Funny Friday'S & Ash Blonde Wig Install Dark Skin|Drikathebaby

Now what you gon na get up for you see when i started a damn life, all that jumping and bumping and don't worry about it. So today i will be doing today should be getting we snatched up on my cookies, giving the girls kardashians y'all here drinking in the background being as ghetto as i don't know. What is y'all ready for the party not yet live from? South africa? Hey kyle, we got somebody from africa tuned in. I don't know i drink about. To not get hurt, don't worry about it! Sorry live! I don't mean to dick y'all like that. You [ __ ] go ahead and just yes, hey ain't, nobody playing, but you they saying hey my drinker, hey drinking a baby in the building. Hey this season, hey, hey, hey! How y'all doing you got to tie me down hey how ya'll doing daytime i drink up honey, hey, how y'all doing y'all see what color i'm doing for y'all there you go! Oh yes for the scavengers this season. Yes for the scammers this season yeah! I don't need to do that so, but it's gon na look good. Well, i got ta make me like. Oh, i got ta make appearance in there. Chinese, let's get out. I mean, let's get out, let's get our own section, let's get our own section section! That'S so cute because just a few minutes ago it was oh. If you ain't going, i ain't gon na go but but i i don't put this wig on my head, i got ta, be not her. Now, that's sean ness in the building you wan na go. I got ta make a appearance, is it cute? I got ta make a appearance. This is gon na be cute. Yeah like this is cute. I'M gon na get my face, beat down man. Let me go read this. Let me go join the live and read the comments and, like the last, all right, so what are we doing today? That'S it so today, i'm gon na be using um a dark concealer, and this is mahogany. Look how i'm looking crunchy, giving the girls crunching much. You are you annoying? No, i actually use um the willis um already i'll put it in the description later on who the [ __ ]. Is this calling me me, let me see hello, so i'm gon na take this mahogany and put it on the back of her own. Oh, we at the barber shop. It'S a barbershop. You see a barber shop yeah we, but you could come around the back like with a car wash it just come around the bed. You can probably cut through the car wash. Oh, you want the bag. Okay, so stay right there, the cupcake ladybug! Oh, can you come inside the back door, the barber shop back though it's the one with the black um maximus hold this cause. You ain't gon na stay still. Why do people be saying yes ma'am? Like do i look like a man at one time, you give me very much survive, so i don't even know why they say that in the first place. I want that so yeah, i'm taking this mahogany color and just putting on the inside of her leg. Your fingers off a little bit hey tyra, to go tyra b, hey tara, you can come. We got the cupcake lady in the building, y'all, hey cupcake, lady, making deliveries. Y'All know we support hold on wait a minute, wait a minute. How much money is you got ta, go to work this season, yeah i'm about to go now. Thank you so much. Thank you guys. Thank you for your night. What'S up, don't let anybody thank you. Thank you, daddy, hold on y'all, give it give us a second okay, i'm getting this season. Are you ready all right so now this is. She said it smell, like it tastes like dick. It says so. I won't be able to get on live late night with y'all, because i got ta. I got ta remind a [ __ ] this season, ain't that in-house [ __ ] i can come outside. I got ta sneeze you're gon na kick me out of the chest. Mm-Hmm one sneeze per customer you're gon na get a one sneeze pass. I got ta sneeze y'all. What should i do a hold it in a hold it in, so i'm trying to make sure that color get in there. Did you use purple shampoo um? No, i use willa's um, oh somebody said say i want to slap you. I know what it is: hey serenity this season girl. I love. You too y'all want to make sure y'all get that color in there real, vibrant, hello, india. You already know girl. I ain't. Even been going on a rant and close friends, girl, [ __ ] uploaded a picture with the nastiest caption girl, i'm gon na, send it to your dm, where he uploaded and his caption. I was like oh for real. He uh loaded. Another picture girl mind you remember: he had uploaded a picture when i went on a rant. He uh loaded, another picture today, girl. I got ta upload me a picture this season. I'M sorry got ta remind me a [ __ ], you got ta, be reminding me. They say y'all ready, mm-hmm girl say be back. Oh this one's like right now. Thank you, amy y'all see. I can't see because of the grammar comment, what i'm reading? No i'm saying like i like this um, this concealer better, the mahogany okay, so i got it on there. Good y'all see it's gon na, be blended to the teeth. That'S what i need all right. I have learned a lot from your live videos. Thank you. How did you, how long did it take you to build your clientele when you first started? I started eight years ago so nine years ago. Shea is it surreal cupcakes? No, it's from um, it's from underscore scratching, don't want oop. You want to tighten the top now. If i can't take this [ __ ] wig on my head, like i'm a petrol, it is no. That means the top, not um. It'S closed. That'S all right! We'Re gon na spread that out. I got ta clean the top out. Somebody said i have to tell you what happened after i left: okay girl, you got ta tell me girl, you know y'all my good girls, my friends, what bottoms but yeah. If that happened, just uh spread it out when the milk bell's gon na be available again. Will be available in november? No, i don't think so. Um so yeah we're just going to spread it on now. Man. Yesterday y'all got her [ __ ], though she don't change the whole outfit. She don't want to be no um. For my research yeah. We already got 100. We already got 176 views. I made it to life the first time drinking. You is murdering it. Okay, okay, i really want to really really really go in, but i want to be still because i know she's going to slap me in my head. If i don't be still, i do not condone in violence. The cupcake lady name is from scratch, underscore comedy comedy some comedy, i'm gon na how many times just go to all the live videos for today and tomorrow. Tomorrow is saturday, i'm changing my hair. No, i know they said you're trying to have a saturday, i'm telling them. No. This hair is gon na go with both of my lips. What i'm gon na be tonight and what i'm gon na be tomorrow. She'S gon na be a roast today and i aunt tomorrow. First that's my first one was the difference, but it's the cupcake demolishing for me what the layer! This is right here, the third one or the fourth one. No, i'm not telling y'all what i'm gon na be tomorrow, but today i'm gon na be a football player. Tomorrow, i'm not telling y'all what a movie y'all have to follow. My page, you guys got ta, put the fight, emotions, y'all, remember what i said remember i got a [ __ ] on him, so y'all got ta, put the um fire emojis. Remember that now don't don't let me down if y'all was from