Cosplay Buzz Wig Review

Shaded light here

so i got a wig from Cosplay Buzz and decided to do a review on it cuz there weren't a whole lot out there

Here is the link to Cosplay Buzz:

Hey everybody: it shed light here to do a wig review of a wig. I bought off of a site called cosplay buzz now. Here'S the package - and the first thing I want to go over is the fact that this was light. It'S been about a week since I ordered it and it's light. I was expecting this last week on now. Let me get my calendar up here. I believe it was the 22nd yeah the 21st yeah. I was expecting this on the twenty first of may. I got exactly a week later on the 28 of may so I always have done to a review of it. So I'm going to open it into a review and we'll see if it's worth the wait. So yes, here we go posh teams already kind of open. There'S it in the package, and it feels nice feels very nice. You just got this little thing to take off nice little gold tag, thingy, which is probably just they're, ordering them a number and whatnot okay. Let'S turn this thing inside out stiff, but will you expect it's been in that package for a month and it needs a good brushing? Thankfully I have my wig brush here, so I'm going to quickly get up and get it now here we go. It'S all about how it looks once it's been brushed should probably get a wig head and try to brush it on that instead yeah so um, we had don't ask how I know where all my stuff is. If you saw my room, which you did see mmm, that's weird, the French were weird things, but if you saw my room which we would have seen in the blog's before an amine or the vlog of mine before and the north, you would know my room's kind Of messy, so it looks a lot better once you get it brush feels very nice like feels. If you can feel it's nice quality, it's a very nice quality, wig, hmm up here at the top. It doesn't feel the nicest nor look, a nicest I'm gon na give that some extra time and care to brush it out yeah. This is where the wrong side. This is what it looks like right now. It needs trimming, but I expected that it is exactly what I was hoping for at the back here, because my because this was supposed to be my avatar from fire Mobile awakening. I was supposed to have her anime north, like I ordered it, and it was supposed to come in time for anime north, but it didn't so I'm a little bit turbed on that. It took like over a month in a week to get here, feel the full o it. I love the color. It feels really nice look really nice. There'S lots of hair here to work with, which is one of the selling features, which is one of the pictures that I said. I need to order from this place. So now I'm going to stop the video I'm going to put up a picture of what my avatar looks like so y'all get an idea and then I'm going to resume the video and I'm gon na have this on my head. It will you won't see how it looks like on me, so yeah be back right in a minute. Well, second, for you, because you're going to see it for about two seconds, alright see ya! So, yes, this is the wig on my head. I have styled it more or less how it's supposed to look. This place is supposed to be like we and those have two pieces like this, and then the rest is doing exactly what's supposed to do. Yeah, I'm gon na have the like a little charm like right here else, more little X and yeah so um. It feels good on my head. If it's not gon na fall off, I'm not gon na shake my head cuz. It breaks the style but yeah. It'S not gon na fall off the way it's designed. It'S not gon na fall off. It feels good, like I'm, not bothered by the synthetic on my face, which sometimes I am sometimes I'm not, and it's very easy to style and, like I heard all I need I can do you can heat stuff, I'm pretty sure you can just heat style. Those wigs have alt certain ones. I know mine had heat style on it, so i can heat style it, which i have the flat iron and yeah um. Here'S a demo with my glasses off. As you guys know, I try to cosplay with glasses. For the purposes of I look like a freak without my glasses, so yes, as for my complete analysis, my um review of cosplay buzz they do. This is a quality wig. I like it. It'S very nice there's lots of hair to work with, as i said before, so it's very good, just the one problem with cosplay buzz is shipping can take a while and expedient shipping is expensive for me to or demise my wig expedient. It will cost an extra 30 bucks. It would have been on top about 25 bucks and cost an extra 30 bucks yeah. It wasn't really an option, as i am like on the most I'm the most 1, i'm the one that's most on the budget. Out of all of us over here at sr ness cosplay, so yeah, if you're going to order from cosplay buzz, make sure you have a lot of time before you need the wig a lot like two months or you have a lot of money. It can afford. Derek'S mediated shipping, so, yes, that is my review of cost of this wig. The turquoise something-or-other wig short turquoise wig is why i believe they called it. And yes, this is my review of it. It'S pretty good. Just make sure you have a lot of time. For you, when you order from cosplay buzz, unless you have a lot money go ahead. So yes thank you for watching and go check out the rest of our stuff over a sr, NS cosplay and look for me shade the light. Not that you see me very much because i'm mostly camera man, woman, it think gaga. So, yes, you will see lots of us being silly dorks and having fun, which is the most important part, and i hope you guys enjoy our anime north stuff, because this is going to probably go up immediately and then the end of North stuff will come out. After after i send my clips to wolfie sky who has to edit the hill, so yes I so we will see you in the next video that has all of us. Hopefully, instead of just me vlogging at home or doing Rick reviews, alright, see you later

Pensive Pig: Thank you SO MUCH for this video. I couldn't find any other legitimate reviews of their wigs. Only sponsors or videos where they didn't even talk much about the wig at all. Shipping is crazy, though. I really want to order a wig from them for my Linkle cosplay, but that extra $10 is really holding me back.

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