Our Top Winter 4C Hair Care Tips!

  • Posted on 28 November, 2018
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous


Warning theres loads of singing, hitting, shut up-ing but that's us for ya!

Love Lydia and Alma xo

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Alma's Afro Tutorial:


Lydia's Afro Tutorial:


Slick Edges Tutorial:


Scalp Detox Mix:


Shea Butter Mix:


How We Cut Our Hair:


How We Wash Our Hair:


And I'll try to try to get my Apple ID, you should have helped, but no no I'm done believing you. You don't know how my hair is feeling. I'M bored shut up. Man, sorry y'all, look what happens when you're too cold you're talking too much hi, guys and girls hi. It'S your favorite youtube duo here, and we are here to give you some winter haircare tips, so tip number one is to shampoo less. Why? Because shampoo can strip your hair of oils and all that stuff that you need for once. You actually need greasy mitts to really shine through for you, okay, not grease, but moisture and oil. So shampoo a lot less conditioned a lot more. You can use a lot of natural conditioners at home because it is expensive, the things like mayonnaise or adding loads of stuff to your conditioners and adding things like um, aloe vera juice tip number, two, all your your scalp with a lot more light oils. So you have to do this to prevent dandruff, there's also prevent dryness of the scalp, and it will help your hair grow a lot more yeah things. We all love. You can use oils like argan oil almond oil, jojoba oil, jojoba, oil, avocado oil. I got nothing. Okay, tip number three find you some good protective hairstyles, I'm gon na do one and a little bit. You don't have to have it for ages. It can only be like for a month or two months and then just take it right out. But as long as this being protected from the cold is good friends, yes, we foolishly went out with our friends the other day. Oh my god, it wasn't hot, just chilly you, oh and the wind was blowing and there was a tornado that it was mad. Okay, not really nobody, you know, and our hair is just blowing. I just felt like an abusive parent that just allow the child. The natural hair surfaces just took me place. Well, basically, protect your head fight, the breakage you date to the party party. I didn't even know that was one. Why didn't you invite me you can't get from outside close, you can't even give you let go tip number four. One of my favorite tips is like. We, as you know, have a very simple hair or simple mean we just have one of it: the aloe vera juice and we have some sort of moisturizer that they can cream or something. And then we seal with shea butter and usually like that. Our simple tea, but the one thing that has helped me through every winter is adding some Jamaican black, castor oil right before sealing your hair, like that literally just makes us so soft. I didn't do it last night in my hair. Just like looks so flimsy, don't like it, but when the castor oil is on it before sealing it, just really like helps my hair, so that is okay. She doesn't say that the whole song is, she does. No, she never fun sounds called golden. What do you think? Is it silver or is it green think you just had to say something? This still sounds staggering. The Grinch these condition your hair twice a month, because your hair just needs to extra treatment, as your hair is just always dry. We know it's hard and it's hard to have that time to do it. We'Ve done it in at least a month now so we're due to do it at this moment, but your hair just needs the action of because it's extra cold. Oh, look, I'm scared. Is it bad? Oh, it's sisters of what well and finally guys. I know so many of my friends peers that think this is the time to use more heat on their hair. Please do not use heat on your hair, especially when it's cold you're wasting time bits wasting your time in it. Hey don't use heat. What is that? What is that a move? You cannot do? No, no, you can try. Why would I want to try something stupid? Like that, can you call it that, but my fans say they like that? Oh great bars nutritional bars, but you ain't got rap bars, salt scrub. When you get open palpable, we smell it all in the camera for know what you doing stop. They got mad music filter. You are, as I was saying, using heat to stretch your hair isn't good idea. Sometimes it is gon na take a lot longer for your hair to dry. Now, because it's cold in your house, it may be colder and things like that still take longer, but it's worth just wearing a wig or you know doing something to wait till your hair is stretched rather than you know, leaving your hair a bit damp and letting The air and dry and stuff like that, because you can also catch more colds and when you use the blow dryer and stuff, even with heat protectant. It'S just it's just not nice, because you're going right back out into the cold and it's gon na be more rainy and snowy and stuff like that. So we say: do not use your heat. If you want to steam your hair, that's fine, but like actually heating it to style it and stuff. No! No! No! No! Oh me, I'm taking up film time you putting your whole gig in it, so guys these are just a little bit of tips for us. So if you have any other tips, you want us to do just leave a comment. Yeah guys. If you have anything, you want to share drop them below, we will have a read and pick some and then we will put it put your comment right there in the video and we will say your name out loud because you deserve it. So make sure you check us out on Instagram, we are always posting on Instagram, really cool things for you guys and we love you so much and we just want to say thank you for all your support and make sure you subscribe. Like comment, you know you got a deal. Thank you. Wow

