I Got Clip In Hair Extensions ... Was It A Waste Of Money?

Made a spur of the moment decision to try clip-ins and here's what happened!











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They actually do feel really really fat. I would say: that's pretty good. Actually I wan na put this one in crushed hello. Everyone welcome back to my channel, I hope you're all doing well. If you don't know me already my name's Ellie, I love in high school back my husband and I and our two little boys, and I mean loads of videos on this channel, all about fashion, lifestyle, painting, cleaning and Te'o's dating life. Vlogs, like above everything that goes on over here, you can tell by the title. This is going to be a hear, related video and hopefully it's gon na end a lot better than this. I have spent my whole life going between it cut my hair short like that short getting it long loving it flew me back and then just talking it short and then I realized. I want my hero, one game, so I grew it again and it just goes on and on I'll show you some photos here. So in the past I have had here extensions. I had my crew loop heel extensions about seven years ago. I think - and I love them - I loved how long infect my hair was my hairs that K to me, but I just absolutely loved having hair extensions. Then I cut my hair short after then I glue it for ages and eventually got it really nice and long and then had a baby and my hair, like old fellow you know the way, if you've had a child, you'll know what I'm talking about. I'Ve just had a second one, so this is a good example. Like you get all these little patches that fall out your here. It gets much thinner and when that happened after my first baby, I cut my hair short. This is where we are now, and I just really wanted it long again. Last week some people throw me phases of going to shell like a hit extensions back or kid. I manage hand extensions now, because I've got two kids and I have to try and get bed in the morning. At one point, I was going to get teeth extensions. At one point I was going to get the Nano bones. I think that call today and that someone recommended melk and blush heal expansions clapping, heal extensions. No be totally honest. These were all my life. I wasn't even considered on clef and heal extensions, because I've not got the time to do like to cut all my hair stuff in the morning. I wouldn't really have time to do it like all the clip ends flashed and then I probably wouldn't bother doing that. Once I looked in the website and saw these they're obviously a much cheaper option than like permanent heel, extensions or same apparent extensions, and I thought you know what as a compromise, let's get some heel extensions, some klepon ones for a few months. Try them out see if I wear them see, but do like my hair longer, the ones that were recommended to me Rimmel can blush, which is this band here. I'M gon na try the head extensions onto the first time. Show you my reaction and what I think of them and stuff, and hopefully they're good in the Malcolm flash website, is actually really really good. They do their best effort to help. You pick a good color like they have all the colors, and then they also have a video that shows you it and like the light, so that you can try and match your hair perfect slip, and then they also have photos of every tape you can get. So there's like three or four definite links that you can get plus you can Peck. Oh thank you one little. I went for the 16 to 18 inch luxurious like out of the four. This was like this third to second, is out of the four and I've got a sexy into 18 because I thought maybe the 20 to 22 would look too long. Maybe that's 125 pounds I think, appears or yeah. So this is what you get in the little box. I take it this as a sample yeah. So basically, this is like a sample, so don't open them in back until you know that you like this, so that looks quite late, but the color that I went for low that I weighed before is called love. This feeling, which is a dark brown which, for the top of my hair, the top of my hair, is really dark, but it's been balayage thought I've matched it to the ends. So that is the ends of my hair. It was a pretty good match. I would say: that's pretty good, actually, I think it'll blend either way what actually had considered was well. I just dyed them because that's what I used to do with my head extensions. I used to buy them and roughly the same sheet and then I would dye my hair at plus the extensions so that it had like all the same tones and stuff on it. Okay, so something to me old, lady hair net, like you're working in a canteen and then here the eye or they feel really thick. Actually, what we're gon na do now is we're going to straighten my one here. Obviously that's the street here. So what does Street in main so that it'll blend nicely and then once they're all and when cutter lips with all cuddles okay, first temptations are there's a law up here. I don't even know if I have enough space on my head for that. I think I would do the bottom first would not? Oh my god, I was so attracted. I want if they don't know what I'm doing anyway colorize. It definitely does match the bottom of my and make it away with not dying them, because I'm good in the next layer. I'Ve always wanted my hair to be like a bit later and the bottom every single tailor time late in my hair. It just ends up going to saw orangie, and I know you have to go through the audience stage, but that's a long time um and I always end up Gavin end before before you can get rid of the orange Ness yeah. At least, if I have an extensions that can get here, that's not got an orange tor Nana. I really don't like them. Do it here, I'm literally just putting all of these end and a random order should really be back home in the roots in there. I think I'm going back home that it looks really late, but my hair, because obviously so dark me know in the comments if interview have had like boarded like semi-permanent hair extensions and what ones you like the most, because the suggestions that Gore, where tape extensions, apparently The base like for your hair condition and the least damage in but Westie of extensions are currently it's hard to put your hair up, which for me sometimes I just get that feeling like you're, absolutely desperate to just get your head at your feet. Seeing that when I had to make to a look once I couldn't really can't really put it up up, you don't I mean, because it's a you could probably see them was like that should go at the like top of my head put another two clip or N clapper colors, actually blame didn't really nicely. It probably looks a bit mental here because you can see it contracting at the root, but it looks actually quite nice. Oh my god. Okay, I'm almost at the back rid of it