How To Attach Human Hair Dreadlock Extensions Properly! And A Crochet Hook Tutorial

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This video will teach you how to properly attach your dreadlock extensions to your existing dreads of any length and maturity if you use the crochet hook to maintain your dreadlocks.

This video will also teach you how to properly crochet your dreadlocks.

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What'S up YouTube dreadlock boosah here with another video, I want to say hello to everybody from all across the world. It'S one of my favorite things about YouTube being able to connect with everybody from all different parts of the planet. You know it's nice, so today's video is in exciting, more guys, I've been telling you that I was going to make a video on how to add extensions to your dreadlocks. So today, I'm going to show you just that how to add dreadlock extensions into your existing dreadlocks, using in my case, human hair extensions that I made myself using the back home method today, I'm going to show you half of that process. I already have about twelve dreads that need to be crochet, they've already been back home and today's process is going to be crocheting them and then crocheting them into your LOC. Dreadlocks here is an extension that still needs to be crocheted. You can see I kind of started crocheting it a little bit up here. This is the loose hair. At the end, this is how much loose hair you need to leave. Oh it's about two and a half three inches of loose hair. You want all this loose hair because you're going to crochet it into your dreadlock. This is what's going to hold your dreadlock in place and I'll show you how to do that in a little while. So as you can see, this is a human hair extension. It'S short simply because you're limited to the length of how much hair you can get off of somebody, so this was 18 inches in length before I dragged dreaded it and now it's, I would say anywhere between ten and twelve inches long. So that's how much length you have to work with with human era. The disadvantages of using human hair is you're limited to the length you can use full-on synthetic hair where you can get braiding hair. That'S 56 inches a month, 54 inches in length. So then, you can make some pretty long extensions without having to use multiple sections to achieve the length that you want. Um. If you don't want to use human hair extensions, I recommend using yaki hair. It'S a lot cheaper than human hair and it's very close to quality. It'S a synthetic, it's a human hair, synthetic blend and it's more expensive than the full-on synthetic hair, but not by much um. So that's another option. If you're looking for something a little bit cheaper, the upside to the yaki hair, is that it's not like the full synthetic hair where you can't expose it to heat over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. I think it was. The yaki hair will withstand heat up to 420 or 400 and some Fahrenheit, so you can blow-dried, you can take hot showers, you can go out in the Sun, you can do whatever you want with it and especially dreadlock form. It will look just like real hair. Now this is the one that we got a crochet. You can see all this loose loose hair at the tip. It'S like a little rat's tail. You can't really back homeless anymore, because you're not really going to get. You can try to get more. You might be able to get like another quarter of an inch, maybe maybe get it tighter. What I do is, I just cut it off here and then I'll show you the process in a little bit. This one here is already crocheted still have the loose about three inches of loose hair up here you can see its texture, it's really nice. It'S really silky it's nice. So this is the tip I still got to do a little bit more crocheting to the tip, but I can install it just like this and then do more maintenance to throw these extensions need to be crocheted still and you can see the loose the loose hairs. The loose section at the tip - this is what you're going to crochet into your hair. So, let's start the process. Let me show you how we're going to crochet some, so the fro show hook we're using today is the lock sculptor from dread head HQ. I'M going to put a link in the description for you. If you want to pick it up, I recommend you highly pick it up. This is the this is the tool that we're using today. This is what it looks like the tip on it. As you can see that that's very, very fine try to get the camera to focus on it for you, you can see how small this tip is. It'S actually a little bent from you using it so much, but it still works. Fine. This is super tiny. This isn't going to damage your this won't damage your dreads at all. This is excellent. So, let's start, let's start with this one. Now we're just going to come in here and tighten