How To Be A Warm Feminine Woman || Feminine Rehab || Session 8

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Hi loves! In today's video we are discussing how you can exude warmth as a feminine woman. Visit my podcast for more tips and inspiration. Enjoy!

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A Feminine Impression Series Introduction:

How To Dress in a Feminine Way:

Feminine Hygiene Fragrance, Hair & Weight:

Feminine Facial Expressions:

How to Have a Feminine Voice:

Feminine Manners:

Femininity in Dating:

How To Heal Your Feminine Energy:

How to Charge your Feminine Energy:

Receiving As a Feminine Woman:

How to Become More Attractive:

How To Create High Dating Standards:

How To Know When A Man Wants to Be With You Long Term:

Femininity for the Mind, Body and Soul:

Femininity Q + A:

How To Start Your Feminine Journey:

3 Feminine Ways to Keep Him Interested Long Term:

How To Develop Emotional Maturity:

3 Life-Changing Feminine Habits to Develop NOW!:

Let’s Talk About Gifts:

7 Feminine Fragrances:

How To Receive with Respect and Gratitude:

Watch A Feminine Impression Full Playlist here:




Feminine Rehab || Create Your Feminine Alter Ego:

Feminine Rehab || Self-Identity As A Feminine Woman:

Feminine Rehab || Being a Promiscuous Woman:

Feminine Rehab || Masculine Behaviors To Stop As A Feminine Woman:

Feminine Rehab || How To Become A Softer Feminine Woman:

Feminine Rehab || Feminine Confidence and Excellence:

Feminine Rehab || Feminine Fragrance 101:

Feminine Rehab || How To Start A Relationship With God:




