Is Your Hair Care Regimen Too Expensive? 4 Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Hair Care

woman saving money

So you quit going to the salon and started doing your own hair with the thought that you might actually save more money than you ever have before.

But then you look at your bank statement at the end of the month and realize that you are still spending just a much if not more on your hair! – This can literally have many of us scratching our heads.

Do you feel that you are trading a costly service for costly products? How much money do you spend a month on hair care products and how can we get within a set budget?

Why are hair products so expensive?

One reason could be the impact of the natural hair movement. The natural hair movement is greater than it ever has been before so companies have been going back to the drawing board and doing their research on what natural hair ladies want for their own hair care. They might be adding high quality ingredients such as shea butter*, coconut oil*, argan oil* and other additives.

They also might not be adding much of these ingredients at all but advertising as such on their labels to entice us. The problem is some products that have or claim to have these extra special ingredients are pretty expensive.

Whether the company is really trying to cater to your hair needs or is using “featured ingredient” tactics to target certain hair care groups, the point is it will come at a hefty price to you.

How to avoid spending too much

1. Educate yourself

If you know about ingredients then you might not be easily swayed by ‘featured ingredients’ and hefty price tags on certain products. Shop at the back of the product (ingredients list) and you will find that the most expensive stuff are often not the best for your hair.

It is very important to learn how to read product labels and learn your own hair needs. If the hair care companies do their research on us, we should do our research on them.

If the product actually has its best ingredients at the top of the ingredient list then it might be worth the purchase depending on the size of the bottle and if you can’t find a cheaper alternative.

vo5 conditioner2. Cheap products work too!

You have seen many articles on Black Hair Information on cheap products that work very well just as the expensive ones.

Sometimes, the expensive hair care products are overrated for a healthy hair regimen and really what matters is how you use the products you find that are affordable.

Look at reviews for the products you are interested in and never go for the band wagon product. Those tried and true cheap ones might work and if they do not you can always make them work by adding other ingredients.

This leads us to the next point!

3. Create your own hair products

Another way you can reduce your expenses on hair care is to create your own hair products. You don’t have to completely trade all of your commercial products for organic and natural ones, but you can swap a few. For example, that mist you love to buy may be your favorite because it moisturizes and makes your hair smell so divine.

Well, you can swap your commercial mist for a DIY spray full of water, oil, and essential oils* for a sweet-smelling aroma. There are many hair recipes you can find for your own hair care needs.

You can learn to make your own hair products from cleansers to moisturizers, deep conditioners and more. If you are interested in creating your own hair products, you can save lots of money by purchasing the oils*, herbs, and juices in bulk.

This will give you your money’s worth over time. If you see a recipe calling for an oil that is too expensive for you, use another oil that your hair does like and fits your budget. Start off small and see what you and your hair likes.

4. Create a budget and stick to it 

As you create your own hair care regimen, think about what you really need to have healthy hair. Focus on learning your hair first, then find styles that you would like to do to your hair on a consistent basis.

Research and purchase products that will accommodate your hair care needs and the styles you want, then create your hair care regimen. There is no need to go through more trial and error than you need to if you just take your time in creating your regimen.

The budget you create for yourself will be based on this specific regimen that you have. We know you like to switch things up a bit but if you are really strict about your spending then changing everything every couple of months is just something you will not be able to do especially if it means heading to Target or Sallys.

The great thing about consistency is that you will get the most value from your hair if you are disciplined with your regimen. This benefits your pockets and your goals!

How do you save money on your hair care?

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