the last night. Y'All. Remember with the whole um, if you show up and if you don't show up yeah y'all, better y'all, better, let's not forget the uh. I love watching y'all. Also, let me nail bar on instagram my finger's kind of crooked for fighting all my life bud. What what drink the huh? You tell me a football player right yeah, where you have got the shorts from. I got the whole outfit. It'S like it's not like shorts. It'S like a panties. It came together, as i said, see oh yeah in this highways, and so i'm gon na be sucked all in making the boys feel don't eat, no more damn cupcakes for the rest of the day. Let me get back on youtube. What what y'all doing halloween girl? You must be new to the youtube yeah it's gon na be drinking tonight for me. Clearly, truth of the transformer drake on shader slayer shake on transform 2-9 i'm going to be a roach. They say. Yes, we remember shea butter how your titty sour moves, nice nails but didn't they said, but rico, but didn't look at india it'd be like definitely gon na comment on them pictures. I love them. You know hey y'all, but drinker versus oh yeah, [ __, ] dream. Shea, why you take out the hair, because we got to come through and looks we don't got to come through now i've been supporting just trying to make a conversation. Okay, miss coleman we haven't on, then you know we're having a bus party tomorrow. Something goes flat happened in the gym three days this week. Not let it out not breathe, i'm breathing how hard i can see the suffocation on your face. It'S a lot of hating going on here, i'm gon na it's been a difference. Baby! That'S one thing about it: so ain't nobody going to come here with all that. You know what i'm saying that negative energy, because i've been in the gym three days in a row and i've been sore for three days. I'Ve been smoking through these catch, the angles. I'Ve been using epstein's salt last night imperial exactly thank you butterfly to some knowledge. She is slimmer exactly it's 236 viewers on him and you trying to embarrass me talking about some exhale, i'm gon na. Let this wiggle, i ain't even saying don't worry about it. I'M gon na exhale on this wig y'all. That'S one thing about it! Thank you rashad here there's a lot of negativity going on over here. I'M gon na just take all that negative energy out on this week. It'S india telling people to like the video. I love india dog andy. You see that person had dmv yesterday and was like. Can i be your close friends and stuff? I was like huh. I was a little lost, but people always be excited like how you know they don't watch you. I don't want to be my close friends because um i'll be going on rants. That'S all i do all day. Anyway. Can you hold this real, quick girl? You ain't got to show your nails just holy [, __ ]. I get my nails done tomorrow. What time she said, oh she said she got ta do something she said her first person at nine, so after 9 30., why she even taking more appointments tomorrow. If she get hurt, no, she said she got her hair done at 9. 30. yeah. I don't think she's taking an appointment tomorrow. It'S me, though, but she's doing it, i'm saying she's doing you tomorrow, yeah, that's what i'm saying why she didn't close off. That'S what i'm saying, but you know, y'all, follow stiletto's nail bar on instagram if y'all um in miami, even if y'all know, she'll, make out some pretty songs and send them to y'all. So just follow her stilettos nail bar. They want to be able to use this lace, ain't never cut, and i already see them and that's where that goes for real look on my own on my on my football player, outfit i'm going to put on is y'all listening to me with my captions, like [ __ ] next time get back. Y'All want me to burn just let me know wow. Let me show you how you humble a puppy, no i'm going to tell her because they might try to steal my captain. Yeah you be seeing me. I ain't gon na. Let my close friends this week, gon na, be i'll, be extra, so stupid, starting chocolate, garlic. Thank you. Baby y'all accent cute. Thank you o'shea! Oh shady, seasoning ready you took him out and put him in. I took i took um j-rock out before i even added. So why do you put rock back in the first? That'S not the big flavor! That'S not the perfect first thing in my [ __ ], head bro. I was bugging yesterday when i played pulled up. He got in the car. He was like how the [ __ ], you did with no ass dog that [ __ ] was so damn funny. I was like boy. Do you know, i'm your mom like what the hell is wrong with you. He told me that's what he said on the phone. What are they saying? What'S the comment saying it always it's always devised for me and the love for me drinking is that your first time rocking blonde up her first time rocking it. This is my first time rocking it out somebody else's installed. Blowing me like and it was real [ __ ] up sees the name, but i don't know how to spell book in you, but i love your hairstyles, my god good morning. What'S up [ __ ], it's your girl! It'S your girl! Dirty mouth! Oh! My now, damn edit this out every time we're gon na edit it over here we get them wrong. Take two: what's up y'all this one out crying laughing um, how the [ __ ]! You think, when i literally overlooked that drinker she going to slay today's hey, that's just the way. I know i'm not gon na. Do your hair good today cuz, because i don't like. I don't like what you just said about me. What i said when i remember i just told you, i got a headache and then you won't super tie this thing on my head. You want a headache or you want your legs to be late, which one you want you want. I got ta, give a [ __ ] a picture this season. I got ta upload a picture and [ __ ], already being all my lights, how much um? What is it when i get my face? Beat down i'm just ready, i'm just gon na upload a new uh picture on the [ __ ] [, __ ], don't upload it! Two pictures on me back to bed all right and i'm gon na go outside and [ __ ] already depressed about my lights and comments and all this in this one. What is that smell? Oh i told you these bvs's birdies is dollar stolen. What'S up y'all so um today we got 300 people, we report live for the [ __ ]. I trenches think i could say any of this on youtube. You can we be saying the most i'm blind y'all but anyways. What'S up, we should russians. I ain't! No youtuber, but look at all these buggies. They say not the trenches, they say: oh y'all, so funny. Did anybody try to put no heat on you? Well, not yourself. Oh somebody sat down bvs junior stuff, not bbc's, [, __ ]. This is so exciting. They said blue grasshopper. What should i want? Somebody i wan na talk about. I always do a girl. Oh my god. You always talk about it. Oh that's! The right, [ __ ] to talk about [, __, ] y'all want to talk about [, __ ]. You ain't gon na never leave they're gon na talk to you if they go 15 million questions, you're not going to be looking just like that. No block tonight, oh you're, right, y'all, running out of jobs like this guess what so anyways y'all follow me look nice. Thank you. You know seaman y'all know, ladies. I'M