Storytime: Racial Encounters At Ulta + How To Install A T-Part Wig | Afsisterwig Hair

This sounds art amazing. My gosh, hey, guys, welcome back to my channel, so i want to get straight into the video i've already done, my makeup off the camera, but guys today we're going to be working with a freestyle, a freestyle, a frill fritos. I don't know the name, a freestyle, it's a hair from amazon, it's a tea party um, so there's really no parting space. You know what a tea party wig is. It'S literally just boom right here, so yeah we're gon na be installing this wig today and um. I kind of have a couple of story times for you guys and i might make this a series. I might make this a series on youtube, but the problem with making this a series is that i have bad memory when it comes to this job, because so many stupid, [ __ ] happen at this job and i feel, like i've been telling you guys about Mcdonald'S a lot and i feel like i have not told you guys about um i feel like i have not told you guys about working at ulta fully, like i told you guys about working out ulta we're gon na get. It started ready to get started. [ __ ], i got the teeth. Let me stop and knock a lot. I want um a glueless install today. I don't really want to be working with glue today for those of you guys who do not know, i used to work at ulta beauty. I worked at ulta beauty for like three years. I'M gon na give you guys like this. This today is gon na, be like a back story of working at ulta because guys y'all, don't oh my god, so much stupid, [ __ ] happened. I worked at ulta beauty and um. I worked at ulta beauty for three years and um. I i was trying to get a job at sephora. I was trying to get a job at sephora, but therefore focus like so far had me: [ __ ] up and i'm not alone, i'm happy. I did not get a job at sephora because knowing what i know now, [ __ ], i would have got fired. So soon, but um yeah, i applied to sephora and i kept calling them and they just would not answer their phone, and i remember one time they uh, i put in an application and they denied me and about the laughs so badly like the way. I don't know, support still, has it like that today, but the way sephora had it they basically have to like. You, have to submit pictures of your makeup and like to them, and i submitted pictures of my makeup and [ __ ]. They denied me so [ __ ]. I feel offended like hell, nah [, __ ]. The makeup is cute [, __, ] y'all dying before my dumb ass. Like i i don't know i just i don't know. I was just i kind of felt like sad about it because, like i really wanted to work at sephora, so i had called them up and i had told the girl like hey, i just put in the application and um i got denied. Can you guys, please let me know like what's going on? She was like um. She was like if you got denied. That means we don't want you working here. Well, [, __, ], you [, __ ] you how about that. But at this time y'all, like i was on my spiritual journey, um like crazy, like my spiritual journey, was on a whole nother level. So i just held my tongue, and i said you have a blessed day. Oh what not god just kept telling me like. I'M gon na work wonders for you, like don't worry about that, and then i got blessed with working at ulta, so y'all, let's get started we're talking about hotel. This is this is about to be like a funny one and i'm not cutting this right ew. So i went and got an interview at ulta y'all i was so nervous like i did. I watched a lot of videos on how to like how to dress up to the interview and all this [ __ ], and then i went to the interview my manager liked me and my manager was like yeah. You know. When can you start like? When can you start - and i told her i said hey, i could start to boy if you want me to, but i had to like you know, keep it a little like you know. You know i had to keep it like. I wasn't, you know begging. I was begging because, oh let me give you guys a backstory, but i really don't want to get into that, because i i'ma tell my experience about working that main event um. I used to work at main event but, like i had literally quit main event with, like only 100 in my account um the week before, and i was like lord - i told god i said god - i don't know how you gon na do it, but please do It because my people was not gon na, be giving me no allowance. I was i think at this time i was like 19., so yeah at this point in time they hired me and i was so happy. I was like. Thank you lord. Like you know, that's all i have to say like now when i first started working at ulta. It was my dream job not on no funny [ __ ] working at ulta was probably one of my fake, most favorite jobs that i've really ever worked at. I don't know funny [ __ ], you know i loved makeup. If you guys did not know i love makeup, so it was just a fun experience. Um being able to like you know, like you know, see new makeup play with makeup and everything. My managers were cool one of my managers. She wasn't really cool like you could tell off rip. She was very standoffish, but she wasn't the gm and - and this is how i look at it if the gm is cool. That'S all that matters low key because, like the other managers who try to do shy, see [ __ ] like it's, it's not gon na get. You know like they're, not gon na be able to like get away with it, because the gm