How To Install A T-Part Wig As Frontal | How To Install Curls

This is the scar where i got burnt, don't mind that baby. Can you focus on me? It'S not that i don't want you here. It'S something about the way you i fall for you every time i try to get away. I like to apply a big consistency. A thick i like to apply a big consistency so that my wig gets a bit of any of the glue, gets a better grip so and my installation lasts high. Why are you using focus? My installation can last up to three days the brand platinum and i'm gon na, set it to low heat so um. What most people always ask me is: when do you apply? Well, when do you start to stick your wig on after applying equally, and i always say that you have to wait for it to be a little bit tacky or a little bit sticky. So there's a difference between when your glue is still wet and when your glue is sticky or sticky or tacky. Oh so my camera is trying to heat to it up for me in the middle of this installation. Like a camera, i'm guys it's giving me this stress because it heats up every 20 minutes and when i wake up and recording for the past 20 minutes and it starts to heat up foreign okay, so i'm gon na go in with my bottle of water. There'S only water in here i sometimes use water and conditioner, but today i'm gon na go in with only water. I also have this other bottle of water. I i'm not sure if you can condition it, but i'm not going to use conditioner today, because i'm gon na use a lot of products, so i'm just only gon na go in with water, okay, guys! So there's this other product that i learned about from boy bilo, okay, on instagram and youtube that i heard about the product i heard about the product um on her latest youtube, video and um. This is special feeling from revlon, and hers says the gel, activator and mine says super soft activator, but i don't think there is that much of a difference, um. What i like about the product is that it moisturizes the curls keeps them looking really good for. Quite some time throughout the day, so please do try it out and yeah okay, so i'm gon na go in with my natural natural hair mousse. Yes, so i'm gon na go in with this mousse on the wet hair. So so and then i'm gon na scrunch the hair up so that the curls are kind of like defined. Why is it heating up? The camera is heating up again, so i am done with this side. I think i'm gon na do this side of camera because my camera is heating up and then i'm gon na come back. Also. What i like to do i like to apply my heat protection serum from africa? Yes, heat pressure, heat protection, serum so i'm gon na add a little bit of um heat at the roots of the hair, so that the hair is a bit laid down. So we are i'm gon na use. My hot comb from this can is. This thing is so hot, so the reason why i add heat after i've used all of my products, such as my mousse water and the serum. It is because um, firstly, the serum is going to protect from the heat and then it mousse scrunches up your hair. It makes it a bit frizzy. So that's why get into the curls hunty? I love me a wet curl. Look. I literally had to do these baby hairs. I barely wear baby hairs, but i had to do these baby hairs because i literally burnt my forehead with this thing. Let me switch it off because wow i had to do baby hairs because i burnt my forehead with this thing. Also, this is how the hair came out. Thank you so much guys for watching today's video. If you haven't subscribed already, please do so by clicking the subscribe button. I don't know why my camera is not focused. Please do so by clicking the subscribe button.

Solihle Jokiwe: Which product did you use to lay your edges

Sibabaliwe: Looking great baby! Thank you for this, kunini ndakucela❤️

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