Top 7 Vitamins And Nutrients For Hair Growth – Dr.Berg

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Dr. Berg talks about the key nutrients for beautiful hair.

Zinc - helps hair growth. This is a trace mineral helping enzymes for protein.

Biotin - helps hair growth because it's involved in protein metabolism.

Vitamin B6 assists in protein (hair, nails and skin). It's like the spark plug to activate protein formation in and on the body.

Copper is another trace mineral involved in protein formation and has a specific actions to prevent hair splitting (at the end).

Trace Minerals in general are those minerals needed in small amounts for the formation of enzymes involved in thousands of biochemical reactions.

Silica is a trace mineral involved in making your hair and nails very strong.

Collagen is also needed as a raw material for hair growth.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:

Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.


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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals and Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Hey guys, dr. Burke here in this video, I want to talk about the key nutrients for beautiful hair. My whole concept is from the inside out, like what you put in your body versus trying to put some cream or serum or shampoo or condition on the hair that doesn't really fix anything restore because your hair is simply dead. So you want to feed it from the inside out. So here are the key nutrients. Zinc. Very important zinc is a type of trace mineral that is involved in enzymes to help grow proteins. So if your zinc deficient, you're gon na have hair loss, okay, so that's one trace mineral and then we have biotin there's so many products out there right now that you can take biotin and grow your hair back, because biotin is a B vitamin that helps with Protein, it helps the growth in the tablets of protein and but biotin also strengthens the hair as well. So it makes the hair thicker the problem with just taking biotin by itself. Without some of the other B vitamins, you can create deficiencies of other B vitamins. So you always want to take it's, not it's. Okay, to take biotin, but just make sure you take a beet complex together with it. Okay make sure it's not synthetic, now vitamin b6! That is like the spark plug that allows everything to kind of work. Well so especially in the vault and with protein again and the hair, and not just the hair, the skin, the nails, the muscles, so people that are b6 deficient, have problems with protein in general and collagen. So since the hair is collagen, we want to include b6. Okay and then we have copper. Copper is another trace mineral like zinc, but if you're deficient in copper, you can get split ends. So the end starts splitting right. If you have split ends, you know you get a haircut, but why not just use as an indicator to see what's going on inside? So copper is a very important trace mineral to restore that, then we have trace minerals in general. You have like 94 trace minerals and trace. Minerals are minerals needed in smaller amount and they're involved in enzymes and protein body proteins, rebuilding proteins in the body, ligaments, tendons, hair, nails things like that silica is another trace mineral. That'S really vital in making the hair and nails strong, so it doesn't break. So if your hair is brittle, you need silica and there are supplements just for like individual supplements that have silica for that, and then we have collagen. You need collagen, because the hair is made out of a type of protein called collagen one problem with some people. Is they don't have enough stomach acid, so they have heartburn and acid reflux and things like that, and that indicates that you don't have enough acid later or not, and you're not gon na be able to digest the collagen. So you could literally have a loss of collagen in your body from your digestive system, but the type of collagen that I use. I have a product I'll put a link down below. I use a wild caught fish scale collagen because it has unique types of collagen that are designed to rebuild and regrow hair, and I also have all the nutrients in it with a natural blend of B vitamins and then the other. The problem was hair loss, for example, is that sometimes you get an alopecia which is like patches of your hair, falling out or just hair loss and general mal pattern or or hormonal problems, with your hair coming out in the top part, that is high levels of Androgens and no matter how many nutrients you put in the body you're not going to get your hair back, because your antigens are too high okay. So what you need to do, for that is take something that inactivates the enzyme that converts that hormonal shift to antigen and that would be stinging nettle root. Okay, that's another vital herb that I recommend to help stop the excess production of androgens, especially in females. Okay, that's also in in my product as well. So anyway, I wanted to create a video on the key nutrients and share your comments below thanks for watching press. The subscribe button forgot the last part and I'm gon na see you next time am I gon na. I will press up and yeah you'll get future updates. That'S right updates. I knew there was a word hey if you're enjoying my videos press the subscribe button below and I will keep you updated on the future events. Thank you. So much

Cosima Von Liebenau: I had a hair mineral analysis done during lockdown, and the report highlighted a B6 deficiency, which apparently is common in women who were on oral contraception for a long time. I started supplementing B6, and my hair stylist is gobsmacked at my level of new hair growth.

L J C: I love you Dr Berg, you have such a gentle way of speaking. You seem like a genuinely kind person who wishes to help people. Thank you! Many blessings to you & your lovely wife.

