4 Strange Hair Growth Treatments That Some People Swear By

Beautiful curly natural hair

I’m sure we all search for hair growth tips all day long on Google (if that is your goal of course). If you do that you might  get the same answers over and over, massage this, prevent breakage using this, protect that and consume this along with other common tips to get your strands growing.

The thing is, in addition to the regular growth aids there are some pretty weird hair growth treatments out there that people swear by. Here are 4 of them that you just might consider trying.

1. Bull sperm treatment

Bull Sperm hair treatment

I know… EWW. I said the same thing. According to research, in London, Aberdeen Organic Bull Semen Treatments are the trend. It is supposedly an intense shot of protein that gives your strands strength and rejuvenation.

This semen treatment is a booming business in London, the question is, when will it cross the pond and would you give it a whirl?.

2. Monistat

I’ve seen many bloggers on YouTube claim to have achieved growth with this product. They reported two or more inches of growth in a month.

Monistat is an anti-fungal cream that can eliminate fungus from the scalp and aid in hair growth if fungus is a deterrent to growth for you. If you want and alternative to this ‘treatment’ tea tree oil* does the same thing!

3. Hot Sauce

hot sauce

People believe that rubbing hot sauce or cayenne pepper on your scalp will increase circulation and then stimulate growth. While that might be true, the risk of getting either one in your eyes is too great for me.

With that said be very careful if you plan to experiment! According to scientists, Capsaisin is the important ingredient that stimulates the scalp. See this post here for more.

4. Onion juice


I’m sure you’ve heard of this one, because we have covered it a couple times on the blog. Onions made the list because for many, adding onion juice to their hair just doesn’t sit well and it is still right up there with the weird.

The truth is, weird or not, onion juice works so if you want to know how to use it on your hair check out this blog post.

What are the strange hair treatments have you tried?

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