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Good morning gorgeous, how are you, ladies doing this morning, i hope you're all doing wonderful if you're new here my name is dr michelle daff welcome to my channel and if you're returning, thank you for being here today for another video welcome back, i appreciate your support. So much we are continuing our series today of feminine rehab and we're going to talk today about how you can be a warmer feminine woman. I have gotten so many messages about this, and this is something i feel a lot of us are struggling with as women. How to exude that extra quality that attracts people to us that keeps people feeling comfortable and warm around us and allows us to feel like we're contributing into other people's lives. So i want you to go ahead and sit back. Relax get something warm to drink, get something to write with, and let's talk about this before we begin the video, i want you to click the subscribe button, if you like videos like this to hopefully help you in your journey as a woman and follow me on Instagram at a feminine impression, my podcast, a feminine impression for more feminine inspiration and visit. My website and purchase my fragrance 29 11.. So what exactly? Does it mean to be a warm woman? Warmth is defined as having enthusiasm, affection or kindness. As a feminine woman, you can look the parts. Okay, you can be stunning, you can have manners, you can have a great job, a great man, a great lifestyle, but you as a person can lack something called warmth, meaning that you are not approachable. You don't exude kindness or softness, and these are the keys to really bringing out your femininity. This is what takes you from just being a woman to being a feminine woman. This special extra quality, having warmth as a feminine woman, can open so many doors for you. It can help you to gain more friends, help you to advance in your job, depending on what kind of job or career you have. It can also elevate and advance you in your job. It'Ll help you to be a better mother, a better spouse and allow you to feel more connected to society in general. If you are a woman who has warmth, then people probably tell you that you're easily approachable that you're very kind and generous that you're thoughtful you're, easy to talk to you're, loving and people may even tell you that you're down to earth, if you're, someone who struggles With warmth, then, you may have heard maybe through the grapevine or people have told you that you come off as cold. You come off as abrasive, aggressive, harsh unapproachable and maybe even self-absorbed, sometimes, but these are things that you probably hear in your life. If you either have a lot of warmth or struggle with it now sweetheart, no one on this planet has every single fabulous quality. Okay, we are all lacking something just because you're lacking warmth. It does not make you a bad person. We all have things that we are lacking and that's a beautiful thing, because it allows you to explore yourself and find ways that you can better yourself as a person, and my personal opinion is that's why i believe god gave us families, people who have very unique Characteristics that we have to live with, we have to get along with, and it teaches us where we maybe have strengths and weaknesses, so do not feel bad. We all have something we are lacking. This is your opportunity to delve into that and make some changes. I do want to point out that, as a black woman in america, this is a quality that we are stereotyped to lack meaning a lot of times. People see black women as being aggressive, having an attitude being abrasive and lacking warmth. This could be true in some households, where maybe you had models who didn't want you to be warm as a woman and maybe through watching your mom and your sisters and your cousins. You did learn to kind of be a little bit cold or to put up a wall or to have an attitude thinking that that gives you some power. Some leverage, some strength and some families have maybe even taught you that being warm is a weakness. So i'm saying this because you may be a very warm person on the inside, but maybe have been taught that being warm is a negative thing. Maybe you have anxieties or other issues that stop you from being able to be a warm woman. You absolutely cannot be a warm woman if you're not vulnerable, you have to have vulnerability, because that's what shows people you are human and that you are open to experiences. You are willing to put yourself out there a little bit for someone else's sake. You will have to embrace vulnerability in order to be warm. I believe that there are three main principles that are absolutely necessary if you want to be more of a warm feminine woman, and they are your tone, your posture and your love for other people. So that's what we're going to discuss today, tone posture and love for other people. I am also going to talk about things that get in the way of you being warm, but i'm going to do that on my podcast. So if you want more information on how to be a warmer feminine woman, then after listening to this video head over to my podcast and get that information when you're having a conversation with someone, your tone is going to have a direct impact on how they receive You so learning to monitor your tone when you're talking to people will help you to be more of a warm woman. This means that when you're, having a conversation with someone that you mind, your voice, allow your tone to be more gentle, and you can do this by just speaking a little bit slower when you slow down your pace of speaking, you appear to be more confident and You appear to be more interested. It shows that you're taking the time to really listen and to give your input. Your goal is to exude that love and that kindness that we were talking about earlier to really be present in the moment. So try not to rush your words and sound like you have somewhere better to be try not to be harsh with your words and try not to use words that are very sharp and abrasive. Do not use profanity and try not to have too many conversations. During times where you feel like you cannot give your full attention or you're just not in the best mood during that time of day. This will take you analyzing yourself and figuring out when you come off the most cold, the most sharp the most rushed. So maybe you don't want to talk to anyone when you're, actually in a rush, because you can't be warm you're focused on getting this somewhere on time. Maybe you don't want to talk to people first thing in the morning before you have your coffee or your run or your devotion, and you know that you need to give yourself a little more time to ease into your day before having conversations, or maybe you might Be someone who has a tough job has a lot going on in their lives during the day and right when you get home from work, is not the best time for you. You may require some time to sort of decompress and then you can have conversations with people so remind yourself that you can take breaks. You can tell people, i will get back to you. I will call you back or even respond to an email when you are in a better space as a warm feminine woman, you are going to try your best to stay completely away from yelling or raising your voice when you're upset, you will get a better response From people, even if you are upset when you choose to lower the tone and the volume of your voice when the tensions start to get higher, so, for example, if you're having a conversation with someone and you're trying to be understanding and warm and they're getting angry And raising their voice, that's the time for you to actually be more respectful and more considerate and lower yours. And this will not only allow you to come off as warm