Life Update | Moving Again, Relaxed My Hair, Why I Haven'T Been Posting On Ig





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Music: “Safety Deposit” “Call Boo” “Back Then” Marcus Musik

twitter - Iammarcusmusik


In todays video I'll be chit chatting about where I've been the last few weeks and whats been going on with my move and just life in general (:

Hey guys welcome back to my channel so, as you can see by the title, i'm just going to be chit chatting a little bit today giving y'all an update on what's going on. I don't want this video to be too too long, so i'm just going to get right into it. I do have some notes right here on the floor. So if i look down at any point or i'll just edit that out, but if i look down at any point it's because i am trying to stay on track and not get too. You know rambly, but basically you guys have obviously noticed that i haven't posted a video in a couple of weeks. I haven't really been posting on instagram. It'S just been a lot going on nothing bad, but for me, whenever something is going on in my life, that is really really important like it takes priority over everything, and i know that that's not necessarily like a good practice. But for me right now, this is like a lot and for me, this process has been a little stressful, um, not too bad, but a little stressful. To the point where i feel like. I just have to put my all into this one thing and that one thing is obviously you guys know. I mentioned that i'm gon na be moving my husband's going to be getting out of the military in september. Officially, so we're both going to be military, free. Okay and i'm super excited about it, i'm so excited so excited for him, because i know what that feels like, but i'm very nervous at the same time, because, although we're already in our late 20s, i feel like our life is literally just beginning. If that makes any sense - and it is kind of nerve-wracking - we don't have any children, we don't have any. It'S just us two, so we're kind of at a point where we're like. Obviously we want to do that, but we really haven't, got gotten to live out. Our 20s and like experience life together, travel just have fun with each other. So that's a whole nother video, but i did want to just kind of throw that in there. So yeah we're just really excited about this move and i haven't vocalized where we're moving. Yet at first we didn't really know. I asked you guys, like months ago, i was like: where do you guys think we're moving, and there were so many guesses in there and it was a lot of correct guesses. But at the time it was between two different places. Two different states - and i didn't really know which one it was, but i did see both of the options when i was scrolling through there. So now we have officially one option: we're actually looking currently actively looking for a house in the state and it has been a little stressful. The market is trash, i'm sure you guys know this. So it's been a lot honestly to find exactly not even exactly because we're going off the bat renting - and i know a lot of people have their things about renting and blah. Blah is a waste of money, but i don't want to go straight into buying a house because it's just not. I don't think that it's worth it because, first of all, i don't know what i'm getting myself into. I'Ve never lived in this state before i don't know. If i'm going to like this specific area where this house is going to be at, you know that kind of thing. So if anything we're just going to rent for a year and then we're going to actively be either building or looking for a house to buy whatever, but we're not going to go straight into it like that, because it's it's just not what we prefer so yeah That process has been uh. It'S it's been stressful, but it's also been like okay. Well, it's just not the right time, so we finally finally found something right. After looking for, like the last month, we've been working with a realtor. I absolutely love her. I cannot wait to meet her, but um yeah we've been actively working with a realtor in this state and she is just amazing, she's been so helpful and just giving us all of our options and letting us know. You know the pros and the cons and we've been doing a lot of back and forth as well, and we found something finally and we reached out and for whatever reason they let us know. Oh sorry, the house is no longer on the market, even though it's still listed so please i hate when i find something and they tell me it's no longer on the market but i'm like, but you have it listed as though it is so that's always weird To me, but yeah, so we finally did actually move in a direction towards something and it's not even available, so we're not back at square one, because we do have a backup, but it is still kind of like uh. Hopefully, it's not the same case with this other option, because then we're gon na be back at square one, but yeah. It'S just been a little a little stressful to be looking so hard find something - and you know it's not even available for you to actually even look at so yeah - that's been a little annoying but other than that, i'm just taking it day by day. I feel like whatever it is, that i'm doing i'm moving in the right direction. I have been getting a lot of signals. Okay from the universe - i don't know if you guys believe in all that, but i truly believe that this is about to change my life. Like for real for real, this move is about to be insane for me, it's going to literally change my life, like i don't know, if you guys remember me, saying, like me, coming here to corpus, really just took a toll on me mentally and physically. I have had the most health problems here. I have been stressed a lot of things that i didn't experience before in other places all came to me while i was here and i've just like battled so much back and forth. My