4 Hair Care Tips For Older Women From The Fabulous Joyce Giraud (And A Very Special Offer!)

What would a former Miss Universe turned hair care specialist and entrepreneur have to say about the best way to keep your hair healthy after 60? We're about to find out!

In today's hair care for older women video, Joyce and I discuss 4 key tips for keeping your hair healthy (and fabulous) at any age.

We also have a very special offer for you today!

You can find all of the products mentioned in this video here: http://sixtyandme.com/joyce. Exclusive for the Sixty and Me Community! Use Promo Code SIXTY20 to Get 20% OFF at Evine!

Find out more about Joyce Giraud on her website, https://joycegiraud.com

And, don't forget to visit http://sixtyandme.com/joyce for a very special offer!

What do you do to keep your hair looking fabulous and healthy? Have you ever tried any of Joyce's products? Which ones? Let's have a chat!

Hi everyone, it's margaret nanny here with 60 in mate. This is the place where women over 50 come to be inspired, and my guest today is Joyce. Scrod Joyce is an actress, a producer and a philanthropist. She is a celebrated international model and she has a wonderful new line of haircare products that is dislodged on a vine. Joyce was raised in Puerto Rico, and her mom was a single mom and she credits her with inspiring her with using beautiful and healthy products. In these haircare products, a choice is selling on a vine. Now I'm really happy to have you here today with us Joyce. Thank you. Thank you. So much for having me you look fantastic. Oh thank you so much! Well, you know our community is women over 50. It'S cool 60 and me, but we honestly have people coming from 40 to 50, just in that transition, as people are getting a little older and thinking wow. This is profound. Things are happening to my body into my face in my hair 50 or 60 years. Young, not 50 or 60 years old. I always say that that's such a great attitude - and I think that's one of the things I wanted to mention that your mom sounds like an inspiration for living. Very confident and happy lies by using natural products and you're just taking care of yourself and enjoying how you look. She really is. I mean we, I always say it and I'm not embarrassed to say it. I grew up what people would consider nowadays poor. I only have two shoes, one for school and one for church. Maybe that's why I have such a shoe, but my mom always taught us that the most important thing was love and my grandma would always pluck straight from Mother Nature and teach me how to do all these wonderful things, because we didn't have money to go. Buy creams or serums or things so she would literally pluck from our yard in the mountains where I grew up, and she would teach me all these potions and mix them up and that's where my love for all of this started. Well, you know it's really interesting because it's 60 and me we always believe in aging beautifully that's one of the phrases that we always use and it's not about looking younger or meeting us, but being confident and sort of loving yourself, just loving the body and the Hair that you're that you're with so I would love to ask you some questions about hair. As you get older, thinner, grayer, it's more brittle. I mean all these things and I'm actually the person. I'Ve got all those things going on here, too. I know a lot of people think I don't, but I do. I have those pesky little families of gray everywhere that come every two weeks. Are they friendly? Well, that's great, because these are the things. These are the challenges that we face as we get a little older with our hair. So I would love you to share with us some of the tips that you've got for older women so that they can help their hair healthy and looking beautiful. So as we age age wise because, like I said it's all in our heart and and it's all about how we feel, but as we age, the hair starts to get coarse and it starts to get much thinner. So those are two bad combinations course and thin is not a good combination right because, as our hair get turns gray, which mine is I just color it, it starts getting a lot coarser, so the texture changes, but I have the solution for you guys, because my Entire line is made for that and it's entirely natural because for me it's very important what we put in our hair and what we not do not put in our hair. So the products that I'm going to show you today they're all free of any harsh chemicals. All free of parabens sulfates they're gluten free because a lot of people are allergic to gluten. So for me it's very important to take everybody into consideration: Alyx free phosphates! So all these bad terrible ingredients that actually damage our hair, because a lot of products out there full of these ingredients - and it might be like a quick solution, but then they damage our hair in the long run. So my entire line - it's made right here in USA, it's entirely free of any harsh chemicals, and the one thing that is constant in my in my line is what I learned from my grandma. So it's literally the best from Mother Nature. My entire mind has my pure, for this is actually my pure for concentrated in a bottle, but this little oil is in the entire mine and pure for is the best organic ingredients from Mother Nature. Its Moringa, which Moringa the richest superfood in the world, maracuya Marku yeah, is the richest source of vitamin C, more commonly known as passionfruit discussion for every member. I love passionfruit, it's my favorite fruit and by the way it's the citrusy passionfruit scent. Yes, then, we have argon, which is more commonly known as liquid gold and it's the richest source of Omega, and then we also have greedy Buriti is known as The Tree of Life because they say it brings life back to everything it touches. So in those four oils you have the best from Mother Nature, all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and that is through the entire line. Well, it's really wonderful that you're saying all of this, because is one of the things that women in our community do ask about, is whether it's cruelty-free whether the products are your are natural products. I think, as you get older, you kind of I mean you probably use like a dozen different types of shampooing and conditioner in your life, and you know what does good things for your hair, so I think we're coming back to the roots, we're coming back to Those you know, there's wonderful nature, orientated