How To Assess Curly Hair For Your Perfect Wash Day! (Husband Chooses Washday)

How to Assess Curly hair for your perfect wash day! Does the perfect wash day for wavy curly hair exist? Perfect is subjective and really unique to the individual, and in my opinion, when we focus on our own hair's needs and desired look, it IS possible to create the perfect washday FOR YOU. And that starts with assessing the hair-- What does my hair need? In this beginner-friendly video, Daniel, who is not very familiar with curly hair, will be following my guide on assessing the hair to determine its needs, then husband chooses washday products we should use based on that assessment and his preferences for the overall aesthetic.

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-- Jannelle


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Like i'm, like a monkey, i mean it's kinda: is it possible to achieve the perfect wash day? The answer is yes and no perfect is a myth, but you can assess your hair and give it everything it needs. So you can end up with the perfect wash day for you. You might be wondering why my lovely husband, with his full head of curls, is here for this assessment. Daniel really knows jack about curly hair. I'M going to be walking him through a very basic, simple hair assessment that can easily be applied at home, whether you know what protein moisture balances, whether you know your porosity, whatever it is something that just about everyone can do at home, likely with a lot of The products that they already have, what up y'all and welcome back to my channel and if it's your first time here my name is janelle. We do all things wavy, curly and then some and if that sounds like something you're into be sure to slam that subscribe button to stick around all right, let's jump in before, even stepping into the shower. It is really important to assess your hair. We are going to start with a visual assessment visually. What are some things you see and notice about? My hair doesn't look like it has a lot of definition right now. Okay, it looks a bit dry too. It definitely looks like it needs some moisture how we could use some conditioning. Okay, we already have now based off of the visual inspection. A jumping off point, and that is moisture and definition. Moisture is something that we definitely start, with definition will come later now already. We have a baseline for our needs today, all right, so thank you. Next up is going to be the mechanical touching inspection. I want to know how my hair feels it feels dry and ashy. I think ashes for your skin, not my hair. Well, it does feel dry. Okay still has a little bit of moist in it. Where does it feel the driest? Where does it actually feel like it has some moisture in it like your mid kind like deep, breathing, yeah? Okay, it feels like it still has a little bit of moisture moisture at the end. It feels more dry. We definitely know it's dry. We know that our mid lengths are not really having an issue with moisture. It'S more of the ends. Yeah yeah. The other thing i want you to fill into on my hair is: does it feel like there's anything sitting on my hair? Do you feel like you can feel product yeah? Okay? Does it feel like a lot? It'S not very much. Does my hair feel tangly tangoey yeah, so you need to rake your fingers through a little bit. Can you get your fingers through easily or does it feel kind of hard uh? This was easy. It'S not super easy, but ow! Okay, sorry, that's enough! So you felt dryness some like mild, tangles, yeah, okay and a little bit of product buildup yeah, okay, so we should probably shampoo it first good job, okay, guys! Yes, i thought i'm an based on those assessments. You have decided that it needs to be cleaned because there's product build up right, okay and that it needs to be moisturized yeah. Do you think my hair needs a deep cleaning? I don't know, i think it needs just a normal cleaning. Okay, so we are ruling out a chelating shampoo and we are ruling out a clarifying shampoo because it does not need a deep cleaning good job. What i did ahead of this video it picked out a few products from each category. I know consistently work well. For me, so that daniel can choose based on the needs so before we pick out the shampoo there's one more thing: we need clarity on so protein. Moisture balance is something that throws people off a lot. So my first question is: is when you think of protein, what are what does it make you think of the gym? What else building okay right track, keep going strength, okay, okay, think of it like a protein drink like you got your protein powder. Try drinking that down, it's just chalky and gross, and it's gon na get stuck in your throat. You mix some water down in and it goes down smooth right well, so water helps also to absorb stuff. No, my baby, knowing those things do you think my hair would benefit more from protein or moisture or both moisture. Now we're going to pick our shampoos, so i grabbed three shampoos: the curlsmith core strength, curlsmith vivid tones vibrancy and the bounce curl clarifying shampoo just want to note, especially because we said i don't need clarifying. This is not what i go to when i need a deep clean. This is really something that i can use on a daily basis. It'S very very gentle so, and i'm out of my big ones, just go off of the marketing and what they say that it's going to help with you don't need to know anything else. Core strength, shampoo, dental shampoo for damaged hair, anti buildup strength, anti breakage, based off of the things that it provides. Does it meet any of the needs that you