New Scene Hair *Reveal* Xd

  • Posted on 23 February, 2023
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous

Scene Queen Shannon is back- we all knew it would happen eventually. What do you think of the new hairs?? :D








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Hello, everybody: how is it going? It is the 22nd of February 2023 and the neighbors dogs are constantly barking. So I apologize in advance for that. A lot of you guys are probably a little bit confused. Seeing as this is a live stream, titled new scene hair reveal - and I do not have any hair at the moment, but alas, I have something planned when I was thinking about doing this today. Um I was like I want to reveal the hair. I want it to be really dramatic. I haven't had like a really sick, [, __ ]. You know scene hairstyle in a long time, so I was like how am I gon na do that and then I remembered your girl can take her hair off. So, finally, a silver lining to the situation I can uh. I can come in bald and show you guys the uh, the scene hair when everyone gets here. So speaking of hi Chad, how are you guys doing see Samantha in the chat? What'S up one of my members, one of my faves of all time, Sid good, to see you Karen or Vega, always good to see you love to see your name in the chat. Go school, hello, hello! So I'm just gon na allow a little bit of time to pass. Let some people come into the chat and then I will do the big reveal um. In the meantime, I did want to give a little shout out to myself for my thumbnail of this live stream. I just think it's absolutely fantastic for one. You may not agree with me, but I think it's [ __ ] hilarious JT. Thank you so much for the Dono, hello, hello, welcome everybody, Chloe Marlin, Savannah Cammy. All of you guys so good to see you um yeah, but I just like, I said, wanted to shout out my own editing skills here for a second um. This is today's thumbnail. I'M sure you already saw it, but I just want to Spotlight my fantastic Photoshop work here. We'Ve got uh we've got the scene Queen bow added it in. I had a few different options for what I could do. I thought about, like you, know the good old PNG, but that didn't quite work out, so I just went ahead and literally Drew on the uh, the look so yeah, that's that's the new hair just kidding. I do have a real hairstyle to show you guys that I'm excited about, but welcome. Everybody welcome good. I'M glad that you guys think the thumbnail slay is welcome midnight bag good to see you yeah the thumbnail. I was a work of art. It was my pride and joy, so I appreciate you guys appreciating it with me. Let'S see all right, we got. We got a good little group here, good little group, we got JT in the chat and my important members are here hell yeah. If you want to become a member, as always link is in the description, but I think we're at a good point where I can show you guys the hair. Okay, I don't know, should I go. I know everyone's like hashtag, raw or XD. I thought we would go full swing Queen for this. This reveal here all right. Do I go off screen and put this on, or do I just put it on? I don't know all right, I'm gon na I'm gon na step off step off to the side, because I want this to be dramatic AF. I think you guys are really gon na like this all right, I'm right here, I will be right back. I promise you can hear me, but you can't see me because I'm putting on the scene queen hair, all right, let's make sure she looks good you guys, I'm so excited yay dude. I am so [ __ ] happy with this. I have been slaving away at her for the last uh last few days here, so hey minty, I'm so glad that you joined as soon as you saw the title. What do you guys think I [ __ ] love it um. I put the finishing touches on it yesterday. I I really should put some like styling gel because I'm so not used to keeping the scene bangs out of my face, but I'm obsessed, I feel like myself again. We like it. Yes, chat, loves it [, __, ] yeah, I'm so glad that you guys like it. I wanted to do something similar to my old hair, but not exactly because I feel, like we've matured as a collective group, so we had to mature the scene queen hair as well, but I feel I feel like I managed I feel like I did it. I was um cutting it yesterday and I was like I was so scared because it's a wig obviously like I can't grow it back. If I [ __ ] it up and I haven't cut any hair in so long, given the fact that I don't have any - which that's really fun to do and just pull it off the top there um. So I was like if I [ __ ] this up like it's done, for this is the only like human hair, nice wig that I have. But it came back to me like riding a bike like legit riding a bike, cutting scene hair easier than riding a bike. For me. Probably personally reminds me of hey there, I'm Shannon days. Yes, that was. That was what I was. What I was for honestly JT. Thank you so much old school, Shannon beautiful as ever. Thank you I feel like green, is my color. You guys this is Chloe says this is the version of Shannon who is part of the better version of mde where everyone liked each other yeah. I mean yes, I feel like this is an elevated version of that um. You know, honestly, I went back and we can. We can look at some of them together, but I went back and I was like when I was deciding how I wanted to do this um. I looked at old pictures of myself like when I was in mde Era and my hair was not as good as I thought it was okay. I I thought I was [. __ ] slaying back in the day and apparently so did everyone else, but I don't know it's it's debatable. If it was a sleigh or not, let's look there. We go see. Okay. This is also a wig for those who were not aware. This this whole uh look here with the dark green to light green ombre straight across. That was also a wig, but that's not the era that I'm talking about, and I liked that wig. That was a good wig. Okay, my hair looks good here when I was short, I [ __ ] loved it when it was this color. I really liked it too, I'm thinking of like honestly, it was seven out of seven week MD, where it just looked like a mess, and I was it was probably because I didn't have anywhere to do it or anything yeah this. This is the specific hair. Why? Why is this a PNG, someone [ __ ], cut out the background? Hell yeah easy photoshopping capabilities with your girl, um yeah? I was looking at pictures. This one doesn't look that bad, but when it's in braids, I'm like girl, get your extensions together like a rough anyways, that's enough! That'S enough! Looking at old pictures of myself, but yes, I was my own inspiration. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it um, but another thing that I noticed hold on. I'M reading chat really quick. Another thing that I noticed um was when I was getting inspiration not only from myself but from just like all the scene, queens of the internet. I looked this up, I think it was. I think I just looked up black and green hair, I'm pretty sure, and there was like not a one, not a single okay. Well, as I'm saying that there's this one single girl here, I was gon na say there was not a one single hairstyle or hair picture that I saw where they had the money pieces being black. It was always vice versa. Like everyone had, did I that's it? Okay, Bing you [ __ ] suck ass. Why are you my browser? Oh because I'm too goddamn lazy to change it, maybe green and black? How is that the only results? Anyways you get. My point, though, like there was no pictures. Yeah everything was like this. Like all black with the green money piece - and I was like I'm doing the opposite - I'm going against the Green as I always do so yep - that's how we got here. That'S how we got here. It'S not quite big enough for scene here. It needs more back. Combing, like Sarah sorcers, yes, I completely agree um. However, I feel, like that's part of the elevated look, was back in the day. I did cut it. I did cut it enough so that, if I wanted to, I could back comb. This trust me we I had it all thought out. I was in my element you guys um, but I feel like that's elevated, more mature version. Is that like we're, not We're not gon na rock the like fully in my face, I'm Gon na Keep It brushed to the side. I'Ve always kind of done that, though, but that was because my real hair grew like a [ __ ] cowlick. In the front There Was, You know, I was never able to actually pull off this right across look because I had that cowlick, but there we go. There'S another silver lining. Now it's now it's got no cowlick because it ain't my hair. Thank you guys. I appreciate all of it. Am I able to grow my hair out yet and if you are, do you plan to um? That'S a good question. Let'S back up in in the chat that I missed a few minutes ago from Hannah um, I cannot so I had my boyfriend shave my head uh yesterday, because he was like you and your little hairs are. I know they're driving you crazy, but I'll I'll just show you guys my head, so it's kind of nice like I I can just do this and then it's gon na be good to go for the next like several weeks. Instead of having to wash and style it every day um, but to answer your question I have I mean you can kind of see here he shaved my head uh yesterday, because he knew that I hate my little baby hairs, but you can see the shadow of Where it's coming in, I grow my hair here and here - and here I mean there's like barely any on the back um, so I mean those hairs will grow. It won't look great um. I there is new medication that I could try, but I just I don't really care try at this point. I mean why you know why the [ __ ], would I care. I mean this looks so good and the medication is kind of like pointless. Besides, having hair, I mean like it's cool, to have hair, but when it's [, __ ] with your hormones and everything else, and your blood pressure and all that jazz like it's, really not worth it, let's just wear wigs when I feel like it, you know what I'M saying Chloe so Chloe, you're kind of calling me out so Chloe just said next stream should be a full scene, Queen makeover revamp, I actually okay. So my next video I I documented fixing this wig. This wig looked like she did before um. I can actually show you guys what it looked like, because this you this wig is from like legit um, I don't know uh about. I don't know two years ago now. Let me see if I can find it on my YouTube channel about two years ago now. I dyed this wig for the first time right and I did a stream a few weeks ago, um, where I did like an unboxing of a bunch of new wigs that I got because my dog sorry, I was looking around for my dog Taki, who is not In the room with me, uh has taken a shine to you. Guys can see all my recommended. It'S like only H3 and True Crime um. My dog Taki, has taken a shine to chewing on my wigs when I'm gone, so that's [, __ ] sick. So this one got destroyed, it has I'll show you actually I'll just take it off again. It has a bunch of holes in the cap that I sewed tediously sewed all these [ __ ] holes in the cat because she shredded it being a little puppy. A little puppage Annoying Little puppage um, but yeah it's sewn. I made a video sewing it and all this Jazz um sewing it, fixing it cutting it dyeing it all. The above and that'll hopefully be out on Friday, but you might recognize this wig two years ago. It looked like this: oh God we got ta go through. So, oh, not really. Your girl did not post for a long time. This. It was this wig here um started out apologize get out of here. I need an ad blocker. I don't know why. I turned it off, but whoops I apologize, oh God, damn it YouTube. I swear to [ __ ] Christ, okay, so it was this wig. It started out. Look at me my little my little purple hair! Oh God! Damn it all right! You guys get the point. We'Re not I'm not watching another [ __ ] ad, at least it's my own ads, but whatever whatever you guys got the point. It was that like Chrome, rainbow wig, but okay but Chloe bringing it back. So I made a video doing this wig um and my next video. After that I thought I would do um and I'm gon na have to do it in video form, live stream. It'S just gon na be way too hard uh. I thought that I would turn myself into my digital Escape era. Hey there, I'm Shannon, like full form transformation, and I used to have like iconic seven out of seven um. It was the split die which I have this wig here, so I am going to actually on this stream today, uh cut this one and do a little a little uh TLC for her too, just in preparation of making that video so girl. Thank you. You transitioned me perfectly um yeah, so this is. This is obviously