Freetress Equal 36" Drawstring Ponytail + China Bang | Brie Milanni

#FreetressEqual #Drawstring #Ebonyline #beginnerfriendly

This video is about me reviewing and styling this 2 pcs Freetress Equal drawstring and ponytail set.


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Products Used

- Freetress Equal Synthetic Ponytail +China Bang-Long Sleek Yaki 36” 2PCS

- Leave-in Conditioner

- Got2be Glue Holding Spray

- Rat tail comb

- Scruncies

- Brush

- Style Factor Edge Booster Strong Hold Styling Gel

- Style Factor Edge Booster Edge Control

Music Credit

Lakey Inspired - This Feeling

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Hey you guys this is your girl brimani. I am coming to you with another video and today's video will be about this cute bang and ponytail y'all. I am loving this ponytail. I'Ve been rocking it for about two weeks and it's time to let it go and save it for another time and i'm ready for my new hairstyle but yeah. I'M gon na go ahead and get into this video and make sure you please do subscribe to my channel. Make sure you click that bell. Let'S go ahead and get started, you see is is is now you yeah see me is, is too yes is, is, is, is my all right y'all? I got this wig from ebonyline and this is the package and how it came. This is the color and style that i have once again. This is from freetress eco. It says pony, plus bang two-piece refresh your look instantly now freetress. That is so true, because within 10 minutes or less it will get you together. This is like this is my first like ponyta, drawstring and bang combination like y'all. They was not lying when they said this thing is called china bane um. The style is long and sleek yaki 36 inch, and it's in the color 1b y'all. I haven't had 36 inches before um. This is touching my thigh when i stand up and touch like my stomach, the bottom of my stomach, so with bottling, my stomach going into my head. But yes, this is really cute. I paid 10 63 on ebony line like y'all. This is definitely worth it um. Now i'm gon na go ahead and get into the specs about this hair. Now the pros on this hair is quick. It'S easy! It'S affordable, it's cute and you get inches and you can style it in more than one way the cons about this ponytail it is. It gets like. Okay, so y'all see it looking like this now, i do suggest that you do not sleep in it. Take it off every day and put it back on every day. Take the clips off every day and put it on every day you don't have to, but if you're not going to take it off, make sure you care, for it make sure you wrap it up, and everything don't be like me, because i slept with it with No scarf or nothing and it got tangled up pretty bad. Now, i'm going to show you how much hair came out of this ponytail with me, trying to straighten this ponytail back out to originally how it was when it first came out the package. So this is like i said two weeks plus old. Now this is how much hair they came out. This is a lot of hair. Another part of the cons is when they get nappy. It get kinks in it like this kinks and you have to pull them out in order for them to come out, but this is how much hair came out from this ponytail, it's still nice and thick, but this is a lot of hair um. Another con. Is you had to cut the bangs, so i took my shears. I really only cut like right here, just cut it straight and then on the sides i cut diagonal, so i took it and i cut like this on the sides. Now i left the little piece out because i wanted this part to still be long, but - and i did the other side - i took it and cut it out now the bangs it did come a little bumped up, so i just took my flat iron and straightened. It out a little bit um to get it like this, but yes y'all. This is really cute the side profile. This is my right side. This is the middle. This ponytail is definitely banging i'm loving it. With this ponytail. You will need to keep a brush with you, because it just see that it's not seeing it straight, i'm gon na be honest with y'all. All i did was just blow dry, the hair out. I didn't actually flat iron it, so it could have been a little bit more sleeker, but i ain't feel like doing all day. I'M just like, i said, might be done with this hairstyle. So it's time to go, but it's still cute though, but yes i'm loving it. I think you guys should go get it. It is affordable, it's not even 15, it is 10.63. I just wanted to come and give you guys a review and give you my honest opinion. I did purchase this with my own money point until it do so. Keep that in mind. Um, like i said this is just temporarily it's not for a whole month. I mean you can make it last for a whole month, but i wouldn't want to style for a whole month. So if you want to wear it temporarily, you can um it will shed. I just wanted to make sure i came and tell y'all that, because i forgot to let y'all know. Yes, i'm still feeling myself even two weeks later. It makes you feel yourself. This is what i like. If every hairstyle can be like this, i want it. Okay, so everyone that i find out about, i will post about it. I'M gon na try to be more consistent, y'all. I had a whole baby, a whole baby. Yes he's four months now, but i'm gon na try to be more consistent. Now, okay, i feel like this ponytail is like you need something quick. You got to hurry up and go somewhere. It'S easy to put on somebody. Yo girls call you like: hey girl, let's go outside my girl. My hair is, let me go ahead and put that on real, quick i'll, be ready in like 30.. This is that type of hairstyle, okay girl, you gon na cry. Okay, you look good together, quick like yes, thank you cara, so, yes, that this is what this hairstyle is like, or if you want to go to a wedding, this would be a nice ponytail or if you work in the office, this is a nice ponytail. If you want to go on date night, this is a nice ponytail, so you can use this hairstyle for like a lot of occasions, so i like the versatility with it, and that is so cool, so all right go get it all right, go get it bye!

charlie Remi: Looks amazing you did a good job thanks for sharing, I'm getting this

Trisha Lynn: Yaaasss baby! I’m going to definitely purchase this pony and bang combo. You are so beautiful and this video is fire .

Komplex Kontent: The outcome is BEAUTIFUL U DID THAT.

K B: Followed you from ebonyline. You look super cute, I love this hairstyle on you!

deannaandbanana Chef Dee: I you!!! Great video keep them coming!!!

Tina Gurley: Ur so pretty

d2 Holman: Ok girl!

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