and as caring and as kind but it'll also kind of bounce off. That reflection, that they are being out of control and it causes people to self-reflect even later on that their behavior was inappropriate. So there is an element of self-control when you want to be a warm woman. All of this stuff is very purposeful. Although there are some women who are just naturally born as people people, they love people, they love being kind and generous and loving. It'S just part of their nature. Being warm comes more naturally to them, but when we're under pressure we're feeling attacked when we're in a situation where we have to use that inner strength make sure you are lowering the volume of your voice. Take your tone down a notch and it'll give off an impression of warmth. Your tone also applies to emails and any online communications or text messages. So when you're writing an email or sending a text, you can still come off as warm, and i do this a lot of times by using things like openings when you're writing an email asking someone how their day is going. You hope that they're doing well saying what i need to say in the most kind language i can use using a closing, that's warm and you can even use the word warm like warmest regards to you. These words do have a psychological effect and it'll help soften a blow or soften your emails. The same principle applies to text messaging, using words that are soft that are not abrasive and even adding emojis can warm up a text message. You can add some hearts or some stars or just a bitmoji or something to let the person know that you are trying to convey this message in the warmest possible way. Now, let's talk about posture as a warm and feminine woman, your body language is going to say more about how you truly feel than anything. It'Ll speak before you speak. So when you are trying to actively work on being a more warm person, then you're gon na have to mind your body. There are certain stances that come off as very cold, for example, having your arms crossed having your neck pushed back rolling your eyes. Looking from side to side, even if your arms are not crossed and you're just kind of looking around, when someone's talking to you you're not present, and you do not appear warm when you want to exude warmth, you are going to be leaning into the person. If you have a desk in front of you, your arms can be crossed in the desk and you can be leaning in you want to have eye contact. Having eye contact is the most respectful way here in the western world of communicating with someone in person you're. Looking into their eyes, you're trying to be present in the moment, don't get lost, don't get lost in their eyes, be present into what they're saying and nod and smile and look like you are engaged in that conversation. If you're having a conversation with someone - and you are looking them in the eyes but you're looking at them like this, with your eyebrow raised or with a frown and they're trying to tell you something - maybe something that's hard for them to say. Maybe they are embarrassed about something that they're sharing or they're telling you about something bad: that's happened to them and you're looking at them with disgust. Maybe they made a bad choice and they just want to vent to you and you're judging them. All of those things show up on your face and it does not scream warmth. If you want to exude warmth, then try things like smiling smiling will always help you to appear warm. The warmest people are always smiling because smiling is inviting it's reassuring. It'S calming and you will get so much more out of life if you choose to smile and not like a creepy smile that doesn't change, but a genuine, authentic smile. Your own kind of smile, also turning your head a little bit to the side when someone's talking just shows warmth. It shows that you are engaged having your shoulders kind of push forward. These are things that, if they're not natural for you, don't even do because it will look awkward, you will be more focused on that than on listening to them, but, as you start to become more comfortable in your body, you can play around with your body a Little bit and learn different poses and postures and ways of seeming engaged. I have seen women do this, who are maybe a little bit more awkward or they struggle socially. I know a young lady who has autism and she knows that she has some social deficits and she's always actively trying to be better with it. And i notice that when she's speaking to me, she purposely does things to show that she's engaged and she does always sort of lean in when she's talking to you. She does kind of put her hands here when you say something so that she is showing that she feels what you feel and i'll admit. I really enjoy talking to her because she's always present and showing that she cares when we're talking. So, even if this is difficult for you, the more you practice it, the more natural it will become, and no one will know the difference. Another way that you can be more warm with your body, language is by using touch now. Everyone is not comfortable with touching, and many people are not comfortable being touched, so you do have to be very mindful with this, but if it's someone, you are very comfortable with someone that you've known for a long time, someone who is truly suffering say a person At work told you that their mother just passed away, that is heavy, that's something where you may want to put your hand on their shoulder and say i am so sorry or give them a hug if a hug is appropriate. You may also put your hand on someone's back if maybe it's a child, these purposeful body language strategies really do make a difference in a person feeling that they're being taken care of and a person being able to feel the warmth coming from you and one thing That you should absolutely try to stay away from in terms of body language when you're trying to be a warm feminine woman is multitasking, so say someone walks into the room, say you're, a mother and your child comes in to tell you something or you're an employee And one of your co-workers comes in your office, always give them your attention so turn from your computer and look at them. It'S easy to sit there and go uh-huh, uh-huh all right sure as you're typing away, but it does not show warmth. It does not show that you care if you're a mother and your child comes into the room and you're reading your book or you're on your phone. Your tablet put it down close it and give them your full attention. No one is more important than your child and they deserve to know that they are more important than anything else. You'Re doing, and in the moment it may seem like whatever you're doing, is more important, but if that child were no longer there, you would think differently. They come first, your family should always be a priority, and it's not enough to just say it. You show it by the way that you behave and if you want to be more of a nurturing warmer mother and spouse, then you will give people your full attention and warm body language when they're speaking to you and my love, the final area, to focus on. If you are actively trying to be more of a warm and feminine woman, is your love for other people? This is a cornerstone of warmth. How do you feel about other people? Do you want to be warm? Do you want to like people? Do you care about? Other people genuinely you cannot fake warmth, because people will see right through you. I think, in my opinion, the best people to see right through it are children and babies can tell when a person is truly warm just from their presence. So again the question i'm asking you is: do you want to when it comes down to it being a feminine woman? It'S all about what you want to do. Do you desire to cook a meal for your