gon na, be like my everyday wig. I think I'm gon na start wearing this on streams and on um in videos and such just. Like you know, I don't know this is how people recognize me and I feel like a lot of times. People don't actually realize it's me, like I obviously like a lot of times when creators are really big and then they stop posting for a long time and come back. People are like, oh I'm, finding you again, but for me the number of people that comment on my videos are like. I didn't realize this, was you or I didn't? You know I didn't know, you were posting and I feel like it's just because I look so [ __ ] different people. Don'T recognize me um, so we're gon na give it we're gon na do a little social experiment. I'M gon na go back to posting in the wig um. These are my colors green. Is my color Sun Shines My sky, so we will see um, we'll see what that does we'll see if people start to actually remember who the [ __ ], I am instead of just being like hey there, I'm sure that sounds so familiar, but no you guys. You guys who are here are the real ones for sure, because y'all have been coming to all my streams. Even when I was going bald. Even when I was you know, go my natural natural shitty little hair, so yeah um, you are totally psychic Chloe. You totally called me out on my plans for today's stream, so yeah we've got her right here chilling this one is definitely obviously not the quality that the woman I'm wearing is but um she's, okay, we'll see what we can do. I haven't done, I'm I'm so lazy, you guys, I'm not lazy. I just don't have any time do I do it too much um. I haven't had any time to actually all these wigs that I unboxed on a stream a few weeks ago to do like the um fabric softener bath and everything um. So maybe we'll do that, but this one's like kinky at the ends and not really kinky. It'S like literally bent it is bent in one single Kink at the end there. So I have this. This could be like the most embarrassing thing ever. I don't know if it's actually gon na work. I have this um face steamer and for some reason, people online said that just steaming it with hot water steam from like a face. Steamer should take the little uh the little crank out, but I don't know that's why I figured we'll. Do it live we'll? Do it live just in case everything gets [ __ ] up, then you guys get to be here with me and I get to feel like an idiot in public, basically, instead of by myself in my room. So I have zero time to do much anymore. I'M either working planning a wedding planning, a wedding, that's fun, being pregnant that doesn't sound as much fun, but I hope it will be fun when your your little one arrives or sleeping yeah. I feel that I've just been constantly making [ __ ] um yeah, making [ __ ] and making more [ __ ]. So I'm gon na take this off goodbye. I love! I love it so much you guys, I'm so happy with how it turned out, and I'm excited for you guys to see the process of my video, hopefully on Friday um, but this one - I don't. I don't love that much. We don't love her that much she's she's tolerated in the family, but it looks it looks too much like old school. Hey there, I'm Shannon to pass up the opportunity to use it, so the bit might be whoa whoa. This is not a look. Ah, my biggest issue - I was gon na say with this one - is the bangs are just absolutely horrendous, just the worst bangs I've ever seen in my life um. I don't know whose forehead is long enough for this, but certainly not mine. So I got my little wig brush here. I'M trying to. I was gon na steam. It first but uh. I can't see so Ritz Ritz is in the chat. What'S up, how are you doing and Ritz is saying, hit the like button? Y'All, it's free! Thank you. I appreciate the shout out to my like button Smash. It smash that [ __ ] all right, while I'm also detangling this uh horrid Rat's Nest besides liking the video um. I am still in the running to be on the cover. Okay, this is take gon na. Take me a minute here, you guys this is way more Tangled than I thought it was um. I am still in the running to be on the cover of Inked magazine um. If you didn't know, there is a contest to find the new Inked Covergirl uh. Once a year and right now it is the second round I just pull it up. You know Focus wholeheartedly on my [ __ ], my hair detangling. Here it is the second round and I am in second place. I am stuck in second place. Um. The music cares, votes are currently at Double, and one of the girls who was in like fifth or sixth place must have had someone in her team buy a whole lot of them because she went first place and we are not catching back up. It'S been a hard hard time catching back up, so a little bit annoying. But if you guys, I absolutely don't donate, if that's not your prerogative to donate to the organization, but there is a free vote. Every day you can vote for free just by using your Facebook. Um just verifies you're a real person that would mean the world to me if we could get back in first place, I'm gon na send the link in the chat here really quick, but yeah as you guys can see. This is like my little profile here. Um. I'M stuck in a [ __ ] seconds. I'Ll show you guys this is the group yeah for a long time. The order was me her um, I believe, Monica then Lisette. Then it was fate, but now fate kind of jumped to First and has been been sitting in first for a while. So it would mean a lot if you'd use that free vote free daily vote, I'm gon na grab the link. I I look like a hot mess. I'M like make me a Cover Girl yay. This is not what I look like not yet, at least this is what I looked like years ago. Um hold on give me one. Second, I'm grabbing the link really quick, so I can send it in the chat, paste and send okay, so um it. The link is in the chat as well as in the description. If y'all would go over there and vote, that would mean the world Falcon triplets. Let'S go: we got a new name up on the board. What the [ __ ] is up right there. I can never point to it right on the first: try: hey Shayna! Do you like Beartooth and Atreyu so um? I only recently started getting into like heavier bands like that uh. I think I talked about this in one of one of my recent um. I almost said podcast videos or streams. I can't remember um, but I've only recently started dipping my toes in