anxiety has been extremely high since being here it's a lot. I don't even want to get too deep into that, but oh my gosh, i am so ready to get out of here. You guys can probably tell a little bit sort of kind of maybe the changes and just up and downs like i'll, be here one minute and then i'll just kind of disappear like this place, has really taken a toll on me, and it just hasn't allowed me To flourish and become what exactly i wanted to become because you guys know i got out of the military right before coming here. So for me me getting out of the military. I was like okay, i'm about to i'm about to do this. Okay, i'm about to go full force. I'M about to you know really do this for real for real, and i came here and it completely discouraged me there's no one out here. That really looks like me: there's no one out here that i see that does what i do. It'S a lot of older white people. Nothing against that! I you know have no no problems with that, but with what i do, i need to see that i need to see, especially in general. I need to see people that look like me. I need to see people out there getting it grinding that are my age that are young they're black successful, like i want to see that so, when i go outside i'm not motivated, i don't see what i want to see if that makes sense, and when i Go places it's just weird like i don't know how to explain it, but i just feel so out of place here and even when we're out and about and people are just kind of looking at us, not in a way of like you know anything bad, but Almost thinking like what are y'all doing here, like we're young, a young black couple out here in the middle of nowhere, basically where there's really not much to do, and it's just like - i don't know all the young people that i've talked to out here like when I go get services or go to restaurants or go places and stuff they're all just like this is not it. Okay, like corpus, is not it. I don't know why the hell - i'm even here - i'm here, obviously because of my husband - we're literally here for a reason, but y'all cannot wait to get out of here before i go too deep into that. Like i said, i don't want to start ranting, but just know it is time and i'm so excited so yeah. Recently, i've just been really really focusing on myself and working out. I'Ve been going to orange theory. I'Ve been going to orange theater for like the last two months now, and i love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love the atmosphere of working out with other people, and just everyone is in there for the same reasons, and you just want to get to it. You know you want to get to it. I love the instructor vibe like someone telling you what to do, and it's not in like a you, know, basic training, kind of way but yeah. I just love the whole setting of it and i feel like i'm more motivated to go harder when there's people around me also doing the same thing and you just kind of want to like it's not like a competition, but you just want to give it your All and that's what i love about it, i'm not here to like promote orange theory, i'm just letting you guys know what i've been doing and it's been amazing. I love it and i also work out on my own as well. So i know if you guys have been orange theory. You know it's a lot of cardio and it's also weights, but it's like a lot of cardio. So for me, when i work out on my own, i have been working out a lot more with weights and just trying to build my body back up because the girl, completely you know, just let herself go and letting yourself go - is subjective to the individual. So letting yourself go can literally mean anything, but for me i just feel like i've always been super active. I love working out. I love just like i love that feeling i love the soreness. I love sweating. I love just like just working my body and just knowing that it's going to benefit me. I love that and i just kind of let that go since i got to corpus like literally since i got here insane the way that i let myself go and i'm trying to bring myself back in, because i know that i'm about to change my atmosphere. Everything around me is going to change, so i have to do what i need to do for myself to be prepared. So recently i have been actively trying to protect my peace. I always heard that term. I kind of had an idea of what it meant, but i didn't know exactly what it took to actually protect your peace, and i didn't realize that sometimes for some individuals protecting your peace means kind of like retracting yourself, even from the people that are closest to You i talked to my dad every single day. I got to a point where i was just like. Listen, i don't want to talk to you and it wasn't anything personal. It was just like listen. I cannot. I physically cannot talk to you like there's some people in my life they're going through a lot of things. It'S like it's, not their fault, it is what it is. You know i understand that, but i got to a point where i was like i'm sorry. I just cannot talk to you right now and i felt terrible i've never done this in my entire life. I felt terrible about it, but i noticed that i felt lighter like a week after i felt a little bit lighter and then i felt a little bit more. I felt a little bit lighter and i was just like i mean i hate the fact that me protecting. My piece involves me kind of retracting from the people that i love, but sometimes i feel like it's necessary because i was literally at a point of literally not having anything left to give. I didn't have anything left i was like. I have to have to come back and just be with myself. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to interact with anyone i.e talking to you guys, posting anything on instagram, just kind of interacting with you guys. I literally just felt as though everything and everyone, regardless of his family, my followers anything like that. I didn't want to interact and it had nothing to do with you guys or obviously nothing to do with my family. It was literally just me like listen. I have to like, i have to give myself a break okay, i need to really sit with myself and just woosa. To be honest because i felt like i was always there for this person there for that person there for this person there for that person - and it was just it was getting too much. So i literally just kind of like became a recluse and i was like i cannot do this anymore. I need to just disappear, so that's kind of what happened the last two weeks and i honestly feel so much better. I do still have a lot of work to do. Y'All, okay, i do, but i do think that i need to find a balance, a healthy balance, because, to be honest, that's really what's been my issue finding a healthy balance. I find myself giving my all to one thing and then just kind of neglecting another thing which i know is normal. But for me i really want to be more flexible and be able to kind of like divide myself up, and i know that that's also sometimes looked at as, like. You don't want to like chop yourself up in too many pieces because then you're going to be like in pieces, but it's like i do want to so. For example, if i'm focused on youtube, instagram kind of takes a hit a little bit if i'm focused on instagram youtube kind of takes a hit a little bit. So it's like finding that healthy balance has really been my struggle. Lately and honestly, just life has been lifeing and it's not even a bad thing. Nothing bad has really been going on. I'Ve just been changing and i've noticed, like things are starting to kind of, like my gears are starting to shift a little bit and things are starting to become more clear and other things are starting to not become more important than other things. And it's just a whole lot. A whole lot like a whole lot of pieces are shifting in my life and nothing else is going to change like i'm not going to stop doing youtube, i'm not going to stop doing instagram. That'S not what this is about, but just in my personal life, a lot of things that light just went up and it's not going to cut back on so hopefully this doesn't look crazy, but yeah so yeah. This light just went out again. So that means i need to hurry up, but i don't really have too much more to say other than i've been getting questions about just little things here and there. So one thing that i've been really focusing on recently is removing any stresses in my life, anything that is causing me any sort of stress whatsoever. I am going to do what i need to do to make that not a thing and one of those things was my hair, so you guys know i've showed you guys my hair a million times. I love my hair. It'S a lot, though. It'S really thick. It'S really full! Thank you, god. I appreciate you for that, but it is a lot to deal with, especially when you're kind of going through a lot in your life. I find myself neglecting my hair, so a lot of times, if i had a lot going on, my hair, would just take a hit because i was like listen. I got time and i was like always dreading washing my hair braiding, it down combing it out like doing whatever i had to do to it, and i was just like listen. I don't need to deal with this. I don't. I don't have the capacity right now to deal with this, so yes, i did relax my hair and i did it like at this point. Like two months ago, um it's been a little while so yeah, i don't have any regrets. Y'All know my hair is hair. It'S just hair and i don't really have emotional attachments to hair. I do so much stuff to my hair and i just i just feel like it's just hair. You know any time i want to do something with it, i'm going to do it and it is what it is. It'S my hair. So it's like, i don't really see it as a big deal, but you know how people are on the internet, about hair other people's hair at that. So it's just like i didn't announce it. I didn't like record it. Actually, i did record it and i decided not to post it because i was like this isn't for everybody like it's not like a big announcement. It'S not something that needs to be broadcasted like it is what it is. I relax my hair moving on right, so yeah i relax my hair and i don't regret it at all. My hair is flourishing, still is doing great, i'm actually about to cut it into a bob. Clearly, as you guys can see, i don't have an emotional attachment to my hair. My hair is like bra strap length in the back, so yeah i don't really care. I just want my hair to be healthy. I just wanted to, you know, do what it does, but i really do want all my hair to be the same length and i really love a good bob. So yeah i'm going to be cutting my hair until bob and i am going to record it so stay tuned for that. But yeah i did relax my hair and i don't have any regrets whatsoever and if you have anything negative to say about it, it is what it is y'all, it's just hair. So last, but certainly not least, i just want to talk about like why i haven't been posting on instagram um. It'S nothing that deep, but y'all, it's freaking, hot, okay, it's hot! It'S hot! As hell. It seems like it's hot everywhere and i know y'all know it's. Freaking hot, like over 100 degrees hot every single day, so getting content is just not it's not giving like. I just cannot do it. I cannot do it. I physically can't. I know you can take pictures indoors and stuff like that. But y'all know i love to go outdoors and you know i don't really like to have too much going on in the background, as i've told you guys before in my how i take my instagram photos, video, but i do like just natural lighting i like to Be like well lit and sometimes artificial lighting. Doesn'T it just doesn't hit the same? It literally doesn't hit the same as natural lighting. So that's why i like to go outdoors even if it's just a plain wall and take my pictures, because i