put the top one in a little worried. We are the race to these are supposed to go. I just feel like I might be getting too close to the top of my hand, but it's gon. Na start being honest, you know what I mean not that it's not obviously, anyway, people are obviously going to be like your hair did not grow. Okay, I have to last. I need to try that on my head, let's try and sort of partner have to help you type it one under here. This is at first school. What we do is try and straighten it all together and hopefully it'll blend a little bit. It could be just how I've put them in, but not over them and miss them. To be honest, I think they'll look Betty, I'm blamed it with Matt one here, so I wouldn't go ahead and watch a tutorial and see em see how it tailors. Make bitumen. Okay, I'm a lot happier and just take them all out again and be dead. Matt called all the sections and I doesn't go up this part of my head saw. This is what we have no. So this is what we have now. You can definitely see where my hair stops. My real hair stops and it continues, but I feel like they're not too long, that it looks automatically like the hair extensions. For me. I always felt like they looked a lot better when they were cuddled enter my own here, because then it was blatant, saw I'm gon na do that nobody's magic, HD carve. This is a thirty two millimeter battle aim, so I'm gon na go back. The end result. Actually been leaked it now that I've coddled it and know that I've coddled it and brushed it out actually quite like. I feel like it's so hard to show my hair and this camera, so that has everything exported up. You can see about there it's hard when you get dark hair, so less as the end result um. I feel like it's actually what I it feels Betty. So I'm like hey my hair felt before it's. Obviously, it's sent out on the ends and, like I cut out the top, but that's the thing weighted extensions as obviously you don't want them to be too exact at the bottom, because it looks unnatural because here will naturally be thinner at the bottom. But I'm yeah. Thank you quite like it. I'M gon na wear them today and see how I got on my thumb, see if they feel like really unnatural, they're, really heavy. What I'll do it in fact, is I'm gon na make this open a couple of days and I'll come back and tell you what I think hello, okay, so it's like two weeks later and I wanted to get my final thoughts before I put this video up. So I've just put the hid, extensions and actually I haven't even sailed them into my hair. After all, isn't coins the pros are here is really really thick and it's in good condition and it's in good condition. So it's nice and soft. But for me, my actual here, my actual here isn't like that. So I feel like you, can tell the difference between the texture of my hair and extensions, and that makes it obvious that they're, not it's not my hair but where's. My old extensions, when I used to do we're them years ago, I used to actually rough them up a bit and I would always put a dye through them, and these do need a bit of a like a tiny bit darker to match my hair. I saw, I think doing that which kind of damaged the condition a little bit and then it was Matt Moen here more if that makes sense, um. So yeah it's good here, but if your own hair isn't good, then you might have to rough them up a little bit so that it matches the texture, there's also a lot of them and they're very sec. But if your hair doesn't beg enough, like I have a beg head, I have added off, but I personally can't fit them all in my head, so I don't know how anyone could do it here. I would say my head is bigger than average, so I don't know for me and were able to use all of them. So for me it was a bit bitter. A fat here was on smaller clips, which I think, as the next step up like the next step of thickness, is how that's, how they do it so one step down. I don't know how much you would actually be able to get in your hair because it would feel really really okay, just one second darling. Yes, I think if you had this tape down and doesn't have the thickness that I had, then you might struggle with even getting half of them and you're here I don't know how it works, but that's for that particular company. That'S why I noticed with it. They do feel quite not heavy, but I'm very aware of them being there, and I've only actually wore them out one Phil D and I was glad to get them off when I got home and I never used to get that with having permanent extensions and our Same EP, I mean it ones that were there act like born. Did I never, but I think that as time goes on, you would get used to them and that's probably why you don't notice bonded extensions as much because you get used to them like you can really see. This is not blend in with my hair, but I've done my hair for today, and I put these in just to film this a little bit, and so once you cuddle the mentor here, they do blend a lot better. The one thing that I think the helix inches Bailey's helix entrance is done for me. It made me realize that I actually like having my hair the length as which Andy is going to be so annoyed out, because I pushed to get extensions and obviously it was like a hundred odd pounds. It was an expensive lace until Erin, but not as expensive as it would have been for me to go and get they're bonded ones or the t-pain ones. I didn't like that, and at least I've got these so that if an event comes up that I went to where these two or like I've got an affair or something special that I would rather have long hair for at least I've got them there. But I don't think I'm going to be wearing them every day, like I thought I would have done, but yeah sense. Getting these I've been doing my stay on my hair, definitely and really looking after my hair, I'm doing like different treatments and stuff on it, and I feel, like that's, made me late, my natural hair, a lot more be a learning curve. There'S definitely been a learning curve, but I hope you enjoyed this video. I thought I open it up anyway and tell you like my thoughts on them. I'Ll leave the link below to the ones that I've got everyone. It would check them off ously. It always depends on your own hear what you're looking for, how much time you've got in the morning in the thickness of your hair like if your hair has the same quality, is that and it would blend perfectly um, it just hasn't worked out that way. For me, and that's not to say that I'm not going to change her mind and want to get borned did ones and the future, like. Maybe I want my hair to be long permanently, but at the moment I'm just gon na hit my hair at the shoulder length. As and yeah, it's been an expensive place until yeah. Really, what we've been doing this video don't forget to give a thumbs up, and I will see you in the next time bye see you bye. Oliver