the water of the heavier music scene. I never got super into Beartooth um. I know they're kind of a newer band. Atreyu, I believe, is an older band. My boyfriend loves them, so I've heard their music. I like it. I just don't know like you know, Words lyrics and [ __ ], like that um I just went. I just went through um went through. I just went to a festival like a metalcore festival, called heart support in Orlando. I don't know if anyone in the chat's from Orlando, but that's where I'm from um, I was gon na, say, born and raised not born, born Chicago raised here. But uh went to Heart, supports metalcore show I had a blast. I [ __ ] loved, all the music. I just I didn't know the words, so I'm one of those that likes to know all the all the words it's like. I feel left out when I don't know what we're singing about. You know what I'm saying JT. Thank you so much. I love the green and black wig, so much so beautiful with without wigs, of course, and I will I will check my Snapchat when I get the chance for sure. Oh, my God, the [ __ ]. I can't get this out you guys. This is really annoying. Thank you sage and Chloe. I appreciate you guys voting for me. Thank you so much. It means a lot. I really hope we can get back up. Um they're doing another cut tomorrow, it'll be down to the top 15.. Luckily we'll be safe for that. But every time that a new round starts, it's shorter and shorter for the for the cover girl. So all of your votes mean a lot and they carry over to the next round until the semi-finals and then the votes will reset so every day. Please you talked about in the band to yes, we talked about it in the yeah, the Warped Tour band here. That was a fun one. I enjoyed that dude. This is the most annoying thing of my life. I can't get this out. I hate the feeling of synthetic wigs, they're, so disgusting, so disgusting. I honestly part of the reason that I like stopped wearing wigs for so long was I just I hate the feeling I'm really like. I don't know Sensations really bother me like a lot of. I don't know if you noticed I wear like the same [ __ ] outfit every day, which is like shorts and a tank top. That'S like all. That'S all I can bear okay hold on. I got ta find an outlet just kidding, there's an outlet right there. I don't know if this is long enough. It'S not okay hold on. I did not plan this properly. I got ta get an outlet here. I mentioned the extension cord, but I got the extension cord. This should be good. Oh okay! I, unless I almost just unplugged my [ __ ] router, which would have been fantastic that would have been one for the books of uh technical difficulties in a Shannon stream for sure all right. So I have no idea the validity of if this is gon na work or not like I said this thing is a steamer that you use for your face, like it opens up your pores and [ __ ], oh and it's leaking all over me, um and Supposedly I mean these wigs are made of plastic. That'S not supposed to that's accurate. These wigs are made of plastic, essentially, is what a synthetic wig is um, so I guess heat and steam should straighten out these the little things so, let's see, but we're gon na turn it on I'm gon na try not to get it in my actual face Because then it's gon na ruin all my makeup and it will all have been for naught. Have I ever considered streaming on Twitch magic spells asked I did for a little while, but honestly just I'm it sucks, because I feel like it would be a better platform for streaming, but I'm so established on YouTube. I just don't. I don't want to betray her YouTube's, a female spirit, no, that I'm just like, like I said, I'm so established on this website. It'S like it's really hard to start over when you've got such a large platform already on something else. Okay, so it's heating up just waiting for the steam to show up. Do you ever wear wigs made of real hair? Yes, I absolutely do my uh this, the wig that I was wearing so for anyone who's just joining this wig that we're currently working on is not my big scene hair reveal. We already did that we got some steam coming. So, let's see do I just steam. It just hold the steam here and then brush it. Okay and of course the steam has stopped um. The big scene hair reveal that is a human hair wig that I was wearing a few minutes ago. So yeah, my daily wear is almost always going to be a human hair wig. If I do wear them, hey apologies, there's a there's, I think, there's a new dog in town guys, I think, there's the neighbors. Oh, it's [, __, ] working. You guys. I think the neighbor's got a new dog, so mine have been going crazy. Might it might take several tries to get it perfectly straight, but it's kind of doing its thing all right. We love that minty cat says I just got here. Can you show me the other way? I didn't see it absolutely. I will put it back on. Let'S see if we can get this uh, this little Bend out first see if it's even worth continuing. It seems like it's doing something, but to the other side, can you guys hear that the little bubbling it's like bubble? Asmr, it's smoking? Why is it smoking? It'S not smoking. It is steaming. It'S just water vapor. What this is actually for is holding it to your face, and it opens up your pores before you, like, put your your creams and your [ __ ] on there I was using the brush with the steamer, but that didn't seem to be doing a whole lot. Hold on: let's try this yeah: let's do that, let's just hold it straight: nice and slow kind of it's kind of working. Maybe we need like a [ __ ] industrial streamer, streamer steamer, all right we're in the we're in the the heat of the steam. This is as steamy as it's gon na get so come on. You can do it, I believe in you. I don't know why. I'M afraid sebby is afraid of the steamer it is. It is making like a menacing bubbly. Okay, I feel like that's worse. You guys do we is this worse. This looks worse to me and there's water also just like dripping down my leg as we speak from the Steamers so yo. What is the consensus all right I'll finish, I've committed I've committed I'll finish. What I started here Falcon also thank you. I appreciate the Dono. You should check out the metal core band it dies today. I absolutely will I wish copyright. Well, I'm glad copyright laws are a thing, but I wish they weren't, so I could check them out on the stream, but I absolutely will thank you for the suggestion. If anyone else has uh music suggestions, metalcore or otherwise, definitely send them all right. Now, my now it's getting stuck to my [ __ ] eyelash foreign, been here since I was 16 and I'm turning 25 next Wednesday. Damn that's so crazy. Dude, that's insane! 