products, so tell us about the the line the pure for line that you've got on, not on a vine, so the entire mine is my pure for because that is the base of the line. Okay, so everything is infused with the oils straight from Mother Nature. That being said, a lot of people might think, especially the community. We'Re talking to my thing: wait a minute. Is it oily? Is it going to leave my hair then oily? On the contrary, what the pure floor does when it's more organic and when an oil is straight from Mother Nature, it balances the pH of your skin. It does the same with the hair. It infuses your hair with all the oils and gives you that beautiful shine and allows your hair to stay naturally beautiful, but it's balancing your hair. So while it's nourishing your hair, it's not gon na weigh it down. Okay, so you should me the little bottle of oil. Is that a facial oil or is that just an example of the oil that goes into okay? It'S a toll oil, it's pure for it's organic, but I personally like to use it on my face. This is the only thing I use on my face. I like that. I'M a huge believer in facial oil seriously, but I'm 70, I'm 70 years old and yeah. It'S a crack myself, but no, but my skin is actually pretty good. You know, and I use facial oil almost exclusively - I don't even use a moisturizer. I just use facial oil, and so I'm really a big believer in that and that one's that, like you like yours, which are from nature natural products, they're really brilliant. So this one has absolutely zero fillers, it's 100 % organic and the good thing about facial oils is, you know, you're, giving your your skin. You know you're giving your face. That'S why I only use this. You know you're giving your face all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, but it's organic. So there's nothing else in there. It is gon na damage your skin. So you put those oils into your shampoo conditioner and the one that I love, and I mean what we're gon na talk about this later, but you've actually sent me some samples and I have tried them and honestly. This is about as good as my hair has looked in a long time in terms of moods and seriously, because I have very thin skin a hair, but this one, this miracle spray that you keep that you stay it gives in America. I love this. It'S written. I seriously Joyce I'm not just saying that it's really really nice everybody's in love with it literally. I call it a unicorn in a bottle. It'S not heavy at all. It'S very light yeah! Oh my god, it's spectacular in the back. You can see all the benefits and everything it does for you, but it literally it serves as a detangler. It infuses the shine it. It protects against and all the environment and damage it's phenomenal. I can't live without this. I was just in the Bahamas on a trip and there were three products that I absolutely could not live without for my hair, because you know when you're in the Sun it's intense and when you're jumping into the ocean every single day - and I have them right Here, because I wanted to show you so the three products that saved my hair in intense Sun so now that summer is coming. I want to share that with our community. These are the three products that saved my hair. It'S the leavin! That'S your your favorite! The mask - I don't know if you tried this: when did you try this now didn't try the mask. Oh, my god, you must try the mask. It'S a two minute miracle leave-in mask and it's spectacular. You literally put it on for two minutes and you wash it off and yeah. It'S like having an intense salon, quality treatment right at home, Wow, okay, so let's just go back and take a step back, because the people that are watching this video have not tried their products and they don't know what it's all about, but I think they're taking It up a level I mean it's like you to take me back and give us like three things: that women who are aging, hair or hair that sister they had beautiful years in the Sun, what they can do, what I mean just as tips, I mean wash, How many times a week or well, which use a conditioner or what kinds of things would you suggest that they case so those babies that I have to give which is a plus and it's not just for a woman over 40, 50 or 60? It'S also for men, and it's also for younger women as well. This is absolutely a must is a supplement because, as we all know, I know it might sound cliche that beauty sense starts from within, but it's the truth and everything starts from within. So if you're not giving your body all the you know all the ingredients for it to be healthy, if you're not giving your hair all the ingredients for it to be healthy, there's no way you can put topically a lot of things, but you want your hair To grow healthy from within and I'll tell you a little bit of this about the supplement. Ok, that's great! I know you were you were asking me before and - and I said, oh, you have to start taking these. These are amazing. You take just two a day. They'Re 100 % drug-free and what's jam-packed in here, I'm gon na walk. You really quick through the ingredients. So everybody that's watching us understand. So it's the I mean at a vine. We call it the Rolls Royce of supplements, it's the number one selling supplement and it's won multiple awards and it has five-star after five-star and the reason. Why is because it's proven to show results? We have clinical studies that show that in 90 days, our subjects had almost 35 percent, more hair, taking these just two a day and I'll walk you through the ingredients so that you know what's in here from it's really important, always to know. That'S why I never make anything out of the US. I make everything here so that I can control it in my lab and I'm really glad we're doing this. Essentially, because when I try to look at all the ingredients, you have to put everything on the on the label, but it's very, very small print, and I mean it's just difficult. So if you can highlight this key ingredient, so that we know is a collagen in here, for example, and absolutely there must be there's so many I'm gon na walk you through each and every single one, but by the way it is small. But for those of you who want to read it and want to UM take a look at it, you can also go on the Yvonne website, guys we, you have every ingredient there as well on Yvonne comm, but I will talk you through them right now. So we have all the benefits of my pure, for we have the Buriti mark, Huia, Moringa and the Argonne. So you have the