My First U-Part Wig! (Side Part)

  • Posted on 17 January, 2016
  • U Part Wig
  • By Anonymous

This my first attempt at making a U-Part wig.

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Hi guys, so this is me making my first view part wig myself. Personally, I never done this before, so I just wanted to try it out and because of that I decided I would go and probably buy some cheaper here. Instead of spending my money on more expensive here, so I'm with my local beauty supply store and they happen to have this packet of here. It'S called Motel tres and it comes with 16 inch, 18 inch, two bundles of 16, two buns was 18 and 2 closures, and so I'm showing you what that looks like here. Well, this is how it comes in the package, the closure and, I think, the 18 inches on top in the 16 inches at the bottom, and this is these are the ones that I took out and I kind of have played with them a little bit so They'Re a little more full and I'm just showing you that here yep, that's that that's the closure. No, I myself I'm not using the closure in this for this one cuz. I don't know how, if you know how to bleach that and make it look natural and kill it girl by all means, kill it, because I don't know I'm not up on my closure game yet anyway. So these are the things I use ahead thread the normal weaving thread: here's a normal weaving needle that most people use. Yes, yes, we got here, oh yeah, so these are the straight pins. I'M gon na end up using these I'm in order to guide me I'll. Stick them through the weft, while I'm sewing before I sew just so. I know where that I want the thing to be um. These are the wig clips that I'll put under the wig in order to secure it. When I'm done and say this is a dumb cat that I used and this line I made with an old eyeliner that I had like a teal color, it's still pretty, but I just wanted to measure how far back I wanted my parts that go in here. I'M showing you I wanted it to be about maybe three to three and a half inches, and that's what I'm doing here and it's gon na keep going around and I hit saw a video where the young lady she started with um the weft underneath the cat. I'M just showing you how I'm gon na end up cutting out wherever I have mutts mark. So here I go here we go here. We go Ivan threaded, the needle Jesus we ready he hit me. Let'S go, let's go mm-hmm, my god cut off the excess cuz. That'S not cute alright, so here we go get in the weft ready OOP. She fell. Hmm she's, alright, she's, alright! So I'm gon na put this first left under the dome cap, like I mentioned before, and in essence is supposed to be so that you could put the hair in a ponytail. But here you see, I only do it from ear to ear on the mannequin. I think in the future I'll do it, maybe from the forehead to both sides of the forehead that way, it'll look better because I feel like at the end of this. Even if I put this in a ponytail, you still kind of see the sides so that random bouncing that you might be picking up on. Isn'T that me, having like the jitters or anything I'm dancing cuz like I always have to have music playing when I do stuff, so there's music playing you're, just not hearing it and I'm just like having my own mini parties, I suppose yeah we got just sawing Away making some progress god I hope you all forgive me for my horrible sewing technique. It'S not easy to do. Standing up. It really isn't so shout out to all the interest is out. There know the real MVP look. I know it looks bad for her, but no mannequins were killed in the making of this video. She she's perfectly fine she's still talking to me now, I'm just good all right, so I'm nodding off on this end right here and you cut that cool. So at this point, I'm not cutting the left and put them in don't cat over and I'm just gon na flip it. I'M gon na do a flip method for this part again secure in the left with the pins, making progress, making progress, hey thread that needle girl, Yas and again. I think at this point trying to decide if I prefer to over-under method yeah and I think I ended up liking the over method. Better then under my thing, breath actually knows what I'm doing under here. So I stopped away from a camera for a little bit at some point, and this is me finishing up the first bundle of the 18-inch. I'M sure you guys could tell the hair itself wasn't that thick. So I did end up using all four pieces. I'M just trying to measure which ones which, between 16 and 18 right now making sure I'm not messing up the layers. So here I am starting. The second bundle of 18-inch thread that needle baby thread that needle still bouncing. I look crazy, and here we go so finishing that off now and then we're going to start the 18 inch without the 18 inch here kill it me knocking stuff over Illinois secure it. I will say that that really I found that really really helps the securing of the weft usage is where you want it to go against that's way from the camera. Here I am showing you, after both the bundles, and Here I am this is after I did. Even a 16 inch now so I'm gon na I'm coming to the last part yeah. I would not believe how long this took, because for some reason, when I decide I'm gon na, do something my brain decides that there's so many other things we could do at the same time. So I did end up doing things like I'm eating and I was on Facebook Instagram, looking up articles that I needed to know nothing about because those used to it. Hmm, you have something to do. You know this is a really good time to go order, books and choose what I don't know, but that's what I was doing and so I'm after taking a nap. Probably I'm showing you here how I'm gon na come up to the final parts of this, and so I'm gon na. I just follow the curves. If you can see that line that I created with the eyeliner it's covered now. I didn't actually end up following that and um, but I did I had to like kind of wash it. I got some soap and water on a towel and I just rubbed it out as much as I could, but um. If you see here, it's so kind of turns out to be a side part, which is what I was going for um when I got to the end, I just kept like I said following the curve, but at that point now I'm cutting the weft every time. I finish one I cut the webs making progress, making progress exist just took me longer than I think I should have. I hope, if you guys try this out, that you have more dedication and a longer attention span that I do still dancing cut the way all right again, I sort of like to just visualize, where I'm gon na end up laying it before. So I don't know if I do it here on the camera, there's a couple times right, I'll, pin it and then I'll use the rest again just to make sure that I have more yeah yeah. I just want to make sure that I have enough here to finish the look that I'm going for, if you see their butt part they'll be part whether you part of the part goes pretty far back, so I'm just measuring a see where I'm at how close? I am to my desired part length and that's about, I think four and a half inches there. So that tells me they'll have to keep on just coming down so I'll step away from the camera and when I come back, you'll see the finished product, and here it is all right this. Is it I'll complete it showing you the back, I'm showing you all. She felt hmm, I'm showing you underneath all right so put that back on, and so now we have to cut out the excess fabric and that's what we're gon na do here. You don't see it on the camera, but in order to get that the fuller side, more stacked and more full too in order to come down to not have the length of the part so long, I did just go ahead and do single rows like I guess You could say vertically, instead of carving it all the way around. I only do it to that one side, only so it up to that one side, and that was it so here I am cutting out the in the excess fabric, and this is her. She saysshe ready to go out, so these are the clips that planten saw at the end, I'm probably put two on each side of the part or one on each side of the part, every one in the back and one on the side with the majority of Hair and hopefully that'll stay secure. This is my first time, so you know I'm just going on a whim and so yeah, I'm just showing you how she looks. You know front to back um me personally. I would say that this was all in all the success that didn't come out: horrible, at least it looks nice. I don't know if it'll look nice on me but looks like some mannequin, so I'm, okay with that um. I have a couple bundles of straight hair that I had used for some Sun winds in the past and I've already washed them and put conditioner so they're still able to be used. So I'll probably try to do a straight one with a little straighter here and see how that works cuz. We don't know that this here not gon na last too long, because this is not. This is just some synthetic hair, but I'm happy that I didn't waste. My money, it came out all right, I'm kind of mad. I didn't use them here, but thank goodness I had some so I'll. Do that and yeah. So here she is it's over. It'S done! Thank you guys for watching um. If you have any comments, any questions, any advice - I will take that this is just me measuring the part it came out to be about three and a half, so it's relatively close again leave any questions, comments or advice in the section below. Thank you for watching help. This helps bye.

Lippie 143: Really nice.. Thank you for sharing.

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