes sense work that makes sense yeah. No, no! No! No! No! No! No! No other side different colors inside different colors yeah, really really beautiful yeah. This is really really good. It'S great and, i think for continuity. We should just leave the bottom bit of his beard. Just black yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait hold on where's the bottom yeah yeah. No just leave it black. Just leave it black black. Wait! Wait! That'S you know, that's exactly the middle yeah yeah! That'S beautiful! That'S perfect! I think hold on no. No! No! No, no, no, no, oh, my god, columbia, colors, yellow juice makes sense, yeah, of course, okay um! So darkest are you? Are you done? No, i did yeah. What do we call this piece i'll, be honest, olympics? Okay, so um i've been uh young, philly um and he has been harry potter. We have been in the lovely darkest disasters, barbershop yeah, yeah great, show um, and that is the of course. The signature piece, the olympic haircut and, if anything, i think this is where we round it up and say goodbye. Why are you? Why are you saying goodbye in my barbershop, my own barbershop and now it's time to? Oh all, right guys that has been darkest disasters? I'Ve been darker smart, that is, the lovely harry potter and young philly um. This has been absolutely lovely, harry's, lovely, yeah, cool you've just started doing this youtube thing chill before you get to that level. Where we're all right i'll see that in another video and then it's five years ago, newbie but yeah guys that's been um he's been abdul. My lovely client and uh take care. Do you remember a video maybe five years ago, where this kid's gone? Look at my hairline, the barber messed me up. Yes, look at his yeah he's got the same smile he's back. What is that you? Oh yeah? Oh my gosh bro and that's the end of the video. Thank you so much for watching guys make sure you comment. Like subscribe, do them lovely things that notifile needs to get hit, so you get notified when we upload yeah yeah. If there's any specific haircuts that you want to do for us, you know what put in the comments and we'll do that for you. I'Ve been harry potter, nero he's the darkest he's been philly peace up a town down. I need to slap my face. You

Ryan Davies: The face Harry makes before he laughs gets me every time

Falz7: Jake is actually some down to earth genuine guy. Wish him the best

Kiana Knowles: it'll be cool to have professionals come in to "fix" the haircuts after they're done

A thug with a mug cuz: The chemistry between these 3 is INSANE ❤ Edit: i made the most pointless comment ever and it's somehow the most liked comment here lol

Tsanimir Yankov: At this point i don’t think they are letting the people getting haircuts know what they are getting into and it’s kinda fucked but hella funny

Hansel Awogu: HP’s Client had such good energy

Žana: I'll be honest, Filly is low key high key the love of my life.

HXSXN: filly's client will always be single cause of that trim

Fr0z3n: Filly never learns, everyone who sits on filly's chair will look 50 after they get up

The Sunday League Goalie: Proper laughs while filming this! All 3 lads were unreal to shoot with! Shout out to Harry for not touching the beard or adding colour to the hair!

Serene 191: The way they look at each other and hold the giggles in best part of the videos

Rayyan Khan: Darkest: "Harry im not gonna lie u got bund" Philly: "what?" Darkest "nothing"

TMPH: The concept of "Bad Barber" gets lost when people sign up to get paid, but don't actually want their hair cut. At the end of the day no matter how they ruin your hair you can just go home, shave it all off, and it will grow back in 3 months. Signing up for the show then forcing them to water it down because you don't actually want your hair cut is a snooze fest.

Shannon Driscoll: I know hair grows back but these men are so brave letting someone ruin their trims

_ HijabieInThe6ix: I love all of “Footasylum” series but this one right here is something else lol. why don’t you make a series where after these guys ruin a person hair to at least have a “Real Barber” come and fix it after. So it’s a win , win for everyone

ANIE OBI: I really feel so sorry for all of filly's clients

Sammy made this one: Filly's facial expression is a madness

zensski: 5:30 harry’s face kills me every time

Marshmello Family: This was so funny the first cut the expressions on there faces was hard to not laugh

Mohammed Hijab Clips: Abdul knows he’s getting a whooping when he’s going home

tyler readshaw: As a barber this hurts to watch but so funny at the same time

daisy w: Nah filly’s face gives me life, you just know he’s done the maddest of cuts

MancKenKO: Every time HP fakes darkest for a handshake it kills me idk why it’s too funny

Khadar: 4:56 Filly used everything in his body to not laugh

Nqobile Mdletshe: When Filly makes that face I just know it’s over for whoever is on that chair

Murl p: Jake was such a cool personbless him

pome ru: They didn’t even show Abduls reaction lol. He must’ve been really upset

Finlay Turner: All I’m gonna say is … What a trio !

Nabeel Follentine: The look harry gives before he laughs is hilarious

okbuddy: The guests this episode were dope, props to them


Meliz: Filly is so cute man the way he was so intrigued by his clients hair so genuine ❤️keep being real we luv ya

Firat Kaya: Being a barber and watching this is so hard to watch

Young Beast Tha King: Imagine being the client in the chair when Darkest makes his introductions

PowerPuff: I love these 3 and their videos are always jokes but these videos would be more enjoyable (like the others) if they actually tried. I feel like every episode it's basically the same trim, just bald patches. If they actually TRIED to do good trims, I feel like it would be more entertaining.