richest superfood in the world, the richest source of omega the richest source of vitamin C. And then you have the breeding which is more commonly known as liquid gold, you have trans-resveratrol, which is phenomenal for its anti-aging properties. You have Marisol collagen, so as a side effect, you're gon na see a little reduction in those little pesky, fine lines that we all hate when they start coming, and then you also have glutathione, which is the greatest antioxidant out there. You have vitamin C vitamin d3. You have the most superb amount of biotin per serving in any other supplement in the market. You can look at them. We have ten thousand micrograms of biotin per serving. So in just two capsules. You have ten thousand micrograms of biotin, but all those ingredients already set us apart from any other supplement, but the reason why this is really proven to show results is my hero. Ingredient is called sign. A time and sign a time is the first soluble patented keratin. So our hair or skin or nails are made out of keratin as we age the keratin starts decreasing, but as we take the proper nutrition, the keratin is going to start increasing and you're gon na start noticing results. It'S phenomenal gone. Even so, you can see some before and after your keratin is a really interesting. I know the name because I associated it with breaking hair. Isn'T that what whole? What kind of holds the hair together - or I think, there's something about you have less? Does the hair? Actually, from the root is thinner the but from the root, and then when you don't have enough, our hair is keratin. Okay, that's what okay is keratin in our skin and our nails. It is keratin. So as we age, the character starts decreasing. But when we, you know Emmett, so it starts growing right. That'S why, as we age, the hair starts getting thinner because that keratin starts decreasing. So when you take a supplement like this one that is gon na, give you all the necessary nutrition, then your hair starts growing thicker from within, but now that you mentioned also as we age for what starts happening up here in our scalp, I know you have It and you tell me, try the sculpt scrub mm-hmm, yes revolutionary, I discovered sculpt scrubbing last summer in Paris and all the woman. It was like the new fad. The new thing, all the woman in Paris were saying: do you scrub? Do you scrub, and I was like I scrub my body, I scrubbed my face and they're like no? No! No, if you have hair mind, you must scrub and I'm like sorry for my might and my French little imitation. I was okay. What is this scrub? So I went to all the stores that I could find. I literally bought eight different scrubs and I came back to the US went to my lab and I said guys. What is this new thing happening in Europe? Cuz I had never heard of sculpt scrubbing. I'Ve heard of body scrubbing her face that I had never heard of scrubbing and they're like oh, it's very revolutionary. It'S like the new thing in hair care, and I said then I need it. Can you please let me know what is in it. That is so special when they looked at the ingredients it had all the yucky ingredients that I don't like in all eight of the ones I bought. We had parabens hospice all the stuff and I said: can we make it without any of that with the pr4? So that it's also nourishing - and they said yes - we can do that, and not only will we do that we'll put a botanical blend of ingredients so that, while you are getting rid of all the impurities because we don't think about it, but as we age we Have to start thinking about that, because you know our hair, you know sometimes, when we color it or we open it and scratch it there's like a little white and we say: Oh, what is that? Am I getting dandruff? What am i, what is happening? No what's happening is okay, even environmental damage and all the product build-up, even when we wash our hair, it's blocked, and if our sculpt is blocked, there's no way the hair can grow out mm-hmm. This is something you must do once a week is how I do it for men that are watching us. It should be at least two to three times a week. Okay, okay, let me review what we took to my hair. Do this is really for people that are watching choices, a font of knowledge here? This is amazing and I would actually encourage you to go up to the website the ebon website, because all these products are explained to describe them really precise detail. But first of all, you talked about thinking young, that's the first thing you talked about looking at your scalp as in a different way and treating it and taking care of it and using a scrub, or you know the wood that with those ingredients in them that Are natural and cleansing rather than polluting, and then you talked about supplements about the importance of looking at your beauty from within and and how your body needs nourishment in order for your hair to grow strong and healthy and beautiful. So what else is there that two women in their fifties and sixties should be thinking about? We talked about scrubs, we took supplements. Man talked about shampoo, how important it is to shampoo and condition. I personally mask once a week because, like I said I have the pesky little brace, so my hair starts getting coarser and I want to be able to nourish it, and I want it to be naturally beautiful and wavy. I want to be able to just fun. Let it dry and then have it look good and shiny still so for everyone, shampooing and conditioning masking once a week. This is the routine and by the way I know it might sound. Oh wow, that's a lot of information. It'S a lot of stuff! I'M gon na walk you through it very simple this every single day, because nutrition starts from within, got it every single day to a day simple, as that, this is very, very crucial in your hair care routine. Then, when you shampoo condition, I don't recommend pooing every single day. If you can wait and do it every other day, that would be wonderful because you don't want to take away the natural oils. But that being said, this is a shampoo that is gentle and is not stripping, especially for women, the community we're talking to and for myself when we cut our hair, we don't want to strip our color. So this is a very gentle nourishing and moisturizing shampoo. That is gon na give you that shine without stripping out your color. So gentle condition do they do the mask once a week the day that you mask you can do that same day. The scrub and the scrub literally is like a 40 