tell you drink your water drink, your semen drink your. What seem it! That is crazy. One thing about jesus she's gon na get her hair done. Y'All, pretty you see it's weird cause, i'm watching y'all on the tv and talking to y'all on my phone. That'S where i got ta go see them later cause. I need i'm coming to get the things you know get my phone yo huh! You got. Peace y'all got perks, but i only have 30's she's already got 30s. I use this little um. I use this like skin tone and soap. I can't think of the name of it and i use um cetaphil, that's how you say it cedar field or center field. However, i use shadowfield stuff. No, i'm just fat as hell cause your thighs sweating yeah. We like they say not to hurt 30.. They said what lace is that it's a black beauty on the shirt for me. Thank you. Connie um. This is called cheap lace. This is cheap lace. We got this from the corner, store. Okay, i see shea getting on her body right. Yes, you see me hold on girl what the [ __ ] is that breathe, breathe mama, breathe. Don'T nobody in here do cpr [ __ ] breathe? I'M certified joyce is cpr certified one thing about it. If i was to ever die, i would bring myself back to life. Amen, that's one thing about it: we got 343 viewers tuned down right now. They say how to slay a cheap lace. 101. Oh y'all, talking about my lace, look y'all in my business, i'm going to grab my fingers you out of my business at the corner at the cornerstone. I'M a lot emma's going to be having some nice little pieces. You better not cut me i'll, give a [ __ ]. I knew what frustrated you yeah. I got it because maybe you was telling me about your mustache and i was like the next time you get your makeup done. You might want to take off that peach. Fuzz so sit back. Remember you had to pluck that hair right there. That'S it yeah, i'm gon na raise it on your eyelashes hell. No! I already went through hard times by these, oh god, oh god, so we just don't raise a razor razor y'all. This is so much. Oh, that's the milk that i'm looking for. Oh, what is that you looking at yourself in the mirror reflection? I thought i saw myself, but it was really you. This is so much easier when your races are fresh and then just look. They say, y'all think the church lady paid her light bill or rent with shea money. I think it was the rent, because i know i know she didn't give it a tie. She went and bought a [ __ ] clown costume. I ain't gon na lie. This is the perfect color, for you turn to the side mustache under makeup. My eyes, mustache on the makeup, makes my eyes hurt it's the nails for me. It'S the nails for me too, how y'all doing hey miss y'all? I ain't gon na lie. I love this. You i'm only going to use this only because when i glued it what i used on her, i had used um concealer mahogany misha, how y'all been how's everybody going. That'S why they like it like that how's everybody going, i like about the fly away, what the freak you're giving me cock-outed roach vibes! If you like, my nipple, that's gon na unblock us and [ __ ], like that, where y'all from we're from texas houston we're from akin south carolina who are from alabama the mail is really do you get your eyebrows wet? Yes, i do get my eyebrows waxed, but i only go to one person like literally i don't let nobody touch my eyebrows, but there's one chinese, like oh, don't touch my [ __ ] eyebrows, no more your hand already smell, like [ __, ], tuna, fish, saturn And eggs - don't [ __ ] touch me no more. It'S y'all different for me. Thank you. What'S wrong with you, somebody must be commenting my instagram on the live, because i got just got like a lot of followers at one time, people be like a lot and it'd just be two. It was very much nice. Oh, i just gained a whole lot of followers. It'D be drinker for me. Now guys, 46, i'm 26, hey beauty's drinking shade, hey o'shea, hey girl! Nobody gon na see your handsome man. I lie here too y'all. What'S up in my stomach, i don't want to have to be like shay and can't breathe. I want to be able to suck in my stomach and still look comfortable with my hair, though you this lacing will be able to breathe. Watch this. This place ain't gon na be able to bring with all that attitude. Baby. There'S one thing about it: two out of two well, there's some machine forget to say cash out. What happens? Yeah wait on the phone andrea. She just wanted to bust down the middle. That'S it no baby hairs, because we're on, oh somebody, said, tell a cousin. They said: hey uh, um somebody on the live. Won'T you they're, gon na tell him i in high school, i'm already taken girl. Yes, sir. Yes, sir, giving the girls what lace, vibes y'all feeling it y'all feeling it okay, we can't afford it today. We can afford it tomorrow. Okay, you don't know stash house store next door. I know that or the name. What'S that burning smell the girl's text and said the cupcakes was cold because she put them in the refrigerator. I said. Oh, my girl, we ain't can't we don't say grumpy that is gone. Oh that's my phone! Oh that's, dolo, pick yourself up and try again. Yes, yes, dirty panties krusty draws bro children a lot going on we'll see when you get here yeah i got too many hops yeah. We don't have no off like that. We just we just be joking. My grandma always telling me to order her something card d, clothes card d, clothes, your car when they climb what what y'all grab my mom get your girl. What you want, i don't wan na, get it for right now because wait my card in my purse. When you wanted that ritual she definitely came through so don't make. It seem like that, like you got your grandma wrapped around your finger, i do the [ __ ] shoes yeah. I do i do she want this hoodie dress thing right here. She wants. She must be their lives when we're supporting black businesses. That'S a cute little hoodie dress though she won't, she said, get them. She said, please order the dark red and black and extra large for your nana thanks. Oh so you want two. She said what she said and you better get it miss wrapped around grandma said she go to church very fashionable yeah yeah. She do she put on her pearl necklaces. Are they but thanksgiving around the corner? I ain't gon na live without anyone right now, but i heard you supposed to be going to dr for um thanksgiving, damn nobody, i mean she a millionaire. Why not and she listen. We our family too, big about the whole family 53. I mean it's [ __ ], but they take it serious. I don't want to be a part of that [ __, ] they're, going to be doing all type of [ __ ] at the airport. I ain't never been in d.r, so i ain't passing up on that opportunity. Right now. I go next year. I just understand. Thank you family. Oh, they say you're brave, oh, that was gon na spend time with his family. I'M leaving like my birthday november 10th. Y'All. Come out what you going for your birthday? Well, we don't celebrate scorpios um. What'S your name? What'S your number, i got a new song. You want to say my number like right now, i'mma text, you my flyer, but you want me to say my number just like out loud um, all right who in here don't can't get