Protective Styling With Kinky Curly Crotchet Braids


Protective styling is always great to incorporate in your healthy hair regimen and one of the many protective styles that you can do is Crochet braids. I must admit this hairstyle was very new to me, I must have been under a rock or something because I had never seen or heard of it.

The thing is, I have been super busy lately and I desperately need a break from my hair; so I was very happy when I stumbled across this crotchet branding tutorial which is a perfect style for me to utilize this coming June.

This protective style is widely loved in the natural hair community and with good reason. First, your hair is securely protected underneath the crotchet braids, so there will definitely be an increase in length retention.

Second, this hairstyle allows you direct access to your scalp so that you can routinely oil and moisturize your scalp if you need to, and third if installed correctly, crotchet braids can look like a super fly twist out but with longer hair.

Maintaining the extensions* with routine moisturizing and sealing sessions will result in the crotchet braid to last and looking gorgeous every day as you wear the style. Natural hair products can be pricey so it will probably be easier on your pockets to care for this hair with cheaper products. However, remember to maintain your scalp’s heath while you wear this protective style and use natural oils* to help with maintaining scalp health.

What you will need:

►Kinky* hair or Marley hair

►Crotchet needle (large)

To prepare your hair for this or any other protective style, you must make sure that you have washed, deep conditioned and moisturized your hair thoroughly. When your hair is completely dry, go ahead and install simple cornrows in your hair from front to back.

If you do not know how to cornrow then you should make YouTube your friend and watch some cornrow hair tutorials. Additionally do not worry about having perfect cornrows because you will be covering them with hair.

Watch the video below to learn how to install crotchet braids, and if you are interested, give it a try.

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