know it's going to be well lit, but it's just way too freaking hot, like so hot. It is insane like it's really insane and also instagram has just been not that girl, like everyone has experienced the you know the crappy algorithm and people's posts are not being seen and all of that - and it is very discouraging as much as people want to say, Like they don't care and blah blah, it is like we do care the influencers do care, because that stuff does matter to an extent, and it's like to say that you just don't care. I i some people may not really care, but to be honest, i do and i feel, like i've grown my platform so much literally myself, organically and for it to. I don't know for instagram to just kind of like shun your content in a sense and not allow all of your followers to see it. It is discouraging it pisses me off to be honest because it's like well like. What'S the point you know, and sometimes it is discouraging, and i do i'm like well, i'm not gon na post. I don't even wan na post like for what. But honestly, a lot of me not hosting has a lot to do with the weather, because i'm not physically going out and taking pictures in the first place but yeah. I just wanted to mention that, because a lot of people have my girl like what's been going on instagram i've kind of just been posting, not anything, but not my typical content, i'm very, like particular about my pictures. I vocalize that a lot, i'm very particular about my hair. How everything looks together like i take it very seriously, because at the end of the day, this is my job, no matter how much i you know try to like separate the two. It is my job. Okay, it is what it is, and i'm i'm so grateful for everyone that follows me. I'M so grateful for everyone that likes comments subscribes interacts with me all of that, but it is discouraging like i'm just going. To be honest, it is what it is, and i know that it's happening to everyone, so it's just kind of like it is what it is, but yeah. I do want to start to get back into posting. I have a lot of ideas and i do have a lot of videos that i'm going to be recording. I'M actually going to be recording one after this video um, not a real but a video, and i have two other videos that i'm going to be recording. Next week that i also want to record reels for so i do want to start getting into reels. I'Ve always been like nervous, and that's why i never really did reels. I don't know why, but something about it just makes me nervous. Like i don't know it's just it just it's like it's different, i don't know, i guess it's because i don't usually post like video content to instagram. It'S always a photo thing for me, so it's just different and i guess i just kind of shied away from it because it wasn't it wasn't something that i was used to. I wasn't comfortable for whatever reason i don't know y'all, i really don't know, but i really want to explore doing reels. They look like a lot of fun and i just i've done a couple y'all seen, but i want to get more into it. So yeah. Let me know down below any kind of reels: y'all want to see, i'm definitely going to be doing majority fashion reels to be honest, but if there's any specific type of fashion reels or any type of reels in general that you guys want to see, then definitely Let me know, but yeah i didn't want this video to be super duper long. I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on. I'M fine y'all, i'm good, i'm just trying to find a house. It'S literally that's it trying to find a house and i've been kind of like laser, focused on that and we're getting really close to crunch time and, as you guys know, the military relocates you. So they pack up all your stuff and they move it to wherever it is that you're going and if we ain't got no address for them to move our stuff to then you know so i have to find a house like i have to so yeah. That'S just what's been going on nothing too crazy, um! I didn't want to post this before i posted anything else, which is why i didn't post anything. I had content like fashion videos, but i kind of felt like i didn't want to just keep posting fashion content without posting like something like this, where i'm just talking and giving you guys an update. So that's why i just didn't even bother posting it, but obviously, after this video you guys will see all of that content going up. But, yes, i wanted to let you guys know what was going on and i hope you guys have a better understanding. I don't want to like go too deep into like where i'm moving and all of that, because i've just been kind of in a sense moving in silence. Until i find my house and until everything's solidified and all of that, i'm not really going to be talking too much about it, but once i get to that point, i am going to start to document it. If you guys want to see me vlogging this moving process and then, of course where i'm moving to and all of that, let me know down below and give this video a thumbs up. If you guys would like to go along that journey with me, i do want to start vlogging for sure, especially because i won't be here anymore and i'm going to be moving to a new city, i'm going to be exploring and all that stuff. So definitely let me know if you guys want me to vlog that and also give this video a thumbs up and i'm gon na get out of here, because i didn't want this video to be super duper long. My light is dead. I think it's actually broke because i tried to turn it back on and it ain't working and it's plugged in so yeah. I got ta go figure that out, but i will see you guys in my next video. Thank you so much for watching. Thank you all for all the love. A lot of people have been commenting asking me is everything? Okay, you good girl, i'm good! I am good i'm just trying to find a house, okay, so yeah. I love you guys so so much and with all that being said, i will see you in my next one