this up a little bit. I like to hold a crochet hook with my thumb here and then we're going to use this finger right here for leverage you're going to move it back and forth off of this finger if you're familiar with using chopsticks, it's kind of similar, the similar fashion. So we come in here, fine, what we gon na find what we need to tighten up start from the top and we're just going to come in and pull hair. Now, when you're safe, you can see this, you pull out a loop, and then you pull it back in pull another loop through it, pull it back in pull another loop through it, so you're kind of like knitting. In a sense, you can kind of use this technique on actual hair, that's connected to your head, but it won't work as well, because this hair is loose so it can move and it can be pulled. Your actual hair won't be able to be pulled like this. So remove my hand, show you what's going on here now you spin it around now see just a little bit that I crocheted already looks mature, looks like a mature tripod and it's pretty damn solid. It'S pretty tight! Now, let's finish this one up now. At this point, where you have a nice solid piece here - and this is still flimsy - this is nice solid - it still bends just not as easy as this see. So from this point I like to flip it around and actually hold it by the thick part, not the thick part, the solid part, because it won't Bend in your hand anymore, and you can work from the solid portion up now. You might want to leave these thick like this. If that's what you want, but depending on how many dreadlocks you have, you might not want to do that, because there's going to create more heat, they're going to be thicker they're going to be everywhere, especially if you're not used to having long hair you're not going To be you're not going to be too thrilled with it right off the bat, it's going to take some time getting used to now see what I'm doing here when I pull that out like this, this is releasing the hair from a crochet hook. The way this is designed it releases hair, so it's a super easy to use tool. It'S designed for this. It'S not like a regular point-five crochet hook that you get from Amazon, even though those work really well too they're. Just really release is a little different. Now that we got this little lion's tail here at the end - and we got this big piece of extension left, what we're gon na do is we're gon na cut this, so don't cut it too close to the tip we're going to cut it about here and You'Ll see why in a second, so the reason why I cut this this far off is because we're going to make a nice blunted tip at the end we're going to take this and we're going to fold it over to where it makes them a nice blended Tip about the same size as the extension now, this is just folded over. You can see how I folded it over it's about the same size that we're working with so from here we're going to go in and we're going to crochet all this hair into the tip tube on it. You can actually use this technique on your normal hair. On your actual dreadlocks blonde, your tips, this works really really well too. Blunt tips just bend them over and then crochet them into the dry lock. You can start like this. It'S going to be very loose at first you're, just pulling hairs through looping them pulling hairs through the other loop again, you kind of like you're knitting, a sweater here, excuse it as you're working with it to explain how I hold the crochet hook. The way I hold a crochet hook, especially this one - it's got these little ridges with the point. I hold the point facing me with my thumb, holding it as my leverage, so this one is pretty much finished. This is what it looks like. Not bad just got to fix this little piece right here, this little piece where we do that, put it in between your thumb and your forefinger, because you're locating it taking the latching onto the hair and pull it in and that's it. This extension is ready to be crocheted into my hair after we. This is ready to go we're going to give this a little nice little palm roll just to clean it up a little bit get a tighter. So I know if you've been watching some of my videos, I've been saying that I wasn't planning on adding actually any more extensions to my hair, but lately I've been wearing my hair up in these crazy big, huge buns and I've actually been thinking about doubling the Length of my hair simply because I want bigger, bigger volume up here when I make my buns and it's I'm beginning to think that I'm gon na make more extensions and add more more to my length. What do you think guys? Let me know, let me know what you think um. What are your thoughts on the subject? Should I add more extensions to my lens? Should I'm double it and length I'm trying to? I want dread lives down on my knees, you know, and I don't want to wait six years for that