family, because, if you do, while you're doing it, you're gon na put love into it, you're gon na serve it with a smile, you're gon na serve it with plates and dishware. That is beautiful because you truly want to give your family that experience. Do you genuinely want to know how people are doing? Do you want to celebrate other people's accomplishments? Because when you want to it'll, show in your actions, you'll check up on people and see how they're doing you'll send a gift or flowers when someone has a baby or graduates, you will do these things because you genuinely love people. Your warmth will show up in your wants. In being a warm feminine woman, you will learn to empathize with people and consider other people's feelings. So, even if you are in a position of power at work and you have to deliver some - not so good news, you will do so with empathy. You may have to be matter of fact, as you're saying certain things so that you can say the right things, but once you're done delivering the news, you'll end it with warmth, you'll end it by saying you know, i know you try your best. I know you're dealing with a lot right now and if i could, i would or if things change in the future, i would love to have you back on this project whatever it is that you can say to show that you are human too, even if you're In a position of power, people do know when you truly are warm on the inside when you're not ruthless, even if you have to put on a face in order to get through your position. At the end of the day, people will know you're warm based on how you do things, how you say things how you take care of other people if you're part of an organization whether it be work church, a social group you're part of your family, and you Hear about something tragic or positive: that's happened to someone else. You can show warmth by supporting them and not by sending a condolence card by contributing to something that the group is doing by going out of your way to give that person a call and check on them. You can also choose to memorize certain openings and closings. There is absolutely nothing wrong with memorizing certain things to say to help you in your conversations, so openings and closings start like. So how was your weekend when you're at work or when you're done talking to someone have a wonderful day, you'd, be surprised how many people struggle with communication, because they don't have a love for others. They actually don't care. How your weekend was. They actually don't care. If you have a nice day, if you say these things, it's because you truly do care. You truly don't want to walk away from an interaction that just seemed very transactional. That seemed like you just stopped this person to dump your personal problems on them, but that you actually appreciated that small short exchange and you're wishing them well, so warmth does enter in through what you say when you start a conversation and how you end a conversation. So if you go to a party and you meet someone and you ask them a question like oh so how do you know this person, or i really love that outfit? It looks really good on you, starting with something that's just neutral, but warm and then ending by saying it was wonderful to meet you or i hope we can meet again during better circumstances. These short, intentional openings and closings will do a lot for you, exuding warmth. I would love for you to leave a comment below sharing some of your go-to openings and closings in social situations that give warmth things that you can kind of depend on to say that will allow people to know that you were present caring and kind, although it May seem insignificant. You have no idea how much your kindness and your love can affect another person's life, but a quick glance, a smile or just a little hand. Wave can go a long way. I don't know if you've had this experience. If you have please share it below, but being in the presence of god always brings warmth to my body, to my environment and to other people around me. The more time i spend in prayer in praise in fasting, in any situation where i am getting close to god, i am in those moments transformed to be more of a warm person. The closer you get to god in your relationship with him will change you. The holy spirit will start to work on you and help you to empathize with people help you to see people as people and help you not to have the fear and the anxiety to take a step of vulnerability and put yourself out there to help someone else. He will start to infuse the qualities of jesus in to you, and you will start to be more warm. The fruit of the spirit will start just showing up in your personality and in your behaviors, and these things won't be so hard. You'Ll still have to be mindful, but you won't be forcing it anymore. It will truly be who you are. As god's daughter, you are called to love other people, the way that you love yourself, the same love that you would want other people to give to you. You are asked and required to give it to other people, and it will always fill you back up. You will always have an abundance to give and you will finally start to transform into a warm beautiful, feminine woman. Again, i have so much more information on this particular topic, including certain things that you should absolutely stop doing, or else all of this work will be for nothing. For example, things like gossiping about people will automatically cancel all of the warmth. You'Ve been showing because people won't really believe you're that warm and kind if you're willing to gossip and slander, but i have other things that i want to share with you so visit my podcast, a feminine impression and listen to this podcast with every single thing you Do it's a process and it's a day to day decision you can absolutely be a warm woman. All it takes is practice and focus trying your absolute best to be the person you would want in your life, the person you never had in your life and remember that with god you will be fine forever. He will help you in all of these things. With that said, i also want you to visit my website wwe. My debut fragrance 29 11 is to remind you of jeremiah 29 11, which talks about god's plan for your life, that the lord has plans to make you a better woman than you could have ever imagined everything he has planned out, for you is good and the Fragrance is real good and i want to thank every single person who has purchased 2911. I love and thank you so much for your support and i pray that the fragrance is blessing you by reminding you of god's love and thank you to every single one of you who shares my videos who shares my podcast. That is the best way that you can support me in all that i do is by sharing my content, i thank each and every one of you for your sweet comments for all of the kind words that you pour into me all of your testimonies, i'm just So grateful to see your growth and we have so much stored up for the future. I do want to remind you that we are starting a book club. If you haven't watched my last video, please watch it because i talk about all the things that are kind of coming up. This year we are reading a book titled when women pray. This book talks about 10 different women in the bible and how god used their life through their decision to pray, we're discussing one chapter per week and this week we're focused on hannah so join me on sunday at 12 noon. Pst here to discuss the book when women pray also follow me on my instagram page, a feminine impression and my personal page, dr michelle dab. Thank you so much for sharing your time with me today. My love, i pray that this information truly changes. Your life, may the lord bless you and keep you. May you let his face shine upon you and give you peace, big kisses, see the next video bye. You

