Hello and welcome to my youtube channel this is your girl, Monique Nicole. This is your first time singing and make sure you press the subscribe button. Also make sure you click that Bell for that notification link. So yes, this is a show and tell all I did was cut the legs and put this baby right mine. I didn't do anything crazy. Now this is the recess in Dessau kitty in the color, some Bray arty rainbow now I've actually had kitty before, but I never did review it's actually in like a 1b 27 type of thing, but I wore so much. I didn't get a chance to review it. So I decided to cover it in this rainbow color because it is the month of October - and this is my 31 days of October sweat, so I feel like with this hair color. You can definitely get away with this for this month or this is your pocket. If you can rock it, whenever you want sweetie, okay, you better go ahead and play with your rainbow here. But for this part I just really wanted to try a rainbow wave, because I thought it was just absolutely gorgeous in this color. I love how these wigs are really separating their game up with these different colors, because I don't know about you, I just don't got the coins to buy a bunch of human hair, wigs and dyed them, because I just absolutely love to switch up my hair. So much I just don't wan na you know put a lot of work into a wig that I know I'm not gon na wear that long. That'S just me so with this one. You can definitely put this on for like a Halloween, costume or a birthday. Now I do want to say something about this: wig is that it doesn't. Absolutely here is my brush right here and you know I've been getting a lot of strengths that aren't coming out, but I must say that I'm not surprised because with highly die fighting here, you tend to get a lot of Shetty, but eventually the shedding does stop. Now this wig is medium sized friendly. Now this week comes with four comes one on the right. We have one on the right right here, one on the left and I've leave. There is AI comm right here: yeah, there's a comm right here to hold this in place and there's one in the back row, two adjustable strikes now with these wigs. This is my. This is not my first like half moon. You know up-down wig. One thing that I've always said is that I wish I could do is that I wish they will put a comb right here on the side so that the flaps can actually stay down. Now I don't have any heesu, but this week is think knowing. So one of the things that I do like to do is just put some of my hair underneath the fly and then put it behind my ear. That way, the flaps and size will not be exposed, so that's just a little trip. That seems that helped me out, and hopefully it can help you out when you don't want to do all the hassle of playing anything around your hairline. Now I want to think that this is really really cute. It'S very fun. It'S very flirty, very, very playful. Now this hair is so key. It'S very silky. One thing that I have noticed is that the hair that is bounded is pumped under slightly and the ponytail of the hair is actually straight. So there are no bumps at the end, but I'm not gon na keep the ponytail in long, because I want to see how the hair looks all the way down now with this here you can actually close this up to 400° and if you want to you, Can actually make it a right part or on that part or if you want, keep the hair in the middle. So I do want to see how this hair looks, because I actually got this here because it inspired me from this picture when cardi B rocked her rainbow here. She actually had it up in a night. So I'm just gon na see how this looks in a topknot, so I have some safety pins here enough safety, pins bobby pins and I'm just gon na take this ponytail and I'm just gon na wrap it around wrap it around, because this here is very soft. Like it's not like, holding into place he's falling now, but it's okay, because we our wanting to make it work. So I'm just gon na take my pen bobby pins and I see how this hair looks in a topknot. So far I actually like it in the top. Not then I didn't like it down, so let me know if you have any rainbow here. Let me know if you actually like this color. If you do, please drop the rainbow and the description box. No, I'm sorry. In the comment section below - and you already know me - I'm not afraid to wear color and - and I actually don't just review like coloring hair for my channel and then take it off and put it in the box. I actually do weird some of my color wigs out and about because it's actually a great way on how you can actually promote your channel. I have so many women. You know you know reach out to me or come up to me, but oh, my goodness, like you're here is so pretty that you do here and all this other stuff and I'm like. No, I do not I review here for people who want to try a different style or a different color, and that's when I slide on my YouTube card, so that is just on free knowledge for y'all to help promote your YouTube channel. So this is how your hair looks on in the topknot and I actually really think it's cute when it's up like this more than when it was a straight down point down, so I'm gon