The Importance of Sealing The Length of Your Hair

Fotor110473352As you build your regimen, you will notice that you will start to add things in that focus on the length of your hair. The truth is the longer your hair gets, the easier it is for it to lose moisture.

This is simply because your hair is more exposed to dry air in the summer and winter times; it rubs on things like your clothing, or a cotton pillow case which removes moisture from your hair.

The question is, how do you seal the length of your hair?

1. Start off with sections

It is important to have sections because if you seal your hair all together you might miss some areas. Create at least 5-6 sections especially if you have really dense thick hair.

2. Pick your moisturizer

A moisturizer is anything that is water based. Some people use a simple Aloe Vera juice* and water solution; some women use just plain water; others use a leave in conditioner* of some sort that they have in their stash. The most important thing is that when you look at the back of the product you see that water is listed as the first ingredient.

3. Pick your sealant

A sealant can be a butter or an oil that you would use over your moisture agent. Again, no need to get fancy, choose something simple and effective, coconut oil* is great, olive oil* is also great and shea butter* isnt bad either.

Once you have prepped your sections grab each section and spray it liberally with your moisture product. Make sure you really focus on the ends, you don’t have to get them soaking wet but just enough so your know that its moisturized. Grab your sealant and apply it over the moisturized section, twist or bun your section and you are done.

How Often Should you seal?

Knowing how often to seal your ends comes with knowing your hair and how dry it gets; some women do this daily for just the ends of the hair and every three days for the length. Get to know your hair so you can figure out a great schedule for yourself:  there really isn’t a rule of thumb.

The point of this exercise is to reduce the friction with your hair and everything else, even itself. Friction causes breakage, splits, and single strand knots. Check out Elle (QuestForThePerfectCurl) as she describes the importance of sealing for her and what she uses.

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