IshaMoy Williams: Taking time out for yourself is always # 1 before anything so happy for your husband I do hope you guys get to enjoy life before growing your family ❤️❤️

Minka Gaston: Self care first always sis❤ congratulations on you and your hubby starting a new life chapter. Can't wait to see some of it play out

Ciera Evette: Literally in the same transition right now. We our moving as well with the military. I totally agree I haven’t been as active on any of my social media as well. Glad you guys are doing well. May God bless you and your husband on this journey and chapter.

Driya B: I love how transparent you are ! It helps alot of ppl who are in the same boat as you and seeing how you dont let it stress you out and still flourish is inspiring.☺️ keep going.

Lyniyah Mystique: Wishing you and your hubby the best for the future ❤️.. thank you both for your service! You keep on claiming what God has in store for you and it will be yours!! Love and light ✨

All Hails To Hai: This video really translated a lot of how I’m feeling right now as well! I cut my hair today for the same reason lol! I’m excited to see the process and flourish in your new home!

Pamela Ofori: I love your honesty. I was in this same situation some months back. I had to move, change jobs, deal with immigration etc and it was do draining. I lost weight, cut my hair and literally neglected myself. Put yourself first love, take all the time need, social media will always be around. much love

Nicki Malaé: Talk care of yourself first always ❤️ we will always be here girll! Congrats on FINALLY being able to move I know you’ve been waiting for this moment for soooo long!

Joshilyn R: Self Care is VERY important! I hope this move is more than what you imagined! I'm going to IG right now and make sure all of your pics have a like!!!! Keep doing you!!! We here!! We ain't going no where!!

Vonita Hall: This was very relatable. I’m also focused on figuring out how to balance it all. Also, I understand 100% about this Texas heat. It’s different !I want to shoot content outside too but I haven’t been able to. I’m going to try waking up super early and doing it but even then it’s still so hot. I’m excited to see where you’re moving. I wish I was moving too lol so I’ll be loving vicariously through you with this move.

kimberlyskloset_: Congratulations on this next chapter in your life! We know it will be beautiful and equally awesome because you get to do it with your hubby And btw, no matter how long you stay away, we will come back every time

Shay_D: So excited for this new chapter in your life. TFS ❤️

Karlisa: Wishing you the best on your new move❤️ Sometimes God separates and and seemingly sets us back, just to give us clearer vision & propel us forward! I’m so excited for you

Jasmine Anderson: So happy for you and your husband sis, you guys will finally be able to live life.

MochaxWorld: I never leave comments on people pages but i just had to comment on yours..I love your content and your honesty about everything. I feel like we have the same thought process when it comes to certain situations.I hope to be like you one day

Alimah Unveiled: I completely agree sometimes you have to set boundaries especially with family and friends just call and dump their drama on you it’s exhausting. I relaxed my hair a week ago after almost 10 years and I have no regrets!!!

Kierra Brown: I can relate with everything you mentioned so thank you so much for sharing!