your number chris. We on youtube, live on youtube. All right put it in my phone now i forgot y'all doing this. Um live stream, which number i want to give you cause. I got three of them getting business. Five, seven one one you're gon na pick up, i'm gon na sing the fly right now, but can somebody give me my card up? My first? I'M sorry, i don't know what i need to be in a section. I need to have a bottle. It'S my birthday, what you thinking where we going! It'S um where's someone here it's going to be at a hall. What is my uncle doing? Oh, don't want to be without a celebrity what it looks like, but it's a brush. Well, i ain't got it right now: i'm [ __ ] up but listen y'all might not even have to pay that wait. Hold up. You shouldn't put my person, but but we're gon na have vips we're gon na be gucci and it's gon na be hella celebrities. There so i miss a celebrity exactly you gon na, be there. I'M gon na beat up me talking about some celebrities gon na, be that dude, i'm in the building with it yeah nah. I know when is it nothing on my actual birthday, i'm going out with my rip like your real family, i'm only going to be with my friend, i'm not going to be a no friend, but y'all could come. Oh that's so nice! So i'm your friend now cute, no, i said y'all could come. I said y'all invited, but not my real friends, not everybody. My real friends are invited on november 8th. Oh, you just want to spend time with your family yeah. I don't even want to be around crowds like i don't like being that's too much too much [ __ ] going it is. I want to have a christmas party, that's what i want to do. It was in a car huh. Yeah, like i said, am i that slow? It'S me leaving a car leaving the keys in the car all night girl. You know i couldn't find my car keys for two days and went outside. It was in my ignition stuck in the house, thinking kind of um. What you call you got to be careful cause. I got this stuff on the back of my hand, i'm trying to get it, i'm just playing this. This looks too good. Thank you because you know us next door, nah not even address the um, the the car wash. Oh with the ladies. Don'T you don't like cause i'll, be back man? Of course she got purse. She got competition wow. She all she do is dress. When somebody ain't doing no, damn you've been selected to receive an exclusive order. Girl give me what this lady want and let me go about my you've been selecting no thanks, but it's giving me fraud for real, that's giving me fraud and i don't like it look at all that [ __ ] keep coming up, look yeah. Why does he i don't want none of that to my order, what the [ __ ] is, what look you've been selected to win something your whole phone frees up for no reason, yo, how you know i'm asking i ain't never said my phone was freezing. Oh, oh, okay, yeah yeah yeah. So how do you know my phone? Isn'T free? I ain't buying new phones, all right, i'm back y'all! Let me read y'all comments, i'm being serious right now i told my youngest son with me to get my nails done yesterday. That boy embarrassed me so bad he kept saying. Oh, let me stop talking. We'Ve been here for two hours, uh uh-uh. No! Nobody can't follow me. I'M sorry can't follow me. Okay, drink her with the blonde she heavy in the back. Oh i forgot. I got up to get my first. I had to get my purse y'all y'all. If y'all smell that doodle smell that i yeah it was me. The girl's watching royal car looks like somebody's been eating it because i be having my car, like in my back pocket in my own pants at work and i'll be sitting on it and, as y'all can see it's back there, so it doesn't bend up my card. A few times it's cute, it's still swipe baby, it's uh, uh denny's, tell me something: if you watch the card, oh, and i just watched the car the other day, we almost me and shea was almost starving. It was almost stopping yeah. I just watched it. The other day, i know if it was still gon na work, we was almost starving. Okay, that blonde looks so sexy with that football costume. Oh, yes, the real jazzy, i'm gon na come through more this time, where the elastic band from really great everybody is not. This time, how many kids you got, how many kids you got for me. I got one yeah and she got this. I'M all these [ __ ] this month. Who was that facetiming me asia? Nine, five! Folks! Oh that's! I don't think that's asia! Asia got like uh, he weighed on the milk milk. Did we stop? Yes, everything is coming back in november. I'M getting ready to do my grand opening for my salon, so i'm holding out on that right now. I need everything to be at my shop when i open it up so y'all gon na have to be patient for a little while just a little bit shea have an engagement with doo-doo girl, entanglement wait on the mail belt to restart. What'S your instagram um shay instagram is, i am beautiful, hustler and beautiful, hustler and underscore and underscore beautiful hustler, and i am beautiful husband. She got to change my instagram name, so you know what i'm thinking and then i'm gon na put mines come on steve. You know what i'm thinking my instagram is: drika d-r-i-k-a the baby like drink of the baby drink. Are you doing inside of her? No i'm doing a bust down the middle cause. When i tell i need a [, __ ] to feel me this season, i need [ __ ] to be like. Damn you don't like it on the couch already, i'm gon na wipe it off. Just rub your hands together. It'S blue! I need to make a [ __ ], say: i'm sorry [ __ ]. Is it better the car than me? It'S all on my headphones? What the [ __ ], where this came from, come on steve! You know what i'm thinking they said you leaving the shop yeah, but all those friends, so we still all gon na always be together. I they say i was just thinking. Was shay gon na go live, but you can have for the party bus, hey what y'all think about dating and tourists about to cry. Are you doing a grand opening video? Yes, sir me? No, i ain't gon na get my channel blocked. I just got verified. You want to give me blocks. What did you say on the edges? Oh hold on um. Don'T look at india, she know what it is and everything look at india already. That'S how i love india. She didn't know every [, __ ] thing she always would not be okay. She is, she is our business at this point. Thanksgiving cookout, okay, cousin yeah wendy's, is uh where wendy's at right here all right come get me when you come back. I just all. I want is a water bottle or something forever, don't drink juice, i'm on watching my figure, but you don't watch that video every day this week eating. I got a water bottle in my trunk for like two weeks. Oh it's gon na be hot. That sounds like a virus talk about something you had it in your car for two weeks. All i got to do is all you got to do ain't, no damn ice. Here you not reading the comments. Oh i was i'm just taking a little fantasy. Just keep pretending we're just gon na spread it. This is for girls for dry, wigs, that's what girls! What drop legs? I'M glad this drinker? What'S your egg, it's drika the baby drink of the roach and under the school november 19 this weekend. How much is this all one thousand