Amy: I went to church today and afterwards I was talking on the phone to some people. I definitely felt like my tone was more warm and graceful. God changes your aura❤️ Thank you so much for this video !

L •: as a young girl who has social anxiety these seem difficult but i think we should all try our best ladies! thank you Michelle ❤️❤️

Tembela Mpata: Praying before speaking with someone is always helpful for me . I do not know what to say but the Holy Spirit always helps. Staying calm through the conversation helps as well.

Veronica Tran: You've taught me to slow down. I slowed my walking and people have been more courteous, and I slowed my speaking and it softens people, so thank you <3

Alex: A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger - Proverbs 15:1 Your videos are always so insightful. The effort you put in is very appreciated!

Martha Hernandez: I’m really grateful God led me to your channel, I love how you genuinely care about helping other women be better and I love how you incorporate the Holy Spirit and your journey with your relationship with God! Thank you Dr Michelle for being a great example of what it is to be a woman of God; we definitely need that! I’m excited for my journey and to become a better woman for myself and for this world

Nonalola: It's difficult to be called those negative things by people who have never talked to you or witnessed you speak to anyone. They just see your Black skin and call you aggressive, mean, evil, ect. I have always been soft spoken, feminine, and kind to everyone I interact with. I don't even know how to raise my voice or catch an attitude with people. Even when I'm smiling people have still called that scary. When I was early 20s, I started wearing colored contacts and that made people see me as more approachable and treat me better. It was a sad discovery. I stopped wearing them and my mean reputation is back but I just don't care anymore. I want to learn new ways to come off as warm and soft for my future relationships but not for strangers who would label me without ever being in my presence.

Irenia smiler: This is made for me…. I needed this video been really emotional lately, especially today … and I did not know how to express my self, and try not to exude anger on someone else, but I failed miserably … thank you Dr Michelle … I will try practicing what you said

Laura Sheffield: Vulnerability? . Definitely not in my skill set. It’s not race. It’s the school of hard knocks. Will you address introverts reaching out? Your show is always a blessing.

****************: In my experience as someone who has always been viewed as unapproachable, I found that the reason I was not being warm was because there were things about myself that made me self-conscious like I had a problem with my teeth, and I therefore never used to smile but once I got my teeth fixed smiling was natural. So I think that sometimes you first should deal with yourself, if there are things you can improve and change on then do them and if you cant to be accepting of yourself, be okay with yourself, and your reaction and behaviour towards others will improve a lot. You have got to love all of you and accept all of you to even consider leaning on showing warmth to others. I guess its a thing of being vulnerable or not with things you are self-conscious about....

Dr. Alia Dixon, Nurse Practitioner: LISTENING! Is one of the biggest ways to be warm as well..If you go on platforms with a large male audience you will hear 75% of men complaining that women do not listen, they just "jabber" LOL and "jabbing" is a hard cold spirit as well..I softly listen by putting my hands on my lap and give great eye contact (not too hard) but genuinely and men tell me its the best trait of mine..I also started courting alpha high value men and landed a genuine kind loving alpha high value mister ;) just because of these qualities..Again thank you Dr Def <3 for blessing us to change ourselves and do the work..No more man bashing only leveling up with yourself.. Blessings

Brianna B.: i started saying ‘Hi how have you been?’ instead of ‘hi how are you?’, i think the first one exudes more familiarity and individual interest in the person, it feels more like checking up with a friend, to avoid how the second one feels like an automated response that isn’t as genuine :) thank you Dr. Michelle, you helped me realize the effect thats struggling with a lack of female friends has had on my personality and romantic relationships. I thought of myself as feminine because i dressed feminine and had feminine interests, but i struggle with interacting with others in a masculine way. your videos have helped me so much! and i love that its all in a christian worldview, it really is only possible with God.

