@23Kalanih With Blonde Hair #Funny #Comedy #Wigtransformation #Wiginstall #Wighelp #Viral

Anybody to be a blonde yeah, I'm so scared. So I want you to hold the front okay, so we're gon na have to cut her ear out. I'M allowing you so close with scissors to my head: don't need to like glue it off! Oh my gosh! What is that use your forehead size, yeah like right, there, you think yo? Who is she? Who am? I don't know what this step is the results? You guys final results. Oh my god did. I put it onto Target so cute, though? What do you think you guys thanks for putting a vlog on me? This looks this is like my go-to hairstyle, it's so cute. So can I just borrow this from now on.

Hochhalter red: she looks so much like her mom nowadays SHES BEAUTIFUL


eli ッ: The head kiss was so adorable

Faye: didn't even know that was kalani from dance moms... this is a power dup

Loriana Banana: Cute!!!! I have super fine hair, been thinking about extensions/wigs- but I'm scared of breakage and I have no clue what I'm doing lol. But she looks so CUTE!! Might have 2 try

Marva world: The most beautiful thing about her is her smile

Alexis Perez: So nostalgic seeing her.. makes me feel old


Penny Thatcher: My hair is soooo thin. I wish I had someone to help me put a wig on. It's beautiful.

Kaitlin Latimer: You empowered me to buy my first wig N sis I’ll never go back ! Thank you!

Zoe Basina: She looks like Kendall's blonde sister with that wig on

Positively Lori: You make wearing a wig look fun!

Sonja M: I’ve had to cut my hair shorter because my shoulders are getting so bad. I’m only 45 and i would love to be able to do this with hair that looks so real. I have natural curly hair that was almond down to my butt, but now it’s above my shoulders

jayci ellis: so pretty!!!


Chaz Jones: you such a fun friend! 10/10!

Shayla Jenkins: Slay kalani

Victoria Williams: You are both so beautiful.

CiciAd2010.: Two queens

Erheylin Wenceslao: She looks good with blonde hair ngl

Tâylôr: OMG I love Kalani and Chloe so much ❤

Agatha: So pretty even on some else ur food at it

Thando Hawke: Bro that girl looked so famil I was trying to figure it out I screamed when I realised

Ms.Martie Gallego: Is that Kilani from Dance Mom's ?? I love Her !! She's so pretty !!

Pam Thomas: Beautiful

E. O.: Hello please! Your GLASSES are amazing! Where did you get them from?

Boobie: I love it

Chatty Kathy: Love the MUSIC & the blonde

cunexttuesday: DAMN!!! ❤

Misty B: ADORB’S!!!

Monique Gibson: Gurl you look like a cute test dummy! I mean that as a compliment! And like Amber Rose too!


Alexa Dsouza: Pretty

Alexe Jade: Pretty as a blonde you have to dye it now lol

Amanda Johnson: I want one so pretty

Shakira Mitchell: I did not know who. She was at first then I saw ❤


Taylor Uhlman: It took me far too long to figure out who that was. Till the Dance competition comment

Familycraftstore: She looks god it both hair colors but I like blond better

nessie diorr: u have to pull the wig cap all the way down and then spray it near the hairline and cut afterwards...

Rainshroom: Early!! It's adorable how she kisses the top of your head! Also I hear if you say your favorite youtubers name 3 times you get a pin! Chloe Chloe Chloe

Isabel Pulley: She looks like Cassie form Euphoria

2.cool.4U: First!!! So pretty I loveeeee it Pin me if I tricked you Read more…

Hoki: Anyone know where to find that blonde wig?

Taylor Eichenlaub: Its giving Angela from Stanger Things

Edit Won’t Be PRFCT: I was literally just thinking that looks like Kalani from dance moms and then she said dance competition!!!

MizzLadyJJ: Def needs to go blonde Hot as a brunette but super hot as a blonde

Lynda Jackson: I’m chemo I just want the wig names please

ithandile.k.n: The girl with the blonde wig on looks like Kyle Jenner

Nita Sanchez: I want to get one please

Hello Goodbye: Umm who are you?? A beautiful human, that’s who. Hot damn! Wowza! ❤

Marselinda Metaliaj: She looks like Kylie Jenner

Everything on INTERNET • 1.9M views • 1 days ago: That wig completely made her a different person damn...why is makeup and wigs not considered as cheating I mean it makes people to look so different wouldn't that be cheating even a ugly person become so beautiful with makeup and wig

men: My idiot self: that looks like Kalani from dance moms

Derek playz: Are you ready to become blond AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Brianna and Erielle Play: Is that Cole on

I love cows: Is it just me or did anybody notice that she was wearing the POPFLEX hoodie

Linaa: Is it just me or does she look like one of the Kardashians in some angles?

Gofran Alkhamery: Is she from dace moms l think so

Tamara Huddleston: Looks like kylie

Alyssa #puppylover #roadto1k: Is that kalani from dance moms

Martina O'Hara: Is that the girl from dance moms

Desi: Dance moms

Raj Thiru: Khloe who?

Con Mexico: I love you from México come to the my life

Ollie S: Puebes women

sunnyxmisty: But why is she even bald I am a girl and I hatexb4ing bald

Tayprettigirlswaggmarie: I love it

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