five hundred tabi like i'm, trying to get the lighting right? I don't know why i'll be doing that. Stop playing with us youtube. What'S up all 360 of our viewers, we love you. Oh look at trey, that's my niece uncle! My niece doodle trey how you got on alive, i mean it's live anybody can get on it. Trixx dawg, that's my baby! I love you trey trey. Do this so crazy man that girl called me the other day she had daysha baby come on. She went to um until my day she went to walmart right. She gon na tell my i'm babysitting. I said girl do the what i don't gain her pj, never child that baby. Don'T even call me no more! She ain't, ooh girl, she's, so nasty. I wish she was gon na call me. I didn't get her pj masks. She never called me. No more! That'S my niece! Oh uncle on the line. That'S my baby! I love trade. I want to be in y'all close friends. Emily is that you wrote me that weird ass message on yesterday about being in a close friend, yes, man, that girl is crazy. She, i gave her pj's number that baby ain't called me that was about two days ago. She didn't call me about two days: mind you she caught me on facetime right, so i was driving i'm like i'm on the expressway driving home. She told my until you know it's illegal to drive and talk on the phone i said. Will you call me at least you know the rules? Ain'T got this ain't hot enough, yet so what i'm gon na do in the meantime, tracy what you doing. I miss y'all, i'm gon na do it tomorrow. Oh my man say to me: yeah i got ta. Go what was it talking about? I don't know but block them, because, oh thirty, three, you put it 366. yeah yeah. I know the rules. 360. 300 seconds 360 seconds, yeah no 300 seconds, 300 seconds. 300. Take your timeout y'all know the rules. Y'All look good! Thank you trixie. I love you. That'S my baby right there on my way to family dollar child. I can hear you saying that trixie on my way to family dollars, huh somebody said i miss y'all. So much i'm trying to get it down to the location of the light, [ __ ]. That'S why yeah you see! That'S why i keep doing that. It'S the reflection of the light sugar! That'S why i'd be doing it! It'S so annoying, though man look at my [ __, ] reflection. I thought i saw myself, but it was really you make sure the lace is completely blended, but it can, though, to be honest, it can that's the best i can do team vlog. I got my own birthday. Blonde 20 inch lace, wig on two girls. Go alexis, go on lexus with your hombre, this season, mama, that's the best. I can do y'all with this lightning stone. Somebody said: that's better! It'S fine! That'S the best! You can do shawty! Thank you, shawty. That'S the best advice that i could take that looks so good. I love hillary clinton. Thank you. They thanking you, like you did something they'll, say yeah. We could see what y'all thinking. Hopefully you know what i'm thinking. I know i look too good. I can't wait to upload a picture [ __ ]. I wasn't gon na upload a picture today and tomorrow by the way i'm coming i'm uploading today and tomorrow yeah you can meet your ass, but hey big, head, yeah, hey big head. It'S me: yeah joe's got the other one. The hair coming out of the scalp can't wait till it's done. The blonde really looks good on drinka, as you should hold. No i'm not adding that boy. I don't want to um, then i add him dude here. Come all my [ __ ] calling me okay, they already be calling each other. These [ __ ] already calling each other don't y'all know. I was with my [ __ ] the other day and he called my [ __ ]. It was la la fall cause. She [ __ ] on the phone. It'S not the [, __ ] accent, questions and [ __ ]. As soon as one heard a certain word. He gets on the phone and caught my [ __ ] called my [ __ ] man. When i tell you, i had went straight home to [ __ ], he was nervous huh. What um block jason jason said ugly block him shout out to your little baby. I know that's right. Is your man coming on the bus? Oh no we'll find out tomorrow on the next episode uh drinking, but i thought you said you kidding no chosen by god tv. I promise y'all this. This really happened for real. This happened like two days ago. It was. It was la la thought. She all on facetime, oh what gretchen gretchen is cramping right now, y'all see her tomorrow or follow her on instagram at gretchen. It'S gretchen right, yeah, it's gretchen gretchen, with two r's y'all follow gretchen on instagram gretchen, with two arms ours. Tomorrow, gretchen cramping right now, she's not feeling good, not the gretchen, you better upload cause. I'M ready show the little baby. What was the spray that you applied to dry, the hair, the fantasies heat protecting? Is that la la in the back? Hey lala, hey mr boyce! Oh, hey, y'all, jason rule jason got blocked. You need to go on the tour one day with classes after corona sharing them voices, hey y'all. That blonde is popping and your nails are too. Thank you, my love, hey y'all can y'all do my hair, who the hell is y'all cause. I don't do the well. I might do a little breaking down. Okay, they feel crazy over you. This weekend period grant period and all your boyfriends they're gon na be yeah. All of them, if they can stop [ __ ], calling each other pissing me the [ __ ] off yeah, calling he like, and then he like sympathizing like bro. I know you ain't, letting that [ __ ] [ __ ] with you. He like naw bryan and i'm just laying in the bed like that's what damn both of their names start with the team. But that's what your [ __ ] was telling me yeah older [, __ ]. He like bruh. I know you ain't letting that [ __ ] [ __ ] with you bro. I seen that [ __ ] such as that something happened with a like with a car type, [ __ ], and then he like brought up and then he like nah hell night, letting that shirt yeah, basically sheesh. We need a podcast y'all, getting a podcast after this um after um this party y'all getting a podcast yeah. Oh, you could actually go graveyard yeah, you should come through. This is the color for you. Every time i get my hair done. Y'All say that for real jason l, the l is for loser. I guess i want to see the nails. It'S nails this season. Oh, i don't know well yeah. I can't see them yeah. You can't really see it. Let me see if i can do this whatever. Yes, i made it to the live again. The video was great, so creative awards. Video was great. I don't know how i came to this live, but i'm happy i did subscribe, subscribe, subscribe and follow us on instagram at underscore beautiful, hustler and drink of the baby, because you found girl drinking hell. Yes, lay girl, one [ __ ], calling another [ __ ]. They sitting in the living room like bro. I know you let that [ __ ] bother you boy, hang the [ __ ] phone up, desperate ass, who the [ __ ] told you to be friends with them. People loving the blonde blondes have more fun scamming them scammer nails this season. What up, though, y'all said where you at and then you're gon na, say it with my as long as he ain't girl, no names. This girl could have been anybody he's gon na be talking about talking about his real girlfriend. What if he would have showed you