think we have yeah the end type build up and that it's a gen gentle shampoo, so an option, but not quite not the option vivid tones vibrancy, shampoo, delicate shampoo for all hair types, luster, full radiance, color protection - Do you think this shampoo meets any of the knees that you assessed? I mean it's delicate when i don't really need a deep, clean, delicate might actually be a good thing right. Yeah this one says gentle clarifying, shampoo verifying seems like that's what you need, because you want to clean and light moisture. You don't need a ton of moisture, so this seems like it's the right option. Okay, so we're gon na go with the bounce curl clarifying shampoo gentle clarifying light, moisture, so it'll clean what i need off without deep cleaning. I came with room conditioners, bounce curl, cream conditioner and the curlsmith glow, perfecting conditioner glow, perfecting conditioner rinse out conditioner for all hair types, enhance color detangle, smooth vibrance, shine rinse out is what we need. Yes, um detangle is what we need and those are the major ones that we need. Okay, so it's an option. It'S an option: okay, after vitamin enrich super smooth cream, conditioner detangles, hydrates prevents breakage shines, protects repairs and nourishes sounds like exactly what we need: bounce curl clarifying shampoo and the bounce curl cream conditioner, something i want to point out um when in doubt, stick with the Same line generally uh products are formulated to work together and build off of each other, so this is actually a really wonderful choice so certain about these choices. Yes, i do perfect all right, i'm gon na wash my hair and we'll see in a second. We are back, and now it is time for our first out of shower assessment. It feels a lot more moisturized now, when touching it does, it feel like it could benefit from a little bit more hydration moisture. Maybe it could use a little bit more okay and then considering how long do i normally go between days and washing my hair? Like two weeks, i mean that's kind of true, sometimes if we know that i stretch a long time before i wash my hair again, adding more moisture on this first wash would be better we're going to add a leave-in, so i'm giving daniel two options, i'm giving The kachos brazil, rio mist and the curlsmith multi-tasking conditioner kopchos brazil, rio, mist, leave-in conditioner seal in moisture. Okay, it controls frizz, it conditions, protects and shines. Here we have the curlsmith strength flat recipe, multitasking conditioner as a leave-in breakthrough, wet freshly, washed hair to maintain moisture and plump curls until the next wash considering. I might go two weeks who knows something that you would be important to help protect my hair seal in moisture. Okay for sure, because that's one of the things we talked about is more moisture, and what did we learn about proteins? Well, that helps with strength right and strength. Wasn'T necessarily my issue right now right, right, okay, so which one soda cultures, brazil would be the right choice for you to do perfect. Thank you, okay. So i love this leave-in. It'S very watery, just smooth it over. So i've added the leave-in. Can you see any differences? I mean it looks, really wet and less frizzy, moisture, detangling and cleansing the hair, so check check check next we're going to be moving into styling, and this is now where we need to consider. We definitely need to consider how long we're potentially going to go on wash day, but we also want to consider now like this is more about the aesthetic that we're going for. How much definition do you want? I mean we want a good amount of definition. We don't want too much definition when it's dry. How do you want the hair to feel like? Did you like how you could feel the product in my hair before no, what about volume? Well, we wanted to have a lot of volume. My baby lots of volume, not too much definition, lie hold by definition and we essentially wanted to feel like there's minimal product if any at all in my hair yeah. So we want like naked hair without it really being naked hair yeah. We want the illusion perfect. My next question is: do you want to add stylers to soaking, wet, hair or damp hair and tell me why do damp hair? Because i think when it's soaking wet, then it's absorbing too much? And then you have too much build up in your hair product? Okay, but also what is what is styling on soaking wet hair, going to likely give the look if it's absorbing a lot of less volume right, so it'll probably give more definition yeah, but less volume, i'm falling in love with you again today. Damn here it is see you in a second, so we have air dried for a few minutes now before we add stylers we're going to make another quick assessment, you feel, like the level of conditioning and moisture in the hair is going to keep the moisture. In my hair for five days, or do you feel like it would benefit from more, it would probably benefit benefit from more okay. So this is where a curl cream comes in pearl creams are ultimately going to add in a bit more moisture and protection against tingling right. We want to prevent tangles and we also want to prevent frizz, etc. I picked out two of my favorite curl creams. We'Ve got the curl smith, hold me softly style bomb and the bounce curl clump and define cream hold me soft style, balm, styling cream for curly and wavy hair. The fine bound soft hold elasticity, avocado and rose oil clump and define cream to soften, hold and shine. Curls, in my experience with these two products, both are wonderful act wonderfully in my hair, good moisture, not