length to come in. I want it now and I know I can make it happen now. So why not right? Let me know what you're thinking the comments guys, I hope hope to hear your thoughts on this subject. So let me pull my hair down for you yeah. You saw that right, mm-hmm, that's how easy it is. Maybe I'll show you that bone in another video. How much rise guys and now we're going to find an extension, a short one to add an extension to. I think this one is right off the bat, a good candidate yep. I think this is it so this one is in the back of my head. This one's in the back of my head, you can see you can see it's not as long as the rest of my dreadlock, so we're going to add this extension to it. First we're going to see if this is similar in size. This is very similar in size now. This is the reason why it's thin here and gets thicker, and then it's about the same size all the way through the reason. Why is I'm going to show you, as I crocheted it into my hair, so where to start this is first we're going to take a crochet hook and we're going to separate all these all these heads, I'm Austin here is we found the culprit, alright, so back To this guide, once you make something that looks similar to this, you can go ahead and take your blunted tip and place it right inside, like this push it all the way in and squeeze it together here at the tip now you're holding it you're holding it You'Re holding the tips together, then you take all this hair, pull it up, and now you squeeze this in between your fingers like this now keep in mind. This is sitting right on top of the thickest part here. So now we take our crochet hook and we begin to pull hairs through from side to side we're not going up and down we're just going side to side once we get a little some hairs through now, it's kind of held on there like this with just A few hairs, just a few hairs, are holding it in place right now. So at this point we make sure that it's tight to the to the root I mean to the tip, but it's the connection is tight and then we'll go around and pull all the hair around it and we'll crochet it like this. So now we already have a nice solid connection, see you can see. You can see the straight hairs here now we're going to continue to crochet all this hair up to this point right here. It'S about about half of that length we're going to crochet up to the reason why you crochet and half that length is because in a minute I will show you why we're going to use that hair and we're going to fold it down and crochet it. Even more so not only is it going to be crocheted into our actual dreadlock is going to be crocheted back into the extension as well. So okay, so we have this. We have this crocheted in pretty. We can go a little higher okay. So now that we have this, this little thing, we can pull on it and it won't come out. It'S it's installed, it's there. So now we have all this extra length that is important to the rest of the process. What we do here is we take it like this push it down, pull it down, pull it down so now. It'S so now looks something like this and pull it back down and take it and you're going to pump you're going to as you pull it down. You'Re going to palm roll, it pull it down again palm rollers palm roll they're, pretty tight, pretty hard I'll roll it that will kind of shape it to the dress, see how now it's flat with a dread, and now I can take all this hair and tighten It up remember how this was thin well. This is the reason why this is thing, because all this hair gets crocheted on top of it to even it out and now the dread is going to become one solid one solid piece without too many bumps, and it will look natural like there's no connection at All so we're going to continue to crochet all these loose hairs in here, the more you crochet, the tighter is gon na get and the harder is gon na get to get across a tour group getting better. Okay, now people Fang and there you go guys next time we crochet an extension into our dreadlock. You can see a minimal bump there. I can crochet that a little more to tighten it up, but for the purposes of the video here it is and that's it and look now it's the same length as the rest of my dreadlocks and I feel great, but honestly guys, I'm thinking about making them Even longer from here I want it down to, like I don't know like here. I want to have massive buns want to have massive massive buns. Let me know what you think in the comments hope you enjoyed, that video hope. That was helpful. Hope you learned something today, don't forget to Like and subscribe to my channel. Like my video subscribe to my channel, I'm going to say again subscribe to my channel: stop what you're doing click on the little subscribe button. You know you want to greatly appreciate it guys. Thank you very much thanks for watching my videos, don't forget to subscribe.