Shania Williams: Thank you for pointing out the stigma with us black women & what we’ve taught

Eastghoster: Healing our femininity will restore grace in our society I've been reflecting that many of us learned cold and masculine behaviors through the institution; colleges and corporations are (usually) primarily male dominated. In my case, slow responses, empathy, or soft voices during art critiques are seen as signs of lower intelligence and weakness, and are punished with humiliation by professors. I don't know what the proper answer is for young ladies in this position, because femininity can actually sabotage success in these instances. Thoughts?

ijeBeauty: This was so inspiring. Thank you so much for this video. I have practiced this for a while now and have definitely seen great results

Rosa chrA: Everything is warm and relaxing about this video

Maria Caceres: I love this ! I am beautiful I am kind and I am polite, but people often tell me I come off cold at first and they wish they knew how kind I was but they judged me at first. I want to radiate the real me, I won’t always have time get to know people for them to know the real me so I’m finding ways to appear warmer during our first impression

Virtuous Homemakers: Happy new year hun, am learning a lot about femininity on your channel

Nadene Hall: Sister God bless you, I have been warm and caring but people take disadvantage of me. I am 46 and I am really really really trying with the help of God, to be warm calm and intelligent towards others especially if am been attacked or treated with disrespect. I know now that their are no excuse for our behavior as black women, thank you thank you thank you for been and showing that warmness that you have. so we can see you as an example for us who are struggling. Blessings to you

Gigi Beah: Random strangers have always loved coming up to me to chat about what’s going on in their lives. I always make sure to keep eye contact and listen actively, and having empathy. It makes me feel so wonderful!

Chan T: This is the video I needed.. It is very difficult for me to lower my voice when someone yells at me.. I remember as a teenager I would wake up Saturday mornings and make everyone breakfast. At holidays and birthdays, I would make cards with a separate poem for each person. I did all sorts of kind, loving acts. But this was discouraged and I was called selfish and accused of having ulterior motives. I just learned that if I'm kind and loving and show warmth it was bad and I would be criticized. It didn't helpe growing in a black community where being aggressive, fighting and rude was celebrated.

Imperfection 🪞: Thank you so much for this. I’ve been struggling to be a warm woman and this is what I needed. You’re such a blessing and I’m glad I found your channel ❤️

Pray and Slay: Thank u so much for this video. I find myself to be a loving, generous, empathetic person, but at the same time, I struggle with vulnerability….a lot! And I think it comes from insecurities I have. I struggle with temper at times, and patience . I was to be more warm, I want to be more open, and smile more. Taking the steps in my feminine journey to be the woman I desire to be. And yes, the presence of the Lord, is like no other. Again, thank u so much for this video. ❤️

Kenya's Decor Corner: Happy New Year Dr. Michelle! You are truly a blessing to the YouTube community! Much Love & Many Blessings! Kenya❤

Bal: Can't express how much I love you ❤️ you're literally so kind and sweet you make me smile everyday

Knitting Bohemian: I am so glad to see your videos in the New Year! Thank you for helping me on my journey to femininity. I will definitely be tuning in to your podcast.

Cami: I have such a love for your videos, great and thorough analysis & such an amazing guide for any woman. Please make more of these Feminine Rehab videos, I will watch every single one! Also hoping you can eventually post that marriage series!!

Maria Caceres: my favorite closing statement when me and someone have to cancel (normally when they cancel) I always let them know it’s totally fine and they don’t have to feel bad for example if they are sick to take care of themselves if they need anything to please call me and if they feel better the offer is still on the table for them to join us at whatever the event was.

Fabienne Pdt: I am still on my feminine journey, and it seems like there is a lot of work to do. Thanks Dr Michelle and be blessed!