second routine. In your shower, it's it's uber concentrated. Look at that. It'S super concentrated and all you do. Is you take a tiny little scoops. You blend it in your hands. It'S gon na leather a little bit and you part your hair in the skull and you make sure that your entire sculpt is getting that massage and that exfoliation after you do that rinse it out. And then you can do your mask the mask. You can leave in all day if you feel like your hair, is in extreme need of nourishment or you can do it in two simple minutes, while you shower, while you do your your little soap and whatever you're doing your shower routine and that's simple, so I've Given you these and then once you're out of the shower, you do your leave in that you learn. So what is the difference in terms of what it does between the masks and they leave in so the mask you think of it as an intense salon-quality treatment, because the mask what its gon na do it penetrates and it's an in shower product. You do wash it off the leave-in you can use on a daily basis. Oh you wash the rip the mask off. Okay, the mask you wash it off yes product this! You leave it on because it also serves as a heat guard. Okay and now I understand now - that's actually really helpful as you to go through the process like that, and I've got to say something I actually did try the conditioner and the shampoo and I loved the scent, and I didn't actually realize at the time that it Was passionfruit as part of the ingredients tonight which I adore, but also I found the shampoo was very um creamy I mean as a shampoo. It wasn't frothy like it, didn't really bubble a lot like it didn't go a foamy it actually just a nice. You know that it always falls on your body as you're as you're rinsing it off, and I actually felt like I wanted to rub it in my body. It was very creamy, shampoo and then no seriously and then the why? Because it's free of sulfates, yes, whenever you see something that is giving you extreme bubbles, you know it looks pretty in the commercials pretty when you shower and you have all the bubbles, those bubbles are sulphate, so those bubbles are bad for your. That explains it. That explains it. Okay, so we've got a plan. You have a plan. Is there anything else that people I mean your grandmother sounds like a wonderful woman. Did she ever tell you why these ingredients were so important and you know how it motivated you I mean. Is there anything that any other secrets is she shared with her potions? She told me she would always blend them. She would also use other ingredients, she would put also avocado and all these other little ingredients. But she always told me the one thing that I always kept in my heart and in my mind, that love is the most important thing that when you make something with love, everything else just falls into place and that mother nature has to be loved and respected. Because mother nature has the very best for us, and that is why I'm so in love with finding, even throughout my travels Moringa, I didn't get from my grandma Moringa. I discovered in a trip to Asia already married with my husband, and it was a little lady that was sitting in the floor selling. These Moringa leaves - and I walked up to her and I said what hi and she couldn't understand me because we had the language barrier. I just kept talking to her and I sat on the floor with her and she just started giving me these leaves and then she pulled out a little oil. She had like in her in her back and she gave it to me and she touched my face and my husband's, like. Oh my god baby. This breaks my heart because she was just in the floor very dirty and and then I gave her a lot of money. I do everything marika Sachi in Bali till I think of when I was in Bali. I think I I trust in Moringa oil. It'S a beautiful scent, isn't it it's a beaut while the oil was unscented that she gave her, but the flower? I think, is it's good. It'S a little. It'S a leaf! Yeah! It'S a little bit! It'S a little bit on the minty side. She gave me the leaf and she gave oil from her from her little bag and that's how I fell in love with Moringa. Then, when I got to the hotel, I started researching Moringa, and I said, oh, my god. She just gave me my new superfood. This is in love with it. My grandmother taught me to be aware to be aware of people to be aware of Mother Nature and to always spread love, no matter where you go well, it's been wonderful chatting with you. I have actually been inspired so much and not just so much by the products, but by you and by your energy and the beauty behind it. It'S funny we as we get older. I think we start looking for experiences rather than stuffs. You know the stuff is just the vehicle for the experience and I think that when you create a product line like you have it's so organically, beautiful and so organically connected to the earth that that creates a story. It'S not just an experience and not just buying the product and putting it on your hair. It'S like I'm connecting with something special. So I'm so happy that you shared all your tips with us and I hope we get a chance to talk again. Joyce has been berry so much and to all the woman watching us remember that you are young and beautiful that you are enough just the way you are that you never have to change anything for anyone and remember that beauty always comes from within so beauty's only Skin-Deep, it's what's in your heart that matters! You are wonderful, and I want to mention too for the 60 of me, women that are watching this video that we have a special offer with evine with these products. I want to mention that it'll be in the bottom. Under the article there, all the information how you can go and check out the article be on products and get a special price just for 60 and me community members and just to get from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for all your time and for your tips. Thank you so much. Thank you! So much god bless you. If you enjoyed this video, please consider supporting me on patreon. Our patreon supporters help us to make a bigger difference in the lives of women. Over 60, all around the world they get exclusive videos live, video, shows discounts and much more. So, please look for the link on this page. It is somewhere down here up there and join our tribe of women in our sixty and MIT community, who are actually making a big difference in the world challenging aging stereotypes. So thank you so much for your support.

