6 Ways To Tell If You Are Growth Obsessed


Don’t lie, don’t you sometimes wish that your hair would just grow already? Having long flowing hair is one of the most popular goals in our hair community. I know I am sometimes guilty of lusting at a long hair natural woman and can’t wait till the day when I finally get to ‘that’ stage, whatever that might be. For instance Whitney from Naptural85 is my all-time natural hair crush and I never miss a hair video she does so I get it.

What worries me is that we get so obsessed with growth our whole journey becomes about how many inches we have gained month to month. But what if you do not realize that your focus has been a bit biased, how do you know when you are obsessing too much over hair growth? We have 6 hints you can use to gauge yourself:

1. You have a closet full of growth oils* and aids

Girl you hardly even have conditioner, every other product is some oil concoction boasting about how it can help your hair grow. Your hair will grow at its own pace based on how healthy you are and genetics.

Even if you get great growth, if you aren’t retaining that length you might as well stop wasting your money. Get rid of the growth aid addiction and focus on taking care of you and your hair.

2. You measure your hair every month

Remember that scale you locked up in your secret closet, throw the ruler and measuring tape in there as well because you need to stop. A watched pot never boils, so get rid of the measuring tools and give your hair some time and patience.

3. You have a folder on your computer dedicated to long hair pictures

Do not be a long hair stan, look at all types of inspiration, because short styles, twa’s and transitional styles are all inspirational and can help you enjoy every phase of the journey. So mix it up!

4. You never ever trim your hair

You need to at least dust your ends, search and destroy, something! But just hanging on to damaged hair in the name of length makes no sense. Optimum health should be your goal.

5. You purchase way too much Monistat cream

We know why you buy Monistat and it isn’t for its intended purpose. If your pharmacist is starting to look at you crazy, you might be a little growth obsessed. Put down the cream and purchase a few bottles of conditioner, you will need them.

5000470656. You are constantly upside down– The inversion method works, we agree but doing it all the time is not recommended, just relax and sit right side up do not obsess over methods that trick your body into doing something that comes naturally.

Stop! Enjoy the journey

Now that we know the signs lets work on enjoying the journey. For most of us, this natural hair thing is very new, so we need to just chill, and experience the journey our hair is taking us on learning to love our hair at every stage – from TWA to hair down our butts (one day). Make friends with other naturals and enjoy the journey together.

We also cannot stress the need to properly care for your hair and scalp. Cleanse your hair and scalp regularly to have a healthy scalp so that your hair can grow and be fabulous. The scalp is foundation of long luscious hair, keep it clean and try scalp treatments that nourish the scalp. Exercise good hair management practices to reduce breakage and keep you hair strong and healthy.

Detangle your hair with care and deep condition your hair every time you wash. Your hair needs moisture and lubrication to prevent static which cause breakage. Limit your styling sessions by wearing protective styles. Try wearing protective styles for 5 days and then free your hair for 2 days. That’s all you need.

For those who are transitioning to natural hair, enjoy it! Play with your two textures. Watch videos and check out transitioning articles here on BHI. Don’t get frustrated. It is not a struggle, even though it might seem as if it is.

Do not fight the hair to do something it simply does not want to do. Educate yourself on how to take care of your hair and minimize breakage, especially where the two textures meet. The hair will grow you just need to be patient and big chop when you are ready. Let it be your experience and your journey. Love every day of it girl!





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