Monkey Business: Good info to know. I briefly seasonally shed hair like a dog but it now grows back thicker, stronger & less gray since taking a daily biotin-B complex supplement & eating lots of eggs - which some say is a myth for hair growth. But based on my positive appearance changes, I believe the two elements work really well together.

Wila Thor: I was taking biotin and had good results, but I've have hip replacements and c spine fusion and the biotin caused severe pain. After extensive research, I've found that biotin can start to displace the prosthesis by filling in bone. It bears careful discernment in some situations.

Rachel Wise: Dr Berg I have recommended you to all my friends and family Every time we have problems We all go on YouTube... then asking Dr Berg.. the NO 1 DOCTOR We all admire you and your valuable knowledge I wish you all the best Thanks ever so much

Ravi Kiran: You are giving us good information on health. Even clinical Doctor are incapable of doing what you do and failing to explain How to heal body. You are giving us so much information. Thank you Dr Berg. God bless you ❤️

30quaker: I was losing hair like crazy for over a year. My temple receded about a whole inch! Plus I was losing massive clumps all over. I tried everything and had lots of blood tests. What worked for me was taking concentrace mineral drops. I put a tablespoon into a glass of juice daily and a few days into it I stopped losing excessive amounts of hair. My receding temple hasn't grown back but atleast I think I've finally got a handle on it now. Losing hair is awful but being female and losing hair makes you seriously consider suicide. Give mineral drops a try!

Intuition23: I noticed a dramatic growth spurt of my hair after adding a cucumber to my daily juicing regimen. I thought it was odd until I looked up the nutrients and found silica in cucumbers was the likely cause.

Steve Sfameni: Dr. Berg, I’m a long time subscriber and value your information greatly! That being said I’m taking multiple supplements everyday. Is there any way to decrease the amount? Say a multivitamin or some thing similar you would recommend? Thank you sir! Love your channel!

Frances Walker: Your teachings are awesome, Dr. Berg! Love it. Keep 'em coming!

Len Rubin: Thank you Dr. Berg, as always, for sharing such important info!

Astronomy Notebook: Keep up your good work…much needed to educate the public to improve health. ❤️

Christina V: Would you be able to elaborate a bit more on how to stop the androgens, dosage, etc ? Thank you. Love your videos. :)

danaboyer: I was losing lots of hair. Then started having diabetic symptoms. I started taking Multi-betic vitamins, that I found in the diabetic section of Walmart. That stopped my hair loss!!

ruthieo54: You are so right, Dr. B. I have learned so much on nutrition from you. You ROCK.

Michelle Johnson: Thank you Dr Berg for your AMAZING teaching...we are BEYOND BLESSED

Jessica Anne: I used to loss handfuls. I have very thick curly hair so it never made a difference but it was annoying having to get the handfuls out while shampooing. Now that I'm Keto I only loss a very minimal amount

SusieSanDiego: Hello doc...your videos are awesome, very educational. Can you plzzz start listing the products you would recommend for these vitamins, it’s confusing when buying a good brand that’s not full of junk. Thank you ☺️

Zero Fuks: Ok, I was taking Biotin alone for months and noticed the hair strands expanding and “feeling” thicker but nothing growing and still losing hair. Thank you for this info, I’m going to start taking extra vitamins. I already seen my doctor so I’m waiting for results to see if there is anything else

Bleeding Heart: Thank you for the video! Can I take all 7 supplements at once? Should I use the recommended dose of each one or how do I know how much to take? Thank you!!

kjh lk: It is the simple breakdown of everything that I love about Dr. Berg. Since I have been following Dr. Berg's advise this is the best I have ever looked. Even better than when I was in my 20's. I love the breakdown of the quality of his products as well.

none: Thanks Doc. Not to find hair in the soup here (pun not intended), but would be so awesome to also get some tips on what to consume to have the respective deficiencies fixed. (I realise you have tons of videos here, but the hair specific would be a great part 2 for this video).

1172mak: Be careful because once I took a biotin supplement as well as using a shampoo with biotin and my scalp was extremely aggravated and itched so badly! It took about a week of not having either for the itching to stop.

bluerain1686: Thank you for educating and providing such great information.

Jill Kelly: Great video thank you so much ! Any ideas for premature graying? My son is 22 and starting to turn already.

Bonnie Bester: I wish you would mention the key foods with the highest concentrates of each vitamin and mineral. Just a thought. I really like your videos!

ASArushify: Dr Berg, I have been taking Hair Formula suggested in your video for about two months. Is there best time to take the Hair Formula for better absorption?