LARK'S GARDENS: I am totally happy stopping coloring my hair. I embrace my SILVER hair. Using only self made products from Mother Nature. Calendula, Comfrey, Rosemary and Aloe are a few of what I grow in my gardens. Olive oil, coconut oil are great inexpensive additions to my routine. Your products sound fabulous. Great for people who don't have the time to do their own products. Thank you Margaret for helping ladies stay healthy.

Cassie Brown: I enjoyed watching Joyce on the Housewives show. Margaret, you look good in royal blue. I've been using Paul Mitchell for many years and get compliments on my hair. It's a challenge when it comes to aging, and that includes hair. Regular haircuts and staying with current trends seem to work best for me. However, I wouldn't rule out Joyce G's haircare line. Have a good day Community!

Altitude Is Everything: I appreciate hearing about natural hair & skincare products. However, I do have feedback for your guest: when a younger person stops an older person from referring to themselves as “70 years old” and says “No! 70 years *young*!”, it sounds condescending and silly. If we are in the last few decades of our lives, our bodies are getting “old”, even if our minds are not. Accepting that is healthy! And that acceptance is a bit of a journey for some of us, so reaching it is worth celebrating. “Old” is NOT a dirty word! We are strong, adult women; we do not need to be patronized, or corrected when we know who we are and have confidently come to terms with the stage of life we are in. I think her intention is to be empowering, but it feels the opposite to me.

cinnie2: Thank you for sharing this. Your channel is always an education. God bless.

Cooking with Ma'am Talks: I'm not ready to go silver yet... but it looks so pretty on women! Not that brave yet! Great hair tip! Kathy, Co-host of Ma'am Talks

Lovepeacejoy: Margaret, I did notice how beautiful your hair has been looking, very smooth and shiny!

Moxie Ginny: I could not qualify for the discount because I am already an Evine customer (so said the website when I went to order

Cooper: Would rather hear from someone with natural and/or grey or greying hair and not this info-mercial. Perhaps that’s why no other comments currently?

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