Matthew Dark: Darkest: “Last thing we want is a yellow card”

Sxrrounds: If we can keep getting barber episodes I will be dead by laughing

Myrthe van Seggelen: I swear the pain in Jake his eyes when Harry asked him if he could cut the hair aswell

Stripes: This is the most disrespectful shit I’ve ever seen . Please get these poor people a real barber to fix up the mess the crew causes

Dean Tasker: I cried at 9:00 when HP had to shake his own hand

Safa Hassiem: filly’s proposal almost made me say yes

Junior Pee: darkest is just tooo fucking funny needs his own tv show !

Khadar: How are they using football tactics as haircut advice

John: This shit is so hilarious, foot asylum and sidemen are awesome.. keep the grind up.. filly and Harry is funny as hell.. don’t know the other guy..

Hash World: The way Harry looks at the camera when looking at what Filly did he looked like Thierry Henry lol

pd: The thing that makes this more funny is that the clients have no idea that they’re just getting fully violated

tom sav19_: "Ik Abdul is wild" after Filly says that Abdul just wants a woman who loves God; yh Harry still thinks of nastiness maynn

YeetMaster 420: You know it’s bad when you’ve got 3 "barbers" behind you

Tony Tones: the way darkest smoothed that handshake rejection was too funny

Clumsy Psychopath: If you've got 3 barbers behind you, trust me bruh you're in deep shit you just don't know it yet.

Naya B: Harry pushing his hand down is actually hilarious

Adriana Fonseca: harrys face when he is doing the guys hair takes me, i cannot

Landu Cloete: Jeez being a barber this is so hard to watch, Yung Fill has been cutting for years and waisted it.

Jake Harper: If I could possibly get any more "clarted" than I am already, aye put me in a barber chair at Bad Barbers! Abdul got proper violated here alongside Jake and Sam. I feel as though the lads would of had a good laugh later in the day though as at the end of the day hair does grow back.

Espi: Just saw a short that made me laugh so hard! Had to do some digging but I am so glad I found it!

DaTon- Mohsen: Jake is chill we love Jake

Inverse Reacts: Love this series

L.Buggy1890: Best trio on this channel by a mile

RJ_Liturgical: 1:27 you saw him go for the handshake and played it off by rubbing his leg lmao

Mahmoud Almufarrej: Filly’s face had me deaaaaad 13:52

You can't keep running In and out of my Life: Bro Harry's glance to the camera at 5:30 absolutely KILLED me

windshield washer: Nah fam, the boy Sam had every right to throw hands lmfao.

Minentle Makaula: You know it's bad when you got 3 barbers behind you

Majjkk 999 Gaming: As soon as Harry looked at the camera it was up

FoxInABox YT: 20:34 the pain in his eyes

Zainab Kriel: Abdul's was the most fixable but he was the most pissed

Doni.H: You know it’s fkd when u need 3 ppl checking ur hair out and their dying He should’ve gone bold tbh

George Hudson: Harry’s hairline represents his comedy

mesi h: I hope they have a proper barber on the side that fixes it

C2Joey: Ayo, Jake is JOKES wish him the best

Freddie Egan: If the first thing my barber said was “ this is how you do it init” I would cry

P r o p a h !: Anybody clock when Darkest said “I like the wood” just before he span the wheel

emma shahandeh-pour: Harry's facial expressions are brilliant rewind lol

Peter N: when harry kept spraying his head with water AHAHAHAHA

sumayyah adam: i love the last one. he seems so shy and humblee its so sweet

A1 Morrison: They could never get a youth who knows about this show on this show

SM: Filly, darkest and hp should form their own YouTube channel

Jay: "Im disgusted" I honestly think your original haircut was terrifying as well

Safaa S: We all know Abdul is mad mad they didn’t even show his reaction

musti294: Any time a customer is on the show their hair will never be the same

F-AR: How’s he managed to convince him it spun to the question mark after it stopped

Dre10: Filly is in a mad thing, why did he give the board a extra click

E30OG: This is one of them shows we’re in a few years time everyone’s gonna go, how was that even a show

Triangular shape: I would like to see them actually try to make a haircut

Huguette Umulisa: The way Harry looked at the camera

Rosalyn Nyirenda: nah filly and Harry's reaction at 21:53

Lawyer Scott: 5:31 is the funniest reaction

Aaron D: 20:34 — The way this man sighed! I'm so done! I'm actually creasing. My man was wondering why he signed up.

Jkm223: We saw filly do a bald patch.. realise.. do another one.. then announce it

BigBandSuuMo: i hope theres an actual barber on set to fix anything that went wrong cuz if they leave like that??? thats fucked up

Oageng Noinyane: my boy holding back tears

FreedomWins: Harry has never used a Comb and it truly shows LMAO

FLOWETIK: Love from Bangladesh. Best of luck for your ambitions Abdul. ❤️

Javeria: Can’t wait till they do does the shoe fit

Tyler: Mein these men are funny funny. This is peak entertainment bro

MobMotivation: They should Atleast take it seriously next episode

just for me: I never laughed so hard

RG: The first guy was going bald anyway and was trying to hide it with his ridiculous fringe, got the hair cut he deserved

Deathrow: 5:30 its the look for me "Oohh he fucked up big time"

Anisa: This is the best episode of this series

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