a lot of tangles. I would say this one does add a little bit more definition, both of them feel naked in my hair. So all that considered, i think the balance, coral bones curl would be the right one. I want you to touch the consistency of that just a little bit. Does it feel kind of thick not super thick, but it is okay, but we're not going to need a lot to get perfect. Oh what we want perfect. So did you just put some in your beard? I tend to go about this much twice away twice, so i like to distribute my products more. All over versus hyper, focused um on getting it on every single strand of hair, and the reason being is because i have fine hair. Do you know what fine hair means like thin hair? Yes, the individual strands of my hair are really really skinny, and so they can get weighed down easily. So, instead of treating my strands as individuals, if i treat my hair as a collective, better gets more volume. So i like to do underneath and then i like to come up up top so last up is hold. Why do you think hold is important, so we don't lose it pretty much if y'all couldn't tell i'm the overexplainer in the relationship and daniel is bullet points, but what do we also want to consider withhold well how long we're going to go until the next wash Day: okay, what else, how much product we have put in our hair, good, good and outside environmental conditions? Yeah this one is the curlsmith shape of aqua, gel styling gel for weak, damaged, hair, weightless, anti-frizz, silky definition. This one is the we dad advanced climate control, heat and humidified gel defined, curls, lock out humidity, alkyne naturals, creme, brulee, aloe vera moisturizes strength and strengthens cortex damage of damaged hair argan oil revives dull, dry hair and reduces frizz almond oil adds adds luster to hair, Making it shiny so is there anything about any of these that immediately stands out to you? Well, the redad seems to be very much about heat, mostly, so i think that one, since it's not too hot yet and not too humid, it's probably out okay, uh, kerosene. Also offers anti-frizz and silky definition and has a light hold okay, which is something that we probably want. The alkyne naturals seems to have similar benefits. Okay, i mean they both seem like decent options, and i would agree with that. These are two that i would go to for similar reasons, something that can also help with that is you can kind of look at the consistency of a product. It looks very like jelly. Okay, you can touch it. Oh, it smells so good. What do you notice about it? Is there anything that stands out to you, anything that you like dude? It doesn't feel too heavy it. It doesn't seem like it's super thick, it's kind of like a middle middle-ish, so it's probably would last, but not for too long either. Okay, let's compare to the texture, i'm just gon na put a little bit of this. In your hand, this seems more gummy like more okay, yeah, a little bit stickier yeah, more sticky. What'S your decision, i think i would go with this one anyway, not just because it smells good and it's creme brulee, but it seems like it's a little bit lighter. So your hair is probably gon na have more volume. I grabbed a nice amount. In my experience, this is pretty lightweight and i can get away with a decent amount without really any issue. Should i air dry, my hair completely or should i diffuse diffuse means using a blow? Dryer, yes, probably diffuse a bit okay, and why? Because i would think, if you're gon na, let it air dry for too long. You won't get the full volume, the volume it would poof up a little bit at my roots, but it would essentially lay not far off. If i don't defuse, i will defuse and then we'll come back with daniel's results and we are done visually. How do you feel about it? I think it looks really good. I think you got a lot more volume in your hair. It looks a lot cleaner, okay and it looks like you got some definition going on. Okay, do you feel like visually it matches what you are looking for, yeah for sure, okay yeah? Does it pass the touch assessment? So what did you want for it to feel like? I wanted it to feel more moisturized, no build up. You wanted to see the volume and definition with it feeling like. I don't really have product in my hair. Okay now does it pass the field test? Oh yeah yeah. It doesn't really feel like it has anything in it. Okay, now looking back at the experience, how do you feel it was in terms of ease and effort? I don't think it was that hard because, as soon as i actually looked at the hair and touched it and figured out how it felt it was easy to figure out what it needs and once one through ten ten being the hardest one being the easiest. How would you rate this assessment like a three okay? So it's would you say it's a fairly good beginner ease of use, assessment. Yeah for sure perfect. I mean i learned now stuff. Would you say that you achieved the perfect wash day for me, yeah yeah? I have this is just a friendly reminder. A perfect wash day is possible if you focus on your individual needs. Ask yourself the right questions. Ask your hair the right questions. It'S important to remember. Every single wash day start with your focus on the hair needs and then focus on the aesthetic desired results you would like, and you will end up with the perfect wash day for you all right y'all. That is it for this video. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already subscribed yet what are you waiting for? Go slam that subscribe button hit that bell, while you're at it turn on post notifications? So you do not miss a thing. I will see you next time: bye,