Jenifer Martinez: What a great video ♥️ Dr.Michelle, I would love to see a video on dealing with corporate higher ups that may come off as cold or standoffish. We are all human and would love to learn how to be kind with difficult individuals without overwhelming them. God bless you ✨✨

Autumn Smith: I absolutely am so thankful for such an amazing women of God like you. You are such a blessing to my heart and I appreciate all the tips and advice you always give.

TheEnoughSister: What a blessing this morning to see a message from you✨ Thank you and as always I pray the Father blesses you in all your endeavors 10fold in Christ Jesus name amen

Gena Mary Markley: What beautiful surprise at the end of your message Dr. Michelle, Yes, Yes, Yes Holy Spirit, spending time with God and Fasting will transform you into being a warm Feminine woman, Amazing Bonus at the end of your video!!! Thank you !!!

elena: Thank you Michelle You truly are an inspiration and God's messenger! You soul, your spirit and your light are so beautiful. I wish I could give you a hug because since I am following you and practicing your words my life leveled up under every aspect. Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️

Djamila Horton: Thank you Dr. Michelle for another great video, this one blessed me

Alhassan Firrdous: You are a great teacher, and a blessing to some of us!

Christine Asaba: Dr. Michelle, you are phenomenal! I really appreciate your content! Be ever so blessed!

Angel Marshall: Thank you Dr.Michelle. i have this problem. I am so cold at times and I am an introvert but I am trying to change that. I declided to enrol in ballet classes to soften my movements. Thank you for that suggestion.

Dana Daghash: The vibes you give ! I feel happy whenever i see you love with your content .

The Feminine Mystery: It's always a delight to see you, Dr. Michelle

Thaddeu$ ValiantLilBodhi: Thank u for keeping it real and being u. My Daughter will be the most Feminine Women I ever encounter all courtesy of u Teaching me these Powerful Poise Steps that I will Teach her unapologetically. On the real before the Year ends I'ma nost definitely put some of the harden Older Ladies in my Family onto u're Channel too u dropping Jewels; again Thank u for being u

Feinus Sayid: I just feel like when I’m warm and nice I attract people who wanna take advantage or those who think my niceness is some kind of weakness so I immediately jump into my masculine energy to guard myself. Once I feel my warmth is misunderstood Or not reciprocated I bounce back and become a beast. I don’t know how to balance

BeautyByDessie: I’m in college right now but in highschool I was the definition of warm femininity. I had a relationship with god & I was so calm and so sweet. I started dating a guy from 2016 to 2021. He changed my whole personality and had me in uncomfortable situations. I felt like my niceness was taken for granted & it turned me cold & angry. He was a good man but he was a narcissist. We broke up & im trying to get back to the old me. The sweet and warm version of myself who’s a reflection of how god wants a young woman to be. It’s hard because I think about my mistakes & how toxic I had become. Time from a mental/feminine makeover :)

Exotic Flower: Not youuuu posting this when I was praying about this yesterday! Thank you, Aunty Michelle !

Fit with Brittany: Would love more videos on strategies on improving eye contact and staying in control of emotions especially when men like spouse or boss get loud and difficult

lily mulugeta: Dear Dr. Michelle, I am new to your challel, discovered it by accident which i am very greatfull for. I love, love your opening " hello my loves" so warm and welcoming. I am a Bahai and appreciate how you infused God and Chirst in your lessons. All the feminine qualities you discuss are spiritual attributes mentioned in all the Holly Writings of different religions. What a refreshing and interesting way to present them and encourage us to practice them whiling looking our best selves. Thank you love! God bless you!!

Mckensie Ross: I’ve been praying to God to help me and change me and today this video came up on my home page and it hit everything I feel I needed to know, thank you for always leading us to him. I love your videos and appreciate your wisdom

Yanna J: I just adore you! I love God and this fragrance concept! Adding to my wishlist. Pink pepper, amber and bergamot are calling me! Keep responding to God’s calling with this level of excellence Mrs.Dr.Entrepreneur.

Keretha Jackson: Happy New Year Dr Michelle , lots of love and blessings always ❤

ShinStyleCoach: This was refreshing to watch ✨

Lana: Good morning Dr. Michelle! Thank you, this is a wonderful video

Chef Korenn Rachelle: Good morning! ☀️ thanks for another great video

Kevin&Cammy: I appreciate your videos, thank you for sharing ❤️

marian B: Hello Dr. Michelle...thank you for this podcast. Also, are you going to show how your natural hair looks now in 2022?

