Tips To Help You Transition To Greater Lengths

Woman with hand in her natural curly hairSo you have gotten through the TWA stage, you are about medium length now and as your examine your hair you start to further define your goals based on your new length. Here are five tips for transitioning into longer hair.

Tip 1: A watched pot never boils. Have you ever heard that saying? Length checks are great because they provide a tool for measuring progress. They can however also be a double edged sword because constantly checking your hair can lead to anxiety and disappointment when you are not seeing the progression that you expect based on your own perceptions of hair growth rate. At medium length you should pretty much know what your hair likes and what it took to get you to where you are. With a few tweaks you can define a new regimen quickly for your new length that you can stick to with no fuss and anxiety. Just do what you have to do and stay away from the measuring tapes.

Tip 2: Do not get distracted: it is so easy to get distracted with so many blogs, websites, forums, YouTube videos, pictures, face book, Instagram pics, Pininterest pics, hair crushes, and celebrities talking and flaunting various regimens and perspectives of their own hair that might make you question what you are doing for your own hair. Take comfort in the fact that your regimen is custom made for you and it doesn’t matter what the other person is doing. It is fun to watch and read different stories but do not change something that is working for you because it worked for someone else.  Always remember that what a person shows in a picture or in a forum or blog post, it’s always what they want to show, it is never the full story. Everyone has bad hair days!

Tip 3: Say no to Product Junki-ism – The psychology behind a product junkie is twofold! One, it could be that you just like trying new things despite the cost and that’s just how you roll. Or two, you are ignoring what your hair has consistently told you about what it likes. If you are product junkie ‘one’, then more power to you but if you are product junkie ‘two’ it is time to sit down and listen to your hair. If she likes water give her water in its purest form of moisture, really it isn’t rocket science but it can get complicated if you are distracted by so many products.  Nail down your staples and stick with them or a version of them if your favorite products get discontinued. Identify your four basic categories – moisture, protein, sealants, clarification and go from there.

Tip 4: Nail your issues immediately – If your hair is breaking don’t take 6 months to figure out why, figure it out quickly so that you can eliminate the problem. Many times it might be something simple like hair rubbing against clothing, or something you changed in your lifestyle for example practicing Bikram yoga can lead to extreme dryness to the hair because of the excessive sweat. Identify any problematic issues or road blocks and find a simple solution.

Tip 5: Enjoy your hair as you transition to greater lengths – It is never about the result, it is always about the process.. OK OK it’s a little bit about the result but the process is great too, enjoy the ride and smell the roses on your way!

That’s it… what are your transitioning to new length tips?

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