MeTalk TV: Tip: I find that, moisturizing in the middle the week is very helpful, and keeping my hair in twist all week long letting my hair breath from my hand made wigs on the weekends, have help my hair to retain length, and healthy hair!!

sheerlylavendar: Absolutely love your hair! Can't wait until I have enough growth to rock a 4C crinkle fro. The more I see 4C ladies rocking their voluminous crowns, the more beautiful the style becomes for me. Blessings.

Oneness Esor: Y'all remind me of me and my sis ..can't stop laughing

Williams J: Love you and your sisters hair. Yall hilarious. Great tips! ❤

Woode: 1. Shampoo less 2. Oil scalp w/light oil 3. Protective styles - 4. Add castor oil before sealing hair with shea butter *GOLDEN TIP* 5. Deep Condition at least twice a month 6. Reduce heat

Rav3n Victoria: I feel sis pain y’all are hilarious

MademoiselleCM1: You ladies are hilarious and so beautiful. Keep up the great vlogs!

Jess: I swear y’all videos ease my anxious thoughts one of my favorite channels on YouTube forsure

Giggles: Beautiful hair ladies!!

The Creater: Hi Sisters; Love your Fro's and Energy! May your Fro's keep going strong and your Love for each other! Love, Love ya Winter Tips to Grow 4C Hair!

Gislaine: Lmao that shiver to song transition took me out

Days With Kua: Im so glad i found this channel again ❤

xxotagxxo G: Hey. So I'm from the Caribbean where it's basically summer all year round. I've recently moved to the UK and the temperature is in the high 40's/low 50's. Is it okay for me to wear my hair out in this? What temperature should it be for me to start putting my hair up?

Melinda Johnson: I have another question. I did the big chop over 2 years ago. My hair is uneven but growing. I wear it in a Afro all the time. Do I need to keep my hair even to maintain my Afro??? And what do y’all use for moisture your hair

Ariel Bay: Girl tip one I do already. Haven't washed my hair in 3 months

restless journey: Lydia has beautiful eyebrows.

Dolla Mori: Yall remind me of the hodgetwins just natural hair edition

Hodayah Yisolole: I so luv yall and the awesome singing. ❤

D: Alma I love your sweater!!!!!!

Dominio Effect: Always breaks into song lmao #loveit #dead #songbird

hilary akegnan: Go on X factor or Britain’s got talent or make a Chanel on your own where you sing !! Plz x

Gislaine: Temperatures in Canada have been at almost -20 this week. Currently detangling and my hair is drrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy

The Creater: Hi; You Welcome Queens!

sheerlylavendar: Not to mention the comedy! LOL

Chidera Stephen: Thanks sis

ARYANAH M.: You guys could make a cartoon yall are soo funny

amoy_Chang: Had to ditch the video I was watching as soon as the notification went of

Shanae sinclair: love you guys

speerrituall1: Off topic, what lippie are you wearing!

Helen Nyima: You ard so funny

Adina Callender: ❤

Gail Thompson:

Melinda Johnson: Do I have to wear a protective style???

Ariel Bay: At 8:00 my dogs head wouldn't stop turning

Dalmacia Marcelina: djodjoba oil or jojoba oil

Shan: Notification gang gang

Amirah Recreated: My sisters!!!!! I’m the third one yall never see. Lol! Jk

Love London: I like you, but not the information you are giving - I think you need to tell people you are about length and not healthy hair - healthy hair comes from the scalp and this needs to be cleaned a least once every two weeks, if out of a protective style and every 6-weeks in a protective style. I am from England too and I always shampoo, because of our water and weather, we need to use thicker oils and this can clog-up the scalp, slowing down growth and reducing the health of the hair growing through. It is the Americans that can get away with not shampooing because of the different types of water they have! British water is harder.

Sam Eym: you sing fr though

Shanae sinclair: 2nd

amoy_Chang: First

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