Chiaki Nanami: I have Asperger’s, so I come across as “cold” and “hard” even by male standards I’ve learned the hard way that no skirt in the world will overcome that

Zuzanka: Michelle, I love your videos, I watch them several times because I get a lot of useful information from them, despite the fact that I am a white young girl that knows nothing about life yet. God bless you <3

Abmar: Tone is what I need to work on. I had to neutralize my tone so I didn't appear to be hurt etc. But the tone that I don't like happens when I'm around people who make me feel unsafe.. I realized that this is when I'm not soft, warm or happy.

Jj p: I love your channel! I needed this

Tatiana Cabrera: I love this channel and your spirit ❤️

FruitPie Playz: Haven’t even watched the video yet but already left a like! I’m so excited for this vid. And I love the intro music! Edit: I watched the video and wow, I needed to hear this

Darlena Allen: Hey im new but i love what u are talking about im stating my journey and this was on time video..thank u i dont have Instagram but i definitely will follow u

Curly Chic: You're glowing. Thank u for these great gems. Definitely a struggle for me coming from a family of strong minded women lol.

Grecia Gonzalez: I think saying Good moring or Good afternoon goes a long way as an opener. Ask people how their day going or how was their morning. If people are rude and/or don't look you in the eye. Still do the above and add their name. To show you are acknowledging them.

Sandi Richard: Good morning! Thanks for giving ing me something resourceful to listen to on my way to work.

pineapple_coconut3768: I want to thank you for your leave your hair alone video. I got a bad haircut and want to regrow my natural hair and your video helped me.

Kim Carrington: I really have never known that there's a stereotype about black women. I've read about it on social media; but I've never understood when I read about it, especially because black women seem to me to be the most accepting, warm people on the earth.

tara hannah: Thank you so much I truly needed this awesome

Tash X: Loved this video! God bless xx

Rae Baylor: Great video ! I really love your hair like this. Wow, Stunning! ❤️

Soul Reign Art: What role does emotional healing play in being warm.

Alhassan Firrdous: Indeed it cost nothing to be a real feminine woman!

Nomvula V Moloko: Good morning, gorgeous. Always dropping gems, my lady. Shine on in 2022⭐⭐

Mary Jane: All women have the ability to be feminine and warm when they feel safe. And that is the problem these relationships out here don't have women feeling SAFE.

Anya Miranda: I used to be one of the warmest, sweetest and "pinkiest" girls that someone could meet. Now at almost 23 and knowing that m3n h@te me, it's no longer possible. You are very beautiful though

NENA VERNIĆ: Dr .Michelle Wonderful video❤ Thank You❤

AuthorityGirl: wonderful video!

Sunny 🌻: I definitely want to become and be known as a soft, warm, and feminine lady. I just feel like I don’t know how to become that way.

blueleaf15: This whole thing was so triggering for me. As someone who grew up exhibiting traditional feminine behavior and was absolutely taken advantage of by people…you telling me to be warm and inviting sparked a righteous indignation. But I’m determined to be happier than I am and soft skills are important, specially for women. As a men you can get away with rude behavior but no one will put up with that from a woman. It’s like learning to ride a bike I guess. Grin and bear it until it feels natural

Anna Hopewell: Strange. I treat people with love, courtesy and respect. I am a high IQ Aspie INFJ. I'm weird. I don't communicate or understand like others, but I certainly know about kindness. That will need to suffice.

Morticia Addams: You are like a fresh breeze of air

pumpkin spice: I was thinking about you and suddenly you poped up ❤

Natasha Lucero: Thank you

Sandra Addo: What if you do care but you aren’t loving ? I’m not a people person because I don’t get energy from others and I tend to be sensitive to other people’s energy but I am kind and caring so how can I be warm but still be authentic please?

Fatima Salem: Sooooooooooooooooo many thanks

Linda Love:

GloriaLove21: I just love you ! May God bless you dear!

Kharismatic Chick: Omg I have missed you so much!

Christine: Dr. Micheal Happy new year

Eric&Latoria Curry: Awww I miss u glad to see u pop up. Yes I am that woman #Latoria

Judith Enyonam: First love you Dr

Ariana Arcoiris: warm when a person call you

CassieAfricanQueen: Hi do You also do makeup videos? I noticed your chest and face are 2 different colors. I would love to see your makeup routine.

Amo Ramoleko: Baby

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