is cool. But my managers, they were cool for the most part, did a lot. Now, when i was when i, when i started working at ulta in the beginning, i was so excited, but guys i'm gon na be real working in retail and i've worked in clothing retail before but working in makeup. Retail is probably one of the worst retails that you can ever work at. I know some people are probably thinking how like no guys listen when somebody nine times out of ten when somebody goes to the store to buy an outfit, they know what they're looking for, like the most they want you to do is go to the back and See if you have a specific size - or you know, like you know, just basic [, __ ], or how much is this shirt or some [ __ ] like that they barely talk to you like i remember i used to work at um guests and i have My headphones, sometimes i'll be playing music and [ __ ], and they barely will be talking to me. There is no way in hell that i could work at ulta with my with my headphones in. I want to give you guys a back story to um where, where our oto was located, our o2 was located in i'm not going to say the name, but our ulta was located in a predominantly white area and i'm not talking about white, like oh middle age, White area no, like i'm talking about older white women like old white women than like lived through the civil rights era movement. So we used to get a lot of older women that would come in our store and i'm not trying to say that all white women are racist, but a lot of them were because you know they just they couldn't get jiggy with the times changing. You know like they lived through the era of segregation. They lived through the era of slavery and a lot of them like you, would think, oh they're old, then why would they be racist? You know no, no, no, a lot of them were very racist and it showed. While i was working there or whatnot you guys, shop at ulta, like if you like our religious shopper. You know that we have a thing called the 350 coupon and that's like a that's like a ulta's employee, where's nightmare that coupon should have never been created. I don't know why they created it. What the [ __ ] is three dollars gon na do so let me tell you what customers will do, because this is my little mini story time, because i want to give you guys an introduction to me working at ulta. Then i'm going to really get into the duties and gritties of it later on 350 coupon was basically applicable to drugstore products. Now you guys know that ulta has like you. You guys know that ulta has base. They basically have like um. What am i trying to say? They have high-end and low-end makeup. These customers will come and try to use the 350 coupon on a high-end makeup, mind you literally in the writing. It literally says what like, which ones don't come for it. You know they felt entitled. They will come, they will see that they will say. Could you please use my coupon? Could you please use my coupon? I would tell them like your coupon is not applicable like it's just not it doesn't. Work like you cannot use coupon on. You cannot use a 350 coupon on [, __, ] urban decay. You got to use a 350 coupon on, maybe it's maybelline and you y'all remember them purchase commercials, but yeah. You got to use a 350 coupon on one of them. Drugstore products like you cannot come up here, trying to use a 350 coupon on a high-end product. Why not well does it say they will try to be like very like they will try to be very condescending with you like okay, so we called this side. I forgot what we called that side of the store. I think i forgot what we used to call the drugstore side, but we definitely we definitely called the high-end side prestige and it literally says any prestige makeup. So anything that's on that side and so don't get me wrong. Some customers will be like when i would explain it to them. In the beginning, i used to explain it to them, because you know i was so happy to work at ulta, i'm like man. Some customers will use it on this site. Sometimes we use it on that site and when you go around it and they'll be like wow. Thank you, but we have the other ones that want to be like. They want to get like all critical and [ __ ]. Let'S say she will order her urban decay she'll be like. I don't see urban decay. I don't see everyday, i'm looking at her like now. It literally says: prestige and urban decay falls under prestige and they'll try to be like condescending. How? How do you know? How do you know i'll be like because i work here just working at hotel, like i just started like noticing: [ __ ], like just [ __ ] from the customers in the beginning, i like working there, but after a while i was like hey like this. Is this admit like this ain't it, and it was really solely only because of the customers, can y'all believe that it wasn't the managers, yet we're going to talk about the managers, probably in a different store, but this was really only so because of the customers. I was like this ain't it i'm about to get into now at this time, i'm about to get into a story time now. At this time i have been working at ulta for, like probably 10 months, i'm gon na say 10 months when this story time happened because it was christmas time and i remember getting hired at ulta like in february, so it was like christmas time now. I also used