Nicole - Three Kids and Me!: Thank you for such an insightful review! I always feel the exact same! Chopped my hair short after my first but now growing it long again. Not sure how well that will go with 3 kids under 3 years though! Always end up throwing it up in a bun anyways! Haha. Really suits you both ways though. I think I'd invest in some "occasion wear" extensions for special events rather than everyday. 2018 after my 2nd baby I tired tape extensions and had such an awful experience and it actually made looking after my hair harder work! Anyone know any clip in extensions brands that would be good to try?

Lottie Watson: They look so good, especially curled. If I didn’t watch this video I would have just thought your hair grew really quick

Carol B: Im not a huge Zoella fan but her extensions are really good and theyre tape ins, id love to go for clip ins, these are lovely, its such a minefield, i was going to go for Lullabellz but something tells me theyre not good quality when youve paid 125! Aaghh too many choices!!❤️ wheres ur berry coloured top from, love it, best colour on brunettes!

Ira: I got headkandy (now this brand) hair in like 08 or 09 and they were great. I'm thinking about ordering some again but nervous the quality won't be the same.

Claire Sugden: These look fab and so natural! Xxx

Marie Sharpe: I totally agree with Tania that is looks really natural curled like your own her I too wouldn’t notice if I didn’t know it wasn’t your own hair.xx

Carly Jade Ocean: Aaaae I think it looks lovely curled!

Abby Ritter: try pinning up the hair at the nape of ur neck !! it’ll take away those short layers when u put ur hair to the front :)

Rotten tomato: You really suit long hair! When they where curled you couldn’t tell at all that they where extensions. Will we get more vlogs from you in 2020? I miss them!

Tania Calvert: I think they look lovely in your hair

Cindy Kurcek: They look lovely for special occasions or a night out but I love your hair short on you

Catherine Booth: Oh wow! I really like them! The tones really match your natural hair colour...they look lovely! They’ll be great for a special occasion xx

amanda blackford: They look lovely. X

Deborah Nicholson: I like them but I much prefer your natural hair at the length it is currently. X

Deborah Clarke: Fabulous . So want longer hair again

Sandra Mullen:

Senait M: Niiice. :)

Calvin Liu: 1st

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