Did Chinggis Khan Have Red Hair? - Medieval History #Shorts

  • Posted on 08 January, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

New Kings and Generals animated historical shorts video on Medieval History will talk about a popular internet myth claiming that the founder of the Mongol Empire Chinggis Khan did have red hair.


Ancient Tactics: Hidden Flank - https://youtu.be/ZNbIEFid6gE

Ancient Tactics: Concentrated Center - https://youtu.be/CTdo9mvgPHs

Ancient Tactics: Oblique Order - https://youtu.be/N8vDnVJU1Lk

Ancient Tactics: Feigned Retreat - https://youtu.be/gXXwi1RbZc0

Ancient Tactics: False Gap - https://youtu.be/4zbp8wb-uOU

Ancient History: Why Was Alexander the Great Paranoid - https://youtu.be/WqoD20QO_4U

Ancient Tactics: Crescent Formation - https://youtu.be/kMfXeHrxt6A

Ancient History: Spartan Mirage - https://youtu.be/qpoe-Tb0u9E

Script: Jack Wilson

Video: Yağız Bozan and Murat Can Yağbasan

#Documentary #Kingsandgenerals #shorts

Sometimes it is said that Chinggis Khan had red hair, citing a certain passage from the early fourteenth century historian, Rashid al-Din the vizier of the Ilkhanate.. Some circles used this to argue that he must have been Caucasian.. Firstly, naturally occurring red hair is known among Central Asia. Peoples., Secondly, the passage from Rashid al-Din has been thoroughly misrepresented.. What the relevant passage from Rashid al-Din describes is that Chinggis Khan, upon seeing his newly born grandson Khubilai, remarked that the boy did not share the ruddy complexion of Chinggis’ own sons, but the darker complexion of his mother, Sorhaktani’s family. Ruddy in this case, does not refer To hair colour but to the facial complexion. And one look at any man who has spent his lifetime exposed to the steppe winds will reveal quite ruddy features. Indeed., Rashid doesn’t mention any thick beard or eye colour, as sometimes is stated.

Kings and Generals: Previously: Ancient Tactics: Hidden Flank - https://youtu.be/ZNbIEFid6gE Ancient Tactics: Concentrated Center - https://youtu.be/CTdo9mvgPHs Ancient Tactics: Oblique Order - https://youtu.be/N8vDnVJU1Lk Ancient Tactics: Feigned Retreat - https://youtu.be/gXXwi1RbZc0 Ancient Tactics: False Gap - https://youtu.be/4zbp8wb-uOU Ancient History: Why Was Alexander the Great Paranoid - https://youtu.be/WqoD20QO_4U Ancient Tactics: Crescent Formation - https://youtu.be/kMfXeHrxt6A Ancient History: Spartan Mirage - https://youtu.be/qpoe-Tb0u9E

The Jackmeister: Mongol History: Chinggis was red in the face, as he blushed from all the compliments he got from his friends. They all said such things to him; great bunch of lads, the Mongols.

Kei Ker: As a Mongolian I promise you this: If he had red hair there wouldve been NUMEROUS LEGENDS referring to his fiery hair

Allofmynamestaken: Kublai Khan had an original portrait made of Genghis (orignal was in black and white IIRC). Both that portrait and Kublai's own, very clearly show someone of asiatic background. I would imagine Kublai could still remember what his own grandfather looked like.

Jon Baxter: Imagine killing 40 million people and being a ginge...

Marc-Antoine Marcoux: My aunt went to Mongolia and brang me back a keychain with Genghis Khan on it. She told me that the representation there was that he had brown hair.

Wenbin G: I reckon he lost a chess game to Subutai once and the forfeit was to dye his hair red.

louyht7: I'm Vietnamese and I always thought my hair was black but under the light you can see my hair have reddish tint to it even my mom was surprised :)

F A H M I S A: Back then when I was kid I have a friend that have light brown hair with brown skin and people in the village called him red hair boy he often swim on the river and exposed to the sunlight cause he is adventure kind of kid

A.HITLER: The treasure that buried with him matters the most.

Mark: Here I was, having just gotten comfortable for an episode when suddenly, it was over.

X-SPIDER-MAN: He had black hair. He is Asian, from Northern China (Mongolia). And the Russian people from Siberia also mostly had black hair, the Russians from the East are Asian unlike the Russians from the West that are European

Monsignor: Alternative title: Did Qigon Jin hold baby anikin?

Jack Black: if this were true, there would be legends of his head or beard and hair flaming in battle like a Demon.

Shoeg4zer: I've never seen Mr. Khan's first name spelled that way.

Rickterr: Wow, way to disregard his amazing perm, do you have any idea how much blood it took to stain that hair and keep it red?!

Dac: The silk road also shared in DNA, from slaves who changed home, from passing traders, raiders, ect..

f3tsch: Doesnt he have like millions of decendants? Wouldnt it be possible to figure out his hair colour through dna tracing?