MiMi Tacular: Dr. Berg what supplements would you recommend for a bariatric patient who has had their gallbladder removed? Also, I was given medication for heartburn but never took it I just drink Apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before I eat and it has worked! thank you!

Hez eLGee: Hi Dr Berg - You didn't mention keratin which I thought was vital to hair and nail growth? Does your supplement help its production? Thanks for all your information!

Julie Hill: I just purchased 3 bottles of your hair formula. I'm only 34 and my hair is thinning fast. It can feel a bit scary. Your videos are a great help and also a comfort. Thank you Dr. Berg.

Cam Nob: This man is the truth on every topic I listen to! I trust his word!

Stormbrise: Would be nice if we knew the daily value % of the B complex vitamins, if it has B6, B12 and B1

Belightfull: Thank you for another great content. As always. ❤️

Dalilia Segura: Muchísimas gracias Dr Berg Thank you , you’re Amazing!! I’m so happy , find you here !! Me encanta su manera de explicar todoooo !

elsa blue: Dr berg examples of foods for each vitamin or minerals would be so helpful. Thank you for this video God bless!

Stephanie Gazca: Thank you so much Doctor I have suffer my entire life with hair problems

Happy E ➊: You are doing a great job Dr Berg...

renu punjabi: My hair is scanty, dry, rough n I've done everything on earth possible to grow it back, even surgery. My nails have forever been breaking. I always knew that I am not healthy from inside, that my blood is impure. Am definitely giving trace minerals a try.

Ashley J: Dr. Berg!!! My hair is so much thicker and my nails are so much stronger. I’m on the healthy keto diet and taking nutritional yeast plus all the other 8 vitamins but I’m sure the NY is what’s causing all this hair and strong nails

Violet Gutierrez: I can't wait to try I've been having a lot of hair loss from about a year ago and I feel like it has improved but I'm still getting some hair loss at the root and a figure it has to be a deficiency so I'm gonna try these supplements along supplements along with what I'm already doing

Valley View Church: Great video! I suffer from a very large and hard belly. I am attempting to do the paleo way of eating, and I am starting to see bloating decrease. WhT type of bleed test should I ask my Dr for? Any other advice would be more than welcome as well.

SpearChuck777: You mentioned the 94 minerals, I put Sea-90 minerals into the water I grow broccoli microgreens. It adds flavor and over time if eaten consistently will improve health.

Cocorro Garcia: Hi Dr. Berg I’m taking your trace minerals right now and I wonder once that container finishes or for how long could I continue to taking it?? Ty in advance

Jackie Margaret: I have had total alopecia since 1994, caused by a shock. I have always wondered if a sudden burst of testosterone plus an adrenal surge may have been the cause. I appreciate your advice ... many thanks.÷))

Martha SAntana: I love your sense of humor dr .yes sir my hair is growing everyday before and after pic thank you so much sir

Marina Ermolaeva: Тhаnk you so much for this video! Excessive amount of androgens was mentioned as one of the reasons of hair loss. Can you recommend the sources to read about how to lower them? Thnx in advance!!

Angela Simmons: But sometimes inward solutions isn't always good because even though your hair may grow, you can also have hair growing in other weird places unexpectedly like your chin, and above your mouth. It has happened to me after taking hair vitamins. But if you use a solution that targets ONLY the head, you can't go wrong so far that I've seen.

Sage Dakota, LMFT: Dr. Berg, can you please consider putting your supplements in veggie caps (or for something like the fish scale collagen, in fish gelatin caps)?

Cyndi Foore: I take10K of biotin every evening and my hair has come back strong and thick again.

Peggy Ferrera: I'll have to check out your hair products!! I've just started taking collagen. Thanks so much Dr. Berg!!!

Dola Soman: Dr. Berg, It would be great if you could mention the most common foods in your videos along with the nutrients you speak about.

Unnamed Player: Stinging nettle is also helpful for someone recovering from protate issues. It was eaten and used as tea since the ancient times.

Heidi Misfeldt: ❤ Always pertinent and valuable information, right to the point.

Mira Gunessee: Hello. Thank you for your videos. They are very informative. Could you please share the names of a few brands that sell natural supplements and not synthetic ones? Usually I buy vitamins from Solgar or Health Aid brands.

Zyriana AreNee: U R Everything so informative and sharing information, gifts, educational training. wisdom, and knowledge...thanknu so much.

Hot Chihuahua: Regardless of what you were to have taken as a major you are one of the best teachers I have ever listen to !

Veronica Calloway: Thanks so very much for always sharing and educating!