na go ahead. I'M gon na take some pictures before I actually take the ponytail out so hey I am back and I just want to walk in just to show you the color a little bit more. So one of the things that I did notice with this color is that, even though this is supposed to be rainbow, it does not have all the colors of a rainbow. There are no red, there are no orange and there is no purple, but that's okay, because I do like this color combo, you still get the rainbow kind of effect. I feel like this is like a unicorn kind of rainbow kind of here. I think that I would have been a more appropriate name, but all I still love the colors so like this look look at this, so I'm gon na go ahead. I'M just gon na give you a quick, 360 um. That way, you can see how it looks up, but I don't want to show you the party, so the party it's a half month, so it goes from here and then it goes all the way around to the other side. All I did was put some of my c7 L'Oreal powder foundation, and they do give you a lot of baby urns now yall already know, I'm not like a super big wavy gel down baby here kind of thing, so I kind of like baby here is: do That kind of thing, and because I am gon na be putting this hair down the baby hair is really not gon na. Be that much you noticeable and out of control. So this is how their hair looks all in the front. This is how it looks on the side and, as you can see, there's like the pink like the baby, pink, the yellow and like the lime green. This is how it looks over in the back very gorgeous. This is how it looks on the right side now on this side. It has this beautiful blue that goes into this um baby blue. So I'm gon na go ahead. I'M gon na take these bobby pins out by hey yo. This is how the hair looks. All the way down now I do want to say is that I felt like the hearing late, but on the right side, as you saw me struggling trying to put it on the left side now, it's it depends on how it falls for you, but this is The way how it laid down for me, I just suggest that maybe you take a flat iron and you try to flatten this part. But to me I kind of like the hump into here. I know a hump in it here is not meant for everybody, but it really doesn't. You know, bother me, I guess you could say like one. I will probably put a scarf on it. Just then lay it down just a little bit more. So this is freshly out of a ponytail. Now then, when I say that the hair is absolutely gorgeous when it's all the way down compared to when I felt like it was like half up and half down now, what I think that does get covered up is partially of the blue and the green. Now the green was more visible and it was up in a ponytail, but I guess you can see that you get like a pic of Bluegreen when they here is down. I think this is fine like this me. You know like because you know I'm black. This is like unicorny like black unicorn thigh. It'S very pretty. It does move a lot like a lot a lot, but one thing I do want to say is that I noticed that when I did take it out of the ponytail, you do see like these little short pieces of filler here. So I felt like there's filler here within this in order to make the hump of the ponytail thick, but when you put it down, you might need to do a couple bit of trimming. I do have some foam here to try to just lay this down. Just a little bit more - and I just put some in my hair and I'm gon na just - do it like this just to try to tame it a little bit more and to make it lay down just a little more flat, because you will get some flower Ways but yeah this is it. This is how they here is know. If you like it. Let me know if you're like girl, it's not for me a name for you, it's okay, whatever it is just. Let me know how you feel in the comment section below make sure you like, and share also make sure you check out my other 31 days of slay. Their is only a couple more months, a couple more days less and it's mine. So, who knows what I'm going to be trophy, but I do want to come in and I do want to show you this color just a little bit more so so the cars are very vibrant and I'd haven't received any bleeding with the color. So do another 360 with the hair all the way down. So, like I say at the end of all of my videos and make sure you stay positive, beautiful what like this year,
Kimira Jewels: Loving the colours. I have Zury Fab in this colour. I have Zury Kitty in the Selfie colour . You look fabulous as usual
mrscherrygirl91: girl this looks so cute on you. Got me thinkin I need to get her. Love this unit and the color!
Samantha X: I'm feeling the pink and green colors in this unit nice review
Fee-Bee Romero: This is super cute girl. Zury has beautiful colorful wigs
Alexis Lenae: I am in love with this!!!!!
Magikalblackness: That thumbnail tho love the colors I have the wavy one Wonderful review
Toni Michelle: I love this!
KL Sunsets: This is so cute.
Syreeta Smith: i love it i havw that ne too also som rainboe kenzie. hel i have every color wig in the rainbow. i wish i had the guts to do reviews
Twani Bonner:
Silky Saks: Come through Cardi
Paize Nneji: It's so cute but that green doesn't fit if there was no light green it would of been perfect