Amanda McGowan: That was probably the most informative video for making and installing dread extensions on you tube. Thank you so much for sharing it. Much appreciated.

C Smith: Wow! Thank you for going into such detail on how to crochet the dread! I’ve watched a ton of vids on how to crochet a dreadlock and still felt lost until I watched your video Thank you again!

Shawna Danielle: I've been looking for videos on this for forever and not many have been as helpful as yours. Thanks so much! Definitely subscribed to your channel for more!! Great job!

Chilli Douglas: Busa I must say this is absolutely the best extension tutorial I've seen all evening I'm searching for a good crochet video and trust me I really didn't see this one coming It's extremely detailed and I don't need to search any further Thanks so much and I just subscribed so please keep it coming!!! Il be so waiting!!

Raven Toland / 1 Blessed Diva: I absolutely love you videos I’m adding real hair dreads soon, I do have shorter ones, and absolutely add length! Life to short to wait! My dreads are about pencil sized some a little bigger, some smaller. I love yours

Von Slaughter: just about to install some human hair extensions into baby dreads by myself in the next week and you have helped me greatly build my boost to do it alone. love your style and attitude brother!

DiDi Navales: Thank you so much for this! Extending mine in a couple weeks! Definitely go longer man! ;)

Nenya Valley: Absolutely informative!! I have locs pass my waist (I have Bangs that I never dreaded), can you make a video showing how to make them thicker? I'd love to thicken a few that are thinner than the others... Thanks in advance!

Passionate Libra🌍🌈: love this video. thank you for showing me how to attach my locs

Chilli Douglas: Yes!!! Make em longer!!!! You make me wann a make mine longer too!! Let's do this!!!! Great video I really really enjoyed every moment of it!!!

PNW dreads: yeah it was long but this is EXACTLY the kind of vid people wanna see when looking for tutorials/guidance (atleast that's how i feel). As far as adding length - you've got my support... why not do what makes you happy?! awesome vid bro thank you

MinikuiOtoko: I had long dreads before, to anyone considering doing this . . look at his roots. IF his hair starts to dread without incredible amount of maintenance (which based on the frizziness its going to need), they will dread to the size of the sectioning (which all of the dreads eventually do). What he will have is two thickness of dreads in his head. When you look at 'normal' dreads, they're pretty uniform and even all the way, filling the scalp like normal hair does. So. Only extend mature dreads so you know the REAL size of the dread you're extending. Me, I started a new set after couple of years with short hair with 10cm of hair and have 6-8cm dreads now. I don't mind the wait, I only have so many years in me before I die anyways.

Mike Sumner: Most definitely I can't wait for my locks to get to wear I'm rocking those sick buns! Do you do exstions by order and sale and wear do you purchase your exstions, I'm at 15 months now and use the sculpta myself, great tool.

Kirsten Lyon: Great video!!! I subscribed to your channel. Keep up the awesome work!

Katie Cropper: super helpful video! great technique!

JaneDoe: Hello! U mentioned the tiny hook but u didn't mention the size Thanx for A very informative video

Kaline Pierce: Yooooooo the best video I've ever seen awesome job. I've learned exactly what I need to do my extension.

Brooke Morrow: Excellent. Thank you. Love your dreads, love the music

NFEKtIOUS: Awesome video man, I watched it while I was doing some maintenance myself!

Miranda Hyatt: How long do the extensions usually stay in? Do they fall out?

Chill Broski: Namaste From India This Was Very Helpful. Go For Massive Buns Man Keep Locking

Zack Benedict: i love your video your showing the right attaching human hair dread locks i practice it ty

ScarLetta: Back of the knees is a good length, i grew mine to there, took years to grow.... id say attach & attach until you love the length as waiting..... well its a very long waiting game Lovely chilled vid & you extended perfectly.... this was 5 yrs ago, I wonder if you still have them now? I'll have a look

Brooke Morrow: Good Lord I could watch him all day...great tutorial too.

Anthony Vaccari: Could you attach synthetic hair in permanently this way. I had someone extend my dreads in the past where once I washed them they went weird and started to stretch and eventually fall out. Cost £200 for a sitting. Wasn't happy.

goldielockks: I want to add mature human hair extensions at the same time I start the dread process. would this work or should I make my own extensions so the hair equally matures?

Steven Joseph Magri: How do you know when your putting a loop through another loop if its inside

bori 1: He did my hair Awesome job

Mandy Asadullah: Great video!!!

Marie Jones: Thank you

punk2011emo: so much gratitude!!!! this vid,by far, is the most informative n easy to understand. I'm starting my dread journey TODAY n I'm cheating ... Yes I'm extending my hair about 12 inches. btw... u r just beautiful!!! where is ur shop? Namaste❤ love n light brother

wendy cho: How do you keep your dreads so neat?