GiGi W.: Fish scale collagen, yum - yum! I had some in my kale shake this morning Yes, my hair is much healthier!

satsumamoon: Pomegranate peel. Dry , grind, add powder to hot water. Drink the tea and also make a concentrate to put on your hair and skin.

Ash P: Eat foods rich in those. For example chicken liver is like a natural pill. It contains Copper, Thiamin, B2, Iron, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid (B5), Choline, Betaine, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Manganese, Selenium, Vitamins A, C, D, protein. Also eggs and red meat in general contain many of these nutrients.

Sheila dela Cruz: Thank you so much Dr. Berg. So grateful for your content.

Ruth Kirk: I lost more then half of my hair a year ago. I have lymes disease. I prayed n asked for wisdom n started finding what people do to grow hair. I did rice water and gellitin and my hair is not only back but thicker and healthier then b4 I lost it .

LIVE Global: Hi Dr Berg. I have an existing health condition should I request blood lab to see what my nutrient levels are before starting on your hair supplements? Also what is your opinion on using MSM as part of a female's daily supplement intake to help promote hair growth? Thank you

CTX50: Dr Bergs Hair Formula absolutely 100% works. I use to lose so much hair after taking a shower that the drain would clog. Since I started taking the hair formula several months ago I haven't had to clean the drain once and my hair is getting thicker. Awesome product! Thank you Dr. Berg!

BJ Stover: I cannot take Zinc, Blacksseed oil or vitamin A, they make my hair fall out. I was taking Biotin and my hair fell out a little. I am now taking collagen and so far that helps. I am 60. I think I will try B-6 and see what that does. I was never interested in B vitamins because I was told they don't stay in your body. I have been finding out that most do. Thank you for your videos.

Jacqueline O'Dwyer: My hair is greasy oily and gets tangled up a lot especially after the winter months. It always needs a cut short to make it grow again.

George Lista: I take 15mg zinc and 71.4mg of horsetail extract (7:1 extract equivalent to 500mg horsetail) standardised to contain 7% silica... any feedback or opinions on this? Enough, good/bad?

Zena Hani: Thank you, Doctor, for the valuable information. Please explain how to treat rosacea

Alberta Sato: I am learning a lot of your video Doc, it’s Very informative . What are the supplements for the gray hair? Thank you.

Corrie Donovan - Soprano: My mom suffers from alopecia, so I am trying my hardest to make sure that doesn’t happen to me. I am trying a daily vitamin targeted for hair, skin, and nails by Tati. It has all those essential vitamins, but I’m not sure of the sources. It’s really overwhelming trying to find the time to do the right research. Therefore, would you mind making a video reviewing some of the best and worst hair, skin, and nail vitamins? I want to know what actually works and what price tag someone should expect to pay for a high quality product. Thank you so much! I love your channel and share it with my friends and family!

lexus007lmlm: Dr. Berg, I'm on hormones(not synthetic) and my hair is still thinning, and breaking. I've taken Biotin; as soon as I miss taking it my nails get soft and my hair breaks. I have been taking the Collagen bone broth as well. But it all seems temporary. Help!

Lilly Pod: My hair is naturally flimsy, thin and fine like baby hair. This comes from my Dad's side. On my mother's side everyone has hair loss and alopecia (male pattern baldness). The two married and had children, me being 1 of them. Non of us can grow hair beyond the neck, my sister can't grow it longer than 3 inches and had a pixie cut her entire life, and volume is so little that everyone can see her scalp. I'm a little more fortunate to have enough hair to hide my scalp. I went on Dr. Berg's Keto + IF plan and it's been about 9 months and my hair has never been this full (volume). Not each strand thickness mind you, each hair strand is still fine but strong and without damage. I have accumulated or formed more hair follicles it seems and my ponytail is nice and thick, I'm even able to make a nice messy top bun. My hair was about shoulder length (down to about T3 or 4 vertebrae) and is now down below the bra strap (near where kidneys are). Initially, my hair fell out in clumps and stopped growing for 3 months starting Keto, was quite scary. But what I realize now is that the energy went into forming new follicles rather than generating growth on existing old ones. This alone was worth it. I am the ONLY one in my family to sport not only a full head of hair (although baby hair, can't change DNA), I'm also the only one with the length of hair over 2 feet. Nice job Dr. Berg :)  Thank you for all that you do !

Bee Gee: When i watch Dr bergs video i feel like i CAN BE IN CONTROL of my healthy body

Silent Burial: If i want to avoid depletion, which foods should i eat/digest with these vitamins if i take them as supplements?

Gill Bailey: This doctor is sooooo helpful .

Karel Machura: Thank you Mr. Dr. as usual!

