Model Model Synthetic Oval Part Wig - Long Layered Yaky $14!!!!!

Model Model Synthetic Oval Part Wig - LONG LAYERED YAKY $14!!!!!




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Thank you so much for joining us again. I am here when is Good Friday. Okay, trying to get my hair together before I hit the happy hour. Stop, if you have not already come through, take a seat join our support group hit the subscribe button down below and let's get in to just knew you me so this unit is the Model Model oval part week: okay, she's a layered weight she's about three inches. Let me give you guys all of that: okay she's about 30 inches. She has a non-slip support band. I'M gon na show it to you guys boom okay, so this is her. She has three cones in the front. Excuse me on top. I guess this is on top one coming back. This is the support band they're referring to and it has adjustable straps what kind of forever on everything. I literally only straighten my hair and laid my edges a itty bitty bit, but we just want to throw this on right, quick, okay and let's see how long it takes this okay. So, let's clip my hair up, okay, and I wanted to show you guys a cute trick. I am so bad at parting. My hair, like it's always crooked, and something just told me to buy this right tooth comb. Scuse me. I have hair all in it. This right tooth comb and this way to comb, if you just put it in and push it back, you get a straight part and the fact that I never known that and I'm just learning it is beyond me, but now you're. Next then, one down here, it's a little bigger, friendly, full disclosure. Okay, are you kidding this guy's using my faint rooms? Now you can see yeah alright. So this is her just pull this down. I'M sorry, I'm not looking at my cleaning camera guys. My mirror is right behind you huh, and this is the finished product now this is the finished product with no clip-ins, because I always like a swing at seamless style. Excuse me, I clips in the hairs, okay cuz. I want y'all to think this thing. It'S fresh about the scalp step, we're going to use our Zuri lurex 9 clip ins just to add a little bit of help. She needs a little bit of love and affection. Auto that main choice go ahead. Put a long wing hunt see, so that's so I'm just using the two clips. Okay, now this is a layered style, but I believe my Lorax minds are only in 16-inch, alright guys so we're back with our model model over part wig - and I am obsessed so now, let's get in and we styled out here. So let's just talk about it. For a little bit so she's about 30 inches, as you guys can see, I hope you can see. I know I wore black, so I'm sorry about that because of that shot. Okay, so I love this. I love the concept of this. I love the ease of this. I love love, love, love, love. Sometimes I don't want to deal with the idea of lace. I just don't period. This feels lightweight she's me like a she's, not super thick, which is great because she's bone straight hair. You don't want her to be all crazy, thick she's, a nice natural texture. You guys get that she's, a nice natural texture. She doesn't tangle too much also thing I like look at this is a super long unit and I just fit the only thing. The only thing I must say that is disconcerting for me is the fact that it is super big, head friendly, super deep, do private eenie, meenie teeny-weeny, head okay, and I don't even want to adjust the shrimp, because have you noticed that sometimes, when you adjust the Strap something it puckers the wig. So then it's got like this dome shape thing and I don't think I'm giving it um, but that's the only reason why I haven't what kind of for everyday. So all in all, I'm obsessed with this obsessed - I know I use that word often, but I will have to put this on my all-time faves in the top ten she's, probably number six or seven she's, probably number five or six because one, I love the ease Of a half wig, because, essentially that's what this is and food, I love the ease of that. I love that it still looks natural everybody's, tired of lace, even us girls. We have to be quite honest. You know, even though I love the versatility of a way. I like the ability to not have to wear the whole situation, so my honey and I are going to a Mad Hatter gin in tea party and I'm super excited, and this is the hair I shall be wearing. You know for the drama at all, and I I love how she's not really tangling at all Kirkland for her to be that long. My tomato come on come on, come to front, we feeling you baby. It'S cool, you have listen. Mama is proud of this. If you guys have not already like subscribe comment and have a drink with me - and I see you guys later - bye

Rotunda Morgan: Very, very helpful! I purchased the exact one. Thank you

IsThatYourHairrr: This looks super natural, sis! Perfect texture and density, too! Wow! You look great

SAWLIFE: First of all i need this NEOWWWWW !!! It’s almost leave out season !!!!!!!!!!! Yesssss this is YOUR HAIR

April Galvin: Big head friendly so glad you expressed this. I was struggling like WHY IS THIS WIG SO BIG??? I'm afraid she's going to fall right off. Am I doing something wrong? guess I'll have to wakanda forever these straps Great video.

StarriSkye: So cute even with or without the clips

Jessica Nettles: You are so gorgeous and I love your energy!!!! Any advice on small head friendly straight units?

Blair A'dupree: Love this!

april G: This is so Pretty OMG

Doris Yeboah: Bomb! I need it!

rebeccawoods1992: Where did you get your clip ins?

Tsinalove: need to wear her to happy hour

beauty Queen: Middle parts look really good on you.

The Cozy Canary: How did it hold up?

dayna bates: What clips did you use? Where can I get them

Kim Anderson: Where did u get her from?


Sunkissed10 S: Supa cute!!!! Have fun

Akeira Forbes: I got one today and want to wear it, do I need clip in’s?

Domineik: You paid $11 for shipping?

Xanaxtäsia da Baddië: Not the "backshot, backshot, backshot!"

Queen-lee Mi...: I got her and still haven't either her I'm gonna add some hair was just wondering what hair and I think I'll buy another two

Sharon Johns: How do you deal with the smell. I cant handle it!

The Cozy Canary: What was the name of the tracks u put in?

Raven Summers: Yasssss pooh!

Kennedi Campbell: its september now soooo i need my leave out back

K Desiree: I can’t find it anywhere

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