DenDen: Sis…you really don’t owe us any explanation as to why you haven’t posted in awhile. People have to realize you have a life aside from YouTube. Handle your business & we’ll be here waiting for you once you adjust your life! Happy for you & your husband. Enjoy one another & just be happy!

Jenelle: Thanks for the update. All the best with your future endeavors. Love from Jamaica ❤️

StephanieNicoleH: Yesssss! Have fun and live life and travel with your hubby! Good luck on your move! I know how stressful it can be. And I am getting a relaxer soon too. Do you girlie! ♥️

ILoveHer : Yes! Would love to see a vlog! You definitely should always take time out for you. We can't pour from an empty cup

Imperial Greatness: I actually literally went to your reel tab a week ago lol I like reels and I think you would do a great job. I think it’s something you are not used to but once you do it. It’s super fun and easy that will widen your reach. Yes photos are doing really bad on IG

Ms oddballz: Would love to see more vlogs. Take care of yourself and hopefully the next place is better than this one. I pray that you will be in condition mentally and I hope the next place motivates you more than this one did.

Shan Ice: I wish you all the best on your new journey

Iris Robinson: Wishing you the best. I pray that you find the house of your dreams.

Katie Caddle: you deserve to spend time with your husband. we appreciate what you and husband do for us and we are grateful but you guys also need the time to spend together especially if you never done that in a long time.

IeashaBoss: Making yourself #1 is important…I literally use to get called selfish when i put myself before anyone and use to feel bad but no anymore…I literally will put my phone on DND and wont feel bad and shut down from the world…when you said actually living i felt that bc i had my kids young and didn't get to live but now babeeee I'm living..traveling, going out move and enjoying life shiddd enjoying myself…yesss i love when you vlog

Myriam Petit: Trust In the Lord baby He will do the rest ! Your covered claim the victory the change that’s about to happen and don’t forget to give Him praise can’t wait for the success I can feel it for you !!!!!

loisly lois: I cut my whole hair when life got stressful and it's been short for two years. My hair shouldn't stress me And pls vlog the moving process, all the best Sis

UNRULY MARSHA: The house market is ridiculous for no darn reason

Na’fee Banks: Reel ideas: ootd/outfits of the week, simple styling videos, shop w/ me, bring back the “what would I wear to the ______ fashion show” videos

SimplyCurly: Bronnie dear, I've learned that we're only as good as our mental is...

Azitae Thomas: I love the transparency❤️ Lean on God!

ShakeraSphere: Your very much right there not a lot of women our age group that does fashion content alot of women that I see do big things with big brands are way older. That's why when I saw Vicky Logan and idesign 8 getting collections with Amazon i spent a whole check and planning on doing the same for the next one

Wanda Collins: U R going to b GREAT WRITE DOWN ALL YOUR to do s and do d best u can I love u for being so up front about d situation I no that u will get it done I c your work habits GOD B WITH U ON FINDING D HOUSE U LOVE

Love Laugh: Please make sure to travel personally with all of your important and sentiment items. The military lost all of our stuff when we moved, it was sad! But luckily I at least had most of our sentimental stuff.


Nickeyshe knows: Literally my favorite YouTuber

Girlie: That outfit is everything y'all

Love Laugh: I'm sorry but I can't believe you relaxed all of that beautiful hair. I want to cry!!!! But I get it, I do! But still sis!!!

Windolynd Darden: I would love to see some unboxing reels

Katie Caddle: love your content. you gotta show me how to put on a lace wig by myself cause im a beginner.

Jasmine Darden: I’m just watching this one. Almost done, and you just posted a haul.. gimme a few mins and I’m headed over there!

valerie dismuke: You could pick 1 pair of shoes and style them with 4 outfits, dress them up and dressed down‼️

Na’fee Banks: I feel like y’all are moving to DC, Chicago, NYC or maybe Atlanta!

ShiAbbas: ❤️u Bronnie!

Kierra Brown: Grwm and pick a outfit with me reels.

IshaMoy Williams: Notification ganggggg

Shermaine: When ur ready for ur hair to go back I can wash it out with a beer to bring back the texture

Antonette Shay: Hey boo!

Sammy Da Goat:


UNRULY MARSHA: You can't let everyone problems burden you

Diamond Gilliam: Heyy

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