Mad Max: Hello diatomaceous earth a good/rich source of silica for hair regrowth? please make a video on it. thank you

JaneyD: Cod liver oil is meant to be good for hair growth. According to my doctor many years ago.

Anupam T: Thank you for the video, can you please make a video too on which foods to eat to get all the these minerals/nutrients to prevent Hair Fall. Thank You!

Serious Cat: I'm in my early 50s and am losing too much hair in my brush and the shower. My hair grows long yet, is thinning throughout my scalp. What can I do to grow more hair? Please attach any relevant information / instructions/recommended products. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter!

Amrita: 1.zinc 2.biotin 3.b6 4.copper 5.silica 6.collagen 7.trace minerals

Gloria Olivarez: Muchas gracias dr Berg Dios le siga dando sabiduría. Bendiciones. Desde Miami

bellaquest1: Well great to know what kind of nutrients are supporting healthy hair growth. However, what if it is not due to a lack of nutrition but rather a problem that the nutrients are not getting there?

Carla Freise: Love all of your videos. Can you do one on smoking? I’m sharing these videos with folks/family that need to be healthier and would love to show them how awful smoking is. Thank you so much!

fnlilly: How I did it: 1. Use sulfate-free shampoo made from natural (plant-based) ingredients. No chemicals, just Mother Nature's goodness! 2. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts distilled water. Put in spray bottle and use it as hair detangler nstead of your usual conditioner. Leave on for at least 3 minutes, then rinse. Optional: add 30 mL plant hydrosol such as lavender, roman chamomile or geranium to the mix. 3. Use a wood comb instead of plastic hair brush. 4. When blow-drying hair, start with cool air to dry, then use hot setting to style. 5. Apply plant-based oils to finish and add shine to your hair. Marula oil rocks! It softens hair over time. You'll also notice your nails becoming thicker, healthier and more lustrous. 5. Drink 12-16 oz. water from a copper cup in the morning, after brushing teeth. I've been doing this since 2017.

Yasmin Benton: Can you suggest a multi-vitamin that includes all that we need?

MegaSerendipity: Dr. Berg, will stinging nettle root help if your hair loss is due to chemical trauma? I lost hair after a straight perm and it hasn't grown back (almost 20 years ago).

Andrea Rivera: Dr. Berg I have read in many articles that taking L- Lysine is good for healing hormonal acne and hair lost.

Srab: Apart from food and supplements, gut health is also important so take some lactobacillus acid probiotics this will help in hair growth and regrowth.

Hilda Dimaandal: You're brilliant Dr. Berg!

Reddy Kanta: Best for hair growth and I’m not kidding is: coconut oil . In a jar put coconut oil which has been melted( 1 cup) To the coconut oil add a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds. Whenever you need to wash your hair apply lots of this oil and let it seep into your hair follicles . Wait at least 12 hrs than wash. Do this the night before and wash hair in’s more easier that way.

jamtastic3: Dr Berg, what specifically causes the hair to lose it's colour and how does one retain the colour for as long as possible?

Suzanne Blaylock: Oh my God the only man I respect in today's world. We've been crumbling down to pieces everybody. Dr Berg is one of the only only only honest men out there.

T Mulcahy: Do fenugreek seeds help with hair growth, and are there adverse side effects to drinking fenugreek water or tea?

Pavani Lakshmi: I m from India . Good to see Dr Berg vedios. I m suffering with severe hair loss and I have thyroid with over weight. Recently I started a weight loss program ,

shijo varghese: hi Dr, iam from India, i had leukemia in 2008 and got treated with kemo, steriods, radiations, oral drugs etc for nearly 3 years and by Gods grace iam normal now, but i lost almost 90% of my hair and its not growing back and i tried many things for my hair growth, but its not working, my parents nor my brother does not have any baldness. Now what can i do for hair growth, can i reverse it back? iam 35 years old. please help.

Megan Taylor: Dr. Berg, can you please do a video on diverticulitis and how to stop flare ups and what to eat. I try and do all the right things and eating greens seem to start it. Then they say to eat a bland diet that's all horrible foods! I take the ACV before meals which has helped a lot!! Thanks

Jasmine 18: My hair used to fall a lot coz of iron deficiency. Now since taking supplements it’s alright

Kieu Phan: Dr. Berg, will you please do a video on the exact brand of collagen, silica, zinc, biotin, vitamin B6, copper and trace minerals you actually used?

Debra Hillyard: all these years I have had androgenic alopecia and I never heard of nettle root!! I'll give it a try immediately, thanks:-)

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