to have these uh uh things where they would like do the robes and stuff so, and so, if you buy like um perfume, they still have it. Sometimes so customers, like you, know, be packed in that [ __ ]. You will have a whole bunch of, like you, know, holiday kits and [ __ ], that people can buy so it'll be packed in that [. __ ]. I remember one time this one customer she came and she she wanted to use the 350 coupon. Now she was getting checked out from me. Now i told her. She had a whole bunch of like high-end makeup, so mind you, i tell them very politely. I don't get mad, which honestly, in my opinion i won't mind. I won't blame anybody who gets mad because it's like they try to argue it down with you, like [ __ ]. Do you want to come behind the counter? Do you want to clock in like? I would gladly let you do so. [ __ ], and so i thought i said man this coupon, don't work she's like why i was like they say with that type of attitude, as if uh i [ __ ] created the coupon [ __ ], i don't i just work here. The coupon don't work, and i was explaining to her she's supposed to get your manager up here and i used to hate when they would do that, because the lines would be so long and they'll be saying. Get your manager up here like bro you're you're, making the you're like you're you're, holding up the line, and so i will just tell them like i'll be. Like i mean i can get the manager up here for you, but he or she will tell you the same thing that i'm telling you and you know how they are they. Don'T they don't process it and be like? Oh really, okay, wow they'd, be like okay and they'd, be like get the manager up here. So they can tell me what you're telling me so i'll get the manager and the manager was this guy and i'm not a lot. I didn't like this guy, but i felt so bad for what this white woman did to him. She was white, yes, so the manager came up and the manager was like, hey irene. What'S the issue, so i told the manager what happened. I said she wants to use a coupon. I told her that she can't use it like. That'S it basically and she was like why can't i use it, and i told him he asked me he said well irene. Did you explain to her why she can't use it? I said yes, i explained it to her and she said where's your manager. So yes, i explained it to her, so he told her. He just explained to her the same [ __ ] that i explained to her, but at this point she mad. So she starts saying sorry y'all gon na. Let me use it or not and that's how they felt like she was not the only one like it would be a lot of them. That would be doing that type of [, __ ] they'll say so. Are you gon na? Let me use it or not. So are y'all gon na. Let me use it or not like as if, like you are an animal you're supposed to say yes ma'am, i'm gon na, let you use it like [ __ ]. If i say or not what the [ __ ] is gon na happen, are you gon na fight me [, __ ], the coupon is not applicable. What don't you get about it, but the man was telling her like. Unfortunately, no we can't let you he was being nice about it. He was like, unfortunately, i'm so sorry ma'am. We can't let you use it because um, you know, um blah blah blah. This [ __ ] has to learn to say well, go get another manager, so at this point in time no, like you're, not going to be doing that. So i thought i said ma'am because i started getting mad because i'm like bro you're, holding up the line, because whenever we would have problematic customers that will hold up the line, the customers in the line would stare at you as, if you're the problem. I'M looking at the customers in the line like hey, don't be looking at me like you see what this lady up here is doing like why you mean mugging me, as if i i told the lady oh stay up here and make it worth my while, like You see what this lady's up here doing, but you looking at me as if i'm doing it at this point in time all the customers are staring and the guy's like no ma'am. I'M sorry, like you know, i'm the only customer here. I'M the only manager here right now, you cannot use the coupon. She starts getting very mad. She'S, like i don't understand like she starts getting very loud. Why i can't use the coupon this isn't that from she she starts saying she's. She starts calling my manager raggedy. She was like with your [ __ ] raggedy ass. This isn't that and my everybody is in the line staring at this point and i'm looking at her like no huh, not me because baby, i'm glad i bought the customer. I'M glad about my manager up here and you know y'all know i don't really. I didn't really like the manager like that so [ __ ], i i'm not gon na, say i was happy. She was doing that to him, but [ __ ]. I didn't care and he's like ma'am you're gon na have to stop or you're gon na lead. This lady says you're gon na have to stop i'm gon na call donald trump and make you leave all you hear just like, as if, like god came and took air out of this world, like everybody was just like, and i was just like. I didn't know what to do like. I didn't know what to do. I was just like damn like. I know he felt bad. Might you if you got me feeling bad for a manager that i don't even like, like that [ __ ], i want to fight you. I was feeling bad for this [ __ ] that she made a comment like that she started saying my dad. My she started saying i could buy you. Do you