his what if he would have showed you on camera, like my little i'm chilling with my little piece, what you woulda did [ __ ] on myself. I'Ve been like. Well, you know we're friends you doing too much. You are good at doing here now, grandma league, that's too desperate. Why would he sit there and call mommy and girl that's two days for a [ __ ], you don't got no other friends! You had to call my man all the [ __ ] there's. Some do they know about each other. No, i don't think so. They homeboys, but that was too desperate yeah how you do like yeah out of all people who stopped dropping real big. Nobody had it worse than me. Yeah. You only live once and you only [, __ ] on yourself a couple times a year that was the big one. What would y'all like? Better full lace or lace fronts? To be honest, i just like lace fronts because i'll be honest. So, to be honest, i just sit in the chest. Oh this is the last one yeah. Why would you say i'm high school? Why would you say that, and you know she was going to say something i'm not cause sooner. Somebody wants something they'd be like. Oh, but you do drink a day, every [, __ ] week, though, to be honest, we know drinking miss hustler made some beautiful girls drinking sexy too. Thank you. Oh, i think i'm calling take your name and give it to your mama, you so slow. What you're? Just slow wow, they said miss hustler made some beautiful girls. They talk about your mama yeah, obviously drink it too. That'S right! Girl, okay, we know you could [ __ ] sing. Somebody said i've been trying to do her like shea. In the whole, damn weed come off with the milk belt. All right, good boo. Thank you, miss hustler. Can you do my hair? Those nails are real cute and match in their hair yeah. They match my outfit for tomorrow too. My my main outfit for tomorrow. I still got ta go in and fly out of the person. Oh, they laugh because they like who the whole wig come on all right, who that was they're up yeah j-roc man. They say yes, man the whole week. No, i just want to say, come talk to us hi y'all, so i need a birthday slate [ __ ], oh my god, my nipples, so [ __ ] hard. Oh my god! What'S wrong with you! Oh my god! My nose is so ugly, hey shells! Look they did like two pancakes: what's the style gon na be just a bus down the middle, just a bus down just a quick little plus a bus down like my nails, just a busty baby. What the [ __ ] should keep texting me for cool. I don't think you're gon na get into heaven with all that cussing like that: hey [, __ ], always [ __ ] lying to me. Damn i get tired of these [ __ ] on me. Not [, __ ]! Don'T worry about it, hair and makeup. While i do hair and she's a porn star, while i do hair makeup and she's a mod that slap them thumbs up people, i can't do hair, but not my long, hair, okay, you're not getting ready for tomorrow night. Yes, you look like my dog all right. We just got ta make everything bone straight: hey, shane drinking, hey long as your part is down the middle hold on y'all. If i got anything on the back of my neck mind your business, not though you got something to be sprayed no, but i do have this, you, like it yeah, you only know flaky stuff, you promised that blue will do now. I ain't getting nothing flaky, but i just i was trying to tell you i was getting my hair done. I couldn't be nice and smooth how my 350 for this dick talk, magnums and something i just did that because i know my close friend dick. Oh it's. 3. 80. Today, oh it's, the it's dick went up bobby what money got which one the one that's supposed to be worried about me on the bus november. I showed you the heart ass. He just put the other day: [ __ ], you know he's ready, see the whole look. Tell your makeup. Artist pull up chad. She got a house call this season at 6. 30.. So she told me she got doing my makeup tonight around 9 o'clock or something, but if y'all follow me on instagram i'll, say the post crazy, because i'm telling y'all i got got ta make a [, __ ] feel me. I need to make any taste on my phone like where you at i thought you said, taste your phone, i'm like what the hell wait. I wanted to get like everything y'all, i got a question. Somebody say: y'all cure my depression for real omg erica. That'S so nice! Thank you. We love you erica. I need somebody to cure mine and whatever you're depressed about, i hope god see you through baby, keep watching. These lies because you'll be on depressed [, __ ], with us, okay, who that last cupcake for um, whoever i'm on it. I want it. Listen. I got a question or dress um yeah when i'm crippling my hair right. Okay, i'm gon na float the whole thing. You wearing it tonight yeah, but the thing is, i want it to um to be all together, like you know how to look off together. Yeah you just got ta um comb, it yeah and not crimp it hard right. No, it's not even about crimping it hard when you just crimp it just make sure you like make sure you level it as you're crimping it like start your crimps in the same area. So once you comb everything together, it'll it'll, yeah, okay, y'all gon na watch me here, because i wanted to make sure like everything is like, like you see how that [ __ ], who did that me? But the thing is, i only did the top. I didn't really do the whole thing: yeah, okay, so section off your top part. You can do the whole back, however, but when you get to the top, you got to make sure it's all leveled! That'S how you doing your hair for the next time, you're going to be so lovely y'all, follow p dot play bunny on instagram. That'S me: that's [, __ ]! Pretty that's what i can't wait to shout out. That'S me! That'S me y'all, i'm catfish right now, but that's no! It'S not [ __ ] catfish. But that's what you mean. It'S me drippy. Did you ever talk to big fish? You know, that's not what i'm talking about. That'S why i got to upload a picture. Catfish [ __ ], i'm blowfish tricky. You should get a phone for your podcast, so we can call in and stuff jada. I was thinking about that. I already have a phone that y'all could call into anyways, but i was thinking about that. They were saying you should get a phone for your podcast, so we could call in. I was thinking about that. I was really thinking about that. I promised you. I was infinite, feeling much better. Lately, i'm outside now. What'S the ear i'm outside this season? What'S it here, no shoes drink it did you upset me yeah, i don't even know i think cuz. I don't use enough yeah. I don't even know. I think, because i don't use enough glue wait. What are you talking about right now? Um, that's the person who said they we come up with their own thing. Thank god and let go from don't eat that cupcake you drink it. There you go eating more cupcakes, tyler you're in my business yeah pretty as [ __, ] joyce. I love them joyce. They say they love them. Braids flash by dolo, you can use. You had an embrace in like two weeks now right. No, not even it's been a week. You have to subscribe to the podcast. It'S what assessment! Oh and joyce, i'm nosy, i literally just dyed my hair last week, and i just i just said your hair. They said