Louis: Alexander the Great, however, did have RED hair.

LATEO: Lovely guy and well balanced was Temuchin,one of my ancient ancestors …

موسى الكاظم سپارتا: Shorts in YouTube don't work so well in watch later playlist. Like button isn't on the side. It's like watching a normal video, but vertical. First world problem...

the slavic doomer and fighter: Absolute lies, we all know he was Macedonian.

matthew mann: If that is true he either painted, colored, inked, sprinkled, mixed with European, or and dyed hair

GOAB PARTY: I like how at the end he says “this one guy didn’t mention the red hair… as sometimes is stated”. Just ignores the multiple other sources to focus on the one guy who didn’t mention it either way. Lol. This channel has decent history, but it becomes hyper obvious when they try to sway opinions.

unifieddynasty: In sunlight, many Central and East Asian people's hair have a reddish-orange hue. Asian people don't necessarily have completely black hair.

LIGHT YAGAMI: Why didnt he invade india when he had the chance to? Im specifically talking about chengis Khan Not the mongols Was it they shared a similar religion Or was it that the conditions didn't allow them Ive been wondering about this question a lott Since india was like A free treasure at that time He had the chance to steal 1/3 of the worlds whole economy Why didn't he?

Lord Ironfist: This is referring to Temujin, correct? I've never seen it spelled or pronounced as Chinggis so I just wanted to be certain that I know which Khan and am not making a mistake

Rex Nemorensis: Is there any evidence he may have been of Scythian descent?

SOT SIENGHAI: Some Chinese also have red hair At the young age we have hair tinner and it look like red color

Zaphod: First they took Jesus. Now they want Genghis? Just stop.

Nwoudochi Obinna: If you're gonna spell Ghengis Khan as he is pronounced.. It should be Chinngis han..

Lexxal: No one: History Channel at 3AM:

The Turko-Mongol: I’m Kazakh and I have red hair

Herbert Gearing: Red hair and blue eyes in early representations. There were many people in Asia then with genetics similar to the Celts. Look up tall red haired mummies in Asia. They were often buried in plaids looking like scottish tartans.

Ganbat Sainbileg: I'm really glad u calling him Chinggis khan not Genghis.

Ngoc Tran D.: Many centuries from now, the armchair historians will claim that Bruce Lee was Italian…

Kevin JWK: Considering he has millions of direct descendants in Asia and there is no ginger crisis, he probably didn't have red hair.

Vinicius Bonatto: This shorts are so good

lightbluehaze: If he did have red hair then that meant he had an ancestor who was white

Ali Mohammad: So, its absolute red power

8th cloud: I thought He is Canadian❤️

Rohit P: Lot of central Asian Muslims have red beards, probably Chenghis had the same DNA...

Bonafide Monafide: This always happens with red-haired historical figures. Yet "some circles" forget that red hair is a genetic mutation and also appears in many regions around the world. Not just ireland/scotland.

Alvin Lin: Well technically the various European races originated front the caucasus and central Asian plains

D tan: Temujin (Genghis Khan) was not Mongolia. Fudan University nankai University many universities genetic engineering research. Tiemuzhen gene is the Han gene of Yellow River and Yangtze River. Han =Kan was completely different from other Mongol tribes. In the 13th century, the Han and Tang dynasties were in chaos. Genghis Khan's family went into exile in Mobei. After Temuzhen was born and grew up, he conquered all the small tribes in Mobei in the name of the Han people and named it ——Mongolia…

A B: It could be trait from IE They reached as far as north china and mongolia

Noel Molina: Khan is pronounced "Han", so why not remove the K all together if you want to be all historical?

Marc Lawyer: Hmm... history is a tricky thing as it's rarely separate from politics (look at Covid)... There were Celtish peoples as the burials have been found, as well as blue eyed people (the mummies of the Takla Makan)

A123 123: Can you do episode about the second lebanon war

Amandeep Singer: Here is the truth.Diplomats in Persia and South China Song dynansty had met him face to face, they both describe what he looks like in books, both of them did not mention he has red hair and blue eyes, he is a typical mongolian people. But, In northeast China , there are people who has blond /red/ purple /brown hair and cloureful eyes, but they do not have high nose, they just like Chinese, they lived in this land for thousands years. So the conclusion is the hair and eye colour can not define the race. In lots of Chinese history books, those people with purple beard, with red mostache, or blonde hiar, colourful eyes are also playing a role in Chinese history, The Dongwu dynansty king Sunquan(220AD) he is a people with purple beard and eye, it is clearly mentioned in books. And there are Jurchen people(2000 years ago) have Chinese face but with blonde hairs, till now you still can find Chinese people with blonde hairs, pure blonde hairs.

TheCodyNamedKidNextDoor: Lmao now we need big chinngis

DexterzPlace: Was Genghis the red headed step child we all thought he was?