not know that you mexican [ __ ]? I could buy you this, isn't that that that ain't this i could buy all of y'all. I said i told her. She you need, i'm not gon na lie. She knew she she knew who to try, because when she said she could bother buzz, i said [ __ ], you can't buy me. Even if you tried it, i said [ __ ]. Yes, i did and um she just she literally just ignored me. Yeah. Ignore me before i come out of this counter and whoop your ass. Ignore me, please ignore me: oh she's, like you, couldn't even [ __ ], accept the coupon and he's like you got ta go and customers are i'm not a lot of the customers were so good that they were like you got ta go like they were screaming At her too, like telling her she got ta go. They actually stood up for us, which was so i really love because usually them customers at ulta, bro they'll be [ __ ] i got ta like y'all y'all already know. I told a story time about the customers at ulta and how they be taken up for each other. So y'all go check that out. If you haven't yeah, so they were just yelling, everyone was yelling, you got ta go. You got ta, go she's like it's nothing but white women in the line. They'Re yelling at her. You got ta go. You got ta, go and a [ __ ] 350 coupon. I'M looking at her like she basically trying to say, like y'all, couldn't accept the [ __ ] 350 coupon, i'm looking at her. Like you just said you will buy our lives. Why do you care if you can use that coupon or not miss rich this? This young rich [, __ ] like who like why then y'all you got ta go. You got ta go so she finally leaves and my manager like he is so sad like when i tell y'all my manager was sad like it wasn't. Even funny like i felt so embarrassed for him. That was the start of when i found out that, like working at ulta, just to sum it up, because that's the ending of that story time, because i got a lot more [ __ ] for y'all of my experience of working there. But i will let you know this working at ulta is when i really found out that, like these, these people like white people, not all white people, but a lot of white people are not happy with the fact that, like we coexist with each other, like that's, When i started really noticing, so that's just the little glimpse of it, i'm not going to tell no more of this. What i'm about to do is i'm going to layer this hair out, because i really don't like the way the hair is just sitting like you know like i, don't i don't like the hair. Don'T have no light to it, in my honest opinion, so this was one of the most easiest wigs that i've ever installed. The part was already there for me and the hair is so beautiful. It'S so soft, i'm about to layer the wig out or whatnot um. If you guys want to watch a video on me, layering, the wig out i'ma leave it somewhere up there and i'm going to come back and i'm going to give you guys a review on this hair. That was just like the intro to working at ulta. Y'All! Really need to sit down because i got a lot of. I got a lot of teal working out to end. I'M not saying that all oats are racist, but just like know your worth like know your worth and know your worth, then [, __, ], don't add tax [, __ ], add interest [ __ ], ad tax, [ __ ], ad fees, [ __, ] ad. You know how airbnb saying three hundred dollars and then you click on that [ __ ] and that [ __ ] totals out to a thousand [ __ ], and all of that like that, like that, like they're right there, like at all of that when, when Working at these racist, ass, [, __, ] jobs know you're [, __, ] worth okay, but guys this is the ending of the video not gon na lie. I don't know the um. Sometimes the ring like they have to be. Look very weird. Looking like, i don't know why, but um i wanted to. I wanted you guys to see the hair natural light and honestly i tried my best to like put foundation for the part, but since the hair is so close to my skin tone, you can't see [ __ ], but this is a teapot wig y'all. I added a little bit of layers just a little bit some slight and i love it. It is so pretty look at it, but if you guys like this little mini story time, i know this mini story. Time was just like you know, like the appetizer [ __ ], maybe even the drink imma really get into the real nittis and gritties of working out ulta, but guys this hair is so soft. This is body wave, but i did flat iron it and i added some bumps to like you know, bump the size of my face and i'm in love. I'M in love, look at the luster and this hair came pre-colored. I didn't need to do that to this hair or whatnot, and i ended up cutting the ends to like make it like, even because the ends they had a lot of splits. So i cut the ends and i'm in love with this, like i i i i i'm in love with this. If you guys, like this video, go ahead and give it a thumbs up, if you guys, are not subscribed to the channel, go ahead and check out the rest of the other content and see if you want to subscribe, if you want to subscribe subscribe, if you Don'T want to subscribe, why not but um y'all [ __ ]! How do people block vlog, [ __ ]? I got my hand. I need to go back to the gym because [ __ ], my my hands, are very wormy like, like i got my [ __ ] hand up and [ __ ] my hand is tired, already yeah guys. I don't want to end this video because i love this hair. I will see you guys in the next one bye, guys