what a flat iron from - and this is not awesome. Mine is from walgreens y'all. It'S a remington flat iron, it's probably like 30 35. I thought you said they i don't shop at target. I can't afford target tarjay, i'm more of a walmart kind of girl. What about ross yeah? They brought some drinker to you. Stop playing my phone. Oh, you be playing my [ __ ] phone keeping a grass giving our grinds turn your big ass around and walk back to your [ __ ] seat. With your ass drinker, see, if you can pronounce my name, everybody always gets cerrone. What is it gianni? Let me see, let me see before you say i said gianni. Is that right right here? I am what y'all think all right y'all. So i created me a only thing yeah gianni gianni is it. Is that right, honey, johnny, get you yeah, that's your crimp! It is account or whatever so i want to kind of use that to do virtual classes should i well people see, i think it was just no, not only fans like that for um adore not to do that, but i i'm saying like i made the only Fan so i could um teach like virtual classes and stuff like that, and people could um say specifically like what they want me to teach on the theme and i'll just focus on that one thing or my only fans what y'all think about it. Yeah sure yeah. Everybody keep saying yes, yes, yes, for example, they'd be like. Oh, i really need them. Yeah, yes, yeah everybody just keeps some people be like. Oh, can you do this yeah? How much? I owe you guys? No! I just wanted some fries. I didn't expect no food. I just act specifically for fries, specifically okay, but she don't want to eat chicken tenders, but she want to eat cupcakes all day but okay, yes, oh they tell me they're ready to subscribe now to your only friend, okay, i'm gon na start it. But you know because some people have been watching. Yes, please. What'S the name um, i am beautiful. Hustling tv, hey, janine! Yes, yes, i'm gon na. Do that, though, because i can focus on different stuff like i could do one all about plucking yeah and i can do all one about bleaching knots. I could do one or just blending the lace like just different. Somebody said you did drink. I heard you asked for fries. Thank you junique! Thank you dollar wrestler. Thank you, dillo. The person who just walked in place by dolo. That'S who did joyce braids. Okay, i'm watching my finger. Just give me one and a half bad boy, bad boy, holly, how you been baby. Let me get that spirit. Let'S spray! Oh you want this. The olive oil yeah you're gon na flatten it first then crimp it you need it. You want me to grab it. How you all this takes me back. I went to predominantly black high school and just oh thank y'all. We love y'all, i'm pressed for y'all about to have fun this weekend, hello, holly! Yes, she is, but she not going out tonight, but tomorrow she's turning up, but i got ta. I need to be out both days. I need to be outside, so i can follow her run it up. Yes, move! Yes, my love! Now you know what ain't? No. Thank you like a little place tonight. No, we forgot, you know we need to get the order, but we still forgot your booty look good. I know she's acting like a body just all over the place. It'S me that's all over the place. It'S you that's in place, mom. I said your boyfriend's good, my booty. This is passed by dolo, guys, that's who did joyce hair? That'S sister! That'S all i um! That'S the big brother! That'S the big sister flat ironing. I just got to do like the concealer. Another part and all that and she don't we ain't, doing baby hairs. Now, i'm not blonde, i'm not that happy. Okay, i'm not that kind of girl. You know i think here i shouldn't have baby hairs for teachers, but just for me, y'all people always forget what time chocolate, cheese, clothes. I think. Like nine o'clock hey, i hear you go smiling what don't get on the phone with that smiling [ __ ]. What yeah that blonde looks good, huh and portland called me now by the way poodle band from my shop. This is important. Call me now hurry up man who had told you tim was like oh um. Poodle was like i'm ready to go home, so tim was like. Oh before we go home, can your mama just give me something to eat [ __ ] he turned around. He said i thought you had a car. You got your haircut yeah. You was ready to call me, you know what you know what's crazy, though now what you're going to make a sandwich you're going to listen to me, i'm listening! Okay, i'm about to be finished with my hair i'll call you back soon, as i finish it y'all listening the youtube companies now now they saying they want me to do my hair tutorials on live wow because they be like they get more. Well, i mean everything, get views, uh live ain't for everybody who the [ __ ] said it's just for you, this ain't! No firm did you about to show out. Yes, sir you're gon na be giving a girl's hair period, it's cold where y'all at girl. We ain't saying [ __, ] miami never get over here. Okay, it might get a little breezy, i'm definitely not from new orleans. It get a little windy. She said she won't [, __ ], hey y'all, it's cold. It rained all the time exactly after all the blonde. Does it come out yeah, it's shaping to be a girl for real. That dancer had me crying. No, that's that was just i'm, i'm being jesse for cod cause kyle. He woody - and i said i was gon na - be jesse for him, but tomorrow i'm a ninja, a [ __ ], a ninja, i'm gon na be a ninja for tomorrow, um say: instagram is underscore beautiful. Hustler and mine is drinka. The baby, because it'd be like people from all over the world, am i, when they click it's 8. 55 p.m. In england yep it is. We need to go to bed baby yeah. I was ahead of us or something like that. Let everything be live yeah i enjoy browsing, you guys riding a bike street girl. Thank you not go to bed baby love that color. I don't see you real, quick apart down the middle, not to the sweater. Looking directly at you giving the girls cross eyebrows. Is you looking at me or you looking over there hot 105 inches drink, you need to start doing my collar, how many inches 28? Hey you popping honey. Thank you baby. Thank you, boo, uh beulah say i love the way you realize huh stop playing with that. What'S the best food places to eat in florida, hood sparks this ass stand up and show us us is. I am beautiful hustler. No, i am beautiful. It'S the personal page underscore beautiful hustle is the business page honey scout shea, please exit scout realness. You ever tried erica j lacy glue. No, i love why too baby shaking it's drinking confidence for me baby. Why wouldn't i be confident? Why? Wouldn'T i you know what i'm thinking i'm looking forward time? That'S top of the line! Please stop moving. I cannot take that smell. No, oh you're, giving it my picture with that [ __ ] on my forehead. Why would you do that? You know one thing about it: how you got that headline so scaffolding? That was all me. I just collected all the dirt from drinker face yeah. I think y'all think you look good right now hold on i'm gon na. Tell you one. It'S one trick. That'Ll, take this from zero to a honey just hold on, let's say: y'all.