DRK NYTE: Hey bro great vid man...question. Will the loose hairs dread eventually or will the hairs keep coming loose.

monstruletzblanos: Hey man this is awesome. Can you tell me please how to chose amount of hair for this size? I,m having trouble maintaining same size. Either too thin either too thick. Am sry if this q was already answered as I didn't read'em all. ^^

Samir dreadhead Fitness: How much do you charger to install pre made locs on to locs ? I see you said in a comment your in New Jersey what part ? I’m interested in you doing my hair . Also do you do African-American hair

Brittany Colburn Mathis: will premium blends lock up like real hair?

PNW dreads: i hope that didn't come across the wrong way... i really enjoyed the time you took making the video. it being longer is a positive in my book

Demi Sutcliffe: I wanted some advice on attaching dreadlock extension to short hair, and shall I use the same method??

Zsolt345346: Why it needs the loose hair to be this long on the extension?

shannon popesco: I have 72 Dred locks and no fringe/ bangs .I used synthetic braiding hair for my extensions there a little over a yr and doing great I did back combing and crochet method there now grown Down past my bum .people can't even tell there extensions I haven't cut them to shorten them yet maby when there down to my knees I will cause the plan is cut the extensions as my hair grows .

Ladyshake Uk: Can't see the technique used due to camera ankle, but I've been looking for this crochet needle method...

Nichole Scott: I want triple the length as well. There us nothing wrong with using human hair. I LOVE YOU HAIR. whoohoo. I am doing my extentions right now to.

JassiJo: if you wanna do it.. go for it. it will look awesome!

Kyoto 404: I had my dreadlock for a long time and because of problems at school I had to cut it, but keep all my dreads, can I let them grow a little and put them back on?

Te2 Gaming: Keep doing that! Bigger bun!

Tenacious Dee: Great video

spacekrusty: thank you <3

Christal P: YASSS HONEY! Thanks for the video!

Augustine Smith: I like the fact you took your time going in and out y

#gypsygirlunfiltered: What do you do if your natural dreads are kind of skinny and the human hair dread extensions you got are thicker dreads than your natural dreads? Does that make sense? my dreads are thin and a friend gave me her dreads she cut out, but her dreads are thicker than my baby dreads!

aw siblingsoul: Looks like you're in a tattoo shop. Must've been a slow day

Wendy Winn: Been watching ton of video tutorials how to crochet dreads, and haven't been able to find a tutorial where I can learn how to do it.. all of you talk about what to do but no one shows HOW.!!..

leslie bush: I'll help you add more value to your buns! You rock, are very handsome, fun and talented! U need to come up to the bush in Alaska and give me a personal lesson. Your hair is the best!

Twaa N: What about REAL dreads, my son cut his and now what's them back. How is that done.

William Hodge Jr: How long can you leave the extension in for? Is it a permanent part of that lock now?

Weezer, Please!!: Bigger buns!!

G'Anquil Medrano: you look like Shia labeouf ! I mean that as a compliment lol very informative video

hector jimenez: what brand of hair did you use link me bud?

Paul Martinez: Hey what's up the question is that I have gray thinning dreads I need to Bolkum up a little was wondering if you has any suggestions on what kind of human hair I should get I got the wrong kind it was way too silky. Thanks

Ganja Cristian: ty so much, dude

Aquarius Lady: Thankyou for sharing. You look just like Snoop dog.

gladys taylor: Good job can you do my hair

I am Dacaah: daaaaaaaamn bro....... whoa!

TheReallife: yes you should

bongo I kno: Smh just wait and let your own hair grow this is ridiculous the journey and growth is to learn to appritate your locs

Marquesha Martin: Peace brother....I met you and your partner at the Smoking Octopus in Yellow Springs....My name is are you ?

Danyell Dixon: Hurry up

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