Curlycurl Birdy girl: This video should be in a curly girl manual. Like for real! It answers all the questions, all of them! Love it! Thank you Janelle

Sunflower Baby: Your hubby is adorable and a great sport. He's a keeper.

Kirsti Riggs: Oh my gosh, so cute! I love how carefully he read the labels to make sure he made the right choice! This video is so helpful too!

Alison Yuill: You are better than me. I don’t let my husband near my hair! He keeps telling me he can cut it for me while we are still in lockdown (heck no) Another great video. You are so amazing at creating great content that even I feel I can follow. Thank you!

Rachel C: Great video! It is great to see Daniel work through each of your questions and really assess what would be best. He has obviously been paying attention to your curly journey but also is thinking through the steps/needs. This is a great reminder of what we need to be thinking about. Sheesh it’s hard for us to plan these wash days. Well done!

KanadrAllegria Schmunn: Thank you so much for this video! This helps so much. I've literally never understood why so many different products were necessary, and how they work, but now I feel like I've got a good basic knowledge! Also, I would listen to Daniel read hair product descriptions any day.

Charlene Turgeon: Love you and your husband doing this together! His beard looked dry in the beginning and much happier after adding a little product :) Great assessment plan. Love Daniel reading the bottles too! Lots of love between you two!

Deb Clute: You two are adorable! And I love how much Daniel has learned during your hair journey. Hugs to you both! ❌⭕️

jegin: Aw, you are so sweet together! Thanks for walking us through Daniel, this was really helpful!

Sarah Allegra: This was so helpful for me! I had a mini breakdown last night over the state of my curls and how unhappy I am with them. Going through these questions and getting real product recommendations is sooo helpful for me! I’m actually looking forward to trying some of the products you suggested! It was great watching your sweet husband walk through the process and problem solve with you. Definitely helps me feel like, if he can do it, and he doesn’t even have curly hair, I can do it too Thank you!!

Leah Schroeder: I loved listening to Daniel read the descriptions of the products what a good sport- love it!

Faith: SO helpful! Feeling empowered to troubleshoot my recent hair struggles! I've lost so much of my wave/shine/softness over the last month.

Sylvie Dionne: You're always so informative! I love that Daniel's such a good sport and I ❤️ his accent! I'll be trying Olaplex #3 for the first time tomorrow (thanks to your tutorial), I can't wait to see the results!

kryki_cha: So fun and practical! I enjoyed this so much!

Amy-Marie Collins: Omg I love you & your husband He’s so great! Love the beard ..not sure my husband would be a good hair video partner!! You’re so fantastic Oh I just have to add what a great teacher you are. I love that you don’t do each individual strand..neither do I but it’s not easy to find ppl who don’t use the brushes and/or section .. I also put stylers in upside down. It makes me happy that I am not doing it TY

nomadchica: Oh my gosh, I LOVE this video! This is really the perfect way to demonstrate how to assess and treat your hair on a wash day. You and your husband are adorable! And I love how he is able to answer each of your assessment questions in 5 seconds or less, with three words . What kind of magic is this??!

Lisa Ditchburn: Such a great informative video!! You guys are so fun and cute. I don’t know how you got Daniel to go along with all this but it totally made me laugh out loud.

