Review: How To Use Bellami Hair Extensions

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Hi guys, my name is assasia and i'm doing a review on my favorite hair extensions. Ever these are the same hair extensions that i have been using for the past three years. I believe um, but this is new from their website, usually i'm using bellamy, but this is bellamy, silk seam and this is their new brand. They come with five different colors of blonde, so it comes with five different shades of blonde and it tells you on the bag how to take care of them, which is really good for lawn keeping, and i am using silk seam 20 inches. 180 grams ash bronze. Marble blend, so that's all that right here, so very cool, all right, let's get to it! This is how i install my clip in hair extensions. This may help you as well. You need to know try to turn around in this angle, so i put one on earlier like a clip on my nape area, so i have one installed so far, i'm pretty sloppy, but maybe nobody can tell i'm going to use my four clippers. These feel so soft. You can't help, but just say: oh that's, my dog. I have a saint bernard. This is the normal, however, all righty, so then turn to the front. I have two more left. Actually i have three three more left. I have two two wax and then i have one three. My dog is in her cage downstairs because she's muddy, so i need her to dry off a little bit before i just let her run through the house, but anyways it's very important to stay as neat as possible with your oh, my gosh. My brush just got stuck in the clip, but to stay as neat as possible, with your partings and with your brush. That is so important because that's how you stay on track visually, because if you, if you can keep up what's going on with your eyes, it's like okay, you know. I finished that part on to the next section, so just keep up with your sectioning and the cleaner. They are it's going to be easy to keep up with your sectionings like. I can clearly see my scalp right here so um, i'm going to put a two piece. Some people tease - i don't, but i guess i can try it. I don't think it really makes a difference. We'Ll see how it works. You never know. I need some hair spray, like i said a lot of people like to to tease before um, applying hair extensions. I see that a lot on youtube videos. I see that a lot and it's not wrong to do that. It'S definitely more secure, like. I definitely feel like my hair is more in place right now and then i'm going to tease on the bottom. Like this, take my hairspray, i'm going to gently gently gently brush over the clip in this brush is so gentle and i got it from amazon, but it works so well! Yes, now i'm going to use my three clipper. I love using the big clippers like on the side of my head because i feel like it looks so realistic when you're you know talking and walking, and because you got all that length, you don't want just like a bunch of one pieces up here, because then It just looks like dude, it's very obvious. You know, so i usually put a piece like that all the way across here. Actually, i think i might even go higher yeah, definitely going to go higher hiya hi grace all right. Clean partings, like i said, clean, clean, clean. I don't like the teasing mechanism, but it just takes too long and usually like. I don't have time to do that, but yeah definitely don't have time to what did i just do see. This is why i like to keep everything so clean, because my hair likes to like do its own thing. There we go okay, like what are you doing to your hair. It looks crazy right now, but i promise it'll all make sense on the long run. Take those baby hairs and put them to the side, so i can use that to blend in when i'm done clipping. My three piece so here goes my three piece right on all that t's part. It'S going to go right on top of the t's, i have full control over the direction of where these clips go. So it's all in my mind. The key is to see how your hair lays and then and then you adjust to that with brushing, and you know and then you're fine, but i like that i can just touch around. I can't really see what i'm doing in the back, but i can feel where the clip shows. So that's why i tease, i can just feel it without seeing it and it's so funny. Anyone that, like knows me, knows that i have this issue with, like you know, taking my time in the morning with hair extensions. It'S like, i don't want to tease, but i know that i should because my clips probably wouldn't be showing as much as they do so anyways next sectioning, like i said brush that on through i swear that it make. This is so soft the hair bellamy's hair. It makes you literally just want to sit back and say: oh uh, uh, e-e-o and then blend it all in. I love that it's blending like the color, because that's the only reason why this was an idea to purchase this this shade, because i've been using butterscotch butterscotch watch butterscotch by pala pellami. Oh my gosh. Here we go bellamy pro, so i've been using bellamy pros um butterscotch for the the longest, so i like it flat there. I think i'm gon na put another piece like right right on over here. This last piece is only two clips, so that's the fun thing about the last piece. The last piece goes wherever you want to give you the desired. Look that you desire to have right. So if i want a really thick side, i want a lot of hair on one side and then on the other side. I have control over that. So that's the great thing about hair extensions. You have control over what your hair is going to be versus the natural things that god gave you. So let that dry yeah and you should always wait for your products to dry, just like when you're washing your face. Don'T just use uh soap and then go straight into the next thing. You know you can let that stuff sit in for about five minutes and then move on to the next regime. I can't pronounce it reg whatever. I me, like, i said y'all, so i'm going to away from where i parted my hair. Keep that in mind. I want my part to be sharp there. We go clipping it and, like i said, i really wanted a deep part on my hair. Okay, i like how it's just sticking up like that. Okay, so then you take the rest of your hair and just focus on brushing that, like all those ends, look at those little ends from your natural hair blending into the weave. Oh, it's glorious. It'S like a pot of gold from a leprechaun, blended weave. I swear all right, so i hope this blends really well, when i do a 360. i'm going to turn around, and i hope that it looks as good as it feels, but i love this brush's brush. I believe was under 10 on amazon um. I'M not sure. Please don't quote me when you're looking on amazon, if anything, i'm going to post in the description. Oh actually, it's called done. Man, dun man, d-e-n d, as in dog e, is an elephant n as in nancy m, as in mom a as in amber and then n as in no all right. So that's it. I hope you guys loved it. I love this my first time installing all these hair extensions in so this is my first review. I love it. I mean i'm just as in shock right now, as anyone else bellamy did a great job. I am actually wearing my bathroom from um. It'S not a bathrobe, it's kind of a spa robe from my wedding day and i thought it'd be a very special occasion to wear it today, as i did a review. So this is very special for me today. Um yeah - and i did my own makeup - we're all in house quarantine during the cobin 19 pandemic. So it's like wow. I actually did my hair and my makeup so yeah. It was really cool, yeah, very nice. Well, thank you for watching um. What do you do with your hair? What do you wear bellamy? What'S your favorite type of hair extensions? What type of products are you using on your hair extensions and are you naturally brunette transitioning into blonde and you're? Looking for some new hair extension colors to go with, but you have no idea because, hey you haven't tried anything out yet let me know - and we can discuss some things because i love to talk about hair. I love hair. I love beauty. I love makeup. I love to just be involved with everybody as much as i possibly can, but anyways. Thank you for watching. My name is essaisha and please click. Subscribe. Click subscribe to watch more videos, have a lovely lovely lovely day with you and your family bye.

Tish: I never comment but I just had to, I'm loving your lashes and makeup. Very glsm. The hair matches you perfectly. I just sent that color back to Bellamy it just didn't match my skin tone but it looks absolutely beautiful on you I'm such a hater right now LOL just joking it looks great on you! Thanks for the video and the info on the brush!

Daniela W: Thanks for this review!

queen kk: How long does this hair last? I've read many reviews that their hair doesn't last very long because it's mixed with synthetic hair.

Gaydrian Spears: Beautiful shade of blonde

Aryah Francis: Wonderful video

SincereFreeSpirit: Please stop teasing your hair you’re breaking it all off and olaplex olaplex olaplex

Dear God Help Us: How long do they last you?

Jakai Walker: you are gorgeous

amieyy hassan: My hair ash grey mix with brown do you think will blend with this color?

Melissa Brown: Your beautiful!

g Erickita: your so gorgeous

Tyshelle Peters: Omg you remind be of Demi Lovato x

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