16 to 25: let's [ __ ]. Let'S do some quick maths, that's nine years, I'm old as [ __ ], I'm also 25, though, so I guess I'm not that old. I just started this when I was like an infant all right, we're running out of steam. That looks worse, you guys is that not like I'm, so I'm so torn I'm so torn on, what's Happening Here straight straighten, I don't think I can use um heat on this. You know when I got this wig. The [ __ ] label was just the skew number so, like I literally know nothing about it. I I'm assuming it's plastic, so so no go on the on the heat, but also I'm sorry, that's a really unflattering angle. With the with the light. It'S working very slowly, seed stage. I don't know if it is working very slowly and we're going to run out of water, certainly before it it gets fixed. Oh see that looks significantly worse. Does that not look way worse to you guys stop happening bro! I swear to God I'm just about I'm about to just cut this wig off like right above the bends. Like that's the most dramatic thing I could do, but does anyone else think this is [ __ ] working, or are you guys on the same page that this is just a waste of time? It'S actually getting like the texture on the ends? It'S getting disgusting too. So, just maybe I need to go higher. Just don't burn, hey babe! I can't I'm not burning yeah babe, I'm [ __ ], there's a fire under here. No, it's just a steamer. It'S just uh! My boyfriend is telling me to not burn down the apartment. All right, sorry, it's a steamer, it's just water vapor can't burn down the apartment. I don't do anything that unsafe guys. Sorry, I was still muted. The only reason I thought about uh cutting it. I know you said: don't want don't cut it just watch a tutorial. Is because my hair was shorter back in the day, it was like a solid. It was probably like to hear honestly right above where the crank is sorry. That was my bad on the sound. I muted it because my dogs were losing their mind for a second and then I also said, maybe if we just hold it like in this spot, in the position that we want it'll stay, you were so patient. I would have just cut the crimp out and call it a day. Well, that's what we're about to do you guys. We are definitely about to call it a day here, God, damn it, okay, but I don't wanna. I don't want to ruin it either. Maybe I seriously all right, I'm turning it off, I'm over it, it's making me hot, it's not working. I think everyone can agree that that did not work. Maybe it. I don't know that looks good. That looks good right there and we just need to do less. Hair at a time sorry, like my face, is cut off. I just want you to see the hair all right. This side obviously looks like [ __ ]. We didn't do anything to it, Alex you're, so sweet. I always knew that Perfection existed, but I didn't know it was so beautiful. Well, this we are not looking beautiful, currently um. I did have a request to put on the real, the real wig, so we'll do that here, just to take a break from this [ __ ] monstrosity just telling them there's a new dog in town and everything is going to be just fine. We'Re never gon na see him it's gon na be fine. My hair looks like that when I'm not taking a shower for like three days, so if it's not working, it scares me well, I you know what I don't. Besides the fabric softener, I don't really know how to wash a synthetic wig, I'm sure there's synthetic wig, uh shampoos and stuff, but I don't have any so here we go just for everyone. Everyone curious who came in a little bit late. This is the actual wig. This is what I've been working on the last few days, inspired by myself and my old hairstyles. This is her in all her glory at the big Fringe. It'S definitely uh suited for teasing, but I don't think I'm gon na tease it because I don't. I don't want to ruin it and be I've never been like a huge teased girl. That was. That was not quite my thing. I was always a little bit more Sleek in in my scene, style um, but yeah. No, this is the real wig. The other one is just one that I'm trying to get to look decent for a uh for a future video that will be coming next week. Where I turn myself into MD era: hey there, I'm Shannon Ansley. Yes, you got that off Etsy this one on my head currently is an old old VP fashion, wig, like very old VP fashion, wig from two or three years ago. At this point that um it came um as a white blonde wig, and then I dyed it myself um, I dyed it like a silver color and now just now, I dyed it this this color pattern again myself. So no this one's not from Etsy the other one that I was wearing the synthetic one is um that one is from timu, which I did a little wig haul and it is featured in it. So if you want to link, go check out my my other one of my recent videos, You'll see it's the only way: haul I've done in ages, ages, ages. So, back to this [ __ ] back on my [ __ ], here, okay Jesus, you can use hot water to straighten a synthetic wig. Well Karina! That'S what we're trying to do so this this contraption that I've been trying to um! That'S been blowing steam! In my face for the last 10 minutes here that it that's what I figured you know, everyone said use a steamer. I don't have like a legit Fabric, Steamer like a big ass one. This is a face steamer, but I thought it would cut it. I don't know if it did anything or not that it does look a little better. I'M not gon na lie. The black certainly looks more rough than the greens. So do we go for it, yeah we'll go for it. You know what we'll try to do. The black side, and if the black side doesn't work, then we just admit defeat, and we move on to cutting this thing, because I do have to give it a little trim, especially these horrific bangs. Here all right, look at our marine Ansley said my bad. I thought I was from Etsy because there's a seller on there who makes emo wigs exactly like that. That'S [, __, ], sick, that's awesome! Honestly! That would be a really fun side gig. For me, I would love to do that to just dye wigs through people. Emo, wake specifically okay, see. This is what I'm saying this is not correct, whose forehead is big enough for this yeah. That'S a really cool gig. I would love that all right give me uno momento from momento. I think that's! Okay. I'Ve got to refill this little thing full of water, so I can get some more Steam and then we'll try to steam. The black side and, like I said, admit defeat if that doesn't work, give me a second here all right, and so it's not that much water so like I don't know how it lasted that long. This is it. This is all the all the water we got. Man, so let me detangle this. This is just ridiculous. You guys these bangs, I don't know I have Clips also, so it's ridiculous that I'm not using them I'd, buy your custom. Wigs. Thank You. Sage. That'S sweet! Maybe one day, maybe one day, if I can get sponsored by more wig companies, because they're just so damn expensive, then I'll be able to resell on. My totally would do that. Okay, so that looks dorky as [ __ ], but at least it's out of my face. Maybe try steaming it in smaller sections. Okay, let's try it we'll do that. So I got that out of my face. There focus camera. It has potential - maybe maybe it has potential okay. Here we go. Let'S get this D [ __ ], Tangled, if that's even a possibility here and then we will go in smaller sections and we'll see what we can accomplish here. Oh speaking of um, speaking of selling things uh, I have my D or d-pop. My Poshmark is currently uh active. Again I am starting to post a ton of clothes. I mean I'm not even kidding you guys. I have so many clothes. It'S ridiculous. I keep getting sent more and more from different companies, and I've run out of space, I'm overflowing in my room. It'S all pushed right out of frame, so my Poshmark link is in my description as well. Let me just show you guys some of what I got on there. This is her right here, so this is. I mean this is barely scratching the surface. You guys, I have probably a hundred more pieces to put up it. Just it takes me a while, but definitely go follow me over on Poshmark. It'S in the description like I said, I've got um lots of cool shoes like that. I'Ve never worn like these have never ever been worn. I wore these in the music video for sleeping with your ghost and that's it wore these like once um really cute clothes, I just I don't have the room for um some skirts stuff for Raves. I'Ve got a lot of. I just sold two uh hoodies that are sleeping with sirens. Hoodies that I got like literally from my ex-boyfriend was their uh, their drum Tech. So I got a lot of merch from them. Then I never wore so shipping those out tomorrow, a lot of Hollister because for some reason Hollister was huge in the scene Queen days. So this is authentic. 2012 uh, [, __ ] streetwear. What can I tell you scene where so check it out? Um actually I'll send a link in the chat as well. If anyone wants to check out any of my clothes, it would mean a lot got ta get them out of here, sent it in the chat as well, just in case anyone's interested. I want to revive the Emos again as the band yeah: let's do it, let's revive all of the Emos again, that's what I'm trying to do going back to my roots here, uh. What happened to new pollution? So for those of you who don't know, new pollution was my band um. It was me and two guys that I met through a manager and um typical band story. I started dating my drummer and he's kind of a [ __ ] [ __ ], who just disappeared one day, essentially um and we had kicked out my guitarist previously because he wasn't like learning any other songs, so so it just kind of fell apart. I made a rookie move dated my drummer. He like said piece of [ __ ] left abandoned me. So then it was like uh. I can keep making music under that name, but why would I have more followers on my own and also yeah? So the music came down the reason the music is not like up any longer is because I am an idiot, and I thought I had my um. You have to pay to have your music in stores like Spotify, Etc, and I thought I'd had it on autopay and I didn't and it just. Unfortunately, if you don't pay um in time, then it takes your album down and if I want to put it back up, I have to essentially re-release the [ __ ], album um. So I I don't know like I'm torn and I've been torn on this for like a year two years now at this point, if I release the album under my own name like re-release it under my own name, if I re-release it under new pollution and have Like my name featuring on all of it, if I just go ahead and re-record everything entirely as my own music, when I have the money, I don't know um because, like doctor doctor, that was a song I don't know if you guys know this, I recorded that As a solo song, first that version's never seen the light of day um and then I re-recorded it for new pollution, because the song was so good and I never had a chance to release it. Um and honestly. I think I like the original version better. If I just had newer uh like updated vocals, so there's also like uh several songs that I recorded um right before new pollution started for myself that I never released because I started a new Collision. So that's uh, that's the that's the story, there's not much tea. Just my guitarist wasn't very good and um. You know we we kicked him out and before we went on the adventure to go, find a new one. My my [ __ ] ex I just literally basically left in the night, went out for cigarettes and never came back type thing and left me with all the paperwork to deal with. So that's that's the new pollution tee um, if you guys have any what you'd like like. If you want me to re-record it or if you just want me to re-release those that are new pollution like if you cared tell me because I'll take your I'll, take your opinions into consideration, I I want to know I don't know what to do with it. Thank you for the don't know JT. I appreciate you all right so here we go we're gon na turn. Back on the steamer, I've got a smaller section. This is a significantly smaller section and I'm going to use a little comb. Instead, I'd love to hear you re-record and put it out on your name, okay, good, to know good to know what, if you did a Shannon Taylor version of the album like Taylor, Swift did yeah, that's that's kind of what I was thinking as well, something similar To that, that's not a bad idea, just yeah good, good ideas, good ideas, everybody all right. Turning that on re-record also, I would love to hear the solo version of doctor doctor. Thank you, okay. Well, I will definitely consider it. I also so doctor doctor, I wrote um with this. Other song called, I guess, there's no reason not to say what it's called, because I [ __ ] recorded it like three years ago called doomsday um, and I thought that song was really good too. But, like I said as soon as I wrote that song and recorded it and everything then new pollution came to be, and I was like I'm not gon na put out this solo stuff and now it's just old. So I think I just need to redo the vocals sebi says you know like in Romania the father's going for milk and he does not come back yeah. That'S exactly what I'm saying pretty much. That was the situation with my drummer um slash my boyfriend. He was my boyfriend. Well, he was my drummer chronologically before he was my boyfriend, but like in terms of what he was to me. He was my boyfriend before my drummer and what a dick. Basically, he told me he was going to see his uh his family for the weekend and then just like, I said straight up, didn't come back and we had a house full of stuff together and was like just put it in a storage unit. And I was like that's really sick, like you could have done that you [ __, ], [, __ ], like thanks for and and like gave me no indication either like not. I I really don't care to think about him or that whole situation at all, because I'm in a happy relationship uh now and everything, but it was just like so bizarre that whole situation, literally just like happy happy, hey, I'm not ever coming back! Bye cool! All right, this, I think, might actually be working. I can't get a shot. Oh just kidding, as I say that I see how bad it looks always cringy. I enjoy your username. The fact that you were the insulator. My first ever seen haircut when I was 13 and I'm still watching you 10 years later - is crazy. Hell yeah, that's awesome! That'S so crazy, dude! I'M so glad I could inspire a generation of emos and right now, I'm not doing very much inspiring, but you can at least watch me [ __ ] up this wig. Is that bubbling like ASMR? I like that sound okay. Is this working yo? That might I that might actually be working. It'S not necessarily taking the crank out, but it looks more natural, like it doesn't. Look like this shitty Bend anymore. It at least looks like a real wave in the hair. You know: do you know what I'm saying all right, let's see did that work, I held it there for a long time. Not quite it's looking. It looks better, though. Okay, this side is maybe taking a shine to the steam more than the other side. I'M not sure sebi just said: there's a 30 chance, you'll find him drunk as [ __ ] in a closet, and I don't know if you're referring to my ex with that's [ __ ] hilarious. If you are because that's accurate uh Good Times, Billy eyelashes, like you Marty, is not Billy eyelash. Unfortunately, unfortunately, I had the green and black thing going way before Billy eyelash was probably even a teenager, which makes me [ __ ] old as hell, but it also makes me the original Creator. I'M just kidding I'm gon na try to I'm gon na try to brush it the opposite way of the crank, but we're getting to the point of no return here. Who I'm about to I'm just about to cut this off. You know Inspire Aspire, my mama! She had to shave her head due to lichen lichen. I don't know if I said that correctly, which is similar to alopecia. I showed her your video, so now she doesn't feel so alone. That'S so sweet! Oh thank you. So much for telling me that and send your send your mom, some love, I'm sure she's, absolutely beautiful had not heard of lichen. I feel like I'm saying that wrong I'll have to look that up very interesting. It'S snowing right now, I'm jealous as hell. It'S 77 degrees here in the great state of Florida, a Flo Rida dude, I can't breathe. Why does this happen to me? Does anyone is there a doctor in the chat every time we get about like an hour into my into my broadcasts, of talking to no one I stop being able to breathe like oh, my nose was clogs and I can no longer inhale um, but this doesn't Happen when I talk in real life, like I swear to [ __ ], I can have. I can have 10 hour long conversations yelling. If I want, and my nose doesn't clog it's only when I'm streaming all right like this is getting damp. I don't know if it's doing much other than that a humidifier, it's kind of a humidifier. It'S like a more intense humidifier. This is a it's just like a facial steamer, but for your pores trying to do some magic here, but it ain't working foreign. You guys. I'M over it I'm over it we're just going straight to the cutting as we emotes do, all right that was [ __ ] up. We should have said it, but I can't see I can't see I I can't I can't with this thing anymore: it's not working! We'Re going right in right into the scissors. Like I said here, we go all right. I got my my shears here and we're gon na we're gon na separate this and do one side at a time, because I can only [ __ ] see. If I pull one side, you look beautiful as usual. Thank you. I appreciate it all right clip. Let'S begin so: let's, let's look at a picture of old old me, a little old me back in the day just for for some reference. You know you know just I want to see how short my bangs were. I'M pretty sure I had like straight across bangs when I was in uh the [ __ ]. When I was in MD sorry, I lost my mouse, my mouse yeah, I trade across bangs, wait! No! These are that's not the right era. This is the era. Okay, so I did not have straight across oh, this might be a little difficult, a little bit difficult. So this is the look we're trying to recreate here um. I am now realizing that I had the scene bangs. They were not straight across. Actually, they may have been cut straight across, but I was pushing them to the side. At this point my hair was um. Split, died right down the middle like this, though it was just pushed to the side. So all right, that's what we've got to do here. I know what must be done all right and also the green was on top, so let's actually cut the black side. First, sorry, I'm trying to remember which way I part my hair. I parted this way. Okay, so this is gon na be a little bit of a of of a test of my skill here we did this. I did this yesterday, not on stream. I did it to my real wig, but first things. First, you got ta find the part which is not actually here, because this wig sucks ass and I can't have a part right there, but oh [, __ ]. I really should not be doing this with a webcam. I should probably get a real, a real camera, but a real camera, a real mirror, but we're we're throwing caution in the wind here. So this looks so bad right now, all right Moment of Truth. Well, not really it's going to take a long time, but first cut yeah, I'm just gon na throw this on the floor. There'S not really a better way to do this and then I'll vacuum it up later. Oh God, I didn't. I didn't really keep in mind that this is synthetic and it's gon na cut really annoying, but whatever it'll be fine. Like I said I was cutting, I was cutting my human hair wig. It was just like bunching up every time. I do it uh yesterday and I was so nervous, but it came back to me like riding a bike. Your girl is Never Gon na forget how to cut scene here. Never in a million years. Everyone in the chat is loving. It'S always talking about weed, and I I live for that. I'M very happy that that's that's the community we've cultivated here, we're just gon na throw it on the floor. It'S okay, guys! It'S really fine! We don't have to bark at everything. Oh, but now you guys this is this - is gon na, be so much trouble every time I cut it. It'S gon na curl under we're gon na do our best here. It'S gon na be okay. I'M talking to myself, I'm not sure if it's actually gon na be okay, everyone, please stop growling you're, throwing me off my game here. It'S gon na be okay. I promise I did my hair split dye back in the day because of you like years ago. Oh, that's so sweet, but I did red and black and I watch your tutorials to help me figure it out. Well. I appreciate that. Please know and use this as a tutorial, because this is we're we're not that we're not doing well here today we're doing our best, but it's it's not our best is not well. You should send me pictures if anyone ever used my tutorials to actually do their hair. Oh I'm missing again. I should be using a real mirror if anyone used my tutorials back in the day. I want to see how your hair turned out someone's gon na. Send me the most [ __ ] up picture you're, the best of me. I see your uh, your lyrics in the chat, but that is not Bob Marley. That is Sublime. I smoke two joints in the morning. I smoked two joints at night. I'M gon na get copyright claimed. It makes me feel all right. That'S what you're saying that's Sublime my friend the greatest weed smoking ban on Earth. Oh God, you guys! Why is this one scaring me more than cutting my real wig, I'm gon na start putting in some some layers, as we we're just we're, just free forming it here today, but isn't that what we always did so anyway, we always did in like 2012, except we Had a mirror when we did it back, then it wasn't quite this uh. Quite this freeballing Bob Marley Bob Ross. What other Bobs are there? Oh, that's a good question Bob I don't know Bob Ross is actually buried, uh very close to where I grew up here. In Orlando, I don't know why particularly he's buried in a town called gotha that I worked in and I went to school in, for quite some time went to middle school. There and uh worked in a restaurant in that town and there is it's a very small town, there's not a whole lot going on there, but there is a graveyard cemetery and Bob Ross is buried in that Cemetery. Spongebob is definitely an iconic Bob. I don't know how we forgot him rip rip SpongeBob, all right, you guys. I have to get a mirror. This can't be done. This could not. It could not continue like this. All right be right. Back okay! This will be much better got a mirror, hopefully, hopefully, that we can. We can do a better job now yeah. I can actually sort of see what I'm doing I'll put the mirror here. No One's Gon na be stuck in my head. I smoke two joints in the morning Smoke Two Joints at night, all right, literally full sun. When cutting scene hair back in the day 100. It was a full scent. There was no, I mean there was no room for hesitation. You just went Balls to the walls with some scissors, so there we go now we're back in business. Now I can see what I'm doing. I think you can probably actually see what I'm doing a little bit better, so we're going in for the side Fringe. This is, this is the longer Fringe here. I actually think back. No, no. This would be the side that my green was on. I was gon na say back in the day. My split tie was different, like the reverse, but I don't think that's actually true. I think it was on this side because I always wore my hair flipped this way and the green was on top so yeah. This is the right. This is the right direction. I also was really into that. Shrek. Look for some reason with the space buns, but I had green hair, so I looked like Shrek. Maybe we'll do that for the video all right so, like someone just said, we're going Balls to the walls right now, I'm just gon na thin out a bunch of layers, basically like seeing hair, is pretty easy because at the end of the day you just want It to be bigger on top and slowly taper at the bottom. So that's if you know nothing else about cutting scene hair. Just follow that guideline. Um! Okay, I did not realize so.

ASMR Node: 21:10 Hey I was there too and saw u guys! Love the new wig/throwback look

Jennifer B: Damn girl, that looks sooooo good! You could so start a side hustle of cutting scene hair wigs for ppl. I know I would buy one!

antonio snyder: Who needs medication when you can buy hair on the internet lol also I love ths wig but I need one in red, can't wait to see the tutorial!

Brock Schultz: Sorry I missed your livestream. U look beautiful always. 33:40. Hot with that smoke. The baby on Toy Story scared me. 1:11:12. F haters, and green and black are a good combination.

Stewart Matthews: Good to see ya shannon

❄️ thatgirlfrommn ❄️: God I miss mde that was my childhood I was like 10? When it ended

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