Sonji Jackson: You can tell you 2 are best friends and that's hard to find. Y'all are too hilarious

BeautifulDisaster: I’m mad I missed the live, slaving on the damn stove Drika looks soooo good omg!

Aaliyah Furtado Voskoboynikon: You guys are hilarious and I can't stop laughing... I love her hair❤️

BlaqueBeauti2u Johnson: Drika look good in blonde you go girl glad you feeling better...

Kamille Kelly: Omg I watch y’all all the time y’all are so up in the shop I’m screaming I wish y’all was in Cali

Misha Mcclain: Drika nails is fyeand i already know u finna slay her hair this season

Candace Jordan: Love y’all....❤️❤️❤️ .. Hey Miss Drika

Melanin Mo': OMG I love y'all personalitys cause Periodtt

Stella NK: New subbie from UK. Love you guys & slays

Blazin Blondie: Y’all so pretty!!!!

kay ramen: Drika look so pretty!

Błånćo💕: I’m so disrespectful...I watch you all the time and was never subbed. That’s shows you doing something right period. U and Drika together hella funny. I’ll be tuned in for sure from now on sis

Kamille Kelly: A total vibe put her in the chair so we can laugh with y’all

Lawrell!!: Now you know you wrong for going live so early! I’m so mad I missed it

Darlene Lark: @Drikadababy Where did you purchase the blond wig?

Browne Boss: Damnit now Shae and Drika.. I loved y'all late night talks. The attitudes and connection were like two close sisters chillin. Dang why just why.. man shoot

Katrinne Libre: 43:05 Dangggg Drekka Lmaooo hahaha he promoting his birthday harddd

Princess R: Them hands are truly blessed!!

Shantel Lee: Hello beautiful love your vibes love your accent where are you guys from first time on live with you guys

paris london: Where she get the wig from

Kamille Kelly: I’m screaming y’all is sooo crazy

Misha Mcclain: I missed it too I was sleepimma watch it now tho

~Daphne Amy's World~!: I missed the live wow that would look good on you even though it its not for you. Oh ok Miss Diva

Marylin Charles: I luv u so much, ur so beautiful n kind,,luv to c u do hair

Lifewithyonii: Wait are you and drika sisters cause y’all look alike yo mee but I love y’all ❤️❤️

Ericka Arenette: I missed the live ‍♀️ lol

Misha Mcclain: I think u should do a only fans for hair yea I’ll subscribe that’ll be dope

Candy Sands:

Kimoley Squire: Wow wow wow


Taylor Nicole: None of y’all have a mask on

KEEPINUPWITH KAY: I cantttt she funny ash

Looney Tunes World of meyhem Shorts: While you out here playing Ain't nobody out here playing with you No what you need to do is come in here and get this money I'm just keep it real with you You bony you scary af Shit you probably will only get a honda accord Look closed legs don't get fed. Are their any men up there? LOOK I'm not trying to turn you out just put you in game -Ronnie

Wendallyn Buckner: She can dispute

Luvaamyaa: I missed it

JMT Terrell: Yall got snap

Baraka Jenkins:


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