Cantrell 67: IRENEEEEEEE make this a series, i literally watch your channel every night while im eating dinner in my dorm lmao

Daniela Martinez: Irene make longer story timesss I can watch you allllllllll day ❤️

T'anna J.: I high-key would love this to be a series. Love your vids sis. I’m tryna put my sis on to you ❤️ keep it up. Only rising from here

Eva 721: Omg.. series series series please!! I love your story times

Gnane Daniel: Love your storytimes!!!❤️

Tiffany Jones: - ☺️! You took my advice‼️ I’m so here for the stories yo! There bomb as fuck.

Jonai: Girl you’re on a rollll!

BbgirlJane: GRWM… AND a story time?!! Whew

Pharah M: Thank you for posting my day is better now. My day wasn't going too well.

Elizabeth Rose: I love this hair color on you!!

Chris Davis: i cant wait for the series

DB: Hair is definitely giving Kim Possible You look gooooood

Tashia Manning: This color looks soooo good on you

Nicole_ lovefashion: I work at an airport so I know customer service is annoying af. Good story time and when I saw that hair color I was like have to watch it girl I love honey blonde on us. You look beautiful .

Iam_ Mrsrice: I love this color on you omg beautiful

Natsukashi: I work at a grocery store rn but I worked at forever 21 for like 15 seconds and I hate hate hate when a customer tries to get smart with me and tell me idk like girllllll who work here cause not you!

Jazmine Marie.-: These Ulta customers crazy !!!!

Sammy Da Goat: Third Comment Makeup Is Giving Lashes Are Super Bomb I'm Obsessed With This Look I'm Obsessed With The Hair Color Is Everything For Me

Precious A: pretty, pretty ting she don't like no stress! u look good

Q.II.N.G: I’m currently working at Ulta and girl I’m gagging especially when you said that $3.50 coupon like!!!!!! $150 worth of stuff and pressed over the $3.50 especially when they don’t have any points

Pharah M: I don't even use that coupon because it selective on what it can be used on and what can 3.50 do?

jamirra alston: slayed! Girl you look so BEAUTIFUL!

Pharah M: Is she could buy y'all why is she making such a big deal out of a 3.50 coupon? My broke self love discounts but if they said no, id keep it moving

Julia Kimberly: WELCOME TRENDING TOP THIS YEAR ?プライベートr続nき ❤️ ️️❤️ ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね5). . !❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #かならりやばかったですね! #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

Yah GirlMa: them customers be something else chileeeee but loved the look and hair

Mercedes Majors: Oh snap here sorry I’m late what’s “T” ?

Cecebear34: What the hell was trump gonna do

Jadin Cole: Irene why you 3days late

Ashley Ramos: First

Mary White: No ma'am you look scary I see why u did not get hired.

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