Amy Day: I love it! Daniel is the bullet points. That's my husband and I exactly. I'm the detail. He's the bullet points. Ha. Great video.

Rachelle P: This was seriously my favorite video of yours . Great job to the both of you haha

bluesummerrain: This is fab, thank you! More knowledge than I have product just yet, but this is one I’m going to keep coming back to! (Just at the beginning of my curly journey!)

Barbara Hall: Ok Janelle, I just have to say that your hubs is a gem! You two are adorable! This a very helpful video. Your hair is very similar to mine. I’m very new at this wavy/curly hair thing! I’m 61 years old. I had short hair for the last seven years, a pixie for the last five. As I began to grow it out last year I noticed a few “flips” as it got down by my ears. One day I decided to not blow dry it and there were curls! My hair is now down to my jawline and a bit longer in back. I am loving this! I’ve always had stick straight hair! I have waves and some coils! I knew immediately that I needed help and began researching and I have found a lot of great info and product. I have to say that this “tutorial” is one of the best!

Tami Chappel: This is the cutest idea and a great way to demonstrate that anyone can analyze their hair needs. Thank you!

Katt C: This was SO very helpful for a very newbie to the wavy/curly journey. Also, your hubby is adorbs. thank you

Maria Sklar: You're such a lucky lady! Enjoy watching your videos and seeing your hubby and your adorable pets. You also have the best tips for curly hair

Jessica Larsen: This was so cute and helpful!

Michelle Jenne: Ok I slammed that subscribe button a couple months ago and have adored probably 100 of your videos so far. This was educational and adorable. I really appreciate you and all the knowledge you share.

Susan Finn: I love your videos and this was so adorable!

lmgam: Y’all are great together ❤️

Elizabeth Orsillo: I’m sure Daniel does special treatments to his beard to keep it so thicc!

disney knitter: What do you do between the shower and being dressed? Shower cap? Towel? I’m really struggling with the thin and fineness of my hair, getting enough hold. What’s your favorite strong hold gel, specifically with protein. I have your curl type, I wish there was a how to get your haircut at home!

Veronia Mikhail: “So we should probably shampoo it first” he is hilarious

Linda Rosenthal: Great info. Thanks. Cute video format. Thanks to Daniel for helping.

Berivan Eroglu: Loved this

Sez B: love your info, your hubby is the best sport ever. He’s a keeper

Mel Cabral: This was informative! Now I think you should take him shopping for products with this in mind as if he's never used them before and doesn't know if they will work for you or not. For us noobs ;)

ziggysbookshop: LOVE this!!

Evelyn Jackson: This was so fun!

Sinead McCormack: You 2 are seriously cute! That was brilliant, lots of great tips

Julie Gray: I love them together ❤

christa penman: Aww love that Daniel did this with you

Kristina and the German: From what part of Europe is Daniel from? My European husband has similar thoughts about my curls and products. Although, my husband gives me very little grace with tangles. He’s offered, more than once, to put an eviction sign in my mane if too tangled. He saiys squirrels should only be in our backyard. Kudos to your husband for helping! Curly girls need a man who is not afraid of of the effort and products.

Lyzette Vega: Girl, he's been listening to you...he's definitely a keeper!

Star 123: You two are delightful

Inge Justa van der Helm: You lovebirds are so adorable together

Kristin B: This bald man knows more about my hair than I do…

danielle ward: Your husband is so sweet!

U.R.: Daniel is such a good sport.

Melanie Dinsdale: Your husband is so cute!

Natalie Jenner: You guys are so cute! This was a fun video to watch Out of curiosity, is Daniel of German background?

Karen Quintana: Too cute ❤️

Tomar Crauswell: Girl you need to marry this man twice!

Gerry Gerry: You guys are adorable.

Steph Joseph: ♥️

Carol Ann: I love his accent! Is he a native German speaker?

Beatlesaholic: you guys are SO FUNNY

Cynthia Valdez: ❤️❤️❤️

Claire Robison: LOVE ❤️ Him

Deandra Johnson: U guys are really cute!

LiveLoveHula Kim: He is ADORBS!

Lizbet PCB: Oooooh, that is one very cute man there. What a good sport, too!

saffy saffy: Im first......

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