Randell Hill Speaks: He had green eyes and red hair.

brainflash1: The only way Genghis Khan would have red hair is if he forgot to wash it properly after a battle.

jimmyLFC: You correctly call him Chinggis why not also correctly pronounce Khan? There's no k sound in mongolian, its "Chinggis Han"

1truShadow Clw: History of so cool but who is chinggus Khan & I wonder if he's any relation to Genghis Khan

Louis: I’m sure I always saw somewhere that Attila was a ginge also

John Lawer: Yall just jealous that all the best wore the red well.

The Texan Crusader: Red hair came from Africa and is still isn't impossible amongst many African and Asian families, and in the case of African families its more common than Europeans.

Kevin Cline: Chinngis? Ghengis? Chungus? There is no difference.

Dennis Johnson: Yes...his hair was red .....stained with the blood of opponents he slayed

Jacob Duke: His hair was only reddish because he bathed in the blood of his enemies

Brian McCarthy: You're probably right but many European peoples originated in the steppes, including my type of Irish. They've found the mummified remains of what would usually be called white people near the ancient borders of China wearing plaid, no less. Even today while a lot of Central Asians look "Mongolian" when viewed next to blonde, pale Russians they look European when viewed next to Han Chinese. It is, and always has been, a mixture of peoples.

MAJOR Gaming: I would Suggest Abhijit Chavada video on Chengis Khan....

para sf: Very good video

EjwiiiMovies: The ancient Asia tribe called the Cuminites had blond hair and blue eyes, one of the 1000s of different cultures wiped out by the Mongol hordes.

Boogeyman / Trav. M: He Did have red hair an according to alot of other passages in history he had alot of causation features.. There is a little bit of his beard hair that has been saved an is part of a shrine in Mongolia an it's red..could just check his DNA an find out..

RexNunc: First its Genghis now its Chinggis. Yall need to get on the same page.

Gravity Is Wrong: For what it’s worth, most black horses are actually red and referred to as such by equestrian folks.

B M: Ah yes.. Chungus Khan

Black Pearl: Lol , make some videos for Tamil kings ! ️

Captive S: Politically motivated question cooked up by Caucasians. LOL. No, he did not have red hair. But he did kill a lot of red haired people in his conquests.

ozgipsy: Nah dude, Svente Paabo is changing everything we know here

Napoléon I Bonaparte: Gingerism is a natural phenomenon overall.

MLM_academy official: Red hair among with green eyes which is a neanderhal trait is found Whithing both Europians and Asians.

An Zhu: There are peoples in the north of Asia with a complexion that westerns would call white.

William the conqueror: Make a video on his harem

John Brownings Ghost: Oh cool I didn’t know central Asian people could have red hair.

Marcelo Silveira: 0:13 Are Irish considered caucasians? they are quite far from the caucasus... or are there other european ppl with naturally ocurring red hair? (I thought it was exclusevely an Irish trait)

Lucas Smith: Malvina Hazen had white hair tho.

Eran Magwar: i love yor videos. pls make you rplaylist in cronologic order

ColdHands: Except he was also described as his eye color as green or blue. I can't remember.

Rebel Yell: The red hair gene originates from the southern Arabian desert area. Do your full research please.

David Beshears: Are they sure they're not confused with Chingis Domingis? El Rojo.

jason200912: I have red chin hair and front hair but only if you shine sunlight directly onto it.

Historylover: Ogedei Khan’s portrait in Taipei National Museum shows that he has red hair and grey eyes. He even has a black birth mark under his left eye, indicating that the artist tried to be faithful to a real person. Also, If you look at Chinggis Khan’s portrait, his beard shows some tint of red, despite the rest of his hair shows black color turning white.

Taylan Ertan: It's probably a red herring...

Stephen Lane: Ghengis Khan. Peking. Bombay. Burma. You are welcome.

billy huskey: That’s ok we gingers still have Alexander the Great

Hee Ho Kuzunoha: He most likely had long black hair and looked nothing other than East Asian in appearance. The Chinese depictions and accounts of him are vastly more accurate than the Islamic sources.

Calmdown.: u cant even spell his name right why would you possibly know the color his hair is

Joseph Anaya:

Rabbi Lampshade: You left out he came from the Siberian step, was almost 7 feet tall and had green eyes.

Jimmy Russels: Cope Chinggis was a Scythian

Van Erik Lucasan: The Borchikun Bloodline eh?

Shobhit Shukla: Yes and he was white, and his name was Go go Driden

John Paul Laizure: What if the person who propagated that he had red hair just saw him drenched in the blood of his enemies and mistook it lol.

LIONFARM: Red hair natural because it's high in R Haplogroups which R1b is west Eurasia and R1a far east asia

Just Some Guy with a White Beard: Ah yes Ginger Khan.

Andrea Basile: These